Things I wish were fixed/altered
Dungeons are meant to be a challenge. Or at least they should be. The idea of being able to slam through a dungeon in 30 minutes, collect your loot and move on is about as exciting as anal polyps. I, personally, like the challenge. I want there to be a reason I’m doing it so in that sense I agree that rewards kinda suck, but you’re not really there to win rares and other stuff, you’re there for emblems.
Your downscaling problems just strike me as a personal problem tbh…a disconnect between expectations and results.
I’m going with Tradewind on this one
Just because you were lvl 80 in the top zones don’t expect that just cause you run back to Kessex Hills you get to be the lvl 80 uber kitten dropping champs like butter
You still have to strategize and think the bonus is you’re slightly more powerful than what the lvl of the zone has you at because of your equipment and traits
Don’t expect to pull 5 or 6 mobs in the area and live unscathed
If you’re getting rocked going back to lower level zones, it might be time to stop looking at what might be wrong with the game, and start looking at what might be wrong with you, because most people are not having that much of a problem. I plow through lower-level content, personally; if anything, I’d make downscaling a bit more strict.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
I want there to be a reason I’m doing it so in that sense I agree that rewards kinda suck, but you’re not really there to win rares and other stuff, you’re there for emblems.
The emblems is another problem for me, I personally don’t like that they make that each dungeon gives an unique type of token for an unique weapons/armors set (which on differ with others on the looks). It’s kind of forced players to do one dungeon over again and again.
They can make it only one kind of token for all the set, so, for example, I can enjoy doing all the dungeons while still gettin’ the set I want.
I want there to be a reason I’m doing it so in that sense I agree that rewards kinda suck, but you’re not really there to win rares and other stuff, you’re there for emblems.
The emblems is another problem for me, I personally don’t like that they make that each dungeon gives an unique type of token for an unique weapons/armors set (which on differ with others on the looks). It’s kind of forced players to do one dungeon over again and again.
They can make it only one kind of token for all the set, so, for example, I can enjoy doing all the dungeons while still gettin’ the set I want.
How is that going to stop people from running one dungeon? Instead of running the one they need, they’ll just run the one that’s easiest and fastest to accumulate as many tokens as they possibly can. You’re replacing one “grind” with another, just cleverly disguised, but at the same time you cheapen the process all together.
I pretty much agree with the OP on the level scaling and rewards. The cost of playing increases: Way Points (to meet up with friends/guildies/pugs); Repairs (for that moment of Oops); etc., but the rewards don’t scale to match.
Same issue with dungeons. Rewards don’t match the content difficulty at all.
I’ve found I’ve all but given up on getting any or all “Prestige” items. Carrot is way to far off in the Cabbage field and by the time I got it; it would be rotten.
I think the core issue for myself is a clash of goals between Anet and myself (and I’ve said this in another thread too). I want to experience the content looking like a hero, not a scrub. Anet wants me to experience the content THEN look like the hero.
Problem with their design (IMO) is that repeating that content so many times before I get to be the hero I don’t want to see it again. So if/when I get that “Prestige” gear, I’m needing new content. This will also put me into a position of not wanting to purchase the new content as I’ve yet to be able to fully enjoy the game as the hero.
Making the grind less will allow me to be the hero and look the part earlier so I enjoy the content at my leisure. Which means also playing alts, buying more character slots and so on. When new content is released, I’m jumping up and down to play it; and buy it.
What about long term goals though? Content and adventure… as long as I’m not looking like a scrub through it all. /shrug
That’s just my point of view though.
You’re clamoring for new content 2 weeks after release. There’s no time table that says you must have X gear by Y date. I think that’s what people are missing. The point isn’t to forsake your family, work and friends to grind out gear, but to do it gradually.
Personally I think “that other MMO” has spoiled a lot of people in terms of shattering the whole concept of long term goals.
How is that going to stop people from running one dungeon? Instead of running the one they need, they’ll just run the one that’s easiest and fastest to accumulate as many tokens as they possibly can. You’re replacing one “grind” with another, just cleverly disguised, but at the same time you cheapen the process all together.
I didn’t say that going to stop ppl runnin’ one dungeon, what I hope for is that it will make more ppl enjoy the game. I have a life, a family, work and friends. So of course when lookin’ for relax, I’d want something that I can enjoy doin’.
And by you say “easiest and fastest”, the dungeons in this game are so strangely unbalanced some of the lower lvl ones even harder than the higher lvl ones
which leave some really bad impressions on new players (like me). I still remember the very first time I run AC EM at lvl40, with 1 lvl80 and 3 60+, still, we got so many wipes and have to call it in the end (all thanks to the lvl scalin’, maybe). Is that a good thing or just my own personal problem, or ANet fault for offer me something out of my league (even tho they say I “can” do it, since it for lvl35)? :-s
I would say that your group had unrealistic expectations.
You’re clamoring for new content 2 weeks after release. There’s no time table that says you must have X gear by Y date. I think that’s what people are missing. The point isn’t to forsake your family, work and friends to grind out gear, but to do it gradually.
Personally I think “that other MMO” has spoiled a lot of people in terms of shattering the whole concept of long term goals.
Don’t see anything saying that.
Rather, they/we are saying the risk/reward for what there is is off balance. Going to lower level areas on a high level character often results in loss of income. This is made a key issue with how tight money is being made to earn by Anet’s settings.
In other words, playing through the content that is there results in a loss of revenue. If you are level 80, wanting to purchase max stat or “prestige” gear (the GW2 end game stuff); exploring the world is detrimental to that goal. It is wiser for the player to repeat the exact same events over and over in massive zergs until the player has their “end game gear”.
This set up goes against what Anet seems to want the players to do though. Spread out, play through the various areas. Explore. Adventure. Etc. Costs are too high to such such things.
What costs? There are costs? Unless you’re being chain downed in a dungeon the costs are far outweighed by the loot you received along the way. If you are however then the problem may not be with the game itself?
You’re still trying to justify having everything now versus having it a month or so down the road. Maybe you’re playing on your own? I don’t know, but between myself and friends we all have different goals for dungeons and spread the joy around accordingly. Not just hammering away at one place because I want my shinies now.
Nah. You’re reading into things too much and making unfair assumptions.
Maybe an example will help?
New player, a friend, starts out. I join him on my level 80. Costs me 4s to get to him. Drops in the area net only copper. Events net only copper. Takes a good while to recoup that single waypoint use.
Now, he is free to use the waypoints at a very low fee. I can then choose to follow or run behind slowing his progress… or return to playing in high level areas leaving him alone.
Dungeons are another issue. If I take my level 80 into, say AC Story with guildies. Get cheesed by a one shotter my repair costs are going to far out weigh theirs if they get cheesed.
Not too mention the waypoint cost of being un-rude and making them wait for me while I hoof it.
On top of that; the only loot I’ve gotten from dungeons is really bad blue items and white salvage junk. Bad luck maybe?
So, please don’t attack or assume things. If you are having issues understanding the problem; be polite and ask. Personally, I don’t see any other way to explain it. The costs of playing scale, yet the rewards do not scale to match without having to farm/grind.
Waypoints are an optional expense, I agree that if they are your primary mode of transit in gw2 you will find yourself very poor quickly. That being said gold is not hard to come by and even downscaled mobs have a chance to drop level appropriate gear worth more. Waypoints are also free in dungeons so I’m not entirely sure what you’re meaning on the dungeon waypoints thing.
I’m not attacking, just discussing. It should also be clear at 80 that gold is one of the limitations in this game, but it’s also not hard to make gold if you put the time into it.
Waypoints are an optional expense, I agree that if they are your primary mode of transit in gw2 you will find yourself very poor quickly. That being said gold is not hard to come by and even downscaled mobs have a chance to drop level appropriate gear worth more. Waypoints are also free in dungeons so I’m not entirely sure what you’re meaning on the dungeon waypoints thing.
I’m not attacking, just discussing. It should also be clear at 80 that gold is one of the limitations in this game, but it’s also not hard to make gold if you put the time into it.
I wish I could agree. My experience has been the opposite though. I may be missing something easy? I gather everything I see. Sell it on the TP. Salvage whites, merch blue and greens. Sell yellow and oranges on TP.
Problem is, I barely break even IF I try to join friends in places.
Low level drops are never scaled to my level unless in a dungeon. In which case it was merch trash worth nothing. Should I bug report this? Would seem silly to submit a bug report though on the basis of forum chatter though.
So I have to hold on to the idea that scaling needs to be looked at in terms of rewards.
As I had mentioned earlier, if the idea is to have players spread out more; then it needs to be made viable. I don’t want to farm or grind. I would much rather return to Queensdale or Harathi than spend another minute in Orr. However, until those areas net me equal rewards for my time, it’s not worth my time to do so; and after some time, I wont be able to afford it either.
You need to leverage your tradeskills. I made 20g in a couple nights doing nothing but sitting in town; buying low, selling high, crafting armor or runes or mystic forging cheap materials into better ones. Just for fun I mystic forge cheap rare dyes, it gets expensive but if you luck out and find yourself an Abyss Dye or any of the other valuable ones you can make as much as 10x your investment back just like that.
As for the scaling rewards I was referring to dungeons yes, not outside. Though they do drop low level crafting materials which sell for quite a bit.