Things I would like to see in GW2

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylox.9746


hello all, this is going to be a list i would like to see in future updates, feel free to add anything you would like to see as well

1: Expansion – i would like to visit some other areas, like cantha or elona, and experiment with some new classes cuz this game is kinda getting boring not much left to do but farm for gold. The living story stuff is good but it’s just way too short to keep my attention span

2a: More Skills – coming from both GW1 and Aion this game has a serious lack of skills combat is starting to feel too repetitive using the same dumb skills over and over and over again. how bout giving us some more skills and some new weapon skills that we can swap out our old ones and come up with new combos to make our characters more unique

2b: More Weapon Sets – in GW1 you could have up to 4 different weapon sets to switch between as the situation called for! adding more sets could give us access to more weapon skills to use as needed cuz sometimes on my Warrior i need to use a hammer instead of a greatsword and sometimes i need to use a rifle instead of longbow and ect. I think adding more weapon sets would be a great addition to make combat more interesting especially for the engineer cuz only able to use 1 weapon set really bugs the crap out of me, i know they can use weapon kits but that’s not the point!

3: Trade-able Ascended Weapons/Armor/Materials – Not that I don’t like farming Tequatl ever 3~4 hours hoping we might win and get something ascended if we do win COUGH and it’s not like I actually ignored the crafting system because i’ve had bad experiences with crafting in other MMOs, i did ignore the crafting system, but I think seeings that the TP has an option for ascended swag in the search options and Legendary weapons can be bought on the TP why can’t ascended stuff be trade-able as well? I think Ascended stuff should be Trade-able as well, especially if some1 in your guild like making gear for other guildies.

4: Fully Customizable Guild Halls/Forts/Strongholds/Castles – I think it would be fun to start working on a Guild Castle by starting small with a hall and expanding outward and being able to fully customize it to how you want it to look like for the Interior and Exterior, having living quarters Npcs wandering about in the courtyard talking about various places/events all that good stuff. and maybe adding some dynamic events for castle defense like centaurs, icebrood, branded, maybe even dragons attacking every once in a while and win guild merits for defending/retaking your compound

5: Guild Alliances – Some people have a hard time recruiting players to join their guild for some reason. with that being said, i think it would be a great idea to be able to make alliances between guilds and able to gain influence for those allied guilds at the same time so you don’t have to represent a certain guild to get influence for it.

6: Protected Guild Stash – I operate a small guild with family and friends, basically only people I trust, I’m afraid if i get too many people in that i don’t know to join and have stuff in the guild stash that they would loot it and quit the guild. I think it would be a good idea to implement “Guild Bound” items. Basically if it’s put in the guild storage it gets slapped with the Guild Bound status making it where it cannot be sold or salvaged but it can be destroyed. doing this will prevent looters and also if that player doesn’t need the Item anymore they can put it back into guild storage so someone else can use it if they need it

7: Preparations – One of my favorite Ranger abilities in GW1 were the preparations, why the heck were they removed from GW2? i know they add combos like whirl and flame aura but it’s not the same please bring them back

8: Flamethrower Range Fix – The range on the #1 flamethrower skill is 400 and the stream seems pretty long, but the enemy only gets damaged if it is closer than about 2/3rds of the full length of the Stream of Flames and enemies never take damage if the end of the stream hits them [see Attachment] it needs to be fixed please. Don’t take offense to the tree labeled dumb tree, i just called it that cuz it screwed up my angle for the range of the FT

that seems all there is now… if i think of more i will put more


Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


One thing I’d like to see are Dungeons that are part of the main story like Missions were in GW. Missions required you to group to progress the story. Yes you could use Hero/Henchies but Missions were more fun when grouped with other players.

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I want to see housing and boats……… oops Archeage is rubbing off of me.

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcrow.7513


OP you will not get that, instead enjoy the shallow achievement driven LS

i7 3770k oc 4.5 H100i(push/pull) 8gb Corsair Dominator Asus P877V-LK
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Indweller.1402


guild stash is easily fixed by limiting the ranks allowed to get into and withdraw from stash.

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylox.9746


Necro Skill: Animate dead post! mwa ha ha ha ha

nvm, anyhow i came up with a couple new things that should be added to GW2

1) Secondary profession… being able to cast a firestorm with my thief would be awesome! besides GW1 has a dual profession system so why cant this game?

2) Great Axes for the warrior… wouldn’t be that hard to add… just slap some GW1 axe skills on to it like Executioner’s Strike, Decapitate, Lacerating Chop, ect… [ link to GW1 Axe skills —-—> ] and just adjust the traits that affect axes to affect great axes as well, simple. the base attack animation could be the female guardian greatsword animation…. that one seems like it would work. maybe they could get Kit Rae to do some of the Great Axe skins

but in other thoughts… hopefully when they decide to add an expansion it will be GW utopia with the Summoner and Chronomancer professions, i really wanna see this!
[ link——> ]

(edited by Hylox.9746)

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


Sounds to me like you want Guild Wars 2.0. My apologies but that is not this game, and it won’t be., nor should it be. There are a good portion of us that like the game as is, and detested Guild Wars for what it was. It was meant to be a completely different game, it just shares the same lore.

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylox.9746


sorry if i sounded like that, i was just posting stuff to give the game more depth/customization

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


I get that, I really do. But I would suggest for customizability, suggest things that make sense in the current game. For example new Utility skills. Think of any class that you play regularly, and think of utility that could provide a niche for that class, or maybe help shift a niche from another class. I can’t really think of any examples off the top of my head as I currently enjoy the classes I play, I just swap between them when I get bored of one for a bit.

The customizability in this game is supposed to come from the healing, utility, and elite skills being used, along with the trait lines and traits. Weapon skills were designed to be static.

I’m all for changes or additions to the game that can add customization, but I don’t think changing the core design of the game is the route to go. If Anet feels different about it, then of course they can change it when ever they want.

Btw, I think Guild Halls would be a great idea. I doubt I’ll ever be in a guild big enough to have a really nice one, but the idea itself could be a lot of fun.

(edited by Fatalyz.7168)

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hylox.9746


see idea #2 up at the top of the post… besides i thought of skills that would be useful in many situations in GW2 that i had in GW1 and they ain’t in this game and most of the utility skills in GW2 suck there are only a select few utility skills that are actually useful. it’s just that i find, due to my bad luck, i get myself into terrible scrapes with my thief were whirling defense or ride the lightning would save my butt big time, that’s why i suggested the dual prof thing….

p.s. Ray of Judgement in GW2 SUCKS!!!!!

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


You’re number 2 also mentioned being able to swap out weapon skills. If you want to refine it down to just utility skills, then I agree, more utility skills would be nice. I personally don’t believe that this was a game that was intended to overwhelm a new player with a massive amount of skills to use. Also another thing to remember, is that quality of skills should be more important that quantity. It doesn’t matter if you have 200+ skills to choose from, if you are only ever going to use 5-6 (remember, you can only have 3 utility skills at any given time). I also came from Aion (played since beta til 4.5), but I found keeping up with all of the different skills that you had at your immediate disposal, as well as what your opponent had, it just became exhausting. That is one of the things that I like about gw2, that there is a limited amount of skills that each profession can choose from and equip, as well as knowing that seeing what weapons they have equipped tells me what they can or can’t do.

Dual-professions does not seem to be a good way to go with the current set up of the game. For one, how would it work? You have the class mechanic to think about. If you were a Thief/ele for example, how would you change attunement to get the desired effect? You could add it as F2-F5 skills, but then what good would being able to change attunements do when, let’s say you are using daggers as a thief, you already have dagger skills. They could allow you choose what weapon skills you have based on attunement, but then that could allow you to completely remove any disadvantage that a d/d thief would have as well as a d/d ele. It would make balancing a complete nightmare. You could just do it where you get access to the utility skills of the other profession, but those would be really situational in use as you wouldn’t have the trait options to get bonus affects or cool down reduction on some of those skills.

You mentioned having ride the lightning as a thief being able to save your butt. As a thief you have plenty of stealths and blinds to get you out of trouble. Failing that, swap to short bow, and 5 away from your enemy and run for the hills.

For things to suggest on adding, Utility skills would be nice, but imo, they should fit thematically with the class. Even Elite skills.

There was a Ready UP not too long ago where they went over each class and what their intent of the class was vs. what the players thought the design intent behind each class was. Was a pretty good episode and I would recommend watching it, if you haven’t seen it.

Edit: That was why I made the comment about it sounding like you wanted Guild Wars 2.0. There is nothing wrong with wanting that, it’s an observation on my end.

(edited by Fatalyz.7168)

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avascar.9237


A set of unique features I would love on Guild Wars 2:

- Ship combat, customization, and exploration along with events
- GvG
- Airship and flight combat and customization
- Player Housing and customization
- Capes

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


I want player housing – that I can decorate.

I’d like mounts – because I’m sick of running.

And honestly, I’d like a reason to have something besides berserker/speed dps gear in PVE.

I’d like to have several viable specs rather than one ‘approved’ build. (for pve)

I’d also like scaling instances.

Capes would also be pleasant.

I’d like the personal story to be personal again, & a bit more variety & choice in quests. Every Charr, human and Norn should still have a different path to follow, apart from my Asura. And by this, I mean, I want a reason to play all my alts.

Things I would like to see in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


A set of unique features I would love on Guild Wars 2:

- Ship combat, customization, and exploration along with events
- GvG
- Airship and flight combat and customization
- Player Housing and customization
- Capes

Do ho ho ho ho!