The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


So it’s 4:20a.m. – I walk around in search of Candy Veins, come across 2 ranger bots, report them, walk on………and come across this.

This is sad. It’s too many to click and report even. They were running back and forth and back and forth in a 10m radius, like ants.

Please ban all of those botters. And implement something that recognizes scripted, repeating actions in the future.


The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yramrag.3026


It was just last night when I finally ding 80 and reached the exact same area (in another server, of course). It was a sight to behold – a bunch of rangers below level 20 following a couple of 75+ rangers botting for XP for power-leveling. They were just runnning to and fro within the same area, waiting for mobs to respawn. I tried my best to report every single one of them – but it was a challenge as they were always on the move and bunching together lol.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Dear god, what are all those bears up to?

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Eh, bot furballs.

WTB GTAoE bot report skill.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852


Anet takes a very slacktivist approach to botting. They talk a big game, but rarely will they take any major action unless you prod them enough.

I try to give them the benefit of the doubt though since its very likely that most of the bots we see are jacked accounts from people who tried to RMT gold and either got brute forced or fell victim to bogus emails and they might try to hold off the big guns until they can give back the accounts. But, to be honest, I feel you get what you deserve in that situation.


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The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalani.9827


O_O Whelp that’s a lot of bots.
I have seen a group of 5(mostly rangers) usually but not nearly that many.
I just report them all when I see them.
Hopefully Anet bans the bots and fixes this problem soon.
(Not in that area all the time though, but I’ll probably see it eventually.)

Makes me want the Dhuum ban now though. lol

Jadis Narnia-Sylvari Ranger of [EDGE]

(edited by Zalani.9827)

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cordy.6194


It’s actually really depressing the amount of bots ingame. Wherever I go I see them glitching, running in a large circle in big groups. Nearly always rangers with bears. I try to report as many as possible but they still seem to be there days later. They really spoil events.

I’ve actually never seen so many bots in any MMO and I’ve played a lot.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


The botting is absolutely out of control, and everyone needs to be focused and emphatically demand that something be done.

THIS is why the gold inflation is utterly blowing up, because these stupid bots are farming more money in 1-2 days than you can conceivably farm in a week.

6 weeks ago base exotic weapons like Dusk were 50-75 gold. Today it’s 315. In 6 months it’ll probably be nearing 1k. This needs to be stopped, or the economy and likewise this game, will utterly fail.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


It’s ridiculous. I appreciate that Arena Net are working on a resolution to the problems, though we could definitely use some sort of active in-game patrol by a temporary team of GM’s investigating reported hotspots. The priority should be getting them out of the game itself to minimise damages to the economy.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starhawk.2958


This would have been easily fixed by 1 GM taking about 20 minutes of time to log in and mass ban these people. It would have been nice to see Anet take a stance on this in a similar manner to Trion did with Rift but unfortunately that isn’t how they’ve chosen to handle it. It’s even more disgusting when you see this type of stuff in WvW where slots are limited and they still do nothing. Unfortunate but honestly this is the norm.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


It is worse now then it was when they posted the thread about doing something about it.

At this point I believe nothing they say about bots.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genlog.4983


most game companie dont care much about botters
they say this and that but after some years there stil in the game

it seems that bot companies give big mony so they can bot all they want
also i no most are comming from china and in that country its legit to bot

there law is difrent then in the EU and USA
and after some years you dont see a GM anymore ad the forum

they ad players as MODS to help orthers players
also tickets wil take weeks and wil be longer

then they put more in cash shop to get more mony
and so on thats what most companies do atm
most dont care as long they get there mony

but i wil see how Anet wil handle this for a triple A rating game

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Anyone that thinks bots get away with it is a fool. Also, making threads about botting doesn’t help anyone, report them and get on with something else.

Also, a dev has said you only need to report at least one, they will then check nearby potential bots as well. So report as many as you can but don’t worry if you miss any, they will still be dealt with.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


Anyone that thinks bots get away with it is a fool. Also, making threads about botting doesn’t help anyone, report them and get on with something else.

Also, a dev has said you only need to report at least one, they will then check nearby potential bots as well. So report as many as you can but don’t worry if you miss any, they will still be dealt with.

LOL really? then why are there more in the same spot every day, and the same ones I reported a week ago?

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starhawk.2958


Anyone that thinks bots get away with it is a fool. Also, making threads about botting doesn’t help anyone, report them and get on with something else.

Also, a dev has said you only need to report at least one, they will then check nearby potential bots as well. So report as many as you can but don’t worry if you miss any, they will still be dealt with.

Lmao, I think the ‘fool’ here is the one that actually believes something is getting done. HAHA

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Actually I couldn’t care less because I don’t cry about bots disrupting my gameplay because I choose not to let bots disrupt my gameplay.

But I have no reason to not believe ArenaNet. There are a lot of bots and likely more every day so to the people who just like to complain it would appear as if no progress is made against them.

Also patience is involved, people can theorise about how easy it is to ban a bot but they don’t know what steps are taken to verify a botter before they are banned, how long it takes.

Also none of you are aware of the status of bots on all servers at all times, maybe your server is not at the top of the to-do list. You lot are lucky I am not a dev because I would leave the bots on your servers just to tick you off

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


Re you sure you are not a dev? you seem to have the same disdain for the customers as Anet does.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruien.9506


I made this comment to my guild today and it was universally agreed…. There are more bots in this game than Aion had….

I left that game because of the bots and what they did to the economy. I am getting close to that point again. I have decided that i will not be spending any more money until something huge is done or I just leave the game .

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


Another NCsoft game, surprise!

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I can’t help but giggle at the thought of all those identical female Norn rangers running around naked though. XD

In an ideal world, you would have mods drawn from the community that would be running around, playing the game, but have the power to instantly kick and ban obvious bots like these on the spot. Unfortunately, there are bound to be some individuals who would abuse this power (and let’s face it, if you HAD that kind of power at your fingertips, wouldn’t you be tempted to use it on some annoying kitten who was being rude to you or your friends or rubbing his sPvP victory in your face? Just once, to teach him a lesson?), which means it can’t be given out to players.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chaos Weaver.5470

Chaos Weaver.5470

generally games that provide such powers to players has a sort of tiered power approach when you first are given said authority you have limited in game powers and as you prove your worth(by not abusing powers and so forth) then you are granted additional powers. so you prolly wouldn’t be able to ban ppl to start you’d prolly be able to kick and report to a gm who would then deal with it further, that way if you kicked someone incorrectly they just have to log back in the worst they think is they got d/c.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


ANet should take a little from Fallen Earth, they always had a couple GMs in the game. Sometimes they’d be moderating the various chat channels, sometimes they’d be checking out bugs with players, and sometimes they’d be hosting events for the community. Hell, even Rohan:Blood Feud had in game GMs! I actually recall PMing one once about a bot I was watching, he teleported to me, stood there doing something on his end for a couple minutes, then POOF! the bot was gone.

There’s hardly an excuse for rampant botting… there’s no better defense against botting and gold seller spam than an active GM team.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Irnhide.3428


I haven’t seen any slowing down or stopping of bot’ing since Anet announced they were doing anything about it.

Ruins the feel of the game and has become so out of control.

The sad state of affairs: Mass botting report.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

please make sure you report the bots using the in-game tool for that.