These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SteamRanger.5167


I find myself either destroying items or watching my bags fill up with useless junk I have no intention of using again. Outgrown gathering tools and karma items, Masterpiece items, and now, oddball crafted items!

I just wasted trinkets making 9 Houndsmaster Warhorns to raise my Huntsman skill, only to find out that I can only use the things myself and I’ve long out-leveled them! Can’t sell them, can’t salvage them. What a waste!

Once again, the botters and the gold sellers are making it hard for the honest players by causing ArenaNet to put such silly restrictions in place.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


The effect you’re complaining about isn’t related to the cause your believe it to be.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I destroyed lower level gathering tools as soon as I entered an area that had the next level of content. Why would you hang on to those?

Karma items? What karma items?

If you have various junk, sell it. If you have whites or yellows, salvage them. If you have blues, vendor them. If you have greens vendor or salvage them depending on if you want the sigils/runes or if you need mats from their level range.

Yes there are a few rare things that you can’t salvage or sell, but those have been few and far between for me.

I don’t think the lack of ability to sell or salvage some items has ANYTHING to do with bots or gold sellers. I think you simply can’t sell or salvage some things.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Karama items have to be destroyed, which is annoying, but it’s there to prevent people from turning karma into gold. Whether it’s a good idea or not is debatable.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystfit.8309


It would be nice to do something with Karma items. I accidently bought items that had the same icons as recipes and names clsoe to recipes (but without the word recipe at the front), that I then couldnt do anything with. My error, but it sure hirt to destroy them.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Maybe let us sell the item back for half price.

These economy restrictions are getting old fast!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SteamRanger.5167


I wouldn’t mind being able to just salvage them or pass them on to an alt. I’m sure it’s an intended gold sink, but let’s face it, currency doesn’t exactly flow that freely in this game, particularly if you craft at all.