This is (almost) Halloween!
All I want is the clock tower, nowwwww.
I’ll RIOT about other Halloween related details once it starts.
you may have noticed that some Halloween-ish items already are appearing in the In-Game Store. You should know that more items that will be rolling out over the next few weeks, and they will include several popular items of the past
i swear to grenth, you better not reintroduce the 2012 rewards…
I don’t care about anything else. Maybe the scythe. But GREATSAW!
I don’t care if it’s a recolored version of it or something silly like that. PLEASE ANET!
I was there for Halloween. I tried my hardest to get one from a chest. RNG never gave it to me. It’s literally the only weapon I have ever wanted in the game and it’s too expensive to actually buy on the trading post. The Scythe Skin isn’t even available anymore.
These skins were under a stupid RNG system before and need to come back. Please!
greatsaw is still obtainable for those of you who REALLY want it,
spend several months of your life grinding to buy it like the rest of us did,
but if you decide you don’t want it that much,
then don’t remove its value for those of us that do.
(edited by Liewec.2896)
then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
I’m calling BS right here, I got that book three times on level 2 characters, absolutely no part of it required you to levelor even fight enemies, the hardest part was getting to sparkfly fen through bloodtide coast, but it was still possible with dodging and making sure to unlock waypoints.
Bring back Clocktower and maybe some old Halloween 2012 skins!
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
Is it new Halloween festival content or the last two year’s content again?
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
you may have noticed that some Halloween-ish items already are appearing in the In-Game Store. You should know that more items that will be rolling out over the next few weeks, and they will include several popular items of the past
i swear to grenth, you better not reintroduce the 2012 rewards…
I don’t care about anything else. Maybe the scythe. But GREATSAW!
I don’t care if it’s a recolored version of it or something silly like that. PLEASE ANET!
I was there for Halloween. I tried my hardest to get one from a chest. RNG never gave it to me. It’s literally the only weapon I have ever wanted in the game and it’s too expensive to actually buy on the trading post. The Scythe Skin isn’t even available anymore.
These skins were under a stupid RNG system before and need to come back. Please!
greatsaw is still obtainable for those of you who REALLY want it,
spend several months of your life grinding to buy it like the rest of us did,
but if you decide you don’t want it that much,
then don’t remove its value for those of us that do.
Ooohh, déjà vu.
Thank you for the news Gaile!
I hope to be able to put time aside to enjoy it to the fullest this year.
If I had one request, it would be to have no Sylvari character ever attempt to pronounce the word Samhain. =P
Then let’s just open up every skin in the game to everyone who wants them… FILL THE WARDROBES I SAY!!!! BC I’m entitled to everything! Even if I wasn’t there or am too lazy to grind the gold to get it! My entitlement gives me that right!
Like the invention of the ATM, this is an awesome idea proposed by someone who has neither the wit nor the desire to see its grandness.
They better not put the Greatsaw skin back in the game. I bought mine for an insanely amount of gold. It was a few hundred past a thousand.
takes a drink
Hey all,
I see a lot of questions about what’s coming, and sadly, I can’t answer those because I’m really not sure of the answers. We’ll put out a blog post and a release page that will have a lot of info about the event. That will be coming up in a couple of weeks.
Like you I have a few store items and a few drops that I’d like to see return, so I’ll be looking for that info, too!
I really enjoy both this and wintersday, but last year both events had very little new stuff and were essentially rehash. I’m hoping there is a bit more new stuff this time around
I’m just hoping its not another rehash like last year and is something more akin to the first release. Facing off with Thorn is the way to go.
So help me god if so much as a single lamppost breaks in LA…
I wouldnt mind seeing the original halloween skins back up for the hunting. they have been exclusive for 3 years now, would be nice to let some other folk use them for a change.
No… every year this gets asked for… last years you could have lottery for them… or GOD FORBID you could have could have farmed your kitten off at SOME point in the last 3 years to buy it…
I was here when they first came out. I could have picked up the Scythe skin then. I didn’t because the only class it worked for was Necro and the Necro staff animation didn’t and doesn’t sync with the skin. It’s now three years later and finally there is a new class that uses staff in melee, and wouldn’t you know the skin looks amazing for those animations. There is no way, though, that I’m farming for 3000 gold. I have much better things to do with my time than that.
They should have come back every year. There was really no good reason for them not to, and never has been. Exclusivity isn’t a good reason and never has been. They would still be worth a lot during the off season, but not this absurd value. Also with the influx of new players, bring them back and let them have a chance at them. It’s not like anyone even uses that skin, I have personally seen it used, at most, one time ever.
Because everyone is entitled to everything…. got it…
Because everyone is entitled to lord nonsense over everyone to make themselves feel better than others… got it…
1st yr halloween items are definitely prestige items. If you see someone with one you can bet with probably 80-90% certainty they were actually there for the first Halloween. ..
Except how you can’t because they’re for sale, therefore anyone could have picked them up for exorbitant prices at any time. Only two skins require you to have been there. I have both of them. Mad Memories and Mad Memories complete edition. Those are the legitimate prestige items.
I would love to see them bring the quest back too, eliminating even that because prestige is stupid.
Actually you were required to be there for the “witch hat” as well as the “emissary” title (2012 fest). Though hopefully those will never make a comeback, but the others items can return. GAME ON
You are correct, I forgot about those. I never liked the witch hat because like so many hats it makes your hair disappear. So I just leave it in the bank because I’m I hoarder.
I would like to see that come back too, maybe for corn cobs… maybe not since those are farmable.
So help me god if so much as a single lamppost breaks in LA…
To be fair, we had only had the original LA for a month before they blew up the Lion Statue and redecorated the place, so I wouldn’t put it past them.
Well now I have “This is Halloween” stuck in my head :p But yay, I’m so happy Mad King is coming back this year
If I had one request, it would be to have no Sylvari character ever attempt to pronounce the word Samhain. =P
Maybe we should ask the Pale Tree who this Samuel person is?
(edited by Menadena.7482)
The Irish Gaelic pronunciation for Samhaim is Sow-en, Sow-an, Soow-en depending on the area you are in. It makes me cringe to hear people (hollywood and non) pronounce it Sam-haym. Almost as bad as calling male witches “wizards” or worse “warlocks” lol. GAME ON
(edited by Tasida.4085)
The Irish Gaelic pronunciation for Samhaim is Sow-en, Sow-an, Soow-en depending on the area you are in. It makes me cringe to hear people (hollywood and non) pronounce it Sam-haym. Almost as bad as calling male witches “wizards” or worse “warlocks” lol. GAME ON
Sow as in female pig (rhyming with cow) here. Just in case anyone was thinking of seeds.
I know I diss it a lot, but yeah. One of my pet peeves. Also whatever they were calling that boss guy in beta weekend 2 hurt my ears a little for similar reasons.
Please bring back Ascent to Madness!
Please bring back those first year Halloween shoulder skins too!
At this point – the more exclamation marks I see in a post made by an Arenanet employee, the less excited am I.
I would like to see the Phantom Hood make a return to the gemstore!
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
The same game as you and the were hacker raids. If you weren’t part of them , lucky you, how good for you!
But 2012 there were in the early months of the game alot of hacked accounts, because the game was by far absolutely NOT as safe, as it is today!
I described the situation also in my last posting only out of my broken memories from 3 years ago (as if you could tell us now , what you did exactly 3 years ago to the fullest please …I just remembered myself, that parts of that item hunt required you to go through the Blood Coast with lvl 45 enemies around and at that time were most of the players by far not already around that level at Halloween for sure, especialyl all of those, which could start first weeks to months later after getting their hacked accounts back, which had to restart from new, because, who the hells wants to play with a hacked character that will always remind you on this?)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
The Irish Gaelic pronunciation for Samhaim is Sow-en, Sow-an, Soow-en depending on the area you are in. It makes me cringe to hear people (hollywood and non) pronounce it Sam-haym. Almost as bad as calling male witches “wizards” or worse “warlocks” lol. GAME ON
Wait, what’s wrong with wizard? Sounds cooler than elementalist or mage I think. Warlock sounds cool too but that’s a different area of expertise. No use calling an astronomer a biologist after all ^_^
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
The same game as you and the were hacker raids. If you weren’t part of them , lucky you, how good for you!
But 2012 there were in the early months of the game alot of hacked accounts, because the game was by far absolutely NOT as safe, as it is today!I described the situation also in my last posting only out of my broken memories from 3 years ago (as if you could tell us now , what you did exactly 3 years ago to the fullest please …I just remembered myself, that parts of that item hunt required you to go through the Blood Coast with lvl 45 enemies around and at that time were most of the players by far not already around that level at Halloween for sure, especialyl all of those, which could start first weeks to months later after getting their hacked accounts back, which had to restart from new, because, who the hells wants to play with a hacked character that will always remind you on this?)
It wasn’t that the game wasn’t safe. It was that people didn’t have logins that were unique to Guild Wars 2. Remember back when they made everyone change their password to something different? They also invalidated a large number of passwords back then. I remember a long ago post where they said they could watch in real time as hackers tried out combinations of emails and passwords they had gotten from a wide variety of other sites. The hackers computer’s would try out an email, try out a few passwords they had found used with that email in those sites and then either get a hit and log on or move to the next email/passwords. As Gaile said once about this topic. If the game itself wasn’t secure, there would have been a lot more hacked accounts than what there actually was.
ANet may give it to you.
Okay its October 1st. You can tell us now please oh great ones!
Okay its October 1st. You can tell us now please oh great ones!
I agree, I need information, yes I mean need and not want.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
The new David Bowie Lion’s Arch is a little too slick for Halloween. The Mad King has his work cut out for him.
Crystal Desert
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
The same game as you and the were hacker raids. If you weren’t part of them , lucky you, how good for you!
But 2012 there were in the early months of the game alot of hacked accounts, because the game was by far absolutely NOT as safe, as it is today!I described the situation also in my last posting only out of my broken memories from 3 years ago (as if you could tell us now , what you did exactly 3 years ago to the fullest please …I just remembered myself, that parts of that item hunt required you to go through the Blood Coast with lvl 45 enemies around and at that time were most of the players by far not already around that level at Halloween for sure, especialyl all of those, which could start first weeks to months later after getting their hacked accounts back, which had to restart from new, because, who the hells wants to play with a hacked character that will always remind you on this?)
It wasn’t that the game wasn’t safe. It was that people didn’t have logins that were unique to Guild Wars 2. Remember back when they made everyone change their password to something different? They also invalidated a large number of passwords back then. I remember a long ago post where they said they could watch in real time as hackers tried out combinations of emails and passwords they had gotten from a wide variety of other sites. The hackers computer’s would try out an email, try out a few passwords they had found used with that email in those sites and then either get a hit and log on or move to the next email/passwords. As Gaile said once about this topic. If the game itself wasn’t secure, there would have been a lot more hacked accounts than what there actually was.
This doesn’t change my standpoint, that all people who got hacked back in 2012 and had no chance to work for the book back item should get a fair chance to work on it this year finally.
ANet has constantly brought back already also too in the past several rewards from the past in the other ongoing holiday events, except for that one thing.
Its about time that this reward finally returns also too, maybe not via exactly the same thing to do for it, but it should return – no discussion!
Otherwise its a again another year of a big middle finger to everyone back in 2012 who had no chance to participater in the halloween event 3 years ago, only because there live alot of kittens somewhere out there, which have nothing better to do in their pitiful lifetime, than to steals other peoples accounts to strike their egos…
With this back item is it exactly with the Gemstore items that people constantly please about that Anet should bring them back and also there does also Anet constantly bring back items from the past back…
Its absolutely nothing different here with the halloween grimmoire back item.
It’s just about time, that it finally returns as an earnable reward for this years halloween.
How selfish can be people just be over 1 single back item in a game, that is all about fashion, that we need to have again here a discussion over this item, like the last years before – to even the point again, that some people try to threat ANet not to bring them back… its really ridiculous how hard some people try here to do everything to stay some kind of special snowflakes rolleyes
couldnt help myself…. snicker
" I am a highly skilled microphone cleaner my masters, and what I most can’t the least, would be do not a bad job, but always a good."
I’m afraid they will drop a GW2 #2 halloween on us.
Decreased droprates from last year by 99%, increased vendor cost of items by 900%
‘drops the mic, deal with it’
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
The same game as you and the were hacker raids. If you weren’t part of them , lucky you, how good for you!
But 2012 there were in the early months of the game alot of hacked accounts, because the game was by far absolutely NOT as safe, as it is today!I described the situation also in my last posting only out of my broken memories from 3 years ago (as if you could tell us now , what you did exactly 3 years ago to the fullest please …I just remembered myself, that parts of that item hunt required you to go through the Blood Coast with lvl 45 enemies around and at that time were most of the players by far not already around that level at Halloween for sure, especialyl all of those, which could start first weeks to months later after getting their hacked accounts back, which had to restart from new, because, who the hells wants to play with a hacked character that will always remind you on this?)
It wasn’t that the game wasn’t safe. It was that people didn’t have logins that were unique to Guild Wars 2. Remember back when they made everyone change their password to something different? They also invalidated a large number of passwords back then. I remember a long ago post where they said they could watch in real time as hackers tried out combinations of emails and passwords they had gotten from a wide variety of other sites. The hackers computer’s would try out an email, try out a few passwords they had found used with that email in those sites and then either get a hit and log on or move to the next email/passwords. As Gaile said once about this topic. If the game itself wasn’t secure, there would have been a lot more hacked accounts than what there actually was.
This doesn’t change my standpoint, that all people who got hacked back in 2012 and had no chance to work for the book back item should get a fair chance to work on it this year finally.
ANet has constantly brought back already also too in the past several rewards from the past in the other ongoing holiday events, except for that one thing.
Its about time that this reward finally returns also too, maybe not via exactly the same thing to do for it, but it should return – no discussion!
Otherwise its a again another year of a big middle finger to everyone back in 2012 who had no chance to participater in the halloween event 3 years ago, only because there live alot of kittens somewhere out there, which have nothing better to do in their pitiful lifetime, than to steals other peoples accounts to strike their egos…With this back item is it exactly with the Gemstore items that people constantly please about that Anet should bring them back and also there does also Anet constantly bring back items from the past back…
Its absolutely nothing different here with the halloween grimmoire back item.
It’s just about time, that it finally returns as an earnable reward for this years halloween.How selfish can be people just be over 1 single back item in a game, that is all about fashion, that we need to have again here a discussion over this item, like the last years before – to even the point again, that some people try to threat ANet not to bring them back… its really ridiculous how hard some people try here to do everything to stay some kind of special snowflakes rolleyes
I wasn’t discussing that part. You made the claim that the game was unsafe back then. I was telling you that the people who got hacked were not hacked because the game was unsafe and explained why there were so many accounts hacked.
ANet may give it to you.
The new David Bowie Lion’s Arch is a little too slick for Halloween. The Mad King has his work cut out for him.
I kind of agree, plus, it would be interesting to see some of the other cities get some love.
What if if we held our Halloween festivities…
In The Grove.
The Grove would look amazing with a “Haunted Forrest” makeover.
But here’s the thing: there’s been a lot of speculation about Halloween and the expansion launch clashing, but what if Halloween WAS an expansion launch event?
Here’s how I see it potentially playing out:
Mordremoth and/or the nightmare court decide to take advantage of the weakened pale tree to press a finishing blow on the grove and this becomes a huge living world defend The Grove type event.
During the attack, who else but the Mad King emerges, gets kittened at the invaders for taking attention away from HIS holiday, with a general “Ha! These nightmare court fools think they know horror. I’ll SHOW them horror!” sort of attitude, and his Halloween creatures beat back the invaders while he sets up shop in the grove to keep them out. Stuff like the Labyrinth and the Clock Tower return as in last year but with their portals in The Grove.
A few new Halloween events can take place in the non-HoT maguma areas, (mainly Caledon and Metrica) and they can even throw in a few HoT mobs and such encroaching in for these events to hype the expansion a bit more for those who still haven’t bit the bullet and bought it.
Plus, it kind of solves the problem of people already having stacks of candy corn and and ToT bags from Maize Balm farming who’d be able to immedeately snatch up any new haloween items on day one. If the new events involve killing nightmare court goons alongside haloween monsters as allies, then you can have completely new drops and items, with the Mad King’s vendors rewarding you for bringing back evidence for slaying these new foes (Mordrem Blooms, anyone?)
Then, in the first chapter of LS season three, the Pale Tree recovers a bit to protect the grove herself, and this happens in early November just in time for the Mad King to return to his realm.
Alternately, this whole general concept could be part of a whole new “haunted woods” map added somewhere in Maguma or Ascalon.
I admit it’s kind of a silly concept, but it would be cool if Arenanet did something special to make Halloween and the Expansion launch timing complement each other instead of distract from each other.
… its really ridiculous how hard some people try here to do everything to stay some kind of special snowflakes rolleyes
Lots of irony in that right there……
Can we PLEASE have a non RNG way of getting the mini dog from last year? I love the Halloween event every year but I was so discouraged with the low drop rate for that mini.
Jeez smh…
Samhain is pronounced ‘Sah-win’. With the emphasis on the first syllable. I know this because I’m a genuine Welsh-speaking Celtic person. Sah-win. Repeat after me XD
I’m SOOO excited there’s actually going to be Hallowe’en-ey stuffs Please let there be the book thingie, because the QQing over it last year nearly drove me nuts XD
I love the holiday type events! really excited… also Anet…you need to do a cultural event involving Elona. get on that.
Jeez smh…
Samhain is pronounced ‘Sah-win’. With the emphasis on the first syllable. I know this because I’m a genuine Welsh-speaking Celtic person. Sah-win. Repeat after me XD
I’m SOOO excited there’s actually going to be Hallowe’en-ey stuffs
Please let there be the book thingie, because the QQing over it last year nearly drove me nuts XD
Being Welsh then you know there are diff forms of Gaelic in the UK. Scots would probably pronounce it differently as well. I was quoting the IRISH dialects but thanks for the Welsh Gaelic lesson as well. Though they vary it all means the same thing in GW1 and 2, the King returns!!! GAME ON
(edited by Tasida.4085)
Hooray for Halloween! Thanks Gaile for the update.
Holiday items should have never been reduced to RNG, but rather been fun items that you were able to guarantee receiving (even if you had to make choices) playing through the content. And this whole notion of “prestige” that some of you cling to is as bad as a Real Housewife crying over someone getting the same Gucci clothes a year later. Its okay if someone is wearing your shoes.
And you know what? I would LOVE it if the Mad Memoirs and other skins would make a return for the people who missed them. I experienced the first year content, and I have my memories. I would like other people to get to enjoy things from the previous years rather than find excuses to hold things over someone’s head to make myself feel better about myself.
They better not put the Greatsaw skin back in the game. I bought mine for an insanely amount of gold. It was a few hundred past a thousand.
takes a drink
Do you take a drink whenever you see one of the usuals crying over potentially losing “prestige”, or would that be pushing liver failure?
And please make sure, that everyone this year can finally get that flaming book back item from the very first halloween, which thousands over thousands of players COULDN’T GET, because the game was at that state so incredible unsafe, that douzens of hacker waves made it impossible for many people to participate on the first halloween, because people got their accounts stolen from some anti social kittens …
Many people which got their accounts back, just hadn’t (like me including) then not enough time anymore to complete the whole item hunt to get that flaming book, because characters were simply too weak and not progressed enough in the game to be able to reach all the places where you had to go for that book back item…
Who the hell back in the past had the thought even, that making the first halloween event a partwise lvl 56 event is a good idea, when most of the players back then weren’t even so high already???
So please, how many freaking years must we wait, until you give all your hacked players finally a fair chance to get that back item too !!
This becomes ridiculous, if this years isn’t finally our chance…and really frustrating, giving me if this year we get not finally our chance really the impression that, that Anet must give a peep about what happened to all the hacked players back in the first year of the game when everything was due to the hacker waves pure chaos for many people…
I’m not sure which game you are talking about but I was here for that event (and all others) and there were no mass hacker raids nor was the game unsafe etc. I got the book with no problem. Perhaps they’ll bring back the item for you and all others that weren’t here for the first (and best IMO) Halloween. Was a blast to see the Mad King burst through the Lion statue in the first LA. GAME ON
The same game as you and the were hacker raids. If you weren’t part of them , lucky you, how good for you!
But 2012 there were in the early months of the game alot of hacked accounts, because the game was by far absolutely NOT as safe, as it is today!I described the situation also in my last posting only out of my broken memories from 3 years ago (as if you could tell us now , what you did exactly 3 years ago to the fullest please …I just remembered myself, that parts of that item hunt required you to go through the Blood Coast with lvl 45 enemies around and at that time were most of the players by far not already around that level at Halloween for sure, especialyl all of those, which could start first weeks to months later after getting their hacked accounts back, which had to restart from new, because, who the hells wants to play with a hacked character that will always remind you on this?)
It wasn’t that the game wasn’t safe. It was that people didn’t have logins that were unique to Guild Wars 2. Remember back when they made everyone change their password to something different? They also invalidated a large number of passwords back then. I remember a long ago post where they said they could watch in real time as hackers tried out combinations of emails and passwords they had gotten from a wide variety of other sites. The hackers computer’s would try out an email, try out a few passwords they had found used with that email in those sites and then either get a hit and log on or move to the next email/passwords. As Gaile said once about this topic. If the game itself wasn’t secure, there would have been a lot more hacked accounts than what there actually was.
This doesn’t change my standpoint, that all people who got hacked back in 2012 and had no chance to work for the book back item should get a fair chance to work on it this year finally.
ANet has constantly brought back already also too in the past several rewards from the past in the other ongoing holiday events, except for that one thing.
Its about time that this reward finally returns also too, maybe not via exactly the same thing to do for it, but it should return – no discussion!
Otherwise its a again another year of a big middle finger to everyone back in 2012 who had no chance to participater in the halloween event 3 years ago, only because there live alot of kittens somewhere out there, which have nothing better to do in their pitiful lifetime, than to steals other peoples accounts to strike their egos…With this back item is it exactly with the Gemstore items that people constantly please about that Anet should bring them back and also there does also Anet constantly bring back items from the past back…
Its absolutely nothing different here with the halloween grimmoire back item.
It’s just about time, that it finally returns as an earnable reward for this years halloween.How selfish can be people just be over 1 single back item in a game, that is all about fashion, that we need to have again here a discussion over this item, like the last years before – to even the point again, that some people try to threat ANet not to bring them back… its really ridiculous how hard some people try here to do everything to stay some kind of special snowflakes rolleyes
Should have secured your account better. It’s up to you to.make your account as safe as possible not ANet.
It always makes me laugh when people want things that others have, and always say things should not be exclusive. I.personally don’t agree with everyone being able to get everything at all times. I did like how something’s where linked to events. Missed them and missed out. There are a few things I missed out on. I could get them now if I wanted to buy them from the laurel vendor, but I won’t and don’t want to.
Soon people who started playing the game after the 3rd year will be asking how they can get the outfit that the “Vets” got, and how it’s not fair they they can’t get them. Yes it’s a bummer when you just miss out on that item you wanted. But isn’t that the point of it? If it’s just going to be able to be gotten later on, why bother getting it now? I hope they never bring it back, only for the reason that it proves I was there when. Same for my Launch baseball cap. I’m shocked people haven’t been QQing about that too.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Bring back reapers rumble!
Bring back reapers rumble!
+1 to this, and Decent in to madness. I want to fight King Thorn again.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I would really love to see the 2012 skins and mad memories come back again this year. Even if it means relisting the old ones into a new black lion weapons specialist catagory. When the game first launched I was taking my time exploring pve to its fullest as well as pvp, and wvw. So I never advanced far enough to get the second half of the mad memories book. Plus most of us were still learning the game. I love this game and play it every day. Halloween is my favorite event in gw2 so please come through this year and give us one more chance at the 2012 event.
Bat wings. That’s all. I want. Thanks.
bring that back pls
thats all. thanks
Mad King Thorn will really enjoy the new Sea World LA for sure
giff skins, ty <3
I want cool skins. I want fun events. I want old rewards and new rewards and rewards exclusive to only me because I’m just that cool (XD)
Actually what I want is for it to…start. Like, HoT comes out three weeks from today, and Halloween will probably be dead come release, and Gaile said we get Halloween before HoT, so…when?
Jeez smh…
Samhain is pronounced ‘Sah-win’. With the emphasis on the first syllable. I know this because I’m a genuine Welsh-speaking Celtic person. Sah-win. Repeat after me XD
I’m SOOO excited there’s actually going to be Hallowe’en-ey stuffs
Please let there be the book thingie, because the QQing over it last year nearly drove me nuts XD
Being Welsh then you know there are diff forms of Gaelic in the UK. Scots would probably pronounce it differently as well. I was quoting the IRISH dialects but thanks for the Welsh Gaelic lesson as well. Though they vary it all means the same thing in GW1 and 2, the King returns!!! GAME ON
Irish here too! =) waves
(I mean, it’s hardly like we’re going to try explaining the whole linguistic Samhain/Oíche Shamhna thing over a forum, I’m usually just happy that we’re able to type fadas)