The sum is zero.

The sum is zero.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


This is feedback regarding Legendary “Crafting”.

I’m in the process of “crafting” amalgamated gemstones for a legendary.
There is a number of recipes that produce one gemstone per MT attempt,but I won’t
bother with those,since the produce is too small,and only usefull if you’ve got left over orbs or crests.

You need 250 gemstones for a weapon.
There is a “bulk” MT recipe,but that requires a lot of orbs,3 stacks of 25 for each attempt that will yield 10 gemstones with a slight chance for 25.
This at the moment is more or less out of the question,since in my thousands upon thousands of hours in the game I got less than a hundred of each orb type,and prices per orb in the TP are way too high.
Which brings us to crystals.
I got a few thousands of these,and upgrading them in the Mystic Toilet has a small chance to produce a much needed orb,and a tiny chance for a gemstone.
I guess you wanted to give some value to lower tier items that people have been amassing ,which is ok,but the problem lies with the way this is implemented.

So here I am,interacting with the least ergonomic slot machine on planet earth,aka the Mystic Toilet,doing the exact thing that I wanted to avoid,as in playing the Mystic Toilet,throwing thousands upon thousands of items into it,clicking my self to death,
and relying on RNG.
Instead of thousands of weapons I’m throwing in thousands of crystals,and I can tell
you there is no difference at all.
It’s boring,slow,low quality gameplay.
If one would ask,“what is the one feature we could add that would negate any good that came from the new Legendary Crafting system”,the answer would be “More Mystic Toilet”.
You short of moved the MT phase from the precursor to the actual legendary.
Success,I guess?

You could have updated the upgrade process for lower tier mats to the more recent
“consume all” method used for snowflakes and evergreen slivers.
You could have incorporated the whole process for acquiring gemstones directly into the crafting professions and the crafting UI which allows for the produce of items in bulk.Of course there would be no RNG involved there,so I can see why this would be a problem.
Instead you went for this.
Put 4 items in the slot machine,hit play,accept the shiny,or the not so shiny useless crap,repeat that a couple thousand times.

Maybe when you designed this the numbers looked good in terms of materials, cost, gold sink,but you can’t not take into account the actual gaming involved,which is in the realm of horrible.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

The sum is zero.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You have the option of buying the AmGems from the TP.

I agree with the criticism generally: the mystic forge is a fun place to gamble and it’s fine for one-off recipes. However, it’s horribly tedious for ‘recipes’ that you need more than once or twice in a row. If the goal was to slow the AmGem production rate, they could have done any number of things (time gating, included low-supply items, etc).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

The sum is zero.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Dont forget, jewellers can upgrade your crystals into orbs if that helps

The sum is zero.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Buying on the TP needs to stop being seen as the “to go to” answer in this game.
Yes ingame economy is important. Yes things have value yay! But can we return to a point where we EARN specific rewards rather than buying said things on the TP being seen as some sort of “game feature” which makes any form of acquiring materials totally fine because everyone can buy from the TP. It’s one of the things this game totally shoots past and doesn’t look back at.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik