The state of thick leather
Crafting ascended mat’s certainly soaked up the leather. I remember trading stacks in when zhaitaffy was dropping everywhere.
Thick leather and silk are highly valued because of their use in ascended crafting but so are T2-t4 mat’s. This alone keeps maps alive. Bags and chests (opened by appropriate level mules) used to gain these mat’s take time most players would otherwise spend in end-game areas.
Go farm the L70+ areas like I do. Sometimes, I open chests on an 80, sometimes not.
Don’t fight the Fed… or the game dev’s. I craft a lot and gather most of what I need or pay others to do the rest. Ascended equipment is supposed to cost a lot to make.
The good news is that you do not need ascended armor or weapons in any of the game’s modes. Play as you like. I use exotic armor most of the time. It’s fine. Player skill is more important.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
At the very least, can it only take 3 thick per cured instead of 4? This would be a quick fix for this items cost to be more reasonable, and within the cost of other t5 materials of this type(wood, ore, cloth).
This. There aren’t any other refined materials that require 4 unrefined materials; they all require 3 at the most.
There’s no reason for thick leather to require 4.
Agreed, the changes on T5/T6 together with the new stats impacted really hard on leather users.
And the T6 is a hell to farm… While is easy to get medium lv80 exotic gear (Bladed Armor), if someone needs anything that isn’t Berserker/Carrion/Cleric/Dire/Rampager/Shaman, this poor person is doomed if he/she decided to craft by itself – if is just the Viper stat, this person is really doomed…
Is way cheaper to buy Orichalcum Ingots (2 ores) and Bolts of Gossamer (2 scraps) than a single Hardened Leather Section, and you will need 3 per Hardened Section Square lol
Players were upset about silk scraps when they were going for well over 3 silver each. They’re now at about 1 silver. Thick leather prices didn’t start to jump up until around mid February then again around May 8th. Eventually demand will decrease for leather just as it did for silk. Anet is likely look at the long term when it comes to the mats rather than the short term.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Price is up because the final raid is coming and legendary armor with it. People are buying it up in droves. It will go back down in a few months. No need to screw it up and send it back to vendor value just because some people are inpatient.
Once S3 starts many people will return to the game, increasing the supply. There will be no new raids, thus the demand for new ascended armor will not change and the price will drop.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Get to lvl 80,
Salvage everything.
Seriously if anyone having loot problems go do a HoT meta or karma train in wvw.
Check here – – for where you can get more. Go there and kill the enemies and get the loot. Does not matter what level you are as the loot table for that loot will only give the loot listed
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)
Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
Don’t buy it. Convince people not to buy it. Spread the word. Just live without that ascended armor for a bit.
The only reason prices are that high is because someone is willing to pay that kind of price. If more people were more patient and not letting themselves get fleeced by clicking buy instantly and setting the buy orders low, there wouldn’t be that much to take advantage.
Personally, I have completely put all ascended work on hold and just waiting because I won’t pay for that price of leather. Instead I’m just selling it and once prices normalize again, I’ll continue working with the gold I’ve stockpiled from these sales. Not to mention the occasional RNG drop.
This isn’t like precursors which you can’t really control if you have them or not. It’s just leather. Salvage.
I mean silk popped. Leather will in due time. In the meantime, turn predicaments into opportunities. Or just complain about it. Whatever makes ya happy.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
leather is at the correct price. lots of people are willing to pay, so that’s how much it’s worth. it’s not like there are supply problems
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
I’m more concerned with hardened leather sections, which are over 20 silver a piece on the TP. Absolutely absurd that a crafting material like that has reached such a ridiculous price for a single piece.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
This isn’t ’Prior to Ascended Armor" anymore, though.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
This isn’t ’Prior to Ascended Armor" anymore, though.
The point was there has always been a discrepancy, therefore that distinction isn’t — by itself — an issue. Supply sources and sinks causing demand have never been completely balanced among tiers within a mat type nor across the types of mat.
People have grown used to certain prices and changes to the game and to how players choose to spend have disrupted the old equilibrium. (Where, as always, “price” is relevant because the TP is a near-perfect proxy for estimating the meeting point of player demand against difficulty-in-sourcing materials.)
There’s no Kormir-given right to be able to easily obtain a daily’s-worth of mats for crafting time-gated ascended mats. The game has always been setup to make it easy for us to sell stuff we don’t need to obtain the things we want.
tl;dr “discrepancy” isn’t an issue & the TP is just as valid a source for “daily” mats as any other.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
This isn’t ’Prior to Ascended Armor" anymore, though.
And? The whole “prior to ascended armor” bit was to highlight that the disparity has existed since the beginning of the game.
You guys really should look at what changed before you make comments about why the price dropped or risen. Then it’s quite easy to see how and why Thick leather has increased in price. The same why Silk has decreased in price (slightly). Which is basically the HoT expansion.
This isn’t changing that fast over time if ArenaNet doesn’t change anything. The silk price dropped because people when they need more leather they usually also get silk. Leather increased because it’s necessary for more things than silk (1) now and they obviously nerfed the rate of sections into squares.
I think leather would’ve been fine with just 3 since the HoT update considering they added more leather to armor as well, but that’s just speculation.
Personally I would prefer they meddle less with it and adjust things a bit more later rather than adding Silk Patches, a guild hall which needs alot and legendary journeys which need quite a bit. On top of a refinement nerf.
I dunno if that’s some elaborate economic maneuver, or maybe this is where they want leather to be, but it looks pretty volatile to me to change so many things at the same time, especially when balancing things. Or maybe get rid of the stock that was there. Anyway I think changing it back wouldnt hurt at this point.
(1) All those Patches, guild hall upgrades (425 Bolts of silk vs 7580 thick leather squares in total), legendary weapon items need leather for bowstrings and some other stuff.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
This isn’t ’Prior to Ascended Armor" anymore, though.
And? The whole “prior to ascended armor” bit was to highlight that the disparity has existed since the beginning of the game.
Not entirely. Prior to HoT, there was an issue with not enough uses for Leather. They did fix that. But the discrepency between refinement did NOT exist prior to HoT. It used to be only 3 sections instead of 4 (like Silk and Wood), but then they changed it, on top of a bunch of other changes.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
No moreso than any other mats. How has the ‘stable’ price of Cured Leather compared to the prices of Silk Bolts,
Elder Planks, and Mithril Ingots (Which, admittedly, are stupidly cheap because they only take 2 ores per ingot)Frankly, the imbalance in crafting recipes for refinement has always baffled me. Why is Silk Weaving Thread so silk-demanding compared to Mithrillium, Elder Spirit Residue, and Elonian Cord? Why does Mithril require only two ore while Wood and Silk require 3?
Also – With the increase in supply of leather, demand will also increase with the drop in price as more people pursue medium armor and bows (Of Legendary, Ascended, and Rare qualities), and more people start leveling Leatherworking.
Think of what else uses those mats and you’ll have your answer.
No, ‘what else uses those mats’ isn’t an answer to “Why the hell are the refinement quantities so different?”
Yes, something can be done to lower the price.
But how does this lower the amount of Leather to refine to match the other base crafting materials?
It IS an answer to why there is a difference.
No it isn’t. There isn’t a significant difference between the demands of the four base materials to justify the discrepancy in requirements.
Yes there is. Please take a look at what uses them before saying that there isn’t. This was probably before you started playing but silk and thick leather sold at vendor prices prior to ascended armor. The discrepancy that you’re complaining about was more or less present back then too. You’re essentially complaining about a discrepancy that has existed since the launch of the game.
This isn’t ’Prior to Ascended Armor" anymore, though.
And? The whole “prior to ascended armor” bit was to highlight that the disparity has existed since the beginning of the game.
Not entirely. Prior to HoT, there was an issue with not enough uses for Leather. They did fix that. But the discrepency between refinement did NOT exist prior to HoT. It used to be only 3 sections instead of 4 (like Silk and Wood), but then they changed it, on top of a bunch of other changes.
Yes the discrepancy did exist prior to HoT. Mithril ore required 2 whereas other required more. Discrepancy.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
That didn’t happen with softwood logs. They used to take 4 logs per plank, when HoT came out it dropped to 2 logs per plank. As you’d expect the price per plank has halved but the price per log has remained pretty much the same (apart from a brief spike to almost 5s a log).
The price of leather squares will drop to 3/4 of the current price (because you’ll only need 3/4 of the sections as before) but the price of sections will remain much as it is now. The reason the price dropped so low was because there was little or no use for leather before now (unless you were making medium armour). Now it’s required.
They increased demand, that’s fine, however at the same time they decreased supply (by nerfing salvage) and increased the amount required per square so they’ve fiddled with too many of the economic knobs at the same time in my opinion. Increasing demand alone would have been enough (especially if they used a lot of once off guild upgrades to burn through the surplus). They could have cautiously tweaked salvage rates to further adjust it if needed but they’ve gone too far again.
I don’t see a problem here … there is no expectations for balance of the different mats over the ascended crafting materials and … it’s the same price for everyone to participate. Anyone can take advantage of selling as well.
Price is up because the final raid is coming and legendary armor with it. People are buying it up in droves. It will go back down in a few months. No need to screw it up and send it back to vendor value just because some people are inpatient.
Once S3 starts many people will return to the game, increasing the supply. There will be no new raids, thus the demand for new ascended armor will not change and the price will drop.
Except its not coming with it. Collection 1 will be able to be complete, that’s all.
Price is up because the final raid is coming and legendary armor with it. People are buying it up in droves. It will go back down in a few months. No need to screw it up and send it back to vendor value just because some people are inpatient.
Once S3 starts many people will return to the game, increasing the supply. There will be no new raids, thus the demand for new ascended armor will not change and the price will drop.
Except its not coming with it. Collection 1 will be able to be complete, that’s all.
Price is up because the final raid is coming and legendary armor with it. People are buying it up in droves. It will go back down in a few months. No need to screw it up and send it back to vendor value just because some people are inpatient.
Once S3 starts many people will return to the game, increasing the supply. There will be no new raids, thus the demand for new ascended armor will not change and the price will drop.
Except its not coming with it. Collection 1 will be able to be complete, that’s all.
The game. No Legendary has ever or will ever be done in 1 collection.
What makes you think any possible other collections would require LS3. In the twitch videos they state that legendary armor would be available upon conclusion of the raid which is tomorrow.
What makes you think any possible other collections would require LS3. In the twitch videos they state that legendary armor would be available upon conclusion of the raid which is tomorrow.
Hold your horses there cowboy, where did i state LS3 was required ?
I said collection 1 will be able to be complete that’s all we know. Additionally given the state of all legendaries it’s a multi-step process of which only step 1 is out and would be able to be completed.
Also if we are going to use “twitch” as our source let us not forget that on twitch they said ad-infinitum the fractal legendary backpiece was to supposed to be able to be completed about a month after launch…..So it’s less than a credible source.
What makes you think any possible other collections would require LS3. In the twitch videos they state that legendary armor would be available upon conclusion of the raid which is tomorrow.
Hold your horses there cowboy, where did i state LS3 was required ?
I said collection 1 will be able to be complete that’s all we know. Additionally given the state of all legendaries it’s a multi-step process of which only step 1 is out and would be able to be completed.
Also if we are going to use “twitch” as our source let us not forget that on twitch they said ad-infinitum the fractal legendary backpiece was to supposed to be able to be completed about a month after launch…..So it’s less than a credible source.
My mistake about the S3 part. It looks like I took the person you quoted and inferred that as what you were saying would happen when you didn’t say it.
Legendary armor could very well be a multi step process which I’m pretty sure it will. That doesn’t mean that it will not be available tomorrow. Chances are it could be like the typical T2 and use a lot of mats including the T5 leather.
Just because some things didn’t happen based on the twitch videoes, doesn’t mean that everything is thus less credible.
What this comes down to is that Anet took something we were drowning in, gave it some uses, made some changes, and now it’s high demand. I don’t agree with constantly asking Anet to make adjustments to satisfy the community. Where does it stop? Prices are high, so ask to make it lower. If they made it lower, some would ask to give it more options, and thus demand would boosts prices again. Just leave it where it is. It’s not like these mats are rare. Playing any HoT meta should give enough drops to salvage.
Long ago, the 4 base materials lived in harmony…
But everything changed when everyone camped elder wood…
Only re-balancing, a reliable source and sink for all 4 materials could fix it…
But when Tyria needed it most, leather was both removed from the drop tables and added to the recipe for everything…
My guild and I bought leather nodes for our home instances and although the free leather is great… It’ll be a long time before we’re ready to craft anything…
But I believe that the gem store is expected to save the world…
psyche, before leather was overpriced it was worthless. Harmony is a lie.
Prices are starting to go up to in anticipation for tomorrow.
Reducing the cost from 4 per cured to 3 per cured will not make it “vendor trash”.
Do you have any proof to back this up?
The relatively stable price over the last 4 months, with changes only coming due to the Spring patch and the forthcoming legendary armor tells me that the supply and demand are currently well balanced, with a similar amount coming in as going out at the current price. Reducing from 4 to 3 leather would increase the incoming supply by 25% while the demand stays the same. Thus leather would pile up and drive the price down and down until it was back at vendor value.
That didn’t happen with softwood logs. They used to take 4 logs per plank, when HoT came out it dropped to 2 logs per plank. As you’d expect the price per plank has halved but the price per log has remained pretty much the same (apart from a brief spike to almost 5s a log).
The price of leather squares will drop to 3/4 of the current price (because you’ll only need 3/4 of the sections as before) but the price of sections will remain much as it is now. The reason the price dropped so low was because there was little or no use for leather before now (unless you were making medium armour). Now it’s required.
They increased demand, that’s fine, however at the same time they decreased supply (by nerfing salvage) and increased the amount required per square so they’ve fiddled with too many of the economic knobs at the same time in my opinion. Increasing demand alone would have been enough (especially if they used a lot of once off guild upgrades to burn through the surplus). They could have cautiously tweaked salvage rates to further adjust it if needed but they’ve gone too far again.
Except that’s not what happened at all. The price of softwood logs are exactly the same as they were 2 years ago, and 1 year ago. They reduced the amount after HoT launched because they added significantly more demand for them in HoT through guild halls and other sources. This increased demand meant the supply was no longer balanced and within a month the price of logs had tripled with no signs of slowing down. They adjusted the amount to re-balance supply and demand which worked.
Thick leather on the other hand was not balanced before, it was way over supplied. They increased the demand by rebalancing the refinement process which balanced supply and demand and brought the price up to a stable level. The same price as soft wood logs I may add.
I dunno, I have like 2.5k thick leather saved up right now for my scribe crafting, all from the past 2 weeks. It’s not that hard to get them.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI