Valkyrie gear ( power vita critdamage ) is the best choice if u wanna do good damage and still have good survability . You can’t stay infight as long as with toughness gear but vitality is the best stat for surviving burst and conditions. Obviously on a build that has high healing e.g. guardians and elementalist there isnt realy a need for that gear because in this case something with toughness would be better because it scales better with the healing , but for the case that you want to do high crits and survive burst e.g on a mesmer shatter or thief build, its the best statcombo u can run. Sadly there is only “half”-valkyrie gear sold by the vendors. The stats are : power precision and critdamage and the additional stats: power vitality critdamage. I can’t understand why arenanet made this gear … the only differenz to a berserker piece is that 18 prezision are traded for 18 vitality… . Am I realy supposed to buy a piece of that ONLY because of 18 vitality differenz to a berserker piece ??
In my eyes there is a huge need for ascendant Valkyrie gear because its simply the best stat-combo to do high damage and still have decent survability.
btw it’s realy good with special trades. I give u an example : when u put 30 points in the precision/critdamage trade tree as a thief u can choose the traid “100% chanze on crit when you are invisible” . u can pritty much build and play arround this trade and its realy effectiv. but that was just an example.
So what do u guys think ?