This game worth it?
Perhaps it can help us to answer your question if you let us know what parts of the game you thought were broken or didn’t like.
-All nerfs and bufs they make.
-all those content that is boring to play
-no 1v1 arena
-no housing
-no new fractal lvls
-some new runes (the perplex one)
-most of it the content.. every 2 weeks.. u need to rush for it to get evrything of it..
-and the wvw
if i can find another game that is just as good i would leave.
because i am discriminated by zommoros and RNG
1 – Buffs/nerfs are needed to balance the game so that can’t be helped.
2 – Again you are not saying really what content is boring or makes it boring.
3 – You can do 1 v1 arena now I suppose if you buy the custom arena thing but that costs real cash/gems.
4 – Housing will come in time. They have said they don’t want to rush it and have it be subpar like in other games. They really want it to shine and not only be good, but something really good, so that will take time.
5 – At least 1 new fractal is coming real soon as we had a chance to vote in game for 1 of 2 options. Apart from that I have heard rumours that there could be another 1 or 2 lined up very soon that was content form previous Living Stories.
6 – There’s a couple of new runes, or I should say some have been altered since the Magic Find ones were taken out of the game. You might want to check the wiki for that exact info.
7 – If it’s just the biweekly “flavour of the 2 week” item or title that you are after this is pretty much easily enough to get done within the 2 weeks. Don’t feel forced to do the rest or heck even the title/item if you really don’t want them. Look at these updates as something you MIGHT want to do if bored with the current perm content or needing a break from everything else you do in game.
8 – WvW has been updated with a few new areas where the lake used to be in the middle of the border maps. This can concentrate a lot of fighting in this area. But many people consider this update in general to be a bad thing. You may want to check the WvW forums for more info here. Also they are constantly updating the customization in WvW with new master traits/skills as well as other things. Don’t expect this to change, they will always update WvW as it’s a big part of the game.
I hope that kind of helps. To answer your question in general I would say yes, re-install. Try again but if you find yourself getting bored or burnt out again just take a break DON’T un-install lol. There really is no reason too. There is no subs, unless you have a small hard drive I really see no reason to delete. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
thats the thing they are always saying it comes really soon… all the look in 2013 stuff.. and still every 2 weeks some updates that are totaly stupid.
thats the thing they are always saying it comes really soon… all the look in 2013 stuff.. and still every 2 weeks some updates that are totaly stupid.
Then you have answered your own question and now can move on.
I don’t want to sound like a kitten , but maybe you should try world of warcraft instead of gw2. I’m sure you will love it there.
its worth it if you are a lolPvEr
if you enjoy WvW, run for your life no.Move on nothing to see in this game its terrible. no.Move on nothing to see in this game its terrible.
It’s good enough for you to keep posting on the forums instead of playing another game.
Its the same as it was when you quit a few months ago, so in all likely hood you would quit again sooner or later…
But, like you said are there any alternative games worth playing atm…
Ultimately, no one can answer your question but you. It seems you dislike constant new content, so GW2 is probably not the game for you. There are other MMOs that are very rarely updated and have had no new content in years that may be more to your liking.
They add new skins quite frequently. Though they certainly seem to favor weapons over armor, but still. We’ve had a few new armor sets as well. If you’re in it for the skins, that’s pretty much what GW2 is about.
They have been making significant changes to WvW, and are doing a pretty major overhaul soon—next patch, I believe.
I’m confused as to why you ask if there has been any “good balancing,” and then go on to complain about “all those nerfs and buffs they make.” You can’t have one without the other.
Whether it is GW2 or not, I wish you luck finding the right game for you.
They have been making significant changes to WvW, and are doing a pretty major overhaul soon—next patch, I believe.
before this line, i was wondering if you were a troll or just a veeery clueless guy
that line casted all my doubts away.
since release, the amount of content added to WvW has been less than 0,1% of the PvE content added.
also, all changes have invariably been aimed at fostering zerg play and promote tier1 stacking as an easy way for ANet to make quick bucks off transfers.
I have seen 8 year old F2P games less neglected than the WvW part of this game
(edited by Konrad Curze.5130)