This Game Needs to be Harder

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Polluxo.4967


You want hard mode???
Stop playing warrior/guardian/ranger.
Start playing Ele/Necro.

and then come here again.

What kind of ridiculous suggestion is that? First, I have a level 80 elementalist and up until about level 75, the game was way too easy. Second, Necro is the easiest class to play across the board and does not make the mobs any harder to deal with.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: samanosuke.4508


Yes, please make this game harder (read: challenging). What makes dungeons so fun is the difficulty, so why can’t this mentality be spread across to the later areas of PvP? Not dungeon difficulty exactly, but you get the idea.

The last game I really enjoyed is Dark Souls, which is sadistically hard, and that’s what made it so fun.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


If the game is too hard, people will complain it’s too hard.
If the game is too easy, people will complain it’s too easy.
There are less people complaining the game is too easy, so it’s the lesser evil to take. Of course, a non-instanced version of hard mode would be great. For example the hard mode in this game would “buff” all monsters that you attack and turn them into their hard mode counterpart. The monsters would only attack you and your party members. If you run away, the monsters would return to normal “weak” state. Experience and drops are boosted for hard mode monsters.

I don’t think that would work with how mobs are available to all players.

Also, I disagree that hard mode monsters should have boosted exp and drops. Players want it to be challenging to make it more fun, remember? Well make it more challenging and they can have their fun. We’ll see how many of them stick to playing ‘hard mode’ when they get the same crap loot but ‘more fun’.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


If the game is too hard, people will complain it’s too hard.
If the game is too easy, people will complain it’s too easy.

Surely, the legit criticism it’s easy and hard in all the wrong ways. It should be easy to take down an average mob, but not to the extent of pressing ‘1’ and then leaning back in your chair. Knowing to use certain abilities at the right time should be the decisive factor between dying without a scratch and barely making it through alive.

Bosses and dungeons should likewise be hard, but not in the sense of insane health bars and one-hit kills that track your character, which is the trend at the moment.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyFeathers.8175


The game is fine I see no reason to switch anything. If they want to introduce a hard mode for some players that would be fine. I’ll just sit here and wait for all the crying once that happens because people won’t be able to find groups for it.

Honor is limited only by the limitations that we place upon ourselves.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


PVE does not need to be made more difficult. I enjoy it like it is — mostly moderately easy, occasionally a cakewalk, and with the occasional serious challenge. In fact some events are still too difficult to deal with, with most professions. (Or all of them, if there don’t happen to be enough other players clustered around.)

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tom.7468


If the game is too hard, people will complain it’s too hard.
If the game is too easy, people will complain it’s too easy.

It should be easy to take down an average mob, but not to the extent of pressing ‘1’ and then leaning back in your chair.

its basically how it is on some of the major boss events you don’t even have to do anything and still get paid 5 silver or more that’s to easy.

This Game Needs to be Harder

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cina Reas.6938

Cina Reas.6938

If the game is too hard, people will complain it’s too hard.
If the game is too easy, people will complain it’s too easy.

It should be easy to take down an average mob, but not to the extent of pressing ‘1’ and then leaning back in your chair.

its basically how it is on some of the major boss events you don’t even have to do anything and still get paid 5 silver or more that’s to easy.

The combat is lifeless.

Play half an hour of Borderlands 2 and then play GW2, you can feel your brain switching off.

Whatever was changed between the Betas and launch should be reverted.

This is the opinion of a casual PVE player

Grind Wars 2; the game that ate my brain.