The things holding Guild Wars 2 back!
difficulty in general. this game needs tanks. neverwinter fixed their easy mode by making everything in dungeons one shot anything thats not a tank. it required the traditional roles again. which is needed for teamwork.
1. Not all the gear. Some of the karma gear isnt available on the TP. Then there is the skins in HoT that require a fair bit of farm.
2. Yes, it is. HoT is a bit more difficult. Not as difficult as it once was in the beta, but mobs do hit harder in the expansion and require a bit more tactic.
3. Then go and explore it yourself instead of asking for a leash to it. Explore young one!
4. Not really needed. We got custome guild halls atm, but anet is careful to not empty out their cities. For me though, and just me, i could care less for housing.
5. I agree new skills would be nice, but it looks like they are only coming when tied to a new specialization. As for the acquiring part, yeah….it was tried before with traits. It didn’t go well. So scratch that part
I doubt their future expansions will see as many units sold as HoT did.
If only that it’s unlikely that the game is gaining more players than it loses on average. In other words, there are simply less people actively playing by the time this new xpac is released.
Anet clearly has no problems locking future content behind xpac walls along with making supposed “horizontal progression” elite specs into pure powercreep.
This simple fact means that, eventually, nearly every active player will pony up the money. Even people who don’t care about PvE at all have pretty much had to upgrade to stay competitive in PvP/WvW.
HoT wasn’t a sidestory DLC pack, it was a hard “buy now or be left in the dust” near mandatory upgrade for every mode.
The only thing they will really see less of is people pre-purchasing on pure hype alone.
The difference between gw 1 and 2 in difficulty was that gw 1 had a paty of 5 was it? So for tough enemies you had to plan your skill usage and even leave change up skills and return in gw 2 you can basically role with anything and you will be fine.
Anything in gw 2 they do to improve the difficulty will be steamrolled by giant groups smashing it at once, like HoT.
So as HoT as an example they upped the damage of enemies in it to make it harder plus enemies in a majority of places, but as the maps are all meta you have high parties killing these enemies in seconds.
Then again gw is supposed to be casual, if people want more challenging content maybe they should ask Anet to make some areas a casual friendly one like previous gw 2 maps then others more challenging, not just giving people one or the other.
2. Open world is way way to easy! Its never a challenge to go form one place to another because anything we encounter we kill easily. Gw1 it was a challenge to travel from one place to another, and man was it fun a rewarding!
Yeah .. thats why everybody love HoT sooooo much .. and i guess in the nex expansion
there will be only raid mobs running around in the open world to make the game
even more fun for everyone.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
difficulty in general. this game needs tanks. neverwinter fixed their easy mode by making everything in dungeons one shot anything thats not a tank. it required the traditional roles again. which is needed for teamwork.
I know this isn’t the popular position. But I absolutely agree. I like this game. With true tank/healers roles. I would LOVE this game. It would encourage group play, which is the point of an MMO. The reason everything is so easy in this game is the way people seem to want to be able to solo everything. It is really quite odd. I don’t know why anyone would choose this game if their goal is solo play.
The difference between gw 1 and 2 in difficulty was that gw 1 had a paty of 5 was it? So for tough enemies you had to plan your skill usage and even leave change up skills and return
It had a party of 8. In the beginner areas it was 4.
It was also entirely instanced and you didn’t have to rely on people.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
This game is so pretty to watch and play but there are some things the drive me up a wall. For instance I’m an alt-o-holic, have 5 toons atm all with different crafts to make items. I like that I can gather on all characters and it end up in my account storage for some basic items used for crafting. Draw back there are many things I need to have on hand while cooking, the game allowed items that can be store is not enough. Lets take jar of tomato sauce, which use all standard ingredients from around the world to make, some on the trading post some from specific npc only. All the ingredients store in account storage but once made the jar of sauce does not, why? Its a basic item for cooking, not really eaten alone in my mind. By adding more crafted components to the account storage, it would make the profession much more enjoyable to play.
2. Open world is way way to easy! Its never a challenge to go form one place to another because anything we encounter we kill easily. Gw1 it was a challenge to travel from one place to another, and man was it fun a rewarding!
Yeah .. thats why everybody love HoT sooooo much .. and i guess in the nex expansion
there will be only raid mobs running around in the open world to make the game
even more fun for everyone.
HoT maps, were fine at realease yet player complained that they were to difficult….
If you make open world harder, the player population drops and the game fades away. That’s why they are about to make the HoT maps easier. These games thrive on providing vast amounts of fairly easy stuff. That was how GW1 became so popular. It appealed to the average player.
2. Open world is way way to easy! Its never a challenge to go form one place to another because anything we encounter we kill easily. Gw1 it was a challenge to travel from one place to another, and man was it fun a rewarding!
Personally I would enjoy harder open world content, especially world bosses. The thing that makes GW2 appeal to the masses is the variety. The game has easy content in open world for casuals and challenging content in the instanced scene. Problem is that people want everything for themselves and the difficulty level has to match their preference perfectly (salty remark due to the current nerf raid plz discussion).
GW2 was appealing to people because it was a casual MMO things becoming harder or rather more grindy is why people left since so many people joined to begin with because it was indeed less grindy than other MMO’s.
What your grinding for doesn’t matter a reward is a reward whether it has stats or not and just because something is cosmetic doesn’t take away from it being an extremely grindy en-devour at all. Basic MMO 101 really that the reward system is important and the reward system for GW2 is extremely grindy for instance look at the monster loot you only have one set of weapons in HoT that drop from monsters. Farming monsters for loot in HoT is pointless because the lower end of the reward spectrum is non-existant and people look for rewards they find an extremely grindy model.
They’ve used the same dungeons for years and no other MMO could ever get away from this level of neglect. If they cared we’d have more dungeons and they wouldn’t have reduced the rewards.
Your right about skills when hot came only the elite special got new skills but all the basic classes got zip. If a Mesmer wanted a phantasm based skill in every slot including heal and elite then they should be able to do so. They’ve added two heals and removed one of them and that is beyond pathetic.
Underwater should’ve been balanced instead of completely guted it was a marketed and people bought the game because it was new and then Anet completely abandoned it. Removed from PvP and no more water based weapons with tickets or in the future when all people really wanted for was them to balance the classes and unlock the remaining skills.
Weapons should’ve been expanded upon ages ago for instance why can’t a mesmer main hand a pistol if they can offhand it, rangers with guns, and so forth. Elite specs doesn’t address the lack of new weapon combinations and skills for players or the lack of additional weapon types.
WvW. Gw1, and even the population of the forums is at all time lows in fact I’m on it much more rarely than I did in the past and am only on because I heard of Colin leaving earlier this month and decided to check the game out in hopes of some sort of massive overhaul.
I love it guys! Keep the suggestions coming!
Easy is good at first, but gets boring real quick. Would you rather walk on a flat side walk everyday? Or hike up a mountain and go through streams, hop over logs and go for a swim in a lake everyday?
The things holding Guild Wars 2 back!
-“Wannabe moba” in the mmo world.
-Way to much themeparked.
-WvW overhall design and its simplicity, way to vague game mode with lots of redundancy.
-Way to much gimmicks.
-How map systems works with shards and megaserver.
-To many servers even if they lead to megaserver….
-Bad grind design, faster than traditional but much confuse and very very boring.
-Classes design and balance was awfull, example DH traps only work because it is a pwoer creep based game, if gets balance that roles gets useless, so DH was to cover that in the guardian class and avoid a true rework in the past.
-Bad events as in golem damage…
-GW2 in tactical gameplay is very weak now.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
As my previous post was deleted, I will try again, and maybe expand a bit more on my point. Maybe this time it will get past moderation.
So what I see to be the main problem with GW2 is that the developers dont seem to have the right priorities (or at least dont seem to be giving us enough information to have us believe that they do). And to me a lot of that has to do with the gem store, I know its a different team making the weapon and outfit models than those people working on giving us content, but it does not look good when we have gotten 1-2 outfits and weapon sets every month since HoT’s release but only got 3.5 armor skins & 4 weapon sets in the expac that we paid atleast $50 for. Not to mention the latest new that they are no longer working on the legendaries that they promised us, but you can bet that there will be a new BL weapon set next month on the gem store.
There is also the consistent lack of content in the game, aside from grinding out meta events that you can auto-attack your way through. We havent gotten any new fractals since 2 years ago, despite them constantly say that they are “working on it”. And the dungeons are still inexplicably nerfed in terms of rewards. The raids are nice, but about the length of a single dungeon path, just with the artificial difficulty on bosses of having time limits (instead of, idk, maybe designing a good boss fight that doesnt need a timer to be hard).
And last 2 points are, we still havent gotten everything they promised us in the expac, and the stretches of time between content is just getting out of hand, its always been bad, but with them “finding the direction that they want to go”, one would have hoped that they could have gotten a handle on cranking stuff out a little faster.
70-100 devs out of 210 working on the second expansion instead of finishing this one.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
1. Traveling the world has no meaning or benifts:
-Exploring the beautiful world
-Encountering dynamic events
-Zone specific currency/achievements that gives you skins and gear that cant be found anywhere else
-Jumping puzzles/mini dungeons
-Charming ranger pets
-plenty more
2. Open world is way way to easy!
-I can agree with most core tyria but not always with sylverwaste,drytops and hot maps
-Its easy cause mobs use attacks with 3 second delays, or use “special attacks” that dont do much at all
-Gw1 was harder cause enemies you faced used skills and builds that were as strong if not stronger than the players. It was also instance based with no “waypoints” or checkpoints other than a few outposts.
3.the world is not fully used. It would be wonderful to live the story and experience the beauty of the world that was created by Anet.
-Living story took us on a lot of places
-Nobody is holding you back from exploring the world your self…This game allows and encourages such activity
4. Customized housing! Building your own house decorated with trophies and treasures of your adventures would take this game to a new level making people want to stick around to build their own homes. Hell people play the sims just to build homes and watch their characters live in them.
-I would rather have instanced housing rather than thousands of players creating random crappy houses in the open world..not to mention the open world is placed into many separate instances cause of the megaserver system
-Instead of that, we have guild halls. A place where the entire guild could work and decorate the place. Tho it would be also neat if there would be a separate “flat” area in guild halls to make their own houses and such.
4. New skills!!! Skills that have to be found in the world and that are hard to get to. Like GW1 I would have to travel from one part of the world and get my kitten kicked countless times to learn a new skill or steal a skill.
-This wouldn’t work very well in gw2 for a few reasons.
1) If we are talking about new singular skills they would most likely be strong in order for people to be bothered with to go trough a bunch of achievements,grind and zones to learn them
2) After they learn at least 3 of such skills they would most likely completely dominate everyones build, ignoring all the core skills a profession has
3) Profession skill balance
4) If we are talking about doing stuff to unlock some of the already existing skills that are powerfull such as the eles meteor shower or a warriors banner or something…
Well you would first have to remove them from everyones bar first and kitten off everyone, and then you would still end up having the same amount of skills..
-Also there are elite specialzations now,the only way they are considering adding new skills into the game. They might not take you on a magical journey to a specific town or a skill trainer or a boss, but will lead you trough the new maps in order to collect enough hero points to unlock them.
-Lets also not forget the time where we had to go to a specific location and do a specific event in the world to unlock our traits. It wasnt well received by the players
difficulty in general. this game needs tanks. neverwinter fixed their easy mode by making everything in dungeons one shot anything thats not a tank. it required the traditional roles again. which is needed for teamwork.
Out of everything people are complaining that’s wrong with this expansion, difficulty is not one of them. Sure, it’s not difficult but GW2 was never sold on being hardcore.
Why do you need traditional roles for teamwork? We don’t have traditional tanks for raids and that involves quite a bit of teamwork.
Things holding GW2 back:
Its kittening leadership…
Its seems like guild wars has the foundation to be the best mmo but I feel like their is little things that keeps it from being the best.
1. Traveling the world has no meaning or benifts: any item or weapon/armor at a certain town or village you can get from black lion trading company. I feel like this steals from the adventure the game can really offer. The fact that you don’t really need to explore to get and find certain items kills a big chunk of the joy.
2. Open world is way way to easy! Its never a challenge to go form one place to another because anything we encounter we kill easily. Gw1 it was a challenge to travel from one place to another, and man was it fun a rewarding!
In order for GW2 to not be a grind there has to be a modicum of understanding about this issue. You can’t have a challenging but non-grindy game because the grind is overcoming the challenge itself. In GW2 that is done through traits and traitlines plus stats from armor; since crafting isn’t required and you can change your traits to fit your situation at any time you can own the best armor for your level on the cheap at all levels plus be in the best form for the challenge. It’s sort of like complaining that your cheatcodes work too well even if you didn’t enter any.
I’d say it was a slight design oversight because all classes in all armor set and stat set combinations must be able to do almost all content alone. That means most of the games mobs, even the more elite ones, must be at some point trash to someone. It’s not fixable.
3. The world is really big! And that’s amazing! But the world is not fully used maybe like 15% is experienced with the story line. It would be wonderful to live the story and experience the beauty of the world that was created by Anet.
That’s not something Anet (or any developer) can solve.
4. Customized housing! Building your own house decorated with trophies and treasures of your adventures would take this game to a new level making people want to stick around to build their own homes. Hell people play the sims just to build homes and watch their characters live in them.
I believe this is done on a guild level versus personal level. Good move on their part.
5. New skills!!! Skills that have to be found in the world and that are hard to get to. Like GW1 I would have to travel from one part of the world and get my kitten kicked countless times to learn a new skill or steal a skill
That wouldn’t mesh well with this game. The core reason is because of how forgiving it is; when trait lines gave stat boosts and 12 traits each this would have fit but now that everything is streamlined effectiveness isn’t dictated so much by rare skills or rare traits. Other than having a shiny skill those not wanted by the community wouldn’t be sought regardless of development effort.
I don’t think you’re wrong but I do think your nostalgia is getting to you a tad. GW1 had some inefficiencies that don’t exist anymore in this particular iteration.