This Game Would be Improved by-

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


1. A new weapon system where you will be able to craft a special weapon and name it, then you would be able to level up with it and customize features on it that tailor to your play style, that would be sweeeet. Kinda like how they had in Lotro if anyone here’s played that.

2. Also duel system would be great, and you should be able to put bets on the duels to raise the stakes or something like that.

3. Make it so that PvP has some correlation with the actual game, like unique armor sets you can play in PvE but can only get from playing PvP, because i love playing PvP but feel no motivation to play because I gain nothing from it.

4. Add a Zone or Map where there are huge cities or castles like divinities reach, but then put events in it or have quests because that would be awesome because I love exploring divinities reach and walking around it because of how gorgeous it is but having events or battles in the city would be awesome.

5. When creating a character have different voices for each race because the all sound the same, so that way whenever I create a human and play through the story don’t feel like I’m just replaying the same character, you should have different voice actors for each class, I don’t see a big guardian having the same voice as a small thief.

6. When in a party with someone and doing the same quest, the same heart area, why cant the whole party contribute to the quest? Me and my friend play sometimes together and I always end up sitting around killing more centaurs with him because I play as a guard and get more AoE skills and he plays as thief so he cant hit as many and it takes him longer.

7. Add awesome loot from taking down stronger enemies. I love fighting veteran Oak hearts but whats the point? Make it so awesome loot comes from stronger enemies because that would be fantastic.

8. Add mounts for level 80’s. OK so I agree and understand 100 percent to not giving mounts to people who are starting the game because it ruins the exploration factor, however I have an 80 who hasn’t explored 100 percent of the map and I have been meaning to get around to it but I get bored, for 80’s mounts would make it easier to finish exploring the map and plus it would just be fun all around, just my opinion, however I think they should be hard to get.

9. Make a very hard to get transmutation stone that allows you to take the appearance of an item that’s not the same type, I just REALLY think heavy Armour with a light hood looks bad kitten but that’s not a function, so once again they would be really rare.

These are just my opinions and in no way am I criticizing the game, I think its a great game and I personally think it would be even better with these features, that’s just me though.


This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Senryi.4897


I just want to preface this saying I am no way trying to be rude.

1. This seems like a good idea, but then it would render the karma vendors’ weapons’ useless. This would have to balances such that the weapon would be slightly weaker than weapons that would be available at that given level.

2. A duel system would be awesome. The bets can be don’t through chat though, so no need to put a completely new system into the game for it.

3. I believe ANet have specifically stated that sPvP will remain isolated form PvE and WvW so that sPvP is much easier to balance and maintain. If you feel that there are no rewards for you then PvP might not be for you.

4. ANet has a lot of opportunities to add in all kinds of areas in expansions and content updates. If we ever get back to Elona it would pretty cool if there were raid carried out from Istan on the mainland.

5. I had a friend tell me that one of the female charr’s faces changes the voice of the character. So it might be dependent on that, but I have no way to confirm it.

6. This is what dynamic events are for. Renown hearts are meant to be for your own character. It could be easily exploited as well. Just have three people stand AFK in the area while one or two people complete the heart for them.

7. I would like to see the big baddies in an area drop some more interesting stuff. I just don’t want them to drop gear that will cause people to continuously farm them. May be they could have a higher chance of dropping some crafting mats? The Oakhearts for instance could drop wood specific to the area/level range.

8. Mounts are made useless by the waypoint system that they have in place.

9. I would play around if some of the other heavy armor skins. You might find some thing you like!

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


A lot of us don’t bother with the waypoint system because it drains gold. I’d rather spend gold on buying or acquiring mounts anyway, since I’d have something to show for the expense.

Just don’t give them a significant boost, don’t let them fly above anything (the broom does fly but acts like a ground mount) and don’t make them so huge that they block merchants, though with the system we have you can click on them even if they are blocked.

I’d rather run from place to place anyway, using WPs makes me miss a lot of the world.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinkR.6190


Do we play the same game? Correct me if I’m wrong (and I am willing to bet you will because I know you will), but do WPs really cost that much money? Even in the grand scheme of things, you would need to use the things a couple hundred times just to equate to a single gold in costs.

Other then that though, I do agree with a lot of your ideas. It is frustrating when friends fall behind in heart progress. Extra loot from harder enemies would be nice, but I think Anet held that back for the sake of the economy. You do however get bonus exp (and quite a lot too) from killing enemies that have not been killed for a long time. You can get well over double the average exp points. Worth it? No, but it’s something.

As for your pvp suggestion, is this regarding structured PvP, WvW, or both? WvW does offer incentive with its cheap access to rare quality loot (particularily amulets, rings and trinkets which can be a tough pricey otherwise) for karma. It also has its own exotic set to shoot for. Structured PvP on the otherhand is indeed very seperate from the rest of the game. You CAN gain titles form it however. This generally acts as a fairly good incentive for some people. I don’t see why it would need much more then that though.

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


When I’m saving for things and the inflation outpaces my gain, I consider waypoint costs too much. I also like to help out friends on lowbie alts while they level and do personal stories, and that does start adding up to a lot.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifted.3697


This game would be improved by…

Doing WTF they said they were going to make this game into before they got those dollar signs in their eyes

Fear the Reaper

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LinkR.6190


This game would be improved by…

Doing WTF they said they were going to make this game into before they got those dollar signs in their eyes

Care to elaborate on that, or are you just another sheep spouting nonsense that this game sucks because you couldn’t find a way to make the game satisfy some insatiable appetite for the game that would otherwise be impossible for it to fulfill? Unlike you, I have been having a blast with it and taking breaks when I get burnt out. either of us are freaking married to the game or anything. You are free to see other games if you wish.

As for you Sylv, if you are having difficulties paying for WPs might I ask what level you are? A lot of people have found ways to fund these things and find ways to make more then enough coin for exotics and what not. Hell, if you are in that much of a bind, I’ll throw a couple of gold your way. It does get easier to pay for this stuff. You just need to be smart about it. (not to imply that you aren’t, you just haven’t found a niche yet)

(edited by LinkR.6190)

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


I am level 80 and I am farmtacular, I just don’t like seeing my golds go down. when I am locked on a goal. Or, if I spend it, I want something tangible. So I’d rather buy a mount and ride than lose a gold over a day’s time spent waypointing whilst helping friends.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

This Game Would be Improved by-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wewod.6834


To expand a little on the pvp Idea what I mean is that you would get a token from pvp battles that you could then use to but Armour outside the mists, pvp is still balanced but now you have a reason to play other than it just being fun. As for the weapon idea Karma vendors could add attachments to the weapon like you could break the weapon off into different sections such as hilt, blade etc. and vendors could sell different parts or upgrades, and its kind of late but also I think a housing system would be awesome, maybe you would be able to have houses in different major cities and either people in your guild r on your friends list could teleport to your home or something.