There's no love anymore..

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraiz.6720


I returned to active play about 3 months ago after a year or so break and i must say how disappointed i am. At first when i came back everyone thought the other classes were better and were screaming for nerfs. It seemed like there had already been a lot of nerfing in my years absence, but oh well. Then i went to the forums to see if this was reflected and i was shocked to see the amount of pessimistic comments and complaints about a game that supposedly has the best community. They werent directed at ppl but rather the game and the devs themselves. Than i started to see the devs giving in and changing things that were complained about loudly enough.

Fixing bugs and legitimate issues with balance is fine. But when classes start getting nerfed and others buffed because some ppl are actually, believe it or not, really good at the game. That saddens me. GW’s has always allowed for those with great skill to shine through and it seemed like the truly dedicated players got the short straw and the complaining community won. Now i know its not as black and white as that, but it should be.

Now we have HoT out. It boggles the mind how ppl can be so negative towards a game they are supposedly enjoying, yes there are a lot of bugs atm and a few things need polishing (fatal error, plz go away). But its more than that. I feel like ppl are falling out of love, nitpicking the smallest things and constantly criticizing.

Its definitely not the same community it was when i left, not that i was overly active or it was perfect. Its just missing the feels……

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Just popping in here to say I Love You!

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraiz.6720


Nawww!!! Thanks ^^

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViperClaw.1590


From Maguuma with love. I was catching myself on criticising a lot lately as well. Then i remembered, that i really really like my guild and especially it’s members. And that i have met so many decent people from all over the world..

Also. I like HoT’s difficulty level. Let’s my celestial ele shine so bright. Mmmmmmh.

There are still very friendly and funny vibes around. Just look for the right people to be around with.

And about the criticism: A-Net has burnt their customers maybe a little too often. I dunno. Maybe many ppl hate, what they love. Borderline-style. But in the end.. If they are around, they seem to like GW2 enough i guess!?

Have a nice one!

(edited by ViperClaw.1590)

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The forum has always been full of people who are loudly disenfranchised. After a break, it’s pretty much culture shock.

But I’m in a pretty big guild of people and we pretty much have 3 people complaining out of 200. Not that big a percentage really.

And those same people complain about everything, not just Guild Wars 2. It’s part of who they are.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitzarin.2963


I love playing Guild Wars 2, as it’s always an option to just jump on in and play. I will say, a lot of my personal negativity comes from A-net utilizing their ability to ninja nerf things (Karma Boosters → Enchanted Booster -/ninja nerf/> Back) or other nearly-unethical business choices. Mooooooostly it’s their terrible treatment of my favorite gamemode, WvW that gets me in a bad state of mind.

That said, I’ve never had a bad experience with any A-net staff (Support team has been amazing for me, even if I don’t get what I want).

Ignore the kittens. There’s a TON of nice people online in game. Don’t be afraid to just say, Hi, to someone!

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


. Than i started to see the devs giving in and changing things that were complained about loudly enough.

Devs listening to feedback from the community… The horror!!!!

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mauried.5608


With most MMO game expansions, all you get in the game forums about the expansion is how terrible it is , and how the devs have stuffed it all up, and how the devs arnt listening to the “Community”.
The basic mistake of course is that the “Forums” = the game Community which is rubbish.
Game forums only attract negative comment.
Players who are happy with the expansion, in this case HOT simply dont post on the Forums, so all you get is a very narrow minor subset of the entire player base.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kill.3458


Criticism means you love something, would you really not tell someone you love what they’re doing wrong and let them continue doing the action continuously? No, while I do love HoT, it has its flaws and Anet has been showing a different side of itself in recent.

I wonder if it’s because NCsoft isnt publishing the game anymore.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Don’t get yourself too worried about the vocal minority.

Judging the game’s community from what the forums look like would be like trying to judge the world’s level of happiness from the headlines of a tabloid newspaper.

My point is, the summary you get is very focused and… potent. It’s a concentrated version of often the most controversial bits. People often go for the hyperbole to attract attention. People know that angling for a topic/way of conveying a topic that prompts a knee-jerk reaction is the best way to get a lot of attention, and thus possibly attention from devs.

I find that reddit is a lot more positive than the forums, simply because things are self-moderated by up-voting. It doesn’t really matter how many knee-jerk reaction comments there are to a topic; if it gets an overall negative response it will disappear somewhere down the list. Moreover, because the reddit doesn’t separate community creations from general discussion/bugs/improvements (like the forum does), you get a better mix of positive and creative topics to complaints.

Finally… humans are motivated by upset and anger. People who have never looked at the forums before will jump on them simply to try and get dev attention about the bug they’re facing or to complain that their expectations haven’t been matched. Very, very few people will be motivated to express their joy on the forums- if a player is enjoying the game that much chances are they’ll be playing the game rather than writing about it.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Labjax.2465


The negativity does have a lot of usefulness in it, but it doesn’t come in quite the way you might realize. Setting aside the rare occasions where most of the people posting are on the same page and tens are coming out of the woodwork at a time to complain about the same thing… most of it is useful as a way of widening the perspective of the devs and keeping them in touch with the game on an intuitive level.

It’s like pieces to a puzzle that has no set final form. The form is constantly shifting and the pieces can be shaped like anything, but the more you see, the stronger your sense is of what the final form can look like at any given moment. Tapping into the minds of disenfranchised players is highly important because it gives you insight into where the harder numbers of players may be getting lost.

You might have 20 people leave the game tomorrow and out of those 20 only 1 talks about why. You might even get a guy who doesn’t leave, but ends up voicing the concerns that caused those 20 to leave silently.

The game itself is the puzzle and the pieces are anything from the mechanics to player feedback, good and bad. Every piece of information is a potential insight into how to continue the success of the game.

The reason fanboy-dominated communities get in a bad way is the same reason hater-dominated communities get in a bad way. You need the story of why people are leaving, and the story of why they’re sticking around, in equal measure. Otherwise, you are likely to miss the big picture and get mired in trying to please too many parties on the one end or ignore the sense that anything could possibly be amiss on the other end.

It is just as easy to get diverted and confused by a minority (albeit passionate) crowd of fans, as it is to get diverted and confused by a minority (albeit passionate) crowd of haters. Reason being that fan love is like a blinding drug and hateful criticism is like a paranoia-inducing drug. Nothing is wrong or everything is wrong.

Or words to that effect.

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Just popping in here to say I Love You!

yeah but….what is love?

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

There's no love anymore..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asyntyche.4827


OP I understand the sentiment. I find it hard seeing the number of negative or frustrated posts on these forums. It’s understandable that those who love the game do come here to voice concerns or opinions that they feel will improve the game.

It’s a really fine line for the dev team I think to make their game the way they envisioned it, and to monitor useful player feedback that supports and enhances their original design goals.

Recently I do think some of the changes to the game have been more about trying to satisfy some player demands, but maybe that is because with the communications policy it is truly hard to tell any more what the ArenaNet team are looking to do with GW2?

Regardless I just have to remind myself that anyone who posts on these forums does so because they choose to spend time playing GW2, so even if the post is negative, they must be enjoying the game to some degree.