Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


A dozen apologies. I know this has been posted a dozen times. But it won’t let me “bump” or comment on anyone else’s anymore, so I’m just going to start another one.

- Eight-player parties.

- The little blue silhouette icon over people and a number next to it saying how many people are in their party. (if brought back, this could be toggled on/off — OR, make it so you can see how many people are in the “leaders” (or top) person’s party. This also aids in finding people who are in a party or looking for a party — AND it gives the illusion that more people are in the world with you )

- The old radar that revealed a lot more than our mini-map does now and had tiny green dots for NPC, purple for real people, and red for enemies.

- Alliances (some people don’t like the grind, at least give guilds the option to participate in factions if they desire)

- Auto-follow (as a support specialist, just click on your “tank” and keep hitting space. Also, if you see an enemy, hitting c-space (or in GW2’s case, c-skill 1) would automatically run your character up to it)

- Using the arrow keys to pan/tilt the camera

- Being able to zoom out farther. Much, much farther.

- “Zooming all the way in” to first person view. (Not ideal in combat situations for some, but makes traversing vast zones more scenic and taking the most desired screenshots of GW2’s gorgeous landscape)

- Being able to observe PvP from anywhere in the game (and not losing your place in the world)

(edited by hip.8435)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beastie.4536


- cape
- unique dance(+special effect) from each profession
- necro/ranger skills and gameplay(you no longer see ppl asking for necro or ranger in the dungeon anymore)
-mini monks

Mike O’Brien: "We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”

(edited by beastie.4536)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


lol. I forgot about the capes beastie!!


Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skaan.1423


I agree with you about the eight-player parties. I like how crowded it felt to have 7 other players doing an elite area with you. 5 players feels a bit too small and lonely for me.

I’m not asking for them to retune the current dungeons for 8 players, but i really hope they’ll introduce some new instanced content in the future for 8-12 players. For example, if they ever decide to re-introduce the FoW and UW, i think it’ll lose a lot of its grandness if it’s only done with 5 players.

That being said, i like how this new feature patch seems to be moving the game more towards GW1 in some aspects. Traits being unlocked through exploration/hunting, wardrobe, pvp armor change, megaservers being a bit similar to GW1 districts, etc. All things that i missed a bit from GW1.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stitch.1794


lol. I forgot about the capes beastie!!


On the subject of capes – the show always/show in town/show in combat areas options for capes and town clothes. I’ve always felt town clothes would be better if I could auto-switch to them when in town.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


You’re right, Skaan. The devs seem to be moving in the right direction with the Megaserver System update.

If they brought eight-player parties back, that might be TOO much fun. I do miss that “crowded” feeling and “are all eight of us going to make it?”

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

I still play GW1 while I wait for them to bring eight-player parties back. The lag is just so…laggy. :\

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

I’m not complaining\worried about GW2 lore. I’d just like to see certain QoL features brought back.

(edited by hip.8435)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skaan.1423


If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

That’s a terrible argument. Just because GW1 still exists (despite the fact that it’s relatively dead and has no content updates anymore) means we can’t have things which we miss? I probably like GW2 more than GW1, does that mean i should suddenly go play GW1 instead just because it has a couple of features which i miss in GW2?

This is not about wanting GW2 to become GW1. This thread is about wanting certain features from GW1 to return to GW2, which is entirely understandable considering it’s a sequel to GW1.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


Thank you, Skaan. If I ever make an MMO, I want you on my dev team!

(but if they allow eight-player parties, we wouldn’t need to make an MMO. Amirite? )

(edited by hip.8435)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rattex.3467


Class specific armors
Class and gender specific dances (male necro dance ftw)
When attacking, auto moving into range
Map clearing
Hard mode
My ritualist

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


+1 Hard mode!

I have seen that a lot of people miss ritualist\derv. I wouldn’t mind seeing someone else’s big scythe blur across my screen again.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

That’s a terrible argument. Just because GW1 still exists (despite the fact that it’s relatively dead and has no content updates anymore) means we can’t have things which we miss? I probably like GW2 more than GW1, does that mean i should suddenly go play GW1 instead just because it has a couple of features which i miss in GW2?

This is not about wanting GW2 to become GW1. This thread is about wanting certain features from GW1 to return to GW2, which is entirely understandable considering it’s a sequel to GW1.

Actually, look again at the title of this thread.
It states/asks “things I miss about Guild Wars”, not “What Guild Wars Features do you want in GW2” or the like.
My response is apt based on that context. You can’t miss something, if it’s not gone.

To the implied topic at hand – A feature from GW1 that I wish could be implemented into GW2 would be the ‘hiring’ of NPC’s to assist with Dungeon runs for the solo player.
I would love to to do more Dungeons, unfortunately as a father of three small children, my attention is often called away during my gaming time. As I don’t wish to inconvenience other players out with a sudden absence, my dungeoneering is often few and far between.
NPC’s would be a nice addition for the players and a legitimate form of money sink.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


As an older gamer with friends who are married/divorced/have kids, I can speak to that. NPC’s were such a epic way to quick grab a buddy, stack up a couple heroes/henchmen, and slay some baddies before one of the kids started crying again. If I could somehow grab my buddies’ NPC while he goes AFK for a second, that would be AWESOME!

I think there are ways to limit it without exploiting the game. Maybe limit one NPC per person. Doing the simple math, for example:

1 person = 1 npc (yeah, I know there are pets for rangers and spirit weapons, but, meh)
2 people = 2 npcs
3 people = 3 npcs
and so on, until you cap it at eight “total” in your party.

I think you’re on to something, Nox.

(edited by hip.8435)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skaan.1423


Actually, look again at the title of this thread.
It states/asks “things I miss about Guild Wars”, not “What Guild Wars Features do you want in GW2” or the like.
My response is apt based on that context. You can’t miss something, if it’s not gone.

Now you’re just arguing semantics and backpedalling out of what you originally meant. It’s quite clear from the thread title that this was going to be a thread about features from GW1 which you want back in GW2.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CowAbductionInc.9687


- Eight-player parties.

- The little blue silhouette icon over people and a number next to it saying how many people are in their party. (if brought back, this could be toggled on/off)

- The old radar that revealed a lot more than our mini-map does now and had tiny green dots for NPC, purple for real people, and red for enemies.

- Alliances (some people don’t like the grind, at least give guilds the option to participate in factions if they desire)

- Auto-follow (as a support specialist, just click on your “tank” and keep hitting space. Also, if you see an enemy, hitting c-space (or in GW2’s case, c-skill 1) would automatically run your character up to it)

- Using the arrow keys to pan/tilt the camera

- Being able to zoom out farther. Much, much farther.

- “Zooming all the way in” to first person view. (Not ideal in combat situations for some, but makes traversing vast zones more scenic and taking the most desired screenshots of GW2’s gorgeous landscape)

- Being able to observe PvP from anywhere in the game (and not losing your place in the world)

I feel like every one of these should absolutely be added to the game – many of these should have been included from the start.

Eight-player parties would take the most time to incorporate, as it would mean reworking dungeons and group instanced events to adjust difficulty for the larger group size. Additionally, many skills limit their boons to 5 allies, which could get annoying in an 8-man group. But all in all, this adjustment is definitely doable.

Alliances should never have been left out, they just make sense. I would much rather the original system of being limited to one guild but have alliances than be able to join multiple guilds and have to cycle through them. Ideally there would be a combination of both concepts, as the current system is just aggravating most of the time.

Coming from my programming/game design experience, improving the map and zoom features should not be difficult for Anet to do AT ALL. Anet made gw1 and had those features, so it’s not like they don’t know how to do it. In any case, adding NPC’s/enemies to the map, showing party size (with a toggle), auto-follow (which is in pretty much any other game), and being able to spectate PvP (which is already an option when joining a PvP match) are not difficult aspects to add to the game.

Just hope Anet gets enough people asking for this that they incrorporate these things, because it would largely improve QoL. I’m very happy with many of the changes they’re making with the upcoming April 15 patch; now here are some suggestions for a May 15 patch

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CowAbductionInc.9687


And Anet, please bring guild capes back too. Kthx

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


If I could +5 you CowAbductionInc, I would.

For now, you’ll just have to settle for a +1

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stramatus.5219


What I miss from GW1 most is the deeper more immersive level of story/quests/atmosphere within PvE which in my opinion was always lacking severely in GW2. Personal story was not at all engaging. And the really interesting side quests from GW1 was replaced with what? Hearts? And what are hearts? Like the most casualized version of “kill 10 centaurs” there can be. Living story was cool towards the end, but as a whole, not a very deep experience. I just get the sense with GW2 that everything keeps getting more casualized. I’d really like to see a “campaign” of sorts. Come up with a better story/quest system for the upcoming Jungle dragon and I’d be happy. Would really hate to see that go the way of Living Story where you would never be able to play the content again.

CAPES! Another reason to despise the charr. Because capes clipped with charr, we couldn’t have them.

Alliances. Dear god this is sorely missed. And because of the whole influence, multi-guild, lack of alliances features, my original small guild that had been around since 2006 died. A small guild of mid 20ish people can’t come up with the influence for a good amount of guild features, especially with the ability to rep other guilds in lieu of having alliances. I see both sides of that argument, but I guess I favor having some sense of guild loyalty.

Sir Helvidius | Sir Beregond | Proud Ascalonian Humans
“Remember The Searing. We never forget, and never forgive.” – Family Motto

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

I miss the fun of FOW


Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

Sounds like someone is jelly they never played GW1 in it’s prime.

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


If I want Guild Wars, I play guild wars.
I can’t miss it, because it’s not gone.

This is Guild Wars 2. It’s a different game which has similar lore. It has its positives and its negatives.

Sounds like someone is jelly they never played GW1 in it’s prime.

not really. I played GW1 from summer 2005, and continued right up until the 2nd BWE.
I still occasionally log in.
So, not jelly at all, cause I’m one of the fans that have been there from (almost) the beginning.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


I miss the titles or achievements that required 100-200 hours to complete.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinbold.8723


FoW, UW, JQ, FA, 1st person view, GvG. Anet gave us guild weapons and armor, so I do not miss my guild cape at all. We need a Jade Quarry or Fort Aspenwood type of game in GW2.

I have to add that I miss my fully decked out guild hall, and those of my alliance. I’d like that convenience in GW2, even if it took as long to max out as it did in GW1.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treebeard The Swift.9620

Treebeard The Swift.9620

The ability to do a dungeon with just heroes and being able to take a loo break or have a cup of tea or answer the phone with no screaming.
Being able to do hard mode vanquishing with heroes.
Being able to take on any boss at my leisure using heroes as backup.
pre-ascalon. the waterfall and the music. loved that to bits.
build diversity – when new skills made you want to re-explore the world to try em out and to cap em.
20% fast cast/recharge.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twelfth Knight.5698

Twelfth Knight.5698

People doing silly stuff like this:

Lots of other stuff ofc: the quaintness of pre-Searing Ascalon, the eerie beauty of the Jade Sea, the storylines, the theme music from Nightfall (still unequalled imo) etc

(edited by Twelfth Knight.5698)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


Hanging out in Guild Halls with buds. GVG, TA, HA. Ability to 1×1 Pvp in Guild Hall to test builds with friends.
No legendary, ascended gear grinds. Skins that were just cosmetic were enough to keep people grinding for them. Players thus felt they were ‘rewarded enough for their game play time’.
Dunkoro, Zedd, Vekk, my heroes! Dances, emotes, 4×4 weapon swap skill bar, customisable UI, dual professions and customisable skill bars, not just utilities. Ability to save builds! OMG Sigh……..

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


Those are good ones, Silicon. I forgot all about:

- Being able to ping your build
- weapon swap bar
- customizable HUDs

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


There’s a lot of “little things” that I miss about GW1, but in general, most of them are not really “needed” here.


The one thing I really miss, and wish we could have is Build Templates. It was great that we could switch from a pure nuker to a pure support character with the click of a button depending on what was needed for the situation. The template system was so good, and it was “shareable.” If saw someone doing something that worked well, you could ask for the template and add it to your repertoire and try it for yourself.

I must put in a disclaimer here that a build template system would be no real use without the ability to switch armors as well. They went hand in hand.

Level 80 Elementalist

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Don’t take this as troll but, I am being serious.

The thing I miss the most about Guild Wars 1 is balance updates.

We used to get balance updates like every month sometimes weeks but now it seems like they make no attempt to fix issues with balance.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


Missions being repeatable. Not all of the story was amazing, but being able to go back and relive your favourite missions was a nice touch.

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digitalruse.9085


Agree with much of the OP and others. I will say I also miss NPC henchmen. I know there is a LFG tool, but I miss just being able to go into an instance with a ready to use party and take my time completing it.

Every dungeon/instance run is now “80+ ZERK SPEED NO [CLASS NAME]” and it is frustrating.

Also, I don’t know how to describe it, but it never felt tedious to replay GW1 content. It had a… quality I can’t put my finger on where I was okay doing certain instances over and over. Especially missions. “Today I feel like playing the mission where Rurik dies cause… why not and I can.”

Qwerkk – Asuran Engineer

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: holodoc.5748


1) Ability to manually select districts (Megaserver is still automated).
2) Hard/normal mode selection (ability for players in open-world to select how much damage they receive, hard mode would give a higher chance for rares).
3) Bringing back unique weapons (“greens”) which have a chance to drop only from specific bosses/events.
4) Return of mesmer hex mechanic
5) Return of mandatory full cooldowns on failed skill usage
6) Return of channeled pet charming mechanics from the original.
7) Return of support roles to necromancers especially wellomancers.
8) Separate skill sets for PvP and PvE.
9) Return of objective based PvP (similar to Fort Aspenwood, HA etc.)
10) I miss dwarfs.
11) Guild capes.
12) Capturing elite skills from bosses.

(edited by holodoc.5748)

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasp Sabreblade.5421

Rasp Sabreblade.5421

I miss the armor ignoring skills, hexes, roaming mobs, skill capturing and a number of Skills that either negated dmg or inflicted it back to the source, ie…sliver armor, stone flesh aura, holy wrath, SoJ and the hex skill spiteful spirit and insidious parasite to name a few.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hip.8435


Great contributions, everyone.

- I really miss seeing rankings in GvG: #22 South Central [cent] vs. #261 Plus Hiding [og]. It really gave you that feeling of an upset if the under-ranked team came out on top. I could see something like this working for WvW on a lesser scale.

- Guild of the week (cheesy, but I loved it)

- The chk chk sound if that skill was recharging or you were out of energy.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Things I miss about GW1….

Replayable Missions
Unique weapon drops from specific bosses (we sort of have this, but its just not the same)
Skill quests/hunting
Distinctive class looks (you knew a mes when you saw one)

Ugh the nostalgia hurts….

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


GW2 suffers from the same thing…

WAR did coming from DAoC
Post WotLK WoW did coming from pre WotLK WoW
Mass Effect 2+ coming from ME1
Dragon Age 2 coming from DAO
D3 coming from D2
the list goes on….

The original games were sort of “niche” meaning they appealed to RPG fans, and semi-hardcore gamers. Casuals and your average person would find a hard time jumping into the world and just having everything known/handed to them. But for those who “fit” in the niche it was an amazing experience.

Fast forward a few years and thanks to the success of industry once only looked at as for nerds/losers it became apparent that video games are the next big thing, the biggest thing in entertainment…bigger than hollywood.

So now all the big companies are run by businessmen instead of nerds/gamers like some of us (EA ACTIVICSION…NCSOFT) and video games are about “How many people and how much money can we make?”

So the marketing budget becomes bigger than the budget for the game itself, the core gameplay is made for the lowest common denominator as to appeal to the most people possible, and after a game is released it is severely neglected till the next cash in at an Xpac or DLC (see ncsoft diverting everything they have to Wildstar release instead of making GW2 better).

The only hope is “indie” devs like CDPR, who can pump out AAA titles in house, have no DRM, and release frequent and free updates, and generally care about the games they make. But TW3 and cyberpunk will tell if stay on this path.

Things I miss about Guild Wars 1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andiela.3759


-Ascalon (before destroying)- GW2 has beautiful zones, but this 1 will have always place in my heart
-Ascalion catacombs-really loved the mystery atmosphere
-Ritualist-even i dont miss holy trinity at all, but was really fun to heal with in pvp
-Alliance battles- the current spvp has similar design, but doesnt feel the same.
-Being young