This Game Is Awesome

This Game Is Awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


But…it’s missing something.

I believe I can safely say that the majority of the GW2 community simply adore this work of art. You nailed a lot of good stuff, Anet: Your goal was to make a game fun to play, and you catered as much as possible to what a gamer wants out of an MMO. Pretty impressive feat.

But…it’s lacking…something. I miss how GW2 was back when I first picked up this game. Example: my bartle gamer test score? = explorer/achiever. You know what I did for fun? Explored all of Tyria (literally explore, not just rush from one point to another) soloed difficult champs, and felt awesome when I did it. There was no grind, no farming, no speed-leveling to 80. I didn’t care, and I didn’t have to care. I played the game how I wanted.

Do you know what I did today? Trying to convince myself to finish working on my ascended backpiece, so I can farm fractals more efficiently and make the necessary gold needed to finalize gearing up my guardian with high-end gear, then wondering if I should instead devote that time and resource to another legendary, buy for bolts of damask and get full ascended, or just EOTM speed-level a zerker warrior.

Then I sat back and asked, “Wait, why am I doing this?”

It may be part of the community’s fault. We’re used to the old system, so we try to force a square peg into a round hole. Then when it doesn’t fit, we grumble until it does.

I’ll be honest: The grind isn’t that bad. It’s nice to work toward an accomplishment. And I don’t have to grind if I don’t want to. I don’t need that ascended backpiece. But…I can’t find my favorite old pastimes anymore. What first drew me to this game, is gone. (Kinda doesn’t help that I already explored all of Tyria…heh)

Actually, my mistake: I can still kick back by logging in with my thief, and go roaming in WvW. Buuuuut…that’s mostly because my thief is already decked out in all the gear and equipment she needs, mostly accomplished by…farming.

I’m not gonna demand a change or fix on the current system – I wouldn’t even know what to state as a suggestion. You guys developed this game, and you’d know more of the ins and outs than what myself as a single consumer would know. But I just want you to understand, that as awesome as this product is, it’s lost a bit of its charm. Maybe I just can’t find my niche, and someone needs to put up a big lighted arrow to show where its moved.

Anyway, that ascended backpiece of mine? It’s not gonna get done anytime soon. It’s just kinda too…boring to make.