Things I WISH would get done.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Think I’m going to just make a list of all the things I really wish would happen in GW2. Feel free to comment on any of the things I’ve listed or perhaps list your own. By the way, I’m not ordering them in terms of importance but rather what came to my mind first.

I may add more to my list as time goes by, but currently this is what I have. Thoughts?

1) Provide us with the option to only accept PM’s from people in your guild(s) or friends list, so that we can still communicate but without getting bombarded by spam in whispers. Do the same with the mail system as well.

2) Ban people that break rules.

3) Fix the Veteran Matriarch Harpy so that it stops spawning with a glitched HP bar whenever there’s more than 1 person in the area when it spawns during the event in Harathi Hinterlands.

4) Add the option to have custom presets for dyes and traits. For example, I could set a preset for my Deep Glacial Sky + Blacklight that I really like on my mix of orrian + phalanx top and T3 human gaunts, but perhaps swap to my preset of Abyss + Enameled Crimson when I feel like changing it up. This is just a QoL change that I’d absolutely love…

5) Release any information about what they plan to do for the game in the next upcoming months that has to do with absolutely new content.

6) Improve the systems in place for rewards, so that it doesn’t feel insulting to complete a FotM run, for example.

7) Improve the LFG system along with the party UI so that security flaws like getting kicked by 2 strangers can’t happen the instant you list an LFG, and fix the bug where a person loses their kick option if a vote against them isn’t confirmed before somebody else joins/leaves.

8) Make it so that our chat tabs don’t stay orange if we so happen to forget to click on the tab prior to leaving/getting kicked from a party whilst in an instance.

9) Fix the glitch with the “Rush” skill for warrior’s greatsword skill #5 when used against larger enemies, along with the same problem pertaining to “Bull’s Charge.”

10) Add the option to put a password or caption to your LFG posts, so that we don’t have to deal with endless waves of idiots that don’t bother to read them before joining.

11) Make Lupicus required to kill in all Arah paths rather than just paths 3 & 4 instead of enabling anyone that’s familiar with the plethora of jumping puzzles to simply bypass the encounter. It is stupid to let people get away with it.

12) Improve dungeon NPC artificial intelligence or remove them entirely. It’s pathetic to see how dreadful their AI is to the point where often times many players are forced to sit there and wait for the NPC to die before they can even fight the boss/mobs. Perfect examples: Agent Spire, Varra Skylark, Randall Weyston.

13) Make it so that when your party wipes at Alphard, she resets as opposed to leaving the bone wall until everyone in the party wipes yet a second time.

14) Remove every trace of a rooted mob/boss in any area of the game. They are too easily exploited and the only solution is to allow them to move. Examples of where this is found: champion dredge near the end of SE P3, last boss of CM P3, last boss of Arah P2. What was done with Mage Crusher in Arah P3 was perfect to fix this problem. More of that please! <3

15) Change Melandru in Arah P4 to have actually fun mechanics. There is literally nothing challenging in this encounter at all aside from the 3 elite gorillas that can permanently chain-knockdown. Not only does this boss have no interesting attacks and can’t even move from where it spawns, but it’s dreadfully long to boot. Enable him (Vahid, Corrupted Priest of Melandru) to freely move about a specified radius and spawn the same Floras (trees), but perhaps control the movements of the unknown green blobs to chase you so that it isn’t an AFK range fight.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

16) Give Alphard different attacks after each wave of clones in Arah P2. For example, Lupicus has a different set of skills for all 3 of his phases. More of this please! Not just for alphard, but anywhere else is welcome as well.

17) Make Korga required to complete the path in Arah P1, but reduce the number of corpse spawns in the area along with making it so that when a corpse is spawned and the elite gorilla is killed, the corpse cannot respawn at all and is permanently gone. The last boss is so dreadfully disappointing in the path that it really needs more to be in line with the other 3 paths, so making Korga required would suffice.

18) Move White Bears Waypoint to where the Crystalline Entities are in Arah P1 as opposed to by the jotun monument stone before Ancient Ooze. It’s only logical, considering the waypoint isn’t even available until after they are destroyed anyways.

19) Change the Nightmare tree at the end of the TA up/fwd paths to behave similarly to Bloomhunger in FotM. It’s an embarrassing encounter, to say the least. It isn’t even attacking us. It’s just blindly stomping on the ground. It doesn’t feel like a boss fight at all.

20) Rework the rewards for these paths to make them more worthwhile doing: HotW P2 & P3, SE P2, CoF P3, Arah P4. All of these paths should give 2g but with Arah P4 giving perhaps 4-5g, in my opinion. They’re typically a lot longer than the other paths of the dungeons, and Arah P4 having by far the most encounters out of any paths. It makes little sense for these all to be so unrewarding by comparison with respect to time.

21) Make the borderland maps in WvW unique maps please. It’s really monotonous when all 3 of them are literally the exact same maps. EotM was a let-down because it doesn’t actually have anything meaningful that affects the matchup itself, so hardly anyone does it other than for champ farming.

22) Fix the sparks at Simin in Arah P4. Since April 15th, they often bug when more than 2 are aggroed on a player at once and one will automatically reset. I’m 99% certain this was unintended.

23) Tbh, Alphard is too boring now. It was terrible for the entire party to wipe when someone was pulled (a glitch that persisted for months) but it was actually nice to see a boss truly push players to learn the mechanics and be on edge. It now requires about no skill to kill her and you can walk out of the bomb radius without swiftness and be perfectly fine. What they should do is make it so that anyone who is pulled is instantly downed, as opposed to the entire party suffering the consequence of 1 person ’s screwup.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

[Reserved for possible future use]

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085


Unless you edit your post, here’s what I see:

“1) Provide us with the option to only accept PM’s from people in your guild(s) or friends list, so that we can still communicate but without getting bombarded by spam in whispers. Do the same with the mail system as well.”

And then arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah arah.

That’s all you had to say?? Nothing else burning in this game?

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So you apparently didn’t read numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.

I wonder if you’re one of those persons that I’m referring to with #10. I sure hope not.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085


I’m sorry did I miss a needle in the arah haystack?

Suggestion: Make your claims, then put 2) Arah: 2.1) 2.2) 2.3) 2.4) ….. so the reader does not get lost in arah over and over.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rainynoble.6531


LFG system still needs to be tweaked.
Bugs in dungeon obviously need to be fixed.
I agree with lupi requirement.
agree on getting rid of NPC.
Everything else regarding boss mechanic are subjective, what is easy for 1% of player base is not easy for the rest of 99%.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m sorry did I miss a needle in the arah haystack?

Suggestion: Make your claims, then put 2) Arah: 2.1) 2.2) 2.3) 2.4) ….. so the reader does not get lost in arah over and over.

Or you could look at the title of the thread, read the first sentence that I typed, and come to the conclusion that my list of things that I personally would like to see get done containing approximately 50% of things pertaining to Arah must mean that I very much enjoy doing the dungeon and thus, it makes perfect sense for it to be the way that it is.

Suggestion denied, these are the things that I currently care about the most.

LFG system still needs to be tweaked.
Bugs in dungeon obviously need to be fixed.
I agree with lupi requirement.
agree on getting rid of NPC.
Everything else regarding boss mechanic are subjective, what is easy for 1% of player base is not easy for the rest of 99%.

Subjective in regards to Alphard / Brie surely, but Melandru in Arah P4 is quite literally just an AFK encounter. You equip a ranged weapon, wait until he spawns 5 trees, then run out of the range of the trees and AFK while your character autoattacks for 5-10 minutes. There’s nothing subjective about the difficulty of that… as there is absolutely no user input required besides what I just mentioned.

For the last boss in Arah P1, you don’t do a single thing other than hold a reflecting crystal. If it happens to break, pick up another one. The only thing that anyone ever has to look out for is if he does a lava font (mimicry of a staff ele’s fire #2), which you can either just dodge or walk out of. Other than that, stand still holding a reflecting crystal. You make a fair point about difficulty of boss mechanics being subjective, but no one could find this difficult unless they didn’t remember which key was bound to dodge or lagged out.

Edit: By the way, I hope you weren’t referring to the fact that players exploiting rooted mobs by safespotting/using terrain to obstruct their attacks is justified because they find it too hard to actually fight them? I’m guessing you didn’t mean to imply that.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lamir.6702


Remove npcs…yes please. Permanently. They are so cancerous, cause so many bugs, cause dungeons to get stuck frequently and are so incredibly infuriating. Delete them. Thank you.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Offair.2563


- Bug fixing
- dealing with hackers/goldsellers
- Quality of life updates esp on the User Interface ( looks like they copy paste this one from a 1992 game with several lack of options )
- Balancing

I know this wont get done but still on my crusade!

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Things I WISH would get done.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rainynoble.6531


Safe spots ( where you can safely deal damage and enemy does not reset health) should be fixed.