Third Party Communication
Doee anyone else think they avoid their own forums because they would have to answer real questions?.
Yes, I do think that.
I don’t think any company would want to admit that there are major flaws in what they have created. When Arenanet DOES talk they mask their comments with butterflies and rainbows. But this is how it is. I have no doubt they are working hard, but their communication SUCKS.
They need to hire a community manager, who actually talks to the community. Like, how hard would it be, to get someone who maybe like, once a week, makes a forum post, and answers questions. And if they dont know the answer, they go to a dev, and ask, and get one, and come back. No doublespeak, no obfuscation, just plain answers. That would really go a long way to fixing a lot of concerns people have.
I dont even know what the community managers are doing currently. They are posting so rarely on the forums that you might think they only work for 1 hour a week.
Hello everyone,
We understand your concerns, however please keep in mind that we can’t answer each or your question on the forum.
The community team is reading your requests & concerns every day, and forwards them to the devs team.
Thank you for your understanding.