Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ItsAOcean.5943


I’m fairly new to the game, so I haven’t played any of these classes, except a warrior that i got to lvl 30 a while ago on a borrowed account that I no longer use. Which of these three classes is the easiest/fastest for map completion, especially solo? (Orr is my main concern)

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novum.2395


I main a thief and I don’t mean to be biased but I think thiefs. If you get shadow refuge and smokescreen/arrow bomb you can stealth through many areas and get easy skill points that are usually guarded by a veteran or mobs. Also you can set traits to having the best amount of initiative to heartseeker across maps and have the signet of shadows for 25% movement speed passive

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Well Orr you will just not really be able to do solo. I guess warrior fastest with a beserker sword build. 3 and 5 help move around quick (Also trait to move faster with melee weapon equipped.) On other hand thief has blink with Short Bow and is able to have trait to give swiftness whenever you roll. Overall I think warrior will be easy end game but that is just MY THOUGHTS. GS Longbow your way to victory. or hammer to practice for pvp

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


If you’re trying to do 100% world completion, your concern should be WvW. You should base your choice on that.

If you just want to quickly 100% PvE, the warrior is probably going to be the fastest/easiest, followed by the guardian.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: theguildless.1386


Both thief and warrior will get you there pretty easily.

Warriors will get you there the fastest thanks to perma-swiftness (Signet of Rage + Warhorn #4) and has access to many movement skills (Sword #2, Greatsword #3 and #5) on short cooldowns.

Thieves get a permanent 25% speed increase with Signet of Shadows and movement skills (Heartseeker (Dagger #2) Infiltrator’s Arrow (Shortbow #5), Shadowstep (Utility), Steal (F1) and more), but the nice thing about them is, as it has been said before, stealth.

Also, it is totally possible to solo Orr. Just keep your gear up to date and don’t be too bold with your pulls.

Always question your assumptions.
Tarnished Coast

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Profession doesn’t make much difference for map complete, but thief is definitely the easiest since you can stealth and grab so much stuff without having to tangle with mobs.

For example: Stealthing to get the skill point guarded by the champion mob in Orr.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moshari.8570


Warrior fastests in PVE, Thief fastest in WvW. Theif can do both but will need help in Orr and frostgorge. Warrior can do both but you will have to run with the zerg or take your chances in WvW.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Warrior fastests in PVE, Thief fastest in WvW. Theif can do both but will need help in Orr and frostgorge. Warrior can do both but you will have to run with the zerg or take your chances in WvW.

Got map complete on my thief and I have no idea where in Orr you think a thief may need ‘help’. Since there’s no heart quests, you can just run past stuff and anything difficult to kill can just be stealthed past.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moshari.8570


Warrior fastests in PVE, Thief fastest in WvW. Theif can do both but will need help in Orr and frostgorge. Warrior can do both but you will have to run with the zerg or take your chances in WvW.

Got map complete on my thief and I have no idea where in Orr you think a thief may need ‘help’. Since there’s no heart quests, you can just run past stuff and anything difficult to kill can just be stealthed past.

Skill challenges.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laharl.8435


Warrior is fastest. Equip sword/warhorn and greatsword. Swiftness with signet of rage and war horn 4. Use sword 2, gs 3, gs 5 and Bulls Rush. You’re basically perma swiftness, perma gap closer, nothing can keep up with you.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WRay.2391


I pretty much soloed map completion with all 8 professions (in was easier after release though). For thief there is a hard skill challenge in Winterknell Isle (combat with weapon + veteran + rothmouth + trash mob with relatively fast respawn). Still it’s doable. For warrior – temple of Balthazar when contested (use stealth tools to avoid combat). Other than that everything is doable (you can avoid combat with champs if you pay attention to their movements). IMHO easiest is warrior (half zerker).
For WvW it can take a while if your server is not good in it.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


I did orr solo with my ranger. Let the pet tank mobs while you grab skill points. Very easy

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


Thief by far. Everyone keeps claiming that Warrior is the fastest but that just isn’t true. You can argue about permaswift and gap closers or whatever else you want, but Thief will destroy a Warrior in a footrace any day of the week.

Thief has Infiltratior’s Arrow, Steal, and plenty of other teleportation skills. Although I wouldn’t waste any utility slots for any teles, Infiltratior’s Arrow and Steal are easy to access and can move you around VERY quickly. Thief has Signet of Shadows for a permanant +25% movement speed buff. Thief has Ambush, Thieves Guild, and Caltrops which, when combined with the thieves burst damage, will drop ANY combat based skill challenge in a matter of seconds. Thief has Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder, Shadow Refuge (which work great with ‘Master of Deception and ’Meld with Shadows’), and smoke fields to allow them to get ANY commune based skill challenge and then quickly be on thier way without aggroing a single mob. Thief has plenty of access to swiftness as well though it’s really not necessary due to the Thief’s next (never mentioned) trick. Thief also has….wait for it…access to ‘FLEET SHADOW’!!!!! Yes, indeed, the profession with incredible dps, stealth, teleportation, and plenty of other tricks, also has a trait that gives them access to PLUS 50% MOVEMENT SPEED while stealthed which can easily be maintained permanately via Dagger/Pistol and utilities. The bottom line is: Thief is, hands down, the fastest and most mobile profession in the game. ANYONE is more than welcome to challenge me to a footrace if they would like to disagree and prove me wrong.

Thief has access to a full bag of tricks and is the easiest/fastest profession for map completion. WvW might be the only place where you are held back due to PoIs being in enemy hands (ie. Stonemist Castle), but thief STILL has all the advantages listed above when it comes to WvW completion as well. How fast you complete the maps there is more of a matter of your home server’s success at capturing and maintaing territory. You still have permastealth for running past ‘camp PoIs’ without even a second glance, all the while, running across the borderlands at +50% movement speed.

I’m sure every warrior fanboy out there is cringing at the facts right now as they read a bit of LOGIC concerning why their profession isn’t the best at something (kinda like the DPS debate huh), but that doesn’t make the facts go away. THIEF IS THE BEST PROFESSION FOR MAP COMPLETION! So neener neener!

(edited by Tman.6349)

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: agm.3140


I am running guardian for my map completion. I am at like 60% completion with it. I got a warrior, thief and a guard and I enjoy the mechanics of the guardian. If I rolled a thief first I would have used it for map completion.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thomasgjkgwdn.4760


I did orr solo with my ranger. Let the pet tank mobs while you grab skill points. Very easy

as far as i can tell, ranger is the easiest for soloing whatever.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


Just throw a bear at it, grab the thing, leave.


Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vargamonth.2047


Honestly, with whatever you want. WvW is probably going to be the worst part and doesn’t depend on you at all.

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Thief is the easiest to do map completion on due to the combination of perma speed buffs, heartseeker, and stealth. Warrior is also solid. Mesmer can be if you have superior centaur, speed, or traveler runes.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Thief, guard, or warrior for map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


Warrior fastests in PVE, Thief fastest in WvW. Theif can do both but will need help in Orr and frostgorge. Warrior can do both but you will have to run with the zerg or take your chances in WvW.

Got map complete on my thief and I have no idea where in Orr you think a thief may need ‘help’. Since there’s no heart quests, you can just run past stuff and anything difficult to kill can just be stealthed past.

Skill challenges.

Skill challenges are really easy with the thief. I did both, Orr and frostgore with my thief alone, and I didn’t find a place were someone would need help. I don’t know where you think a thief may need help, but the truth is they dont need it, they are perfectly fine completing the maps by themselves.