(edited by Euthanizor.7241)
Things I personally wish were different about GW2
I understand your fustration with the weapon skill hamstringing. It fustrated me too at first. I loved GW1 where you could get a secondary class and infuse their skills into your rotation. Made the character unique and fun.
The problem with weapon based skills is: no diversity. Why should I, as a longbow wielding Ranger, be forced to switch from my beloved longbow just to be able to use more skills. Shouldn’t I be able to unlock more skills for that long bow?
No in order to get other weapon skills I have to switch weapons. Sure i may like the jump back shot or posion shot of the short bow. Since they are both bows why can’t it be learned for both weapons? I agree being able to choose your skills was a much more customizable expirence, making my character more unique, in GW1. I do miss that. I miss the diversity in building your character they way you want it.
That being said. I do love this game. It is my go to MMORPG. Hats off to Anet. Like I said my only real gripe is the hamstringing with the skills.
First of all, you should take the time to read this.. Whether bad or good, I’d really like to hear what you guys have to say about YOUR opinions on these topics.. Not my own.
For me, MMORPG’s have been about the journey of reaching a high lvl, getting gear, etc. However, I must say my biggest satisfaction about an mmo is the feeling I get when I go to a lower level area to farm, or help a friend of mine. The feeling of destroying things easily that I previously had a very hard time with is very satisfying.
I feel as if Guild Wars 2 has robbed me of the satisfaction of playing a character that feels powerful and unstoppable. This isn’t about why, or how.. Just in principle, that I feel like I’m playing a game that has no progression. I know they can’t remove the downscaling, I know a lvl 80 can’t come one shot a boss event in a level 15 area because it wouldn’t be fair to the people that are actually lvl 15.. But it’s a feature I hate.
Guild Wars 1 was all about the skills. Finding skills to perfect a build you think is going to be great! Finding elite mobs forcing you to bring 7 of your best skills and a signet of capture. Grabbing HUNDREDS of skills and trying to reach vendors all over the map. It was the one thing that made the game completely unique from other mmos’. Now.. I have 5 skills that I cannot change at all, one slot STRICTLY reserved for a healing skill, and 3 skills I can chose from…. REALLY? I’m sorry but I actually have some hard feelings over this. . I expected a skill system at least semi-similar to the first game.. I Have 3 slots to give my character his or her own skills. That’s it! I’m of course excluding the very few heal and elite skills provided.
See a warrior with a greatsword?? Well, I already know EXACTLY what he’s bringing to the fight… I can almost be sure what his healing skill will be along with his elite as well.. Most of the time it’s not even hard to guess what his whole 3 other skills are either.
The lack of the ability to change any of our 10 skills (to anything we want) is killin me…
I’m an extremely hard core GuildWars 1 player. I’m very disappointed on how the second game turned out.. I honestly bought it because after reading the book I had to keep the story going. I love the story, but I can’t say I’m really enjoying the game.
It’s hard for me to see how Arenanet went from a wonderful skill based game to a completely different jump.. This reminds me of how Mass effect turned out from 1-3.
Between the great story and the amazingly beautiful artstyle it’s hard for me to say anything bad about GW2. I just really dont like the lack of skill choosing/swapping/selection/diversity, and the the level downscaling. It’s too bad there isn’t many people playing GW1 anymore..-I miss Running a group for 2s to droks
-Sorrow’s furnace—(I frantically rushed to this dungeon.. I was very disappointed. . )
-Getting my armor infused
-Capturing elites
-SoS builds![]()
-Chest running in the underworld
-Ecto Farming.
-Vanquishing Hardcore modeSuch good times.. It’s all gone now. . .
We might be soulmates:
Missing the Drok’s run and elite caps like hell.
as a SoS ritualist I think the skill system in gw2 has more depth than 70% of the regular skills I use on gw1
I wouldn’t exactly use the words “it’s all gone now”. GW1 servers are still up and running.
I wouldn’t exactly use the words “it’s all gone now”. GW1 servers are still up and running.
Yeah, that’s viable. We’d be better off playing Skyrim, at least it was designed for single player.
So you miss hundreads of useless skills, henchmen AI and everything about gw1?
Go play gw1.
You hate downscaling? Its for sure one of the best features to be introduced in a mmo. It completly allows you to help players without utterly destroying their experience.
You and battle are playing the wrong game. Instead of flame baiting by not liking the game, move on and let others play the game their enjoying.
Why are you ppl so fixated in hating the game and wanting it to be gw1?
Edit : ill say it again, this skill system offers a whole lot more complexity and variety than gw1 could ever dream of
First of all, I asked for your opinion.. Not a comment on my own.. Second of all, it’s nice to hear i’m not the only one who dislikes the current system. It’s always better to know you’re not alone Anyways, I still feel as if this is a good enough game to play.. I’m certainly still playing in hopes for a change though..
I actually love the way skills are structured in GW2, so I’ll disagree. But then again, I didn’t care for GW much.
I too am disappointed by the lack of skill variety in GW2. I’d be perfectly content with having the 5 weapon skill slots reserved for weapon skills, but allowing us to choose them…but pigeon-holing us into skills based off of weapon type just dumbs it down. It destroys variety in skillsets and takes away from the strategy of skill builds.
Now, if there were a number of skills to choose from for the weapon skill slots—ANY sense of customization—I’d be perfectly fine with the skill system as it is. Maybe not even be able to pick all 5 slots, but at least SOMETHING.
Warrior hammer.
The 4th skill, staggering blow. What if I don’t want a knockback, but I want all the rest of the skills? Should I then be forced to pick a different weapon type so that I utilize all 5 skills? Or should I stick with hammer and only use 4 of the skills?
Let’s say that in stead of the 5 skills we are forced to use, we were given the option between 7 skills, two of which we had to use—the 1 and the 5 (the basic autoattack makes sense, as without it you can’t do anything if everything is on CD, and the 5 is the characteristic “big” skill for every weapon). That would give us slots 2-4 to customize and choose to our liking. So, I don’t like skill 4? Well, I’ve got 2 other options for that slot. Or I’d prefer to have skill 3 in the skill 2 slot? Well then I move it on over to the 2 slot!
I’m not asking for the hundreds and hundreds of skills from GW1—a large majority of those skills were barely used. What I’m asking for is some sense of customization when it comes to my skills, because the system that is currently in place is nothing close to that.
Oh, and while I’m at it, I might as well suggest that more elite skills be added in. There’s like what, 3 per profession? At least give us a little bit more variety than that…
tl;dr: I agree with you OP.
As much as I love GW2 I actually agree with you completely on the skill changes from GW1. In my mind, it was a superior system and the level of customization you had was fantastic.
But Anet stated many times that they simplified it to make balancing easier on their end. It’s unfortunate, but there’s no way they’re going to change that now, unless they allow people to customize one or two skills in each weapon. Which would never happen given the complexity that would involve.
I’ve more or less accepted the fun, but slightly duller list of skills available and heck, GW1 is still around so at least we can continue to play that.
Have to agree with the OP 100% – others will disagree of course as we’re all human with our own views.
But my own view of the game is that PvE in GW2 is no fun at all – mainly for the reasons listed in the OP’s opening comments.
GW1 was a real challenge, ensuring your skill sets were right – and in later instalments, those of your party as well (whether other players or your heroes).
And I think that’s where I think GW2 has fallen down – and I’ll give my opinion again, but it is only my opinion so don’t take offence.
In GW2, although it’s tagged as an MMO – in PvE you’re merely running around with other players. Although you may end up doing an event with them, there’s little or no actual social interraction…………………it’s just finish the event (usually killing a group of something) and everyone moving on.
Again only my view, but it feels like a lonely grind – rather than being fun.
The lack of being able to truly customise your character skill set, or actually customise a party for PvE is something I miss.
Hopefully that may be addressed in some future update – but for now I’ve actually spent more time on GW1, just going back to finish off quests with other players or my party as the PvE there seems more social.
Again that’s only my view – and I don’t profess to speak for anyone else. It’s a forum and we can all only post our views and hopes for the future of GW2.
My MMO goals are completely different from the OP’s, so I don’t find the level downscaling an issue – rather the reverse. I think levels are a very boring, formulaic method of progression in any case, so reducing the effect they have on the game is a good thing in my opinion. I once tried to level up some alts in GW1 and trying to get a group of your own level for some of the story missions on the starter island in Factions was literally impossible – those areas were crowded with bored level 20s offering to do all the content for you. I hated that.
The lack of a secondary profession in GW2, and the more restrictive skill load outs are a bit disappointing, and I don’t really like class-based systems anyway. Having said that, I think simplifying the system is better for PvP balance.
Overall, I think Anet have taken GW1 and turned it into a proper MMO instead of a a bunch of teenage infested chat channels with instances tacked on. There are lots of things I like about GW2 – dodging, fast-paced combat, beautiful areas that feel really alive, lack of quests, level scaling, not too many skill keybinds, no holy trinity, and so on.
There are a few mechanics I don’t like – for instance, why did they add Fear? It’s one of the stupidest forms of CC because instead of limiting your character’s options by imposing a penalty (such as stun, knock down, cripple) it’s actively taking control of your character and making it do something you didn’t tell it to. I disapprove.
Also, Anet have got this idea that the only ‘real’ pvp is arena style pvp, and therefore WvW is set up to cater for PvEers rather than somewhere you go to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.