The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


There is no “debate”
And it is entirely a marketing and psychology thing.
This is what’s known as “reality”

They take things away to create artificial scarcity, something isn’t available for a while and some people who otherwise wouldn’t want it start to want it. Also generates a sense of urgency, buy now or you never know how long you might have to wait, and some people who were on the fence (but would never have purchased if the item stayed available forever) are nudged to buy.
It’s psychology, and it makes them (more) money, that’s why they do it
To make money, there really is no other Machiavellian scheme going on, just the bottom line.

Be patient, very few things are “forever” around here, except maybe bunny ears.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This topic came up more often during the early days. I don’t think you’ll be satisfied with any answers. I just assume that the game will always include some content and some “vanity” items that I won’t be able to obtain; I find that helps me to enjoy the other bits more.

In the past (including GW1), ANet has always released some items that can only be obtained in obscure ways or in tiny supply or with infinitesimal drops rates. In GW1, some of those items were later made available through other means.

In GW2, everything in the gem shop eventually has come back. The exceptions are almost entirely due to changes in the game (for example, town clothes no long exist and were converted to outfits or tonics). So mostly you just have to wait long enough (again, with some notable exceptions).

It’s up to you how you want to deal with ANet’s marketing strategy.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


If you’re looking for an answer beyond “artificial scarcity drives sales,” I don’t think any of us can help you.

As long as they bring the removed items back once in a while, I don’t really mind. Business is business, and if an item in the store for a year, then comes back once or twice a year, I’m okay with that.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t recall ArenaNet (Devs) ever stating why, exactly, some items are removed permanently (with the exception of things like the Town Clothes). Do you have a link(s) with ArenaNet statements?

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malice.8439


I know this might have been discussed already, yet after searching the forums, I still didn’t feel like I found any good reasoning towards the arguments I have on the matter..

And your arguments are invalid and irrational..

Could we have some explanation or valid, non-marketing-related arguments as to why it is so darn important for you to completely remove vanity items?

You must be an utter delight to discuss things with on a rational level.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I know this might have been discussed already, yet after searching the forums, I still didn’t feel like I found any good reasoning towards the arguments I have on the matter..

Now, I know not all enjoy the same aspects of the game – one of the great things about GW2 is in my opinion the fact that there are features for everybody – and, I’m aware of the whole marketing-deal with regards to retiring gemstore items.

My issue, however, is that one of the features I personally enjoy when gaming, is the collectors-aspect. Collecting gear-sets, outfits, miniatures and the like.. I know for a fact I’m far from the only one playing MMORPGs who like this aspect.
- But… seriously, the whole point of being able to farm and gather for a collection, falls to the floor with this game as half of f.×. the miniatures are unavailable, because they have been removed from the gemstore permanently.

Yeah fair enough, some are only seasonal, but those you have an option of getting eventually, but displaying things that people won’t ever have a chance of adding to their collections, kills the fun.

I know, as said, that there are valid points made towards the marketing aspect of the gemstore, yet I don’t see why the removed items such as these miniatures that I personally am quite frustrated about never being able to collect, can’t then be farmed some other way.

ArenaNet could make it something possible to craft, they could implement it as rewards for things related to the items type/visuals etc. or they could be drop chances from the mystic forge-toilet.. (I’m truly vouching more for the first two options here… we gotta discuss that kitten toilet too tho…) >:( !!!

It sucks ArenaNet!! And your arguments are invalid and irrational.. All you truly do by completely removing them from the game is kicking dirt in the face of the large amount of players who likes collecting shinies for their characters/accounts. :/ !

Could we have some explanation or valid, non-marketing-related arguments as to why it is so darn important for you to completely remove vanity items?

Pweaze. >:’ ( !

*Edit: (Also not a fan of you replacing my angry curse-words with ‘kitten’… D :< !! wth!?!)

If collecting things is what you are concerned about, come back, when you have collected everything else and the retired items are the only ones, you are missing. Until then, just collect the other stuff.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103


I know this might have been discussed already, yet after searching the forums, I still didn’t feel like I found any good reasoning towards the arguments I have on the matter..

And your arguments are invalid and irrational..

Could we have some explanation or valid, non-marketing-related arguments as to why it is so darn important for you to completely remove vanity items?

You must be an utter delight to discuss things with on a rational level.

I was thinking the same.
“Please give me reasons, but don’t include ‘main reason 1’ or ‘main reason 2’, thanks”. What kind of request is that?

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


A lot of stuff came back the past couple days that had previously been removed. WHich basically just teaches us that there is a good probability something removed will be back eventually but if you want to make SURE buy it now.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrooksP.4318


There is no debate, you just choose to dismiss the answer. GW2 is a B2P/F2P game which utilizes a vanity/cosmetic cash shop to supplement income.

If you want all vanity items to always be available or acquirable ingame, then sub based MMOs are the way to go(though not as much anymore).

(edited by BrooksP.4318)

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


This generation’s ‘I want it all and I want it right now’ attitude only leads to everyone having the same and looking the same.
Boring and absolutely no correlation to the real world.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I don’t like my favorite ice cream parlor being closed during the winter and spring months either, but they do. Makes me very excited when I see the ‘re-opening soon’ sign pop up. (Sure, I can just go to grocery store and buy ice cream, but it’s not the same and that’s not the point here).

Same concept works for the gem store.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solomon Darkfury.3729

Solomon Darkfury.3729

Given the timing of this post… all this translates to me as is “WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Halloween yr 1 skins WAAAAAAAAHHHH! !!!!”

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Uhhhh what “debate?” It’s called marketing and a reason to buy stuff off of the gem store, and too my knowledge no item has ever been confirmed to be retired permanently…it’s clear they will all come back at some point or another