Things to do at 80?
we all need this “help” you speak of.
i really fear for this, i dont want to become bored of the game to soon i really like it. but hereing you and others say this it makes me worryd. i gess you could wait till the dlc comes out on the 15th. or really make an alt. or get the best gear in game i’m not sure you decide.
i really fear for this, i dont want to become bored of the game to soon i really like it. but hereing you and others say this it makes me worryd. i gess you could wait till the dlc comes out on the 15th. or really make an alt. or get the best gear in game i’m not sure you decide.
Already have the best gear stat wise, and refuse to make another alt, untill there are players to do the events with, so i guess i just gotta find another game to play untill the 15th…….but im afraid if i leave, i may not come back:(
new dlc: In the podcast, Colin said a new type of dungeon would be added where as you move through it, it gets progressively harder and harder, but with better and better rewards. He also said the new zone would be there to stay, and the one time event would change all of Tyria, just like the Lions Arch Lion statue is now gone…or something like that. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
edit: the dungeon is in this zone. He also said they’re working on more ENDGAME CONTENT as we speak. He didn’t even deny the working of 10 person “dungeons”
The game is literaly huge, but…
A lot of people need some form of ‘reward’, playing for fun doesnt seem to cut it at all these days. I feel you fall into this catergory, so it doesnt matter much what anyone will say, if you are bored you are bored.
Personally I would recomend pvp, especially www, taking part in epic battles is a real good brawl. Or, explore. Go places, especially around the edge of maps and mountains, the game has a lot of hidden areas.
You mention DE’s, go to a new zone and play ones you havent yet. With 1500 DE’s I find it hard to believe that anyone has done them all.
If you are stuck for players, add me and transfer to Aurora. I am 80 but play through lots of low regions all the time
Well, I mainly like playing with my friends, so I just do what they’re doing. The game is more entertaining if you have a goal in mind, so you feel a sense of progression. For me, my current goals are to level all professions to 80, hoard 200g to get a title and gear up the alts, and get dungeon master. There’s plenty to do at endgame, but that depends whether or not you want to do those activities. It’s not for everybody.
If you go through the list of things to do in GW2 and can’t find yourself enjoying it, then you’ve probably reached your limit of enjoyment for the game. Maybe you need to take a break and wait for the new content. GW1 and GW2 PvE endgame, in my experience, has been about setting a goal and achieving it within the game. Some would call it a completionist’s paradise.
Here’s a few things off the top of my head for activity ideas:
-Aesthetic Collection
-Rerolling For New Profession/Race Perspective
-Dungeons (story/explorable)
-Mini Dungeons
-Jumping Puzzles
-World Completion
-General Farming
-Legendary Weapon
-Mystic Forge Experimentation
-Alternate Personal Story Paths
The above is essentially a majority of the game’s features, and for the most part, level does not hinder you from doing most of these activities. Level is mainly a barrier for better equipment, map/instance access, and traits. If none of the above really interests you, then you may be one of those players who want some kind of content progression, so you’ll probably have to wait for a content update of some sort.
I think the “feeling of progression” is the key phrase here. For sPvP players, they can probably feel it when they get better at defeating their opponents. WvW players may feel it when they have a better grasp of the map layout and learn new strategies to take down their opponents. PvE players have a larger spectrum of variables, whether it’s aesthetics or player skill in instances.
I agree with Lightrayne’s post. For me the one thing that I do miss after reaching level 80 is having no more skills to unlock. Perhaps someday in the future they will add something where you can level up individual skills or maybe just add more in general? Im overall happy with the game but I do think the best part was exploring, leveling up and trying out the new skills. This is a good reason to consider leveling an alt. After leveling Necromancer to 80, trying out Engineer and Guardian is a whole new way of playing with a bunch of new skills to unlock and figure out. Perhaps you will like it better than your first class. As for the lack of people, perhaps look for a large guild to join. You could also try leveling up through crafting with your alt, using resources from your main. Once you get to 60+ you can complete the zones as they give good rewards. Who knows, if you get into PvP you could start a guild and lead a group into battle.
I am with you. I am rather surprised that my interest in this game is diminishing so soon. It’s like only three months?
I dont’t play game much and the only ones I played are MMOs. Well, this is only my third MMO. The other two MMOs I enjoyed for about four, maybe five years.
My BF has played GW1 before (I have not) and based on his experience in GW1 he strongly recommeded this game to me. But he’s not playing GW2, he has overseas commitment for about another year.
I have a lvl 80 Ele and lately I have been logging in for lesser and lesser playtime. I have not played this game for the past 24 hours and I am surprised that I didn’t miss it.
Why? Nothing is fun or exciting anymore. I want to play game the way I enjoy and not to find things to do just for the sake of playing the game.
My Ele has full exotic sets and they are are transmuted (spelling?) to my favourite looking armor set. Everyday I login, just to make a few runs along the Pentinent Path or do the Plink DE. After one to two hours and earning just 3-4 gold , I got bored and logged out.
The Halloween events are more for those hardcore players who are willing to spent tens of hours doing those jumping quest. Bleh.
Gold are very hard to earn and all the drops I get from monsters, veterans, champions and bosses are useless and worthless. Everything is so expensive on the TP. I farmed with MF plus the 50% boost I bought with Gems and yet nothing is worth more than 20 silver on the TP. I vendored 99% of my drops. My opinion is, every MMO is about money or gold. And this game make it so difficult to earn them.
So when I see advertisements about surprises from the Mad King event and the upcoming Lost Shores updates, I go ‘meh’, more disappoinments and crappy drops.
I tried starting on a new character and my warrior is lv 19 and I realised that 90% of the time the DEs are empty or with just a couple of players. What happen to the 15-30 player crowd? No inflow of new players? So soon?
I am also having problem running from point A to point B trying to avoid the mobs. I have to stop and kill them every now and then, otherwise I have will be ‘snarred’ to death. I am wasting a lot of unwarrented time. I don’t have this problem with other MMOs.
I know alot of GW fans and full-time-hardcore game players who has devoted hundreds of hours into this game and are still enjoying it. Perhaps this game is targeted mainly for these groups of players. ‘Shrug’.
Don’t get me wrong. I love this game.
Every month, I have spent hundreds of real life money on MMOs, including this one. And I really want to continue loving GW2 for a long time. I am just disappointed that although this game offers alot of stuff to do but few really interest me or lasted, unlike my past experience with other MMOs.
Disagree you may but this is my opinion.
(edited by Mil.3562)
I have put in over 600 hours now. I still do not have a level 80. My highest is a sylvari ranger level 64. I find I am struggling to find the energy to log in. I think it’s simply I am bored with the game. This makes me sad as I waited so long for it to come out.
I have tried sPvP and enjoyed it for a while, but the same maps over and over bored me in the end. I have no interest in becoming a tPVP god, (I would fail at that anyway cos I am an average joe in PvP)
I have tried WvWvW and zerging around a massive map and having to run miles back when I die got old. The lag is simply appalling for me too.
I am bored of the PvE the zones are just too similar, the “quests” are the same ones repeated.
From what I read on here about Orr I am not really interested in getting to end game.
The dungeons I tried once, (AC) and I found the experience to be dreadful at best! I have zero interest in going back. I did not even get to finish this first one as the group broke up after 2 hours in there. We only got two of the bosses down. This was on story mode, that is meant to be the first dungeon in the game and relatively simple to do. The bosses themselves were not too bad, although the mechanics of the fights was very simple and not challenging. Anet seem to think “load ‘o’ hit points and loads ‘o’ one shots” makes for challenge!
Crafting also makes me break out in hives with the tedium of it.
All in all I think it comes down to the fact I am bored of MMO’s This one promised alot and delivered little of the promises. “Swing a sword, swing a sword again” IRL I raise one eyebrow and shake my head Roger Moore style.
I so want to like this game, I simply cannot force it any more.
There’s not a lack of things to do, just a lack of any reason to do them.
“Fun,” sure, but the fun in RPGs is all about context and incentives, for many players. When I want straight-up fun aimless gameplay, this is definitely not the genre I’m looking for it in. I’ll go play a shooter, or a console fighting game or something like that, instead.
edit I should add I do not feel ripped off. 600+ hours has been excellent value for money. I have spent a little on gems for storage and an extra character slot too. I enjoyed my time in Tyria. But not anymore is all.
Personally, I like the whole exploration and such. Doing dungeons is fun for me. So are solving jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons, even if I need to get a guide to finish =P Did you try sPvP or WvW? I’m not a big WvW fan, but it is growing on me…If not, always the 15th.
What I do:
I login.
Find Ori and Mith nodes plus some woods.
Sell them to TP.
Chat with guildmates.
WvWvW on a Friday night (Saturday morning here in my place)
Do Jormag/Orr events.
This is becoming repetitive. I hope there are some major major events, like someone (or if possible a horde of dragons) is trying to invade a major city, Lion’s Arch, perhaps?