Theres No grind.... ._.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


Are any of those necessary? I am not sure about the legendaries just now (at work), but isn´t everything you brought up purely cosmetic?

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minikiller.8475


It dosnt really matter

They said that they wanted “No Grind”
Yet they have all of these thing which needs Hours and hours of grinding

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFad.1742


The main point people forget is that most of these things are cosmetic. You can easily get exotics crafted, and that’s the BEST gear in the game, fullstop. You can literally uninstall the game, and tell your buddies later that ‘guys pls, when I stopped playing I had the best gear in the game’. All this other stuff is to make your character look better; in other words, there is no need to play any more to catch up to anyone if they release another dungeon, for example. You have essentially ‘finished’ an (MMO)RPG, and the things you mentioned are ‘side quests’. If you don’t like to grind for them (in other words, cannot summon the motivation to do so, thus don’t care about the looks enough), level an alt, take a break, or PVP.

Oh, and about the commander book, I’d expect it to be in the hands of someone part of a w3 guild, who want a member/guild leader to have it and lead people easily, so I would imagine the whole guild pitching in for that.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yeah those things are just cosmetic stuff and is the kind of stuff you should be working on until the next DLC/Expansion

I think people have been conditioned by sub-MMO’s to think that they need to be able to get all the stuff within a short timeframe but with a free to play game like GW2 you have literally all the free time in the world to get that stuff. So take it slow and rejoice when you finally do get your super-fancy-cosmetic-toy

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evilbottom.2186


The promise was never ‘this game contains no grind’. The promise was no leveling grind, and no grind to get to the best stats (exotic). Both of these are true. What you do to reach the cosmetic/bonus goals is up to you. You can either just play for a little for a long time, or a lot in a little time (grinding).

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


Money and time sinks are still part of the MMO universe. However the way you go around and achieve these goals is no longer a grind fest.

Karma? That’s given to you for completing events, not a specific quest in some desert that must be repeated. All events everywhere gives karma, the higher level areas with no hearts will obviously give more.

Commander? I’d rather not allow a “normal” player to have such a title and so 100g is nominal. Not everyone needs it and by gods, 100 people can donate 1g to the guild in order to get a commander for them.

Legendary? Many components for the recipe is given to you for completing the game’s objectives. Exploring the map, dungeons. Items like this will not require “grind” because you have the option to purchase many of the ingredients, and the way you make your money is irrelevant. (you forgot to mention a legendary requires 525k karmer for the Obsidian Shards)

Culture gear? Unless you’re in love with the aesthetics, it is not required for you to purchase level 60 gear just so you can transmute it. rofl.

Need I mention how effortless it was to level up to 80? It felt so fluid and easy I didn’t even pay attention, nor did it feel like I was grinding. Hell, I dinged 80 and didn’t even feel that “accomplished” feeling. Why? Because I enjoyed every level and every map I went.

Please. Leave your preconceived notions at the door. GW2 does have sinks, yes. But it is by far not a grind.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


“wow” kids are like zombies.
their brain is rotten to the core.

have to give it to blizzard to be able to do that.
but really, i find it kills creativity and make gaming akin to slot machine.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


exotic weapon
3g per (so 6-12g depending on your weapon set up)
exotic armor
also 3g per so 18g
exotic jewellery
3g per seems to be a standard right now actually. 12g overall for these

I think an ammy is over 3g but the post is down and I cant check.
Same for the backbraces,

At the very least we’re talking about say 40g for an exotic set. at 80. Less if you can make it yourself, or have guildies who can, but to be honest the difference is only in how many of the mats you already own. compared to how many you’ll need to buy.

As for whether youd consider getting this 40g to be a grind is up to you. But there are certainly some players who would consider reaching this amount to be quite grindy o.o

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Nope not true, you’re gonna need your baseline gear which is the level 80 exotics which increases your damage output’s base damage by atleast 400 – 800 base damage, not including crit damage and everyones healths is about 13 – 15k, so 400 – 800 base damge increase is a big number.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


and how many hours at level 80 must you “grind” for that lvl 80 exotic gear that is such a big step in stats?

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Why dont you tell me how long it took you to get a full exotic gear with both weapon types

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


and how many hours at level 80 must you “grind” for that lvl 80 exotic gear that is such a big step in stats?

well that depends on how much money youve got at 80, and how fast you can scrounge up the 40g itll take you.

Keep in mind dungeon running is now no longer possible for money. Events cap out. And the anti farm code is a jerk.

Full exotic gear might honestly take a while longer than people think. Now, whether you consider this time as “grind” is up to you, as tbh you can usually get about a gold per zone completion, so if you’re like me, and you wanted to experience all the map content at least once, you’ll probably have the money without needing to “grind” from your perspective.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


It is called grinding if you want to acquire some item in two days. Sorry but if you’re that impatient, you have to grind.

Otherwise, no grindin’.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phooka.4295


Anything that I have to do over and over so can can do what I want to do is a grind.

Currently, it seems that you have to farm gold over and over in order to have the exotic gear you more or less need in order to do dungeon runs that are fun and not a long string of unnnecessary deaths.

So yes, the game in its current state feels very, very grindy to me. This is completely subjective, of course.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alfista.6094


It dosnt really matter

They said that they wanted “No Grind”
Yet they have all of these thing which needs Hours and hours of grinding

Direct quote from one of the blogs. Key words are marked:

It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course, it doesn’t have a monthly fee.

Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


right valkyrie again with fantastic speech about, GUYS SLOW DOWN, DONT GO FAST YOU NEED TO PLAY AT MY SPEED