This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby Fizz.5706

Bobby Fizz.5706

Not at all, true FFA means your best buddy can kill you, the only thing keeping you alive is your whits and respect for one another

This is not going to happen in GW2, you’re better off searching for a different game.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


Haven’t had the time to read everything on this thread, but…

I also fondly remember Ultima Online, but I don’t think we can pull off that sort of PvP setting in Guild Wars 2.

I do support the idea of the server under two conditions:

- PvP is effective as of hitting the level cap: like this, everyone roaming the overworld is on the same footing, lower levels can’t be killed and can’t be prevented from levelling.


- No inventory looting. Or, if there is inventory looting, soulbound items + items bought with gems shouldn’t be lootable. Loose stuff like mats and drops and gold can be lootable.

I do not like inventory looting either, there could be some other reward i am sure.

In another thread about this someone suggested that open PVP is only between Guilds, once the 2 consent to be in war with each other:

Guild A sends war declaration to Guild B. If Guild B declares a war back, a war between the 2 is on. If Guild B does not declare war back, nothing happens. Guild A can either retrieve their war declaration or keep it pending in hopes that they respond.

If the 2 guilds are in a war, they can kill each other to their liking. Once one of the guilds needs peaceful time, they can pull their declaration back and end the war that way.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fish.5237


I’d like to see a security system similar to EVE. Where you have High-Sec, Low-Sec and No-Sec zones with open PvP in all zones (with different levels of NPC enforcement). But that’s why I play EVE. :P

In GW2, there’s very little worry about “ganking lowbies” since it downranks you. Ya, you have an advantage with gear and skills that are unlocked at higher levels. But no so much that you’ll outright stomp every single other character you come across. But even with that advantage, making lower level areas a “high-sec” area, would combat this issue even more.

Looting actual items from a player is a no-go. I know that if I had a nice item that took a lot of time to earn and someone looted it from me in a fight, I’d probably just quit the game. Getting SOME loot from a killed player (that doesn’t come out of their inventory) is OK though.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


In a game like GW2 ganking shouldn’t be to bad, lets remember here folks, aside from gear all characters get down ranked upon entering a lower level zone, this will at least give the lower level character a fighting chance unlike other FFA MMO’s where some high level bully comes and one shots players.

To those that have played on a FFA server already know that the bond players create for one another is above and beyond that of your standard MMO, this is because players form bonds out of survival instincts, respect & common goals unlike the standard MMO where players manly form bonds out of using one another to get gear though raiding, ect.

FFA servers are like nothing you have ever experienced in a game, a true FFA bonding experience is only matched by those who have fought in a real life war, well maybe not that extreme but extreme in a virtual setting of survival of the fittest and our lives depend on our union towards our allies.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


Not at all, true FFA means your best buddy can kill you, the only thing keeping you alive is your whits and respect for one another

This is not going to happen in GW2, you’re better off searching for a different game.

I am going to try Darkfall: Unholy Wars when it comes out

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I hate FFA PvP servers but if others want to I dont see a problem.
However only if they separate power changes. I hate having class nerfs to balance out FFA servers that impact non FFA server players.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


There are many things the game needs to fully function under its current design. These include event bug fixes, rewards balancing, dungeon fixes, class balances and class feature bugs. I could go on, but this should be enough to make a point. If you believe the forums, these things are already long overdue.

I believe those in favor of this idea are grossly under-estimating the amount of dev time that would be needed to make it happen. I have nothing against the idea as an idea. Implementing the idea would, however, negatively impact the further development of the game for everyone. This is a factor arguing against its implementation.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


This game is took hacker friendly for FFA. FFA only works if there are no cheaters. Teleporting bots on every corner of the map. Plus all the multiboxers we have now, FFA is a thing of the past.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

This has come up before. And last time it was the same, a lot of PvE players that were incredibly against the idea of a “PK server”

It makes no sense to me. It would be a new server, no one would force you to join, why are you so against a PvP server?

Anet make Rev great again.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


This game is took hacker friendly for FFA. FFA only works if there are no cheaters. Teleporting bots on every corner of the map. Plus all the multiboxers we have now, FFA is a thing of the past.

No matter the game there will always be hackers, bots, ect. to make a wild statement that FFA as a thing of the past is not true, FFA games are out there but the problem is no AAA MMO has implemented FFA for reasons unknown, my guess they are just chasing fast and easy money and following the blueprints that games like WoW laid out and for good reason, it works as a fool proof plain.

FFA is a good thing because there is a market for it, I can name a few indie MMO’s that have such a thing that are running today and strong.

Right now there isn’t one AAA MMO that even offers the FFA rule set, why because they truly don’t care about all there players, all they care about is what makes the most money with the least amount of effort, they are the McDonald’s of the MMO world selling you cheap food that taste okay without offering a 5 coarse meal, they are nothing more then corporate money grabs.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


This has come up before. And last time it was the same, a lot of PvE players that were incredibly against the idea of a “PK server”

It makes no sense to me. It would be a new server, no one would force you to join, why are you so against a PvP server?

Simple really, those people are greedy slobs, they are so worried about resources that they somehow think it will take away from there experience, when in reality this could be done with little to no effort.

Another reason is they think that an FFA server will make them feel less then optimal players compared to FFA players, so because they can’t handle it, dislike like it no body should, they just want to save there online ego’s.

I have seen this for years with the post WoW’s generation of MMO players, they fear not feeling heroic or skilled and a FFA server would make there type of game play feel obsolete in comparison to a FFA server.

(edited by Warjin.8942)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


This is how said server would play out

1) 2000 people would jump on it, 1000 of them would make thieves and go to Lion’s Arch (assumed safe zone). Buy gems and level up to 80 in 4 hours doing crafting.

2) 500 of them would then scatter out to all the newbie zones and kill any level 1 that walks into the zone repeatedly giving new characters no chance to level.

3) Every subsequent new person would quit immediately, complain on these forums, and go back to their original server.

4) The servers population would be dead within 2 days of release.

1) Money for A-net, (Profit!)
2) And be the same level as the people they are trying to gank, so fair fight. (Profit!)
3)This server isn’t for everyone, so let them quit, go back to the PvE servers, let the ones that enjoy this type of play enjoy Gw2, (Profit!)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


There are many things the game needs to fully function under its current design. These include event bug fixes, rewards balancing, dungeon fixes, class balances and class feature bugs. I could go on, but this should be enough to make a point. If you believe the forums, these things are already long overdue.

I believe those in favor of this idea are grossly under-estimating the amount of dev time that would be needed to make it happen. I have nothing against the idea as an idea. Implementing the idea would, however, negatively impact the further development of the game for everyone. This is a factor arguing against its implementation.

The game is bleeding players every day. Any player who wants true PvP has already left, will leave soon or will not even start GW2 based on reviews from friends and media. This could attract the open pvp breed of players, turn around some who quit out of boredom and keep the current ones in the game.

I came expecting WvW to be the amazing open PvP experience as it is advertised. When I got here all i saw was a zerg of 20 people on a top of a tower and a few people nuking it from below….. for hours either side nudges. On the other side of the map there is a group of 5 running around capping supply camps killing NPCs. The moments of actual FUN PvP are so rare there.

Just look at the forums, every 3rd thread created talks about how bored people are and how there is little to do past level 80. In previous games I played, the PVE content was a fraction of what we have, yet the open PvP and clan wars did not let people get bored.

(edited by Hantu.2815)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


There are many things the game needs to fully function under its current design. These include event bug fixes, rewards balancing, dungeon fixes, class balances and class feature bugs. I could go on, but this should be enough to make a point. If you believe the forums, these things are already long overdue.

I believe those in favor of this idea are grossly under-estimating the amount of dev time that would be needed to make it happen. I have nothing against the idea as an idea. Implementing the idea would, however, negatively impact the further development of the game for everyone. This is a factor arguing against its implementation.

The game is bleeding players every day. Any player who wants true PvP has already left, will leave soon or will not even start GW2 based on reviews from friends and media. This could attract the open pvp breed of players, turn around some who quit out of boredom and keep the current ones in the game.

I came expecting WvW to be the amazing open PvP experience as it is advertised. When I got here all i saw was a zerg of 20 people on a top of a tower and a few people nuking it from below….. for hours either side nudges. On the other side of the map there is a group of 5 running around capping supply camps killing NPCs. The moments of actual FUN PvP are so rare there.

Just look at the forums, every 3rd thread created talks about how bored people are and how there is little to do past level 80. In previous games I played, the PVE content was a fraction of what we have, yet the open PvP and clan wars did not let people get bored.

While I agree that PvP, especially WvWvW, is lacking, my experience of “nothing to do” posts was that they diminished greatly when fractals was introduced — maybe because the PvP players had mostly already left, whereas the gear crackers were lingering, hoping for a bone, which they got. Mostly what I see now are complaints about bugs, DR, drops, and such.

I think it’s already too late for the PvP crowd, at least until sPvP gets something new and WvW gets a complete overhaul — which I wish they would do.

Unlike others who prefer PvE, I would not care if such a server existed, but I suspect if it were not done right, the complaints would be loud. And I still think that those in favor are glossing over the complete re-imagining of the game that open PvP would require to be done right.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


No matter the game there will always be hackers, bots, ect. to make a wild statement that FFA as a thing of the past is not true, FFA games are out there but the problem is no AAA MMO has implemented FFA for reasons unknown, my guess they are just chasing fast and easy money and following the blueprints that games like WoW laid out and for good reason, it works as a fool proof plain.

The true FFA of the past was only fun before rampant hacking set in. And became even less fun when MMOs started allowing multiboxers and you end up facing off against a player with 5 times the focused dps of any other single player. Any MMOs that cracked down hard enough on hacking still had multiboxers ruining the fun.

GW2 can’t seem to get rid of it’s teleport hackers, and almost all MMOs condone multiboxing. I enjoyed old school FFA but it doesn’t work with rampant hacking and multiboxers. I stand by it, I think true FFA is dead, unless you enjoy testing your hacking skills or multiboxing skills it just isn’t fun anymore.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


This game is took hacker friendly for FFA. FFA only works if there are no cheaters. Teleporting bots on every corner of the map. Plus all the multiboxers we have now, FFA is a thing of the past.

No matter the game there will always be hackers, bots, ect. to make a wild statement that FFA as a thing of the past is not true, FFA games are out there but the problem is no AAA MMO has implemented FFA for reasons unknown, my guess they are just chasing fast and easy money and following the blueprints that games like WoW laid out and for good reason, it works as a fool proof plain.

FFA is a good thing because there is a market for it, I can name a few indie MMO’s that have such a thing that are running today and strong.

Right now there isn’t one AAA MMO that even offers the FFA rule set, why because they truly don’t care about all there players, all they care about is what makes the most money with the least amount of effort, they are the McDonald’s of the MMO world selling you cheap food that taste okay without offering a 5 coarse meal, they are nothing more then corporate money grabs.

EVE is has FFA gameplay, but yes it is very rare, there is a market for it. Going to be a long time before you see another UO, SB or Mordred.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


There are many things the game needs to fully function under its current design. These include event bug fixes, rewards balancing, dungeon fixes, class balances and class feature bugs. I could go on, but this should be enough to make a point. If you believe the forums, these things are already long overdue.

I believe those in favor of this idea are grossly under-estimating the amount of dev time that would be needed to make it happen. I have nothing against the idea as an idea. Implementing the idea would, however, negatively impact the further development of the game for everyone. This is a factor arguing against its implementation.

The game is bleeding players every day. Any player who wants true PvP has already left, will leave soon or will not even start GW2 based on reviews from friends and media. This could attract the open pvp breed of players, turn around some who quit out of boredom and keep the current ones in the game.

I came expecting WvW to be the amazing open PvP experience as it is advertised. When I got here all i saw was a zerg of 20 people on a top of a tower and a few people nuking it from below….. for hours either side nudges. On the other side of the map there is a group of 5 running around capping supply camps killing NPCs. The moments of actual FUN PvP are so rare there.

Just look at the forums, every 3rd thread created talks about how bored people are and how there is little to do past level 80. In previous games I played, the PVE content was a fraction of what we have, yet the open PvP and clan wars did not let people get bored.

While I agree that PvP, especially WvWvW, is lacking, my experience of “nothing to do” posts was that they diminished greatly when fractals was introduced — maybe because the PvP players had mostly already left, whereas the gear crackers were lingering, hoping for a bone, which they got. Mostly what I see now are complaints about bugs, DR, drops, and such.

I think it’s already too late for the PvP crowd, at least until sPvP gets something new and WvW gets a complete overhaul — which I wish they would do.

Unlike others who prefer PvE, I would not care if such a server existed, but I suspect if it were not done right, the complaints would be loud. And I still think that those in favor are glossing over the complete re-imagining of the game that open PvP would require to be done right.

Most PvPers came to this game going, WvW = RvR? yeahh! I doubt there are many remaining, this is a PvE game to the core, not that I have a problem with this.

My only gripe is MMO developers seem to think its fine to market their product as a PvP MMO then release a PvE focused game.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376
10 years strong, 450k players World wide, full PvP loot system, so please don’t tell me people have no desire to risk items they won in game.

EVE is literally run by sociopaths, though. If there’s any game to serve as an example of everything wrong with the whole idea of open world PVP, it’s that one.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainu.6871


If you enjoy FFA with lootable kills you might actually be interested in trying out Minecraft multiplayer on anarchy servers. You can’t level up of course (well you can but xp is only used to enchant stuff and is reset on death) but you can gain better items by either crafting or trading them, or by killing someone else who has got them

On topic: I wouldn’t play on an FFA server since the game isn’t nearly designed for it but if a server could be set up without specific balancing or such that would take away HR from the current game then by all means, implement one!

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragingpuma.4618


what are you talking about? ffa is the biggest money grab of them all! It will be fine at first but then they will introduce overpowered gear that the rich snobs will spend thousands on it and the people who aren’t willing to spend cash cannot touch them. "cough*conqueronline*cough*

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Oh man, I’m with ya – some REAL PvP! Sadly there’s been a noticeable stepping down into “Care Bear Land”. WoW, had some good times until they started instituting “rules” to destroy them. Then came WAR with it’s “chicken” debuff or whatever. Then we had SWTOR where if you wanted to even see a member of the opposing faction your were gonna have to hire a shirpa and plan out a full on expedition. To here, GW2 where outside of segregated and specifically structured areas you can’t hardly make an unpleasant grimace at another player. (I glossed over many titles just to high light the big obvious steps into this MMO “touch football” hell they’ve all contributed to bringing about).

Is it the newer generation of young MMO’ers that just want the clearest path to hitting level cap and aquiring the shiniest shinies as quickly as possible just so they can turn to the production companies and yell, “MAKE MORE!”? Is the large crowd ushered by WoW’s Mc’ Donald’s style MMO’ery just that scared and shaken by any confrontation or fight (for lack of skill or whatever reason) as they turn to the companies and bellow, “DO WHAT I WANT OR I QUIT!”? I don’t have a clue.

What I AM sure about though is that spontaneous PvP is all but cold and in the ground right now. On the bright side, this does set the stage for some company to pick that ball back up and champion the desires of all the old school PvP’ers. If there’s a profit to be turned there I’m pretty sure it’ll happen eventually!

Personally, I always thought that a selection of servers fitting multiple styles was the final word and the ultimate answer on the matter. What did I know though? Apparently utterly eradicating PvP seemed a better answer?

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qid.1937


FFA has been and always will be a lame concept in any game.

BG Mrplow – Highly rated since 1987.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrclyde.6358


Well i see both sides of that story. On one hand i can understand people looking for the thrill. On the other hand there are far to many griefers to ruin such a thrilling gamefuture by taking it far over the top.

As a Player that loves to do PvP i say WvW is good enough for me, and as such a PvP-player i must admit i don’t like those ganking griefers thinking they are strong or even good by steamroll other players who have no chance to win or even get away because they are either outmanned or terribly underlevelt, look at WvW, there is a diffrence between an 80 in full exotic and a level 20 in all blues. Downgrading is working to good in that case.

However, to set up a server which FFA rules means more work and investment for Arenanet, for maintaince too. AND Guildwars2 isn’t designed that way: outside the WvW people in openworld work all together to accomplish things, as a community. FFA would work against that thought. Imagine WvW for such a server. It wouldn’t take part in it, because People taking part in it are to few without noticeable gear cause everyone on their own server is fighting each other, so there are just a few left. And no, i don’t think their skills will be improved by playing on a FFA-Server. Fighting everywhere has a prize….

Oh and before i forget: Stop mentioning EVE online. First of all it isn’t the same genre and even mechanics are diffrent. Second 450k isn’t a big number for a MMO these days and Third: those are accounts…. not players. Take into account that many People have more than one account, and that BECAUSE of these FFA mechanics.
And to be honest: EVE is by far the most sucessful game of the FFA-kind. So FFA-Players are not a matterissue for developers today. But that doesn’t mean there are no games for Players who like FFA. There are many. But people try to convert popular games into a FFA game because they hope to get more people into the FFA-sector. But what will happen IF FFA is there in GW2 and most people don’t take part in it? What if the Server is getting less and less people? Are FFA-people trying to cry out in the forums try to get Arenanet to force people into FFA? I don’t think FFA is a good idea nor will it work.

So to state it clear: i am not against it, i just don’t think it will work. And even i consider myself as a PvPer, i would never take part in such servers. But if u ever get the chance to have one Server with FFA-rules i won’t mind.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192


  • possessive personality disorder
  • No one can transfer a character to this server type, and if you create a toon on this server type you can not create toons on the other server types (unless you delete all toons on the FFA server)
  • hand holding PVE server
  • Post WoW MMO players that are pretty much ex-console players that made the jump to PC/Mac gaming and needed instant glorification or they would just quit and cry like they did when they played console games with there friends.
  • Oh and you sir are a complete pu…sorry I called you sir,Ma’am
  • Carebears
  • babying the players
  • greedy slobs
  • they just want to save there online ego’s
  • “Care Bear Land”

This is a selection of comments from the pro-ffa people in this thread. Having played for years on FFA and PvP servers all the while lamenting the popultion dearth, I can tell you that these comments are indicative of the majority of players that want such playtypes and are the reason that so many are against it.

To put it bluntly, the PvP servers always ends up being dominated by kittens, braggards and pseudo-bullies whose actions and demeanor actively discourage an influx of new players while simultaneously wearing away the resolve of any pvper not in the above categories.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942

10 years strong, 450k players World wide, full PvP loot system, so please don’t tell me people have no desire to risk items they won in game.

EVE is literally run by sociopaths, though. If there’s any game to serve as an example of everything wrong with the whole idea of open world PVP, it’s that one.

Maybe but it works, and one of the longest running MMO’s of all time , 10 years May 6th also one of the only MMO’s to date that is growing not even WoW can make that statement.

A few months ago, they released EvE in Asia, and gained another 100k subs, 450k subs World wide, now if that doesn’t tell you there is market for FFA I don’t know what will, not only that it’s a niche space sim at that, more people are into fantasy the scifi when it comes to MMO’s

P.S. Almost forgot, Marry Christmas every one : )

(edited by Warjin.8942)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469

10 years strong, 450k players World wide, full PvP loot system, so please don’t tell me people have no desire to risk items they won in game.

EVE is literally run by sociopaths, though. If there’s any game to serve as an example of everything wrong with the whole idea of open world PVP, it’s that one.

Maybe but it works, and one of the longest running MMO’s of all time , 10 years May 6th also one of the only MMO’s to date that is growing not even WoW can make that statement.

A few months ago, they released EvE in Asia, and gained another 100k subs, 450k subs World wide, now if that doesn’t tell you there is market for FFA I don’t know what will, not only that it’s a niche space sim at that, more people are into fantasy the scifi when it comes to MMO’s

P.S. Almost forgot, Marry Christmas every one : )

Its because it is quite literally the only FFA MMO on the market with any kind of funding.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


This is how said server would play out

1) 2000 people would jump on it, 1000 of them would make thieves and go to Lion’s Arch (assumed safe zone). Buy gems and level up to 80 in 4 hours doing crafting.

2) 500 of them would then scatter out to all the newbie zones and kill any level 1 that walks into the zone repeatedly giving new characters no chance to level.

3) Every subsequent new person would quit immediately, complain on these forums, and go back to their original server.

4) The servers population would be dead within 2 days of release.

LOL….thats pretty much the history of all such servers in a nutshell. Not unlike TERA right now.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


Totally incompatible with this game, which is based on cooperation. So it won’t happen.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gennyt.3428


  • possessive personality disorder
  • No one can transfer a character to this server type, and if you create a toon on this server type you can not create toons on the other server types (unless you delete all toons on the FFA server)
  • hand holding PVE server
  • Post WoW MMO players that are pretty much ex-console players that made the jump to PC/Mac gaming and needed instant glorification or they would just quit and cry like they did when they played console games with there friends.
  • Oh and you sir are a complete pu…sorry I called you sir,Ma’am
  • Carebears
  • babying the players
  • greedy slobs
  • they just want to save there online ego’s
  • “Care Bear Land”

This is a selection of comments from the pro-ffa people in this thread. Having played for years on FFA and PvP servers all the while lamenting the popultion dearth, I can tell you that these comments are indicative of the majority of players that want such playtypes and are the reason that so many are against it.

To put it bluntly, the PvP servers always ends up being dominated by kittens, braggards and pseudo-bullies whose actions and demeanor actively discourage an influx of new players while simultaneously wearing away the resolve of any pvper not in the above categories.

LOL my thoughts exactly. But to be honest, I did have fun for a while in games like Lineage II, Age of Conan and those games had very ugly sides to pvp and I got tired of the drama as it just ended up getting in the way. GW2 wasn’t built with this in mind so I don’t think it’s as easy as plopping down a server for pvp and calling it a day, not to mention the culling issues, teleporting hacks etc. And a lvl 80 with traits, elites will mop the floor with a lvl 25 in a lvl 25 zone, sorry I don’t know how that one will work out. What will be the consequences? Can that person be a kittenbag then just port out? There will have to be significant changes to the game just for a pvp server.

Whispers with meat.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


“This game is nice, but maybe it should be a completely different game.”

I’d kind of enjoy a free-for-all PvP game (with some specific features, at least: good combat mechanics, meaningful interaction between new and experienced characters, and no subscription), but GW2 really isn’t the right environment for it.

Your request doesn’t make sense without completely redesigning the environment. Everything about the PvE areas is set up to funnel players together for commitment-light cooperative play. Can you imagine a “dynamic event” with free-for-all PvP?

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kid Taylor.5479

Kid Taylor.5479

  • possessive personality disorder
  • No one can transfer a character to this server type, and if you create a toon on this server type you can not create toons on the other server types (unless you delete all toons on the FFA server)
  • hand holding PVE server
  • Post WoW MMO players that are pretty much ex-console players that made the jump to PC/Mac gaming and needed instant glorification or they would just quit and cry like they did when they played console games with there friends.
  • Oh and you sir are a complete pu…sorry I called you sir,Ma’am
  • Carebears
  • babying the players
  • greedy slobs
  • they just want to save there online ego’s
  • “Care Bear Land”

This is a selection of comments from the pro-ffa people in this thread. Having played for years on FFA and PvP servers all the while lamenting the popultion dearth, I can tell you that these comments are indicative of the majority of players that want such playtypes and are the reason that so many are against it.

To put it bluntly, the PvP servers always ends up being dominated by kittens, braggards and pseudo-bullies whose actions and demeanor actively discourage an influx of new players while simultaneously wearing away the resolve of any pvper not in the above categories.

I was about to do the same thing and quote all that too, bravo to you.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


“This game is nice, but maybe it should be a completely different game.”

I’d kind of enjoy a free-for-all PvP game (with some specific features, at least: good combat mechanics, meaningful interaction between new and experienced characters, and no subscription), but GW2 really isn’t the right environment for it.

Your request doesn’t make sense without completely redesigning the environment. Everything about the PvE areas is set up to funnel players together for commitment-light cooperative play. Can you imagine a “dynamic event” with free-for-all PvP?

Yes, I imagine 2 guilds fighting each other because one wants to do the COF chain events to go in and the others want to lock them out. Or someone espotted an enemy during the shatter fight and they are now fighting over who will get to loot a dragon chest and who will die and go to way point. This is FUN and EXCITING. This has a reward in the end of the fight, this gives the feeling of fulfilment and an adrenaline rush.

If the “looser” of the fight is bitter afterwards or begins to “rage”, perhaps they have a bad sportsmanship attitude and should not be exposed to any kind of competitive play at all, therefore a PvP server is not for them. If a player doesn’t have the “good sport” attitude towards a competition, He will only hide it for so long and it will come out at some point even in a 100% PVE game. I can already see it coming out on the forums as soon as we do as little as mention a PvP server. What is the next step here? The soccer ball is replaced by a balloon and everyone gets a nice big shiny trophy in the end?

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


  • possessive personality disorder
  • No one can transfer a character to this server type, and if you create a toon on this server type you can not create toons on the other server types (unless you delete all toons on the FFA server)
  • hand holding PVE server
  • Post WoW MMO players that are pretty much ex-console players that made the jump to PC/Mac gaming and needed instant glorification or they would just quit and cry like they did when they played console games with there friends.
  • Oh and you sir are a complete pu…sorry I called you sir,Ma’am
  • Carebears
  • babying the players
  • greedy slobs
  • they just want to save there online ego’s
  • “Care Bear Land”

This is a selection of comments from the pro-ffa people in this thread. Having played for years on FFA and PvP servers all the while lamenting the popultion dearth, I can tell you that these comments are indicative of the majority of players that want such playtypes and are the reason that so many are against it.

To put it bluntly, the PvP servers always ends up being dominated by kittens, braggards and pseudo-bullies whose actions and demeanor actively discourage an influx of new players while simultaneously wearing away the resolve of any pvper not in the above categories.

This is almost a personal insult to everyone one who is defending the OP’s suggestion. I can too go over posts made as counter-arguments and make a list for you, and say something like “these quotes are indicative of over-protected players with a nervous systems as fragile as thin ice”. One word that MAY sound offensive to them and you are creating a toxic environment. You step on their mini pet and you are a heartless PKer.

In this comment alone you make players who are defending this idea sound like a group of arrogant e-bullies, by selecting a few words out of a wall of text. The discussion here was actually a good one, with solid and valid points brought up by both sides. Just like you make it sound like you do not want players like me in your game, I do not want exposure to players like you, I am surprised of the breeding ground a game with the word WARS in it has created for your kind. Perhaps i am too old for this gaming community, I an growing sick of the babying done by the games.

(edited by Hantu.2815)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


  • possessive personality disorder
  • No one can transfer a character to this server type, and if you create a toon on this server type you can not create toons on the other server types (unless you delete all toons on the FFA server)
  • hand holding PVE server
  • Post WoW MMO players that are pretty much ex-console players that made the jump to PC/Mac gaming and needed instant glorification or they would just quit and cry like they did when they played console games with there friends.
  • Oh and you sir are a complete pu…sorry I called you sir,Ma’am
  • Carebears
  • babying the players
  • greedy slobs
  • they just want to save there online ego’s
  • “Care Bear Land”

This is a selection of comments from the pro-ffa people in this thread. Having played for years on FFA and PvP servers all the while lamenting the popultion dearth, I can tell you that these comments are indicative of the majority of players that want such playtypes and are the reason that so many are against it.

To put it bluntly, the PvP servers always ends up being dominated by kittens, braggards and pseudo-bullies whose actions and demeanor actively discourage an influx of new players while simultaneously wearing away the resolve of any pvper not in the above categories.

Now cherry pick all the things said by the other side.

All I tend to hear is why FFA wouldn’t work and why this shouldn’t happen and why,why,why,why and so on, the thing is sure there are some rude people in FFA servers, but the same holds true on standard servers, my point, why do you care if there is a FFA server, I mean if you don’t like it no one is forcing you to play on that server.

I feel there is a deep rooted issue here, I feel that players just have a bad grudge with FFA server & players because at one point they where the victims of some bad greifing and developed a deep hatred for all the players that enjoy FFA rule sets, so in there sick way of getting even they make up excuses on how this won’t work and why is shouldn’t happen ect.

On behalf of all those jerks I am sorry, but lets remember this is just a game and in games one mans fun is another mans misery. IMO I have found that the key to enjoy a good MMO is to just play the way you like and forget about other people, that being said, in your case remove yourself from all things FFA, server, players ect. and let the players that do enjoy FFA have there fun just as you on your standard server.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gennyt.3428


^ You sound mad that you’re playing a PvE game.

Whispers with meat.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


Yes, I imagine 2 guilds fighting each other because one wants to do the COF chain events to go in and the others want to lock them out. Or someone espotted an enemy during the shatter fight and they are now fighting over who will get to loot a dragon chest and who will die and go to way point. This is FUN and EXCITING. This has a reward in the end of the fight, this gives the feeling of fulfilment and an adrenaline rush.

Now actually think about all of the friendly-fire and collateral-damage issues involved.

Also think about what happens when 30 guilds are all going to CoF, constantly.

Free-for-all PvP games generally work by creating territory. You’re here, your rivals are over there, there’s conflict happening in the border areas and occasional deep incursions, &c. If everyone’s just waypointing everywhere, it’s nonsense and chaos.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


Yes, I imagine 2 guilds fighting each other because one wants to do the COF chain events to go in and the others want to lock them out. Or someone espotted an enemy during the shatter fight and they are now fighting over who will get to loot a dragon chest and who will die and go to way point. This is FUN and EXCITING. This has a reward in the end of the fight, this gives the feeling of fulfilment and an adrenaline rush.

Now actually think about all of the friendly-fire and collateral-damage issues involved.

Also think about what happens when 30 guilds are all going to CoF, constantly.

Free-for-all PvP games generally work by creating territory. You’re here, your rivals are over there, there’s conflict happening in the border areas and occasional deep incursions, &c. If everyone’s just waypointing everywhere, it’s nonsense and chaos.

One more guild that shows up to COF, see the fight. They now have a choice:
1- Join the battle and fight the other guild to go away
2- Just do the event while the others are fighting
3- Wait on the bench with pop corn to see how it ends

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


^ You sound mad that you’re playing a PvE game.

I am actually, this was sold to me as a “PvP game”

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192



This is almost a personal insult to everyone one who is defending the OP’s suggestion. I can too go over posts made as counter-arguments and make a list for you, and say something like “these quotes are indicative of over-protected players with a nervous systems as fragile as thin ice”. One word that MAY sound offensive to them and you are a griefer. You step on their mini pet and you are a heartless PKer. Just like you make it sound like you do not want players like me in your game, I do not want exposure to players like you, I am surprised of the breeding ground a game with the word WARS in it has created for your kind.

While you may construe my post as insulting (without any real justification) your post certainly makes no bones about it. Bravo.

Now consider the fact that a significant portion of the quotes were insulting or derogatory. Are you really claiming that it’s insulting for me to point out that a high percentage of vocal pvp advocates are insulting?

Perhaps you missed it, or perhaps you simply ignored it to help bolster your false indignation, but I have spent most of my MMO life on PvP and FFA servers. What I have seen time and again is a near inevitable population decline and I lamented this. Being who I am, I actually tried to determine the cause of said decline and what I’ve found is exactly what I pointed out.

Open PvP has an image problem. The actions of the negative elements within the pvp community are actively harmful to maintaining the interest of potential new members and the loudest cheerleaders for open pvp consistenly pepper their arguments with insults and bragging.

Why would anyone who isn’t already entrenched in the pvp social construct want to support it when this is its face?

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


^ You sound mad that you’re playing a PvE game.

I enjoy PvE not at all, I just want the option to have a FFA server, I also never liked games where they separated PvP & PvE gear, I like to progress my character to become strong in PvP though PvE and vise/versa, kind of makes my efforts not feel in vain if you know I mean and a game like GW2 can offer that unlike all the other post WoW games on the market.

GW2 has the potential due to it’s mechanics in layout to provide a great FFA experience to an already great PvE experience that this game has to offer, You may not think so but I want to help make GW2 be the best game it can be giving players the option to do it all sort of speak, great PvE,great SPvP, great RvR and a great PvP server that being FFA.

I think the question here is are you mad that players want something you might not have the courage, skill and know how to succeed, are you protecting your ego is that why you don’t want it available?

I could be wrong you could be the next “Blood from Asheron’s Call”, but how would we ever know if players are to afraid of even having a FFA system implemented in the first place.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192



Now cherry pick all the things said by the other side.

All I tend to hear is why FFA wouldn’t work and why this shouldn’t happen and why,why,why,why and so on, the thing is sure there are some rude people in FFA servers, but the same holds true on standard servers, my point, why do you care if there is a FFA server, I mean if you don’t like it no one is forcing you to play on that server.

I feel there is a deep rooted issue here, I feel that players just have a bad grudge with FFA server & players because at one point they where the victims of some bad greifing and developed a deep hatred for all the players that enjoy FFA rule sets, so in there sick way of getting even they make up excuses on how this won’t work and why is shouldn’t happen ect.

On behalf of all those jerks I am sorry, but lets remember this is just a game and in games one mans fun is another mans misery. IMO I have found that the key to enjoy a good MMO is to just play the way you like and forget about other people, that being said, in your case remove yourself from all things FFA, server, players ect. and let the players that do enjoy FFA have there fun just as you on your standard server.

I disagree with your charge of cherry-picking and strongly suspect you misapprehend what it means. However, in the interest of fairness, here are all the insulting points in this thread by anti-ffa

  • In fact only people I ever see ask for this Crap are griefers who never actually go up against people their own level and gank newwbies and lowbies. I have to come to the conculsion that world pvpers and those that request ffa servers are the worst form of human on the planet and are despicibale gamers

That’s it, one post. A significant imbalance, no?

Now then, about that second paragraph. Insinuating that people against ffa servers are monlithically emotionally/psychologically damaged. Not a real good move if you’re trying to play down the insulting tone of pro-ffa.

Third paragraph : “…in games one mans fun is another mans misery.” NO I deny that this statement is true. The world of gaming is not zero sum.

Once again, FFA and OPvP have a serious image problem and the demeanor of its advocates is not doing anything to rehabilitate it.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942



This is almost a personal insult to everyone one who is defending the OP’s suggestion. I can too go over posts made as counter-arguments and make a list for you, and say something like “these quotes are indicative of over-protected players with a nervous systems as fragile as thin ice”. One word that MAY sound offensive to them and you are a griefer. You step on their mini pet and you are a heartless PKer. Just like you make it sound like you do not want players like me in your game, I do not want exposure to players like you, I am surprised of the breeding ground a game with the word WARS in it has created for your kind.

Open PvP has an image problem. The actions of the negative elements within the pvp community are actively harmful to maintaining the interest of potential new members and the loudest cheerleaders for open pvp consistenly pepper their arguments with insults and bragging.

I still fail to see how this would effect the GW2 community if it’s only one server with a FFA rule set, you make it seem like every players will be forced onto a FFA server,, you do understand that the only people that will be on a FFA server are people that enjoy it, I would agree with you 100% if we had all server swapped to FFA but that isn’t the case and never will be.

Also lets not forget PvE has a image problem as well, and it’s the kitten, elitist ego, max dps people, you tell me what’s more destructive (if you ever played WoW) to a community, gearscore,dps meters ect. not saying GW2 has those mods but the same ego elitist jerks spew there kitten all over PvE servers, so if anything that right there are negative elements within the PvE community harmful to maintaining the interest of potential new members.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192


I think the question here is are you mad that players want something you might not have the courage, skill and know how to succeed, are you protecting your ego is that why you don’t want it available?

Add another to the list

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192


Open PvP has an image problem. The actions of the negative elements within the pvp community are actively harmful to maintaining the interest of potential new members and the loudest cheerleaders for open pvp consistenly pepper their arguments with insults and bragging.

I still fail to see how this would effect the GW2 community if it’s only one server with a FFA rule set, you make it seem like every players will be forced onto a FFA server,, you do understand that the only people that will be on a FFA server are people that enjoy it, I would agree with you 100% if we had all server swapped to FFA but that isn’t the case and never will be.

Also lets not forget PvE has a image problem as well, and it’s the kitten, elitist ego, max dps people, you tell me what’s more destructive (if you ever played WoW) to a community, gearscore,dps meters ect. not saying GW2 has those mods but the same ego elitist jerks spew there kitten all over PvE servers, so if anything that right there are negative elements within the PvE community harmful to maintaining the interest of potential new members.

Nice strawman there. Where did I ever say that because of the image problem, the GW2 community at large would be affected? Nowhere.

As to the “PvE image problem”, I’m impressed that you would have the audacity to compare the two. The issues you listed do not pertain to PvE as a whole and are generally not deterrants for new player intake as new players are not exposed to them at induction.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


I think the question here is are you mad that players want something you might not have the courage, skill and know how to succeed, are you protecting your ego is that why you don’t want it available?

Add another to the list

First of all, you anti FFA people are in the wrong, if you don’t like the topic, don’t post, I can see if I made my post like “Turn All Servers to FFA A-net”

I swear that’s what it seems you guys have read, this post was to add O.N.E server with a FFA rules set for those that enjoy that type of play and you anti FFA players went bat crazy as if it in anyway is going to effect you, now you are trying to prove what? that FFA players are rule and bad for the community? really, really, just look at what you are doing, you shouldn’t even be in the this thread if you have no interest in the subject what so ever.

The only interest you anti FFA players have with this topic is to bash the idea of ever letting other players enjoy the game to it’s maximum potential, and for what I ask?


This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooga.1265


Until it turns into this on the forums in every post regarding PvP:

PvE Server Poster-“I’m good at PvP”

FFA Server Poster-“You’ll never be on my level because I’m on the FFA server which, by default, makes me better than you”

PvE-“But I’ve done this, and this”

FFA-“Doesn’t matter. You’re a PvE casual because you play on ____ Server and I am a true hardcore PvPer because I play on the FFA server. Go back to WoW”

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hantu.2815


Until it turns into this on the forums in every post regarding PvP:

PvE Server Poster-“I’m good at PvP”

FFA Server Poster-“You’ll never be on my level because I’m on the FFA server which, by default, makes me better than you”

PvE-“But I’ve done this, and this”

FFA-“Doesn’t matter. You’re a PvE casual because you play on ____ Server and I am a true hardcore PvPer because I play on the FFA server. Go back to WoW”

Those 2 players can solve their argument in a duel, meet in WvW in a special location or guest each other when the function is out.

Well, unless they do implement FFA, they may as well call the game Forum Wars, since it is the only PvP we are exposed to, after we were sold a game that “strongly emphasises on PvP”.

WvW is lacking everything it can possibly lack, and SPvP is just not fun until they implement new strategies. Look at the corresponding forums and see for yourself. Or even better, log in to the game and go to the mists.

I am not a person who likes to have 5 alts. I like to put my effort in one character and make it a good one. After I made my 1st 80 (and geared it) i felt like most people do, that there is nothing to do and nothing motivates me to keep PVEing. So I made another character, got it to 80, geared it. Than I made another one…. I want to play ONE character, i do NOT want to 100% areas, as it seems to be the only thing left to do besides Fractals. But I dislike them as well, for other personal reasons that have no place in this thread.

So where is the PvP that we were promised?

(edited by Hantu.2815)

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recreant.3192


I think the question here is are you mad that players want something you might not have the courage, skill and know how to succeed, are you protecting your ego is that why you don’t want it available?

Add another to the list

First of all, you anti FFA people are in the wrong, if you don’t like the topic, don’t post, I can see if I made my post like “Turn All Servers to FFA A-net”

I swear that’s what it seems you guys have read, this post was to add O.N.E server with a FFA rules set for those that enjoy that type of play and you anti FFA players went bat crazy as if it in anyway is going to effect you, now you are trying to prove what? that FFA players are rule and bad for the community? really, really, just look at what you are doing, you shouldn’t even be in the this thread if you have no interest in the subject what so ever.

The only interest you anti FFA players have with this topic is to bash the idea of ever letting other players enjoy the game to it’s maximum potential, and for what I ask?


So let me get this straight: In your mind, if I am not rabidly for something, to the point that I am willing to ignore the consistently insulting and derogatory tone of its most vocal proponents, I am anti-whatever.

And I’m “in the wrong.” Curious, explain to me how my point that FFA has an image problem exacerbated by its propenents consistent use of insulting/derogatory language has been shown incorrect.

And hey, go ahead and throw in an argument from “if you don’t like it, shut the kitten up” because that really gets your point across.

Add another demeaning of your opponents mental faculties.

Well played, sir.

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latorn.4209


Sadly it seems like WvW is the replacement for this idea. It’s too bad there aren’t that many PvP objectives and the maps are pretty much the same

I do agree though that something like a FFA PvP server would be amazing and I would totally be addicted to it

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warjin.8942


I think the question here is are you mad that players want something you might not have the courage, skill and know how to succeed, are you protecting your ego is that why you don’t want it available?

Add another to the list

First of all, you anti FFA people are in the wrong, if you don’t like the topic, don’t post, I can see if I made my post like “Turn All Servers to FFA A-net”

I swear that’s what it seems you guys have read, this post was to add O.N.E server with a FFA rules set for those that enjoy that type of play and you anti FFA players went bat crazy as if it in anyway is going to effect you, now you are trying to prove what? that FFA players are rule and bad for the community? really, really, just look at what you are doing, you shouldn’t even be in the this thread if you have no interest in the subject what so ever.

The only interest you anti FFA players have with this topic is to bash the idea of ever letting other players enjoy the game to it’s maximum potential, and for what I ask?


So let me get this straight: In your mind, if I am not rabidly for something, to the point that I am willing to ignore the consistently insulting and derogatory tone of its most vocal proponents, I am anti-whatever.

And I’m “in the wrong.” Curious, explain to me how my point that FFA has an image problem exacerbated by its propenents consistent use of insulting/derogatory language has been shown incorrect.

And hey, go ahead and throw in an argument from “if you don’t like it, shut the kitten up” because that really gets your point across.

Add another demeaning of your opponents mental faculties.

Well played, sir.

I’m not going to fall for this trap, you are purposely trying to turn this thread into a derailed argument so that A-Net locks this thread so that the FFA topic get lost drawing less attention on the subject making the possibility less likely to happen do to lack of exposure.

Well played on your part almost fell for it, but the form griefing is done, I will no longer reply unless it’s about how and why a FFA server is needed.

“High Ranked Chess Player” I see many moves ahead. Good day sir.

(edited by Warjin.8942)