This game IS dying
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
I AM dying too. However, I am only 32 and I hope that my dying process will last another 60 years. Everything that is alive is in the process of dying you know.
Just because there are less people then the day the came out, or you don’t enjoy the game doesn’t mean it will be dead tomorrow.
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast
The game is dying to you; because, in a month’s time, you leveled three different characters to 80 and equipped them all in exotics.
Have you considered that maybe you burned yourself out? The game isn’t dying, your interest in playing it is what’s dying.
There is plenty of proof about the game being broke and bugged to hell on tech and bug forums, maybe go and enlighten yourself? And for the game dying, well i could place a big bet on the numbers falling in the past month and continue to drop
Yet im not hating on the game i got what i payed for and spent good amount in the gem store to support Anet as i felt what the hell i dont mind. Enjoyed it alot but its hit a stale note where i find myself not intrested to do the new dungeon and getting even more stat gears and resorting to doing older ones which seem to pop up once a while now? Yes you guys really like to hate on people straight away haha.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
And for the game dying, well i could place a big bet on the numbers falling in the past month and continue to drop
See, this is good politics. When you take the statement in vacuum, it may seem the game is “dying….”
Until you realize that player base decreasing happens to every MMO after launch.
So yes, you will win that bet. But it’s still not a good indicator to support the statement, “game is dying.”
(edited by Ursan.7846)
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
More class builds~!
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Well there you go, the only thing in your mind is grind grind grind. No wonder you don’t find it fun. I have about 200 hours I think now and not once during those hours did I grind for something.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
The “end game” is the whole game. I still don’t understand why people don’t get this. In Guild Wars 2, there are two stages of “end game:”
Stage 1 (End Game): Playing
Stage 2 (Not End Game): Not Playing
The whole time you are playing, starting at level 1, you are in the end game. Enjoy it!
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
I have some alts. My main is 74. I have been playing since head start. This is not a console game. It is an MMO.
My min time on an MMO I liked—- 1 year.
My max time on an MMO I liked —- 6 years.
If you play a game in 1 month and have 3 80s. You ARE playing it wrong
There is no right or wrong way to play a game.
You play however you want to play.
Don’t know where people are pulling that statement from, but I wish they’d stop.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate
Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
I’m not going to call you a no-lifer, but I will point out that if you power leveled to 80, then you are not enjoying the game the way it’s meant to be played. And, as you have already discovered, getting to 80 doesn’t net you anything.
The point of the game is to explore the world and have fun. The point of the game is not to rush to the end.
If you go on a long hike in the woods, the point of that hike is to enjoy your time in the woods, not to see how fast you can get to the end of the hike.
Wow….smh the number of people replying to the OP that think this game is perfectly fine is amazing…you know who those are don’t you OP. They are the people who stick with games for 2 months 3 months max and move on to something else shiny. They are the hardcore types who love to run solely dungeons and raids who want the highest gear and give everyone a rash of stuff just because they don’t have a gearscore, dps meter, or know every nook and cranny of every dungeon run the game has out at the time.
But that’s okay because I’m not one of those people, I know there’s something big time wrong with this game and the few sheep that are running around these forums trying to troll everyone’s thread to make it look like everything’s okay for the newcomers aren’t going to convince the newcomers when they actually get into the game and see what’s actually wrong with it. The truth I guess has to be experienced in order for people to see it.
The FotM focus, the loot toilet, the endless grind for legendaries, the herding to the store for gold, the lack of pve open world metas we were promised would appear just after launch, none of that will convince people that you and I are right until they get in there and see just how bad it is for themselves.
There’s alot to fix in this game I do hope they hired a ton of new people to get it all done. smh
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate
Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
I’m not going to call you a no-lifer, but I will point out that if you power leveled to 80, then you are not enjoying the game the way it’s meant to be played. And, as you have already discovered, getting to 80 doesn’t net you anything.
The point of the game is to explore the world and have fun. The point of the game is not to rush to the end.
If you go on a long hike in the woods, the point of that hike is to enjoy your time in the woods, not to see how fast you can get to the end of the hike.
You did call me one but you realized how dumb you sounded, but the fact i leveled 3 to 80 is because i like diversity in play style and enjoyed leveling different classes, that is hardly rushing to end game. As everyone knows anyway the end game is limited and you think its a rush to 80. Why are people telling me i rushed to 80? i leveled through questing on all 3 which is certainly possible in a month and over of casual playing tbh.
Wow….smh the number of people replying to the OP that think this game is perfectly fine is amazing…you know who those are don’t you OP. They are the people who stick with games for 2 months 3 months max and move on to something else shiny. They are the hardcore types who love to run solely dungeons and raids who want the highest gear and give everyone a rash of stuff just because they don’t have a gearscore, dps meter, or know every nook and cranny of every dungeon run the game has out at the time.
But that’s okay because I’m not one of those people, I know there’s something big time wrong with this game and the few sheep that are running around these forums trying to troll everyone’s thread to make it look like everything’s okay for the newcomers aren’t going to convince the newcomers when they actually get into the game and see what’s actually wrong with it. The truth I guess has to be experienced in order for people to see it.
The FotM focus, the loot toilet, the endless grind for legendaries, the herding to the store for gold, the lack of pve open world metas we were promised would appear just after launch, none of that will convince people that you and I are right until they get in there and see just how bad it is for themselves.
There’s alot to fix in this game I do hope they hired a ton of new people to get it all done. smh
It must be really windy on that high horse of yours.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.
MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Sorry i was being sarcastic, you don’t know how many times I’ve read someone say that as an excuse for GW2’s failures -_-
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
You know what people do when they hate something? they don’t bother with it. Just like the OP, if you don’t find yourself enjoying the game then quit.
Why spend time on a game you seem to hate, unless you have nothing better to do with your life.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
I wrote a different article where I document throurgh links the console gamer mentality which unfortunately you are displaying. This thread has inspired me to reformat to address this more directly. When i get home i will write a new thtead with these links. I encouage you to read it once posted
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
I wrote a different article where I document throurgh links the console gamer mentality which unfortunately you are displaying. This thread has inspired me to reformat to address this more directly. When i get home i will write a new thtead with these links. I encouage you to read it once posted
I’m sorry Doctor Schwartz, thanks’ for my diagnosis. Are you for real? MMO’s are my favorite type of game and i hate console games especially FPS ones. So can you tell me how i managed to play WoW for over 3 years if i have a “console gamer” mentality?
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
You know what people do when they hate something? they don’t bother with it. Just like the OP, if you don’t find yourself enjoying the game then quit.
Why spend time on a game you seem to hate, unless you have nothing better to do with your life.
I have nothing better to do, in fact i have more fun leaving my virtual fæces all over this forum just to warn others away, i even got banned from their facebook page for deterring potential customers away
/jiggity jiggity
You must be a well rounded and happy individual.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
So.. Your telling us that you got 3 level 80s.. All in exotics. You’ve leveled thru fractals a little bit and you have a job, u workout and u did this all in a month.. Hmm.. Honestly.. Reading this I feel that much more dumb by the lack of any real intelligence coming from anything you said. You talk like you have a life outside of this game, so why would u waste your time to make a post with info that u should of known would have people bashing on you? You sir or mam.. Whatever.. Are either just another troll with nothing better to do or just another perfect example of a person who needs to put the mouse and keyboard down and find something better to do than play games. This forum is not your diary.
Game isn’t dying at all. Move along citizens, this is just another doom and gloom thread. Ten bucks says OP believes we all die on the 22nd.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
You know what people do when they hate something? they don’t bother with it. Just like the OP, if you don’t find yourself enjoying the game then quit.
Why spend time on a game you seem to hate, unless you have nothing better to do with your life.
I have nothing better to do, in fact i have more fun leaving my virtual fæces all over this forum just to warn others away, i even got banned from their facebook page for deterring potential customers away
/jiggity jiggity
You must be a well rounded and happy individual.
You see these so called ‘civilized’ players, when the chips are down i.e loot drops, they’ll eat each other.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
I agree with the OP. On alot of points. This game is boring as hell endgame.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
Done and done, your turn!
I will say the ‘End-Game’ is not at all like it was portrayed to be. Currently, when you get to 80 you can WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, or bang your head against your keyboard until you see a shiny new legendary, or grind for no fun to get your legendary.
Well, for Dungeons I like to run with friends and don’t always want to run dungeons all the time to get any sort of gold or loot or rewards. I would rather be in the world and experience the game. GW1 was instanced but it was in the world. Instead of having small sections that everyone congregated to form parties to go in to the world, you have the world trying to get in to instanced sections that are cut off from the world.
WvW fun for a bit and then you are just running around with a bunch of people trying to kill things. Because, to be honest, it doesn’t really matter how good a player is when they see the ‘zerg’ they will probably be killed. Kiting a group of players by myself or with a small group is not really too fun after awhile.
sPvP, this is already only for some people. GW1 had a load of options for sPvP and they were enjoyable. There is little variety to sPvP and that is a shame.
Legendary, well, this is just a silly thing. If there were plenty of other things to do then this is a long term goal. I still have it as a long term goal. Similarly to Fissure armor in GW1. I still don’t have it because it was a long grind to get (for me). I will most likely not see a legendary either. But I can accept that has the stats are nothing different than my current exotics. (Not going to get in to ascended…)
What I do right now is play around with alts, not power leveling, and I have 3 80’s myself. I have the ability to play when I should be doing other things (work) and can play for 3-4 hours a day. I am not burned out either, I loved playing different toons but after you clear a zone, what else is there to do? Do the same things again? Watch how the DE’s don’t actually do anything? There needs to be more of the world open. I should be able to level 2 different toons and NOT have to go to the same zones with each toon. Where is more maguuma? Shiverpeaks? Other areas that are escaping my head…?
When I feel like getting on an 80, I look for Dragon’s to fight, because that is the only thing that seem ‘end-gamy’ to me. I want to be in the world and see things. I love killing a dragon standing next to a rainbow shooting unicorn, or seeing the dark and deadly trail of a greatsword sundering a hapless ice elemental in two. The end game right now is quite silly. There is not enough events that are happening in the world. There needs to be more events ALL OVER! Not just in some silly area that is arbitrarily set to 80 or 65 or 50, also being in just a small section of the zone. What about a DE (probably chain would be better) that happened across multiple zones. Some minion that decided he needed some snacks along the way and you had to fight him back! That would be awesome.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
Done and done, your turn!
OHHHHH i see I’ve been wrong all this time, you’re suppose to play this game like a scrub, so that’s the secret, done and done
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
Done and done, your turn!
OHHHHH i see I’ve been wrong all this time, you’re suppose to play this game like a scrub, so that’s the secret, done and done
Oh geez, I need to hire someone to translate your posts or at least put them in context. And stop winking/smiling at me you damn creep.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate
Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
If you don’t like your lifestyle, change it, don’t complain about other people being frank and truthful with you about it. If you have three level 80s in full exotics after three months, you play this game far more than your average player, to the point that there is no way you don’t neglect real world passtimes and responsibilities. And if you don’t like people telling you so, then either change or learn to like it.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
Done and done, your turn!
OHHHHH i see I’ve been wrong all this time, you’re suppose to play this game like a scrub, so that’s the secret, done and done
Oh geez, I need to hire someone to translate your posts or at least put them in context. And stop winking/smiling at me you damn creep.
:O you hurt my feeling bro – to think that people defending this game can call people out and abuse them while people like myself concerned with legitimate reasons for this game get infracted and the others don’t just because we are expressing negativity is appalling. This is what new players have to look forward to, degrading players like yourself.
(edited by Lionaeron.5724)
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
I wrote a different article where I document throurgh links the console gamer mentality which unfortunately you are displaying. This thread has inspired me to reformat to address this more directly. When i get home i will write a new thtead with these links. I encouage you to read it once posted
I’m sorry Doctor Schwartz, thanks’ for my diagnosis. Are you for real? MMO’s are my favorite type of game and i hate console games especially FPS ones. So can you tell me how i managed to play WoW for over 3 years if i have a “console gamer” mentality?
Again you name your own poison.
World of Warcraft was the first “MMO” design for the console player generation.
If you had said EQ or UO or even named a MUD like DragonRealms you might have had some footing.
I have been playing these game for 20 years next month. I know from experience what atrue MMO looks like. WoW isn’t one.
I sorry you feel so threaten but I honestly am trying to wake people up to facts.
Having 3 lvl 80s at this point is way to much. Are you freaking kidding me. I know people in my guild that 3 maybe 4 80s and have full time jobs and family. I could have just as many but I hate rerolling doin the same old crap again.So if your on here flaming people on here for having 3 lvl 80 and you they played since launch, and you have 1 lvl 50 and played that same time span. Then your a total FAIL at this game. Some players dont wanna sit around looking at vistas and enjoying the view as you make it.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate
Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
If you don’t like your lifestyle, change it, don’t complain about other people being frank and truthful with you about it. If you have three level 80s at this point, you play this game too much, waaay too much. And if you don’t like people telling you so, then either change it or learn to like it.
You all sound the same, fanboys. Ok well first of all i played this game “waaay” too much when i was having a blast leveling and all that jazz you know before i was forced into end game? Well now this is where my problem is because there is no real end game just grind and more grind oh and some pvp.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
Want to hear a good joke? The entire game is ‘end-game’ HAHAHAHA, did you like how so many attacked you and quoted my ‘your playing it wrong’ mindset? If they were having so much fun why would they be here ‘trying’ to defend this bug ridden game?
Oh yeah, we must play this game and only play this game, 24/7, in order to enjoy it. How did I not see this before!
Oh yeah, i must enjoy this game because I’m still on the forums complaining about bugwars 2. How did i not see this before!
You don’t have much reading comprehension do you, don’t worry though, I’ll let it slide.
I’ll read yours if you read mine
Done and done, your turn!
OHHHHH i see I’ve been wrong all this time, you’re suppose to play this game like a scrub, so that’s the secret, done and done
Oh geez, I need to hire someone to translate your posts or at least put them in context. And stop winking/smiling at me you damn creep.
:O you hurt my feeling bro
I’m sorry babe, I can be a bit of a dick sometimes
I just did the Grenth Event in cursed shore for the first time tonight. It was a lot more fun than I can remember having in any treadmill subscription MMO. The big events are out there. People are not doing them because they are not rewarding, but when the developer puts in a new dungeon with rewards, people complain about grind…
le sigh
As to the game dying, HoD, where I did the event tonight, has been “dead” for over a month. There was even a thread about it not too long ago. Seems like there are plenty of people around, though.
So can you tell me how i managed to play WoW for over 3 years if i have a “console gamer” mentality?
What did you do for 3 years in WoW?
You’re here crying that this game is dying, yet you pride yourself for playing 3 years of the game that killed the genre for MMORPG players.
Really guys? Why do you keep making topics like these? Does it make you happy to say “LOL THIZ GAEM IS DIEING”? What’s the point? It looks like OP made this topic just to get a rise out of people.
Seriously, grow up.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate
Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
If you don’t like your lifestyle, change it, don’t complain about other people being frank and truthful with you about it. If you have three level 80s at this point, you play this game too much, waaay too much. And if you don’t like people telling you so, then either change it or learn to like it.
You all sound the same, fanboys. Ok well first of all i played this game “waaay” too much when i was having a blast leveling and all that jazz you know before i was forced into end game? Well now this is where my problem is because there is no real end game just grind and more grind oh and some pvp.
When you say forced, it sounds like ANet put a gun to your head.
I have some alts. My main is 74. I have been playing since head start. This is not a console game. It is an MMO.
My min time on an MMO I liked—- 1 year.
My max time on an MMO I liked —- 6 years.If you play a game in 1 month and have 3 80s. You ARE playing it wrong
Saying that someone is playing a game wrong implies that there is a RIGHT way to play.
Just because the OP isn’t playing the way you do doesn’t mean he is playing wrong so much as playing fast.
As for the OP, in my opinion I think you are looking at this the wrong way, if you got a different $60 title (say dishonored for arguments sake) then you may get 20-30 hours out of it over 2 play-throughs, given that GW2 is also a $60 title and you got a hell of a lot more than 30 hours out of it, why does it matter if you think it’s dying?
For its price it’s one of the most cost effective games released in years, the lack of a subscription fee means that when they release their monthly content you can come back and play for 10-20 hours and be done… you get the same playtime worth of new content every month for free, other games charge you $60 for that privilege.
So it’s not so much a case of the game dying, as it is a case of people having their $60 worth of game play and are moving on to other things, at least until new content is released.
I am anti-censorship, for it doesn’t make sense to pander to a minority.
(edited by Coffeebot.3921)