This game does not value your time

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Whilst I have a little more time to spare to play the game. Many friends I play with, don’t.

This gives me limited time to enjoy the game with them and get things done. Seeing as for example, we don’t progress through the story with out each other. We get as much done as possible in the limited hours we are given together.

Yet we constantly run into things in this game that simply wastes your time.

First and fore-most time waster is the bugs. Last night we were doing Bitter Harvest and attempting the achievements. Long story short. I as the instance owner had to jump off the spinning helix to go forth and clear the second path for the achievement. This how ever didn’t stop you from spinning even whilst gliding. When you land on the ground, you get throw into a wall and stuck with no way to get out. That’s an hour wasted to re-do over.

Second time waster is unskippable scenes and dialogue in story. I understand the first time around. But the second? Third? Fourth? etc. Just more forced time waiting to add to the barrier to content.

Third time waster is the grindy barriers for the new masteries. You are quite limited to what you can do at first to get any where with this new system. Making it quite hard to progress, let alone be able to do stuff with friends who aren’t up to the same masteries as you are. Not only that, there are not one, but TWO gating methods to earn your masteries. The first is unlocking through grinding experience and the other is grinding achievements for mastery points. It’s simply only there to slow your pace in consuming content and to waste your time running the same events over and over.

Fourth time waster is the amount of junk you’re given. Bags with more bags inside of them. Bags full of junk gear which only serves to fill up your bag and waste your time clicking to see them one at a time at a vendor. Why do our bags get purposefully filled up with junk that could easily just be given as pure coin? To encourage the buying of gems for bag slots obviously.

Fifth time waster is the major meta events. Standing around waiting for a meta event to start whilst taxing people in. Hoping every one else can be competent in completing the meta event. Have it crash or fail any way to have you show little for your time invested.

Sixth time waster is the gold expense and grindiness to obtain basically any thing. Fully encouraging you to convert gems into gold to be able to afford any thing. Or expect grinding for weeks on end at your favourite nerfed, gold out-put event. Just going to show how the cash shop and gold buying in this game inherently affects the course of it to reduce your enjoyment unless you buy gems.

Next topic is if this game is value for your money?

The core game in the first couple of years of release. Yes. Yes it definitely was.

Is the Heart of Thorns expansion?

No. No it is definitely not. Especially with its detachment from the core game and basically changing the game for the worse in order to stretch out the thinly spread content.

It should have been red flags when Arena Net advertised Season One as an ‘expansion worth’ of content.

Now the game has gone Free to Play with paid for downloadable content that is just as overpriced as its cash shop. It’s becoming as bad as the Free to Play Korean grinders I used to play a decade ago and that’s saying some thing.

The current state of the game is appalling.

(edited by Azure Prower.8701)

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qugi.2653


I do not let game value time for me. I play what I think fun. If not fun I do not play it. Take break some time when need. Play again for fun later. That is why it is call game and not work or job. I do not play to chase some reward. I find it make game more fun to not worry so much about what I can get or can not over time. If you make game like work or job because you want some thing game has then you lose fun. If you play GW2 play what enjoy you will have much better reward at end of day than if play to get some thing just because it exist.

Anet I think has number of who do what in game. If GW2 has some thing you hate do not do it. It is like vote. If Anet see many people do not do some thing maybe they change it. If it is work and time waste for you ignore and that is you vote to say Anet we do not like this and will not do until change.


(edited by Qugi.2653)

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

First and fore-most time waster is the bugs. Last night we were doing Bitter Harvest and attempting the achievements. Long story short. I as the instance owner had to jump off the spinning helix to go forth and clear the second path for the achievement. This how ever didn’t stop you from spinning even whilst gliding. When you land on the ground, you get throw into a wall and stuck with no way to get out. That’s an hour wasted to re-do over.

The Personal Story has always been one of my favorite things on this game, but I’ve had to take a break from the HoT story for a while.

The bugs in some of them are bad, and I don’t enjoy repeating the same instance over and over, hoping to get one without the bug or having to do some workaround because of the bugs. I want to wait to do the majority of the story once it works as it was actually designed to work.

Second thing about the story – I’m doing it with some guildies, but we can only ever get so far where we have to stop because of the mastery blocking. This is really annoying if you’re doing the story with friends (I mean, it’s an MMO, right? Play it with others, right?)

But it’s like they didn’t think through how everyone is going to play the game at different times, for different amounts of time, doing different things, so getting everyone back on the same page because we all earn our masteries at different paces is really hard and is going to more or less wreck the ability to do the story with others for some people.

I find a lot of the story challenging enough that I want to play it with friends, but we keep getting stopped because of the need to go earn our masteries and we don’t earn them at the same rate.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582


The Personal Story has always been one of my favorite things on this game, but I’ve had to take a break from the HoT story for a while.

The bugs in some of them are bad, and I don’t enjoy repeating the same instance over and over, hoping to get one without the bug or having to do some workaround because of the bugs. I want to wait to do the majority of the story once it works as it was actually designed to work.

Second thing about the story – I’m doing it with some guildies, but we can only ever get so far where we have to stop because of the mastery blocking. This is really annoying if you’re doing the story with friends (I mean, it’s an MMO, right? Play it with others, right?)

But it’s like they didn’t think through how everyone is going to play the game at different times, for different amounts of time, doing different things, so getting everyone back on the same page because we all earn our masteries at different paces is really hard and is going to more or less wreck the ability to do the story with others for some people.

I find a lot of the story challenging enough that I want to play it with friends, but we keep getting stopped because of the need to go earn our masteries and we don’t earn them at the same rate.

I am really not looking forward to replaying the story with my cousin for this reason. She has very little time to play as it is, but we used to enjoy just going through the main story together. It was already awkward when the Personal Story became gated behind levels forcing her to stop and level before proceeding, and now the masteries are going to be a nightmare.

[ I survived the 2015 April Fools Forum Meltdown ]

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sarasvatri.6871


I wholeheartedly disagree. I’ve been having voluptuous mounds of fun, way more than the three going-out-to-lunches price tag would suggest. And I’ve had some kitten good lunches.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IAMANDLOVE.3095


Whilst I have a little more time to spare to play the game. Many friends I play with, don’t.

This gives me limited time to enjoy the game with them and get things done. Seeing as for example, we don’t progress through the story with out each other. We get as much done as possible in the limited hours we are given together.

Yet we constantly run into things in this game that simply wastes your time.

First and fore-most time waster is the bugs. Last night we were doing Bitter Harvest and attempting the achievements. Long story short. I as the instance owner had to jump off the spinning helix to go forth and clear the second path for the achievement. This how ever didn’t stop you from spinning even whilst gliding. When you land on the ground, you get throw into a wall and stuck with no way to get out. That’s an hour wasted to re-do over.

Second time waster is unskippable scenes and dialogue in story. I understand the first time around. But the second? Third? Fourth? etc. Just more forced time waiting to add to the barrier to content.

Third time waster is the grindy barriers for the new masteries. You are quite limited to what you can do at first to get any where with this new system. Making it quite hard to progress, let alone be able to do stuff with friends who aren’t up to the same masteries as you are. Not only that, there are not one, but TWO gating methods to earn your masteries. The first is unlocking through grinding experience and the other is grinding achievements for mastery points. It’s simply only there to slow your pace in consuming content and to waste your time running the same events over and over.

Fourth time waster is the amount of junk you’re given. Bags with more bags inside of them. Bags full of junk gear which only serves to fill up your bag and waste your time clicking to see them one at a time at a vendor. Why do our bags get purposefully filled up with junk that could easily just be given as pure coin? To encourage the buying of gems for bag slots obviously.

Fifth time waster is the major meta events. Standing around waiting for a meta event to start whilst taxing people in. Hoping every one else can be competent in completing the meta event. Have it crash or fail any way to have you show little for your time invested.

Sixth time waster is the gold expense and grindiness to obtain basically any thing. Fully encouraging you to convert gems into gold to be able to afford any thing. Or expect grinding for weeks on end at your favourite nerfed, gold out-put event. Just going to show how the cash shop and gold buying in this game inherently affects the course of it to reduce your enjoyment unless you buy gems.

Next topic is if this game is value for your money?

The core game in the first couple of years of release. Yes. Yes it definitely was.

Is the Heart of Thorns expansion?

No. No it is definitely not. Especially with its detachment from the core game and basically changing the game for the worse in order to stretch out the thinly spread content.

It should have been red flags when Arena Net advertised Season One as an ‘expansion worth’ of content.

Now the game has gone Free to Play with paid for downloadable content that is just as overpriced as its cash shop. It’s becoming as bad as the Free to Play Korean grinders I used to play a decade ago and that’s saying some thing.

The current state of the game is appalling.

look if you dont like grind then dont play MMO! I have played a lot of MMO and believe me when i tell u guild war 2 is not that grindy!

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I do not let game value time for me. I play what I think fun. If not fun I do not play it. Take break some time when need. Play again for fun later. That is why it is call game and not work or job. I do not play to chase some reward. I find it make game more fun to not worry so much about what I can get or can not over time. If you make game like work or job because you want some thing game has then you lose fun. If you play GW2 play what enjoy you will have much better reward at end of day than if play to get some thing just because it exist.

Anet I think has number of who do what in game. If GW2 has some thing you hate do not do it. It is like vote. If Anet see many people do not do some thing maybe they change it. If it is work and time waste for you ignore and that is you vote to say Anet we do not like this and will not do until change.

Yes it can be fun in places but a lot of the time it simply feels like mindless repetition. I do agree though that you must earn the really good stuff. When you don’t play you simply lose ground instead of staying level. Let’s say when you quit you made a legendary, looking awesome with a prestige item that isn’t yet on the trading post. You quit, come back, and find out that nearly everyone has a legendary so you don’t really stand out anymore, you have lost ground. So many great skins came out as well as ascended. To gain your old ground you must do lots of work and unlock more exclusive stuff. Soon enough you’ll need full legendary armor and a new legendary just to be considered cool. I don’t want people to think I’m a noob so I’ll need to grind this stuff out.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


First and fore-most time waster is the bugs.

1. yes, there are bugs, not often, but it happens.
2. mostly, i try again after cooling off for a few.

Second time waster is unskippable scenes and dialogue in story.

Annoying indeed, but in HoT, i can skip the dialogues by moving towards the next waypoint. Or i have a drink.

Third time waster is the grindy barriers for the new masteries.

Yes, it’s stupid, but i think most don’t really mind and it keeps ppl playing and working towards a goal (esp HoT masteries).

Fourth time waster is the amount of junk you’re given.

Junk ? I salvage a LOT. Craft or sell. Cash is cash.

Fifth time waster is the major meta events.

I like the events, IF it’s a bit organized, and most ppl are helpful for the HP points or achievements.

Sixth time waster is the gold expense and grindiness to obtain basically any thing

GW2. Been there, Done that. Nothing new we didn’t know before HoT. Those that thought it would change with HoT : complain to the finance manager. They calc how much revenue must be made and how much gems must be bought to cover the expenses and make a profit.

Don’t tell me you’re surprised. Or do you really believe they make a game to pleasure US. No, it’s to make cash. And lots of it.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Don’t tell me you’re surprised. Or do you really believe they make a game to pleasure US. No, it’s to make cash. And lots of it.

If they fail to have a game that legitimately entertains and instead causes nothing but constant frustration. Then they fail as a game company to retain the good will of their customers. You know, where their cash comes from.

If they succeed in obtaining cash from people who don’t know any better. I believe one calls that a scam.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


If they fail to have a game that legitimately entertains.

But it does entertain. The only question is, for how long. Personally i’m waiting till march 2016. Another game will come out by then, and i’ll probably switch over.

Games aren’t meant to last. Games are meant to give you a distraction/pleasure for a limited amount of time, to relieve stress, to distract, to relax. After all that, you move on.

For the companies that make games : they intend to make money. simple. Nothing to explain there, it’s a company for crying out loud. They see that you are “entertained”, even for a little while, and they make money, you have “fun”.
If you don’t have fun, you move on.

Example :

Go to a bar as a guy/girl. Don’t have fun ? Don’t see anyone you like ?
Move to the next bar. Relax, have a drink, rince and repeat.

Same principle. Play a game. don’t have Fun ? move on. Maybe come back later since you “know some people there”. Might be fun afterall. Or not. Move on.

What’s entertaining of moving from club to club or bar to bar ? The promise that something exiting is there. That it’s “Gooood.” If not, ppl don’t stay. They move on.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I believe you are confusing addiction with entertainment.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doug Whisper.2465

Doug Whisper.2465

Expecting fast food service in MMO.

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sthenith.5196


I believe you are confusing addiction with entertainment.

Addiction is when you can’t let go.
Entertainement is when you have fun.

GW2 = the embodyment of addiction as entertainment.

Well, i think it is. I’m a gambler. I love the MF. ^^

This game does not value your time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

MMOs are pretty much a textbook definition of a time waster.

Anet make Rev great again.