Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
My full condi specced Necro previous to patch was getting around 16 – 20 stacks of bleeding and hitting for about 2400 per tick.
Now I get up to 18 – 22 stacks and only 2000 dmg…
Please help use bleeding necros!
They nerfed condi damage to make up for the 1500 stack cap instead. Although burning is the one that needs a looking at. Bleeding is fine.
Bleeding is not fine, it got nerfed heavily. The break even point is freaking 2050 condition damge, wtf.
Also, plz don’t use the “they nerfed it due to the new cap” fallacy. That simply doesn’t make any sense. The cap is only important when it comes to huge group fights, it doesn’t matter at all when you are looking at a specific condition or profession.
Every condition is fine. It’s just burning that is causing the problem. Look at combat log.
This image courtesy of.. Fortis Arcana (EU TTS Leader).
Holy crap!
Are you going to address how you forced characters to train into builds using their hero points without their consent? :o
2) We look at what you had equipped and unlock the necessary skills and traits to re-equip you. Here were some discussions points around that:
- We might give you stuff you don’t want
- at least this won’t matter for lvl 80s if we make all the unlocks possible by just reaching lvl 80.
I understand and agree with you on most of that, however, some of my traits/skills chosen for me didn’t even come close to what I had before.
I didn’t care what you picked for my 80’s because I immediately went in and trained everything to 100%. The lower toons, however have some really bad “equivalents” of what we had.
If a player is learning to play a toon anyway, what is wrong with them learning how to trait and choose skills from the start or however far along they are in progression. For Vet players like me, your choice of what “closely resembles what I had before”, simply did not resemble what I had before.
Please believe me when I say I am not complaining, but rather just pointing out that the choices made to emulate prior builds did not translate well at all.
Catalyph: spec for condi damage, wait for another condi player to try to explode on you, auto pass condi back to them.
Every condition is fine. It’s just burning that is causing the problem. Look at combat log.
This image courtesy of.. Fortis Arcana (EU TTS Leader).
That’s just insane damage
Every condition is fine. It’s just burning that is causing the problem. Look at combat log.
This image courtesy of.. Fortis Arcana (EU TTS Leader).
……………………seems like that should have been noticed.
Burning is OP.
But the problem isn’t really burning.
Its the skills that apply it.
Burning is intended to be a hard hitting condition with limited applications.Skills that apply burning were “balanced” around applying a stacking duration burn.
using the engineer example, Blowtorch+incendary powder+incendary ammo+throw naplam was not intended to be stacked intensity. what was 1 burn over like 20seconds…
is now, 3 stacks blowtorch for 11seconds, 2 stacks powder over 8s,3 stacks IA over 7s, and 6 stacks napalm over 6s… 14 stacks of burning applied in like 2 seconds.
There is cooldowns here… but, the cooldowns make sense for a +duration condition, not one that stacks intensity.
This is the main problem I agree. Nerfing curreont Burning formula is wrong, cause it’s ok I think. The thing that should be toned down is the skills that do massive application of them. Like blowtorch should have longer durations, but less aplications imo. Then it would do same as it did in past. And that’s what you would have to try to achieve.
Thanks for letting us know Mr. Peters! Even with the unbalances, I love this update. I haven’t played in months and now you got my hyped for HoT!
To make conditions not useful?
Conditions were always useful and every build was always useful.
Maybe in PvP, but in PvE there were always beyond useless. What was the point of having 5+ condimancers attacking a boss when there is a cap of 25…
Thank you John for informing us. I am happy with my mesmer and I just hope no nerf come across mesmer pretty please
Please, for a love of whatever of the GW God’s you choose…get a test server. It is just unacceptable to me personally to see an entire game get unbalanced and the community have to play the waiting game until things are corrected.
This happens, because as bright as the people balancing things are, they simply cannot predict what is going to happen in a mass environment with live players. Can run all the algorithms in the world and that won’t stop a few players from devising a way to totally ruin the game.
Also, I don’t think we should pin this on conditions being too strong. I think everything is too strong.
I understand that this would be helpful but in the absence of a test server, which is our current situation, we will do as much as we can as fast as we can. We made some changes today and more will be coming as the week goes on. After that our intention is to make balance and bug fix changes to this stuff every couple of weeks leading up to the release of HoT.
Also, not everything is too strong, just all forms of damage.
All forms of damage?
Condi users except Necros cause they have no burning (except terribad Dhuumfire
) and compared to eg. engi incredibly low bleed application. 1 skill doing 12 bleeding stacks compared to Necro skills that do like 3-4 max. even with massive self sacrifice on eg. Blood is Power… hardly seems fair.
Do me a favor and actually provide a source to claiming a single skill for engis can inflict 12 stacks of bleed will you? Because I actually play an engi, and I dont see any such skill. The highest bleed stack application I’ve been able to for engis is blunderbuss, with 4 stacks if you’re in melee range.
“I understand that this would be helpful but in the absence of a test server, which is our current situation, we will do as much as we can as fast as we can.”
Jon, you deserve your own bespoke title for speaking these words. I believe you are first person to publicly admit to not having a test server. I’m very impressed.
Thank you for all your amazing efforts on my favourite game.
All forms of damage?
- Why is Retaliation singled out as the one source of damage that doesn’t benefit from Vulnerability?
- Confusion was changed so that fast/slow attackers were less of an issue… will anything similar be done to make Retaliation more reliably useful?
Thanks for pointing this out.
PS: Jon, if all damage is too strong, then burning must really be off the charts being the strongest damaging condition and its damage is so far above all the rest. Also, please don’t completely kill my condi mesmer that was just upgraded from a troll build in WvW to something kind of viable here and there.
This patch should aptly be named the Burn Baby Burn Patch.
Cause thats what you do. On a side note it requires you to be more defensive and use condi removal effectively.
Burn seems a tad high but please don’t nerf it to much.
The rest seem fine.
Do NOT lump in Condition Necro with the “too strong” condition builds. It is terrible and it needs a lot of buffs.
Hey Jon.
Just wanted to say that overall I really like the changes you guys made. I even like where both condi and power damage are (even though I’ve had a few WTKitten moments already). If you guys look into reverting anything, may I just suggest the nerf to vigor? It seems like there’s more opportunities to burst harder than before, and the previous level of dodging would be great for the current pace of combat.
TBH all I am thinking right now is.. why have they tried to re-invent the wheel here.
Conditions dmg in PvP was fine, maybe even a little OP in many cases.
PvE has always been meehhh for condition builds because of the constant desire to make everything a zergwar and in doing so conditions became negated by the cap .. ok understand the issues but what you have now tried to do by a wing and a prayer (without any real idea how it would work out in a live environment – by your own admission) is to reinvent the whole condition wheel at once rather than playing with it one spoke at a time.
What I would of thought would of been logical was to of firstly re-visit your mob / critter tables and actually consider what they are and assign the necessary condi / direct dmg immunities and vulnerabilities (yes some do have immunities I know, but certainly not all and some defo require more logical buffing/counter buffing)..
Then when your mobs are primed, perhaps with small hp buffs and specific counter measures in their kitten nal.. then go back to the actual conditions and one by one tweek their outputs, not simply rejig their whole mechanics without first seeing what simple condition buffing would do with an improved cap mechanic.
What we now have is a complete overkill on some condi’s while others have been given more complex make ups…. (lets hope the NPE will stand up to the test this time, wouldn’t wanna over confuse them with things like confusion etc would we )
Conditions in general worked fine.. some needed some buffing, some a little downscaling but not totally reinventing the mechaincs.
With all the other changes this has made condi builds far to OP, more complex in a changing build system and untested in a live environment.. but hey the particle effect show for the 2-3 seconds an event lasts now is simply amazing.. I mean it was hard to spot what it was you were hitting prior to patch but now.. thank god for name tags.
Did the formula actually changed? or did i miss out a nerf for bleeding?
There was a last second nerf for bleeding.
The pre patch notes state that by now the formula would be “2 + (0.30 * Level) + (0.075 * Condition Damage)” but instead it ended up being “2 + (0.25 * Level) + (0.06 * Condition Damage)”. Which means the break-even point is now somewhere above 2000 condition damage and not around 700 as “promised”.
So yes, unless you have BiS gear and focus completely on condition damage your bleeds are weaker now.
I see :0… thanks for explaining it so clearly to me
SCREAM Why would you trait all eles to EARTH. ALL OF THEM. WHY?? I had no points in Earth, WHY? My ten other under level 80’s were all given stats that were appropriate but every ele, every last one, was given Earth. Every ele I ask got Earth too. WHY?
I’m not going to grind to 80 just so ‘everything is unlocked’ to fix your mistake, that’s bullkitten and you know it. I’m not going to do 60 hero challenges to fix your mistake, that is also bullkitten. Why, just why? I’m playing with a handicap now if I want to enjoy those toons instead of the boost every other toon on my account got.
eh? Must have been a small sample. My elementalist who is 67 doesn’t have a single hero point in Earth. Pic attached.
My level 27 Ele was specced into Earth, but that’s fine with me since it was going to be my primary spec anyway. Maybe it has something to do with the current attunement you were on when the patch went live, as long as you were below the level required to get traits unlocked pre-patch?
Do NOT lump in Condition Necro with the “too strong” condition builds. It is terrible and it needs a lot of buffs.
seriously…… dont do it….
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.
This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.
So basically.. all characters between 20-30 got kittened from what I’m reading by auto traits that they didn’t train in, didn’t have points in, or didn’t appear to be leaning towards. I have not spoken to a single ele between 20-30 who didn’t have Earth auto specced (if you have two trait lines or three, I’m not talking about you – I’m talking about those who only have one).
So eles all got Earth, it sounds like thieves were all given Shadow Arts, necros got Death Magic, engis seem to have Inventions, rangers have Wilderness Survival, and warriors have Defence. Unsure on others. Again, if you have more than one trait line, I’m not talking about you, but if you logged in on a lowbie (20-30) and had a different SINGLE trait line autoed than those listed – please comment. I’m curious if people were just stuck with one or if this “you traited towards that” really applies.
It also doesn’t seem to matter if you previously did hero challenges or not – a toon with 15 hero challenges done and a toon with none done are still specced 60 points. There might be a difference in Utility skills but I’m not seeing one yet.
Just getting these out there so we know we are all in agreement:
1) Conditions seem a bit strong
2) World bosses are currently too easy
3) There are some bugged skills and traits
4) There are some overpowered buildsWe won’t fix it all at once but these are four large topics we are talking about. In the meantime keep the feedback and bug reports coming, and I guess farm up some world bosses. We are dedicating time towards these issues and are intending to resolve them as quickly as possible. As we have said before, the live environment differs too greatly from anything we can reliably simulate internally so big changes like today’s build will cause things to sometimes change at an alarming rateTM.
Thanks for your patience,
Yes, some builds will need tweeking, others are fine.
As far as world bosses go, one thing to keep in mind: up till this point anything more than 1 condi user in a zerg was a huge drag… they would be lucky to be doing 10% of the damage of a power build but contributed the full scale up effect. Before megaservers, I could routinely kill Golem Mk2 in less than 90 seconds with 3 players in power builds. The Teq world record speed kill pre patch had slightly more than 13 min left on the clock. Whenever you would attend any world boss event where almost all the players present were using power builds, the boss would die very fast.
I’m concerned with the assertion that conditions are to strong. As a bleed ranger I can briefly spike my ticks into the 4k range ONLY when I’ve gotten a large amount of might from other players and I’m making use of multiple steroids. Direct damage builds are easily spiking in the 8-10k range in a variety of scenerios. Burn stacking might be out of hand a bit, but poison/bleed feel fine imo.
Hey Jon, besides all that balancing and bug fixing, are you guys also aware of this ?
Btw., what made me ponder yesterday was, that even though I didn’t see any significant difference in the number of my stats, i felt like dishing out way more dmg. Example: my wife and me decided to have some WvW fun with our rangers. Quickly set up a build being quite close to what I played before, checked my stats, reckognized that Power, Crit. Chance, Lifepool was all about as pre-patch but boy… my actual damage was way higher than before.
Had one funny situation with a thief running up to us, stealthing himself while still being out of range. Sneaked up, 1-hitted my wife… just to get insta-downed after half of my rapidfire. That was our “wtf happened to all that damage” moment
What was probably happening in your WvW encounter was: said thief was full zerk and hadn’t changed his or her gear to reflect the stats lost from the trait lines. So that thief had roughly 3,000 less hitpoints and 300 less toughness. So yeah, one rapidfire is more than enough to kill a glass cannon player with 10k hitpoints.
Besides world bosses Silverwastes is absolutely broken. I don’t really care about world bosses dying too fast, cause they have always been easy, but the most challenging pve content (fractals and dungeons excluded) has become seriously lame and super easy. I really like the new condition update, so just buff the enemies by giving them more health, armor or whatever. Silverwastes is the map where I spend 95% of my time and where I have the most fun by far and I don’t wanna see it becoming boring and ruined.
Is condi not nerfed enough already? u need 750 just to get the base dmg pre patch
i mean cmon r condi builds suppose to be free kills or smt?
If you need to increase world boss and some other mobs health, fine.
If you need to reduce damage in PvP in general, fine.
But PLEASE, whatever you do, DON’T balance Pve according to PvP balance issues.
Most people haven’t even realised conditions can be viable now in Pve. There are still so many groups for dungeons only searching for zerkers.
People haven’t even got the idea of useful condition specs in their heads.
PLEASE don’t kill condis in Pve again before we even had a chance…
(On a side note: Why the nerf to bleeding? That’s realy unfair for classes like the warrior with stuff S/S who mainly rely on their bleeds T.T )
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.
But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Did you know I bought a mystic forge for 1000g since Anet said they would never bring it back, then like a week latter it is 300g and back in the game? I’m very very upset.
Did you know I bought a mystic forge for 1000g since Anet said they would never bring it back, then like a week latter it is 300g and back in the game? I’m very very upset.
Please show where they guaranteed they would never bring it back? I’m pretty sure Anet has always said they could bring back rare items at any time.
I wanted to chime in and agree with the common sentiment that the issue isn’t with the new condition formulas, it’s with the skill balance.
Some condition-applying skills are very obviously over-tuned and some are just as obviously under-tuned. This has really always been the case and has always been ignored (sword auto for warrior vs. thief auto for pistol), it’s just more obvious now.
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
It’s not a binary, it’s a spectrum. Some weapons are designed to be mostly power-exclusive, and some are designed to be mostly condition-exclusive. Most are in the middle somewhere and intended to be at least mostly viable with either/or.
That said, I do agree that the condition damage problem is mostly related to individual skills as opposed to conditions as a whole.
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
It’s not a binary, it’s a spectrum. Some weapons are designed to be mostly power-exclusive, and some are designed to be mostly condition-exclusive. Most are in the middle somewhere and intended to be at least mostly viable with either/or.
That said, I do agree that the condition damage problem is mostly related to individual skills as opposed to conditions as a whole.
That would have been ok if gear was set up that way. But currently you have 100% direct damage gear (zerker/assassin), 100% condition damage gear (Rabid/Carrion/Rampagers), and 90% condition + 90% direct damage gear (Sinister).
So either sinister needs to be nerfed significantly, or weapons need to be either or, not both and.
a blanket nerf seems most likely however
I wanted to chime in and agree with the common sentiment that the issue isn’t with the new condition formulas, it’s with the skill balance.
Some condition-applying skills are very obviously over-tuned and some are just as obviously under-tuned. This has really always been the case and has always been ignored (sword auto for warrior vs. thief auto for pistol), it’s just more obvious now.
yea so buff the skills which is useless why make it useless for everyone
A blanket nerf could push the weaker damage sets even lower… Magi, Nomad, Shaman, Settler, etc. They can’t handle that.
My magi ranger beastmaster is already weaker than before (I think part of it was the bleeding formula changes and the fact that cats by default have 0 condition damage.)
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Weapons can still cater to both condition and power builds but individual skills shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with having both condition and power skills on a weapon, but each skill should either be condition or power based, not both. Cos if you have both then … well we are currently experiencing the result.
Blanket nerf is not required
Change condition damage scaling, per profession, if necessary, so the trade in power for conditions damage works better.
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Weapons can still cater to both condition and power builds but individual skills shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with having both condition and power skills on a weapon, but each skill should either be condition or power based, not both. Cos if you have both then … well we are currently experiencing the result.
Well, I actually think it’s probably fine for them to have both, they just need to balanced more carefully.
To anyone specifically saying Sinister is a problem, don’t forget about Rampager. Same three stats.
The whole hybrid thing does kinda sound like a problem now that I’m hearing people talk about it. But don’t suggest nerfing conditions as a way of balancing this. If hybrid gear is OP, do something about hybrid gear/ skills that have high damage in both.
Realistically, once the numbers are balanced, the main tipping point should be in the traits. If having high direct damage or high condition damage requires traiting for it, then you wouldn’t be able to spec to have ridiculous amounts of both.
I specify ridiculous amounts. If you trait to be a hybrid on purpose, your conditions combined with your direct damage should still end up with, over the course of a long fight, equivalent total dps to a full direct or full condition build. Having hybrids not be OP is a good thing, but making hybrid not an option wouldn’t be so great.
Just glad to see Anet acknowledging and willing to address this hopefully in a timely manner. Playing my necro was obscenely cruel. 12 bags in 3 seconds? really? It doesn’t even give people time to fight.. that isn’t a fight it is an execution. I think many though see this thread and are relieved it is being addressed and feel no need to comment since you guys already know it is a problem.
I just hope Anet don’t nerf down the conditions too much, that would make soloing some small enemies imposible. Instead what’s needed is to buff up some world bosses
Edit: Actually it could be a good time to revamp most of them, since they’re a joke or you need to just stand in a claw and press 1 (looking at you, shatterer).
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Weapons can still cater to both condition and power builds but individual skills shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with having both condition and power skills on a weapon, but each skill should either be condition or power based, not both. Cos if you have both then … well we are currently experiencing the result.
Well, I actually think it’s probably fine for them to have both, they just need to balanced more carefully.
“Balancing more carefully” is pretty hard to do when the damage formulas you are forced to used are universal and don’t differ on a skill to skill basis.
Having power and condition damage work the same way for every skill may have sounded like a good idea back when they designed GW2, but it nonetheless was a mistake. Now they cannot simply change how effective power and condition damage is based on what skills they are currently looking at. They can’t make the bleed from a necros scepter do more damage cos the direct damage portion of the attack is so low. All they can do is to change how much base direct damage a skill does and how many stacks of a specific condition it applies. And this is, given that using a skill still needs to be fun and rewarding, is quite limiting.
Are you going to address how you forced characters to train into builds using their hero points without their consent? :o
Really, bro? They gave you back all of the SP you previously used and much more.
I like the condition changes, in WvW I play both roaming hours and guild/zerg hours.
The conditions are fairly balanced. The zergs can clean and outheal conditions in the zerg, straglers and tailers are killed of by condi builds. most ppl in the zerg run power builds (still) but the in-zerg condition users actually tag now as well also doing good damage.
In 1 vs 1 most tanky builds die fairly instant to condi roamers, noticably (PU) condi-mesmers. This is mostly due to the enourmous amount of -DIFFERENT- conditions condi mesmers stack and the near impossibility to get the source.
It’s not bleeding and/or poison: it’s the combinations of bleeds and fire, poison and torment and confusion and immo’s/stun/dazes from behind the invisiblity which is very frustrating as CLEANS DO NOT HANDLE 5 CONDITIONS permanently on a character……
This goes in lesser version for
The 4 last mentioned are less problematic due to 1 simple thing the damage is done structured, with a reasonable expectation you’ll Expecting or doping stacking bleeds and some poison with other conditions just appearing once every while. Engi’s can put down quite some different conditions very fast. (though they tend to die fast as well..)
A condi mesmer however can put up a staff clone, the phantasmal mage and a scepterclone and let them spam conditions while being safe beind a veil. leaving you to figure out wher he went while you NEED to kil the clones to survive. these clones will stack up confusion fast killing you when you want to clean/heal/kill of clones.
This can be somewhat frustrating. I was fighting a condi mesmer in wvw and lost… ok, so I changed to MY condimesmer and nobody engaged , they just ran at first sight. 3 to 4 ppl just ran, gathered reinforcements and attacked with 6 to 8 and I got 4 downed and 1 killed. -SOLO- This was in WvW, with stacks and buffs. My mesmer runs ~2300+ condition damage with food. And damage from single conditions is quite considerable. they died quickly in the beginning but a shout heal warhorn warrior and a shout guards came in and neutralized me.
HEALING SCALES BADLY, many builds lost all their healing and the scaling from healing power has been NERFED? (TRANSFUSION? for Necro (scales horridly, I got 4.8-5.9k heals from it before the patch now I bearly get 3.6k) Guardian gets a Healing elite with -4.25 Seconds- of channeling in a fights where ppl -DIE (not downed: DIE) now- in 1-2 second spikes, making it a nice illusion. another signety with no active use somthing like a healing signet for guardian…
CONDITION REMOVAL:) yes… My warhorn removes 1 skill, other skill one as well, but in 10 seconds I can get stacks of 25+ now. unfortunately my warhorn recharge is way longer then it is to kill me. Other skills seem very powerfull but actually ONLY necro can return or spread a good amount of conditions or remove them outright. Unless considering 40+ CD skills as Null Field, Well of Power and other complete cleanses, which are often oneshot-or-die abilities.
In the end I think the implementation of conditions in WvW is good, we will adapt. The conditions in PvE seem a bit much but actually this is all the damage which has been wasted for YEARS now… deal with it. Maybe they can give some bosses boons from conditions or condi remove. I do not play PvP but we as a roaming group of 5 in WvW managed to adapt in 25 minutes to a completely changed combat environment.
DO NOT JUST NERF IT… I see a lot of people changing from just plain power builds evolving. Also I’d appreciated a full refund of the costs to chang builds and charcters, if you nerf conditions..
I did good damage for the first time in 3 years with a hybrid on a world boss. Let the game adapt. It should have been like this from the start. Only conditions would have been properly balanced with cleans and heals now If it had been ok 3 years ago..
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Weapons can still cater to both condition and power builds but individual skills shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with having both condition and power skills on a weapon, but each skill should either be condition or power based, not both. Cos if you have both then … well we are currently experiencing the result.
Well, I actually think it’s probably fine for them to have both, they just need to balanced more carefully.
“Balancing more carefully” is pretty hard to do when the damage formulas you are forced to used are universal and don’t differ on a skill to skill basis.
Having power and condition damage work the same way for every skill may have sounded like a good idea back when they designed GW2, but it nonetheless was a mistake. Now they cannot simply change how effective power and condition damage is based on what skills they are currently looking at. They can’t make the bleed from a necros scepter do more damage cos the direct damage portion of the attack is so low. All they can do is to change how much base direct damage a skill does and how many stacks of a specific condition it applies. And this is, given that using a skill still needs to be fun and rewarding, is quite limiting.
Power is very easy to do per-skill adjustments with, since no skill has “base damage” for physical damage. Each skill has its own coefficient which determines how much damage it does based on your investment in Power.
To me the major problem with this game is armor-health pool balance.
When you crit a warrior with for 1k per meteors (and you have 2600 power) and he hits you back for 5k it seems the class balance is totally broken, specially considering he has way more defense than you.
Increase the AoE limit to 10 targets for Light armor classes or do at least something that favors light armor classes.
Burning is fine, bleeding needs buff… It’s the armor-type balance that is taking a hit with this new patch.
Shouldn’t be hard to understand: Buffing armor stats for a class that has 25k+ hp is a bigger buff than doing the same to a class that has 12k hp.
Well it’s obvious that some people want their zerker characters to be meta and no one else. Those days are over, they aren’t coming back so I won’t even respond to those people.
I think the biggest problem isn’t with the overall damage numbers but for individual skills.
Lets take a sword warrior for example. They aren’t the most extreme example but they make a simple point.
They apply bleed primarily with sword. Their sword auto attack applies an 8 second bleed in an AOE, with a direct damage modifier of 0.6. This means a full sinister warrior is doing 140 damage with a bleed and an additional ~800 direct damage or 2000 damage with a crit. Why is the direct damage component so high? This is a condition weapon.
Look at necro, their primary bleed attack is scepter auto, which does a bleed to a single target (not AOE) with a base duration of 5s (as opposed to
on a slower auto attack with a direct component of 0.3. This means they are hitting for ~300-400 damage with crits of 900-1000. Less than half that of warrior, and with a weaker bleed.
Now take that and multiply it by 10x for classes like ele, engineer and guardian right now, who can stack up 10 stacks of Burning in addition to large hitting direct attacks.
Condition weapons need to have their direct damage DRASTICALLY reduced. A condition user should do damage through conditions, and a power user should do damage through direct attacks.
We are OP because right now you can do 100% power, 100% condition or 90% power PLUS 90% condition.
I completely agree. Nerf certain skills, not conditions as a whole.
Currently Bleed is even underpowered, it got nerfed unless you have more than 2051 condition damage. It’s not Bleeds fault that you die so fast, it’s the fault of the direct damage component of certain skills that should be removed or at the very least scaled down.This i cannot agree with. You’re saying that some weapons must now be played in a mandatory way – conditions. I don’t think they will agree with this.
I think the primary way to fix this is to address the conditions themselves. Otherwise you’ll make weapons unusable unless condi or power.But that’s how weapons have always worked. You just never noticed until now because conditions sucked before.
No condition user in the game is using greatsword on warrior to play conditions. It is a POWER weapon. Similarly no power user should be using a sword, since it is a CONDITION weapon. It has always worked like this, the problem is that conditions aren’t worthless now, so no one noticed until now that some condition weapons do too much direct damage.
I mean if you want to argue that weapons shouldn’t be pigeonholed into power/conditions then please show me a viable power build on necro that uses scepter? or maybe a viable condition build on guardian that uses hammer? Every weapon has a role already, some of them just need to be balanced now.
If you just nerf conditions then you have solved nothing. You still have conditions weapons that do great direct damage and condition damage, and some condition weapons that do the same condition damage but no direct damage.
Weapons can still cater to both condition and power builds but individual skills shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with having both condition and power skills on a weapon, but each skill should either be condition or power based, not both. Cos if you have both then … well we are currently experiencing the result.
Well, I actually think it’s probably fine for them to have both, they just need to balanced more carefully.
“Balancing more carefully” is pretty hard to do when the damage formulas you are forced to used are universal and don’t differ on a skill to skill basis.
Having power and condition damage work the same way for every skill may have sounded like a good idea back when they designed GW2, but it nonetheless was a mistake. Now they cannot simply change how effective power and condition damage is based on what skills they are currently looking at. They can’t make the bleed from a necros scepter do more damage cos the direct damage portion of the attack is so low. All they can do is to change how much base direct damage a skill does and how many stacks of a specific condition it applies. And this is, given that using a skill still needs to be fun and rewarding, is quite limiting.
Yes they can. The condition damage portion is controlled by both the duration of the condition and the damage of the condition. It’s tuned for specific skills by the duration, not the damage.
Make necros the masters of conditions. Alongside engi, who is still better than necromancers with the condition spec. Does that bother you anet? Just wondering because it’s still unclear your goal for necromancer. Do you want necros to be mindless power necros? I know it probably won’t be HUGE changes, just more “adjustments”
But Alot of us are curious as to know what you think of necros & where you want them in terms of build/condition specs
(edited by Chasind.3128)
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