This just in; we love RNG boxes!

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Or at least that is what Arena Net and NC Soft think.

I’ve seen tons of threads talking about those boxes and other RNG elements of the game, and complaining about them. But do you know what else I’ve seen? People saying they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on those boxes. Yes those claims are always followed by “and I got nothing” or something of that effect, but all NC Soft sees is the hundreds of dollars part. Those boxes are making a fortune, probably thousands of dollars every day of the living story events that host them. And I’d even go so far as to speculate that development of an expansion has been delayed because NC Soft sees that they can make much more profit from RNG boxes than boxed expansions.

My point is simple; if you don’t want RNG boxes in these events, and you do want an expansion then you’re going to have to stop buying the boxes. Stop using them even. I know it is hard to resist the allure of the new skins, but every box you open is another nail in the expansion’s coffin, and another reason for NC Soft to keep having those boxes exist. So please, as a player who is completely sick of RNG in this game, don’t buy any more boxes, and dump the ones you do have right in the trash. Don’t even open them. Make all the time and effort spent designing, modeling and texturing those skins completely worthless. Make it cost them money to waste their time on RNG boxes. That is the only way to change this toxic practice. If you want to get rid of RNG boxes, then stop opening RNG boxes. And no; not even the free dropped ones. Toss them all.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: seabhac.5346


i agree OP. i don’t even bother TP’ing them anymore either… just destroy them on sight!

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bright.9160


I’ve seen tons of threads talking about those boxes and other RNG elements of the game, and complaining about them.

Then what made you think another one would be any good/different from the other ones?

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadub.8743


Hope they don’t add RNG to the expansion $40 for the chance to play the expansion,might get the code might not.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Hope they don’t add RNG to the expansion $40 for the chance to play the expansion,might get the code might not.

Eh, it won’t be that bad. You will have a 1% chance so if you buy 100 of them you should have a decent chance of getting the expansion. Of course there will be the occasional person who buys 2 or 3 hundred, doesn’t get the expansion and comes to the forum to whine about it. Those people make me sick. Don’t they know when they are having fun?

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Not buying boxes =/= game being abandoned.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Yea….I’m gonna go with no. Box sales are way down, they don’t really have anything in the TP worth anything or that sells other than RNG boxes…So if we stopped buying them and opening them someone might pay attention for once.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Puddles.6385


For every 50 people claiming to have spent hundreds of dollars getting nothing, approximately one may be telling the truth.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


When it comes to being a consumer, voting with your wallet is the only thing that really has any value. If you don’t like the idea of something, then don’t spend your money on it. No matter how appealing it might be.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Not buying boxes =/= game being abandoned.

True, and technically I didn’t say it would be, although I probably could have phrased it better.

The general point was that if RNG boxes make up so much of their profit that a reduction in their sales results in a rush for an expansion (in order to save their bottom line), they may opt that the expansion isn’t worth the time or investment. It’s a gamble, and with other games launching, they could potentially make more on one of them over a rushed, buggy expansion for a game that is no longer producing.

Yea….I’m gonna go with no. Box sales are way down, they don’t really have anything in the TP worth anything or that sells other than RNG boxes…So if we stopped buying them and opening them someone might pay attention for once.

You have the statistical evidence of your claim on box sales being ‘way down’ I’m assuming? I mean, you wouldn’t just throw that opinion out there as fact if you don’t have hard evidence to back it up.

I won’t argue that box sales have likely decreased, that is normal for any and all games. But ‘way down’? That’s a hefty claim to make when we don’t really know one way or another (unless you secretly work for NCSoft and failed to mention it)

Anywho, my point was that your boycott could as easily backfire on you as not. Depending on what risk vs reward assessments showed in their trends.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: locoman.1974


Agree with the op.

One thing we have to understand here. We, the forum community, while we are very passionate at times and very vocal, are neither a big nor representative of the game community as a whole (I’d even go ahead and say that I bet most of the game community doesn’t even know or care there are forums). While I’m sure they do take feedback from the forums, I bet that the biggest source of feedback arenanet looks at is what are people doing in the game.

Which leads us to this thread, people in the forums are mostly against RNG boxes, myself included, but unless that outcry against them isn’t accompanied by NOT buying them in the first place it’s useless, from their point of view ends up as a “do as I say, not as I do” situation.

So what can we do, other than complain?… well just stop buying them, and after two bouts of RNG boxes (sclerite and flame and frost) the “I though I might get a ticket easier” isn’t an excuse by now, even if you bought the gems with gold (from anet POV is the same, the gems were still paid by someone, and it’s even better because a healthy exchange market encourages people to buy more gems to exchange for gold and serves as a gold sink as well), and encourage your friends and guildies not to buy them either.

And also, if you have enough disposable income of course, buy any skin introduced that you might be interested into. To get them to stop using RNG we have to show them two things, first, that using RNG boxes isn’t profitable enough, and second, that selling skins directly or other alternate methods IS profitable.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Not buying boxes =/= game being abandoned.

True, and technically I didn’t say it would be, although I probably could have phrased it better.

The general point was that if RNG boxes make up so much of their profit that a reduction in their sales results in a rush for an expansion (in order to save their bottom line), they may opt that the expansion isn’t worth the time or investment. It’s a gamble, and with other games launching, they could potentially make more on one of them over a rushed, buggy expansion for a game that is no longer producing.

Yea….I’m gonna go with no. Box sales are way down, they don’t really have anything in the TP worth anything or that sells other than RNG boxes…So if we stopped buying them and opening them someone might pay attention for once.

You have the statistical evidence of your claim on box sales being ‘way down’ I’m assuming? I mean, you wouldn’t just throw that opinion out there as fact if you don’t have hard evidence to back it up.

I won’t argue that box sales have likely decreased, that is normal for any and all games. But ‘way down’? That’s a hefty claim to make when we don’t really know one way or another (unless you secretly work for NCSoft and failed to mention it)

Anywho, my point was that your boycott could as easily backfire on you as not. Depending on what risk vs reward assessments showed in their trends.

I actually do have somewhat statistical evidence, look at the amount of time between the 2 million and 3 million sales announcements. And where is the 4 million announcement? It isn’t here, because sales have slowed down.

That’s about the best evidence I can give though, Anet is very tight lipped, and I would be too. Enemy at the gates (consumers) and all

I’m not saying I’m right, but one can logically deduce that sales of the game have slowed. Hell, I hope I’m wrong even!

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

(edited by Aeonblade.8709)

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nar.8327


Agree with the op.

One thing we have to understand here. We, the forum community, while we are very passionate at times and very vocal, are neither a big nor representative of the game community as a whole (I’d even go ahead and say that I bet most of the game community doesn’t even know or care there are forums). While I’m sure they do take feedback from the forums, I bet that the biggest source of feedback arenanet looks at is what are people doing in the game.

Which leads us to this thread, people in the forums are mostly against RNG boxes, myself included, but unless that outcry against them isn’t accompanied by NOT buying them in the first place it’s useless, from their point of view ends up as a “do as I say, not as I do” situation.

So what can we do, other than complain?… well just stop buying them, and after two bouts of RNG boxes (sclerite and flame and frost) the “I though I might get a ticket easier” isn’t an excuse by now, even if you bought the gems with gold (from anet POV is the same, the gems were still paid by someone, and it’s even better because a healthy exchange market encourages people to buy more gems to exchange for gold and serves as a gold sink as well), and encourage your friends and guildies not to buy them either.

And also, if you have enough disposable income of course, buy any skin introduced that you might be interested into. To get them to stop using RNG we have to show them two things, first, that using RNG boxes isn’t profitable enough, and second, that selling skins directly or other alternate methods IS profitable.

I think they would have gotten that message if they hadn’t tried direct sales with the Wintersday skins. I think I can count on one hand the number of people who would pay for a wooden weapon. I didn’t buy any, but I certainly would have bought 2 or 3 fused and 5+ of the jade ones.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I actually do have somewhat statistical evidence, look at the amount of time between the 2 million and 3 million sales announcements. And where is the 4 million announcement? It isn’t here, because sales have slowed down.

That’s about the best evidence I can give though, Anet is very tight lipped, and I would be too. Enemy at the gates (consumers) and all

I’m not saying I’m right, but one can logically deduce that sales of the game have slowed.

Lol a million is a lot of freaking boxes. Keep in mind it took like 7 years for GW1 to reach what, 4 or 5 million? Just because they haven’t hit that next million mark doesn’t mean sales are necessarily ‘way down’, only that (like all games) they have slowed down. Yes, this is proof that box sales have slowed (as expected I’m sure), I grant you that, but doesn’t support the assessment of ‘way down’ anymore than it supports the wild accusations of some that the game is dying because they haven’t sold another million boxes.

I can’t blame Anet about being tight lipped about things like that, but if things were bad, we’d have signs. Whether they came out and told us or not, there would be other things that would tip us off, and they aren’t present at this point. Still, that’s beside the point, which was whether or not a boycott of RNG would successfully elicit an expansion from big mama. XD

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


RNG Wars 2 (15 char edition)

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Not buying boxes =/= game being abandoned.

True, and technically I didn’t say it would be, although I probably could have phrased it better.

The general point was that if RNG boxes make up so much of their profit that a reduction in their sales results in a rush for an expansion (in order to save their bottom line), they may opt that the expansion isn’t worth the time or investment. It’s a gamble, and with other games launching, they could potentially make more on one of them over a rushed, buggy expansion for a game that is no longer producing.

So your logic is; buy crap now, so you can buy something of value later? That’s really doesn’t make any sense..

Not buying into random boxes, will only push the developers into create something ells that has value to the consumer. They need the money, so they are going to create something for us to buy. It’s simply a matter of how easily you, as a consumer, is willing to give your money away. Thinking that you have to buy crap just to support the developers, is undermining the power you have as a consumer.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I actually do have somewhat statistical evidence, look at the amount of time between the 2 million and 3 million sales announcements. And where is the 4 million announcement? It isn’t here, because sales have slowed down.

That’s about the best evidence I can give though, Anet is very tight lipped, and I would be too. Enemy at the gates (consumers) and all

I’m not saying I’m right, but one can logically deduce that sales of the game have slowed.

Lol a million is a lot of freaking boxes. Keep in mind it took like 7 years for GW1 to reach what, 4 or 5 million? Just because they haven’t hit that next million mark doesn’t mean sales are necessarily ‘way down’, only that (like all games) they have slowed down. Yes, this is proof that box sales have slowed (as expected I’m sure), I grant you that, but doesn’t support the assessment of ‘way down’ anymore than it supports the wild accusations of some that the game is dying because they haven’t sold another million boxes.

I can’t blame Anet about being tight lipped about things like that, but if things were bad, we’d have signs. Whether they came out and told us or not, there would be other things that would tip us off, and they aren’t present at this point. Still, that’s beside the point, which was whether or not a boycott of RNG would successfully elicit an expansion from big mama. XD

Let me clarify; I don’t think that boycotting RNG boxes would directly get us an expansion. But I do firmly believe that if we boycott them NC Soft would notice, and start scrambling to find a new source of profit. Big businesses tend to get comfortable with their highest profit, and freak out when those profit normalize. This is why triple-A console publishers call games failures just because they don’t instantly sale six million copies.

So point is; if we take away NC Soft’s RNG profits they’re going to start looking for something else to sell us, and an expansion is a good bet for making money, so it is possible that they would put more pressure on Arena Net to develop an expansion. Of course it is also possible that they’ll push for something stupid like a real money tax on the Mystic Forge. But I don’t see that as very likely.

(edited by Arkham Creed.7358)

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Buying boxes =/= no expansion.
Conversely not buying boxes =/= expansion.

There are more factors to it than just RNG box purchases. Yes, profit margins do have an impact on business decisions, but people not buying RNG boxes would not be a break the bank issue for them necessarily. If the profit forecast becomes that bad from just people not buying the RNG boxes, they are actually more likely to scrap the game than make an expansion for it. Risk vs reward assessment….

Not buying boxes =/= game being abandoned.

True, and technically I didn’t say it would be, although I probably could have phrased it better.

The general point was that if RNG boxes make up so much of their profit that a reduction in their sales results in a rush for an expansion (in order to save their bottom line), they may opt that the expansion isn’t worth the time or investment. It’s a gamble, and with other games launching, they could potentially make more on one of them over a rushed, buggy expansion for a game that is no longer producing.

So your logic is; buy crap now, so you can buy something of value later? That’s really doesn’t make any sense..

Not buying into random boxes, will only push the developers into create something ells that has value to the consumer. They need the money, so they are going to create something for us to buy. It’s simply a matter of how easily you, as a consumer, is willing to give your money away. Thinking that you have to buy crap just to support the developers, is undermining the power you have as a consumer.

No…the point was simply that boycotting an item may not achieve the desired results (ie, buy no more rng boxes, get an expansion) I further stated that if the income supplied from just rng boxes was that drastic, a boycott may have an completely unforeseen and undesirable effect – like no expansions ever for example.

Buying or not buying the boxes [specifically] doesn’t really have a direct correlation to an expansion being produced, considering there are [probably] plenty of people that don’t buy them (like me), and never will (again, like me), but still purchase gems for other things – character slots, bank tabs, bag slots, minis, dyes, town clothes, whatever.

Now, boycotting RNG boxes altogether may make them rethink them. That’s highly probably, but would take a concerted effort of more than just those you can reach on the forums.

Let me clarify; I don’t think that boycotting RNG boxes would directly get us an expansion. But I do firmly believe that if we boycott them NC Soft would notice, and start scrambling to find a new source of profit. Big businesses tend to get comfortable with their highest profit, and freak out when those profit normalize. This is why triple-A console publishers call games failures just because they don’t instantly sale six million copies.

So point is; if we take away NC Soft’s RNG profits they’re going to start looking for something else to sell us, and an expansion is a good bet for making money, so it is possible that they would put more pressure on Arena Net to develop an expansion. Of course it is also possible that they’ll push for something stupid like a real money tax on the Mystic Forge. But I don’t see that as very likely.

I sort of agree. It may push them into thinking about an expansion sooner, but I think it would be more likely that they would just rethink the RNG in general. Several ways they could go.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Agree with the op.

One thing we have to understand here. We, the forum community, while we are very passionate at times and very vocal, are neither a big nor representative of the game community as a whole (I’d even go ahead and say that I bet most of the game community doesn’t even know or care there are forums). While I’m sure they do take feedback from the forums, I bet that the biggest source of feedback arenanet looks at is what are people doing in the game.

Which leads us to this thread, people in the forums are mostly against RNG boxes, myself included, but unless that outcry against them isn’t accompanied by NOT buying them in the first place it’s useless, from their point of view ends up as a “do as I say, not as I do” situation.

So what can we do, other than complain?… well just stop buying them, and after two bouts of RNG boxes (sclerite and flame and frost) the “I though I might get a ticket easier” isn’t an excuse by now, even if you bought the gems with gold (from anet POV is the same, the gems were still paid by someone, and it’s even better because a healthy exchange market encourages people to buy more gems to exchange for gold and serves as a gold sink as well), and encourage your friends and guildies not to buy them either.

And also, if you have enough disposable income of course, buy any skin introduced that you might be interested into. To get them to stop using RNG we have to show them two things, first, that using RNG boxes isn’t profitable enough, and second, that selling skins directly or other alternate methods IS profitable.

I think they would have gotten that message if they hadn’t tried direct sales with the Wintersday skins. I think I can count on one hand the number of people who would pay for a wooden weapon. I didn’t buy any, but I certainly would have bought 2 or 3 fused and 5+ of the jade ones.

I actually think this was part of the problem as well. The ones they have let us directly buy are god awful ugly. Put the good skins on direct buy and see how well they do

For instance, I’d pay 20 bucks for a Fused Greatsword skin if I knew I could of gotten one, but I’ll never even worry about it if it’s obtained through pulling a lever and watching the slot reel.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


I honestly don’t think that an expansion is dependent on slow RNG box sales. Expansions take time to come to fruition. When it is done, they will release it. They will make a lot of money doing so. They will bring out new RNG boxes to go along with the expansion. Lather, rinse, repeat.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


One thing about a possible expansion, more new bugs and still not all bugs and broken things in original GW2 fixed, nty.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


One thing about a possible expansion, more new bugs and still not all bugs and broken things in original GW2 fixed, nty.

Pretty sure that ship has sailed. We have been sitting on some of these bugs for 10 months. If it was going to happen it would have happened already.

Let’s try to keep this on topic about the RNG box debacle however.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercurio.4970


The full implications of a developer also acting as gold seller (in a cash shop game culture) are finally starting to hit. How did we ever come to accept this?

It’s not just the RNG, it’s the “limited time offer” bullkitten and the implementation of every cheesy intelligence-insulting marketing trick in the book that infuses every piece of new content; that really gets me. It’s not very subtle to an educated adult. And it truly sucks all of the “fun” and “achievement” out of the game.

Well here’s one of the minority that was VERY vocal, started at prelaunch, guild leader of 200+, achievements around 6K, and spent a decent amount of cash shop money that is no longer willing to play the game.

I know I’m just a drop in the bucket, however, so good luck with the future and your rep ANET! This was the “3rd strike” so to speak (I hung around the SWTOR forums for a few months after leaving as well, just for closure, if you’re wondering).

It’s amazing to me how online games offer no staying power anymore, it’s all a disposable tissue-thin experience. Like the reputations of their developers, they are only temporary cash-ins for the publishers – who move on to trade hard-earned dev laurels for quarterly financial reports boosts.

Musashin (80 Guard) – Dragolisk (80 Ele)
Artemix (80 Rang) – Mercurio Rex (80 War)
Nine Divines [ND] – Sorrow’s Furnace

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: billjenkins.5267


I might sound stupid, but what does rng mean?

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I might sound stupid, but what does rng mean?

Random number generator. The background math that decides of you get something good out of those boxes and chests, or just complete crap. It is also the system used in the Mystic Forge and most loot drops.

Some players really hate it. No skill involved, and the odds can be controlled by the developer so it isn’t really fair either. It basically turns rewards into luck and gambling, and is completely hated when it comes to things we have to pay real money for.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: billjenkins.5267


I might sound stupid, but what does rng mean?

Random number generator. The background math that decides of you get something good out of those boxes and chests, or just complete crap. It is also the system used in the Mystic Forge and most loot drops.

Some players really hate it. No skill involved, and the odds can be controlled by the developer so it isn’t really fair either. It basically turns rewards into luck and gambling, and is completely hated when it comes to things we have to pay real money for.

Alright I get what you guys are talking about now thanks

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


For every 50 people claiming to have spent hundreds of dollars getting nothing, approximately one may be telling the truth.

I think you’re giving their RNG algorithm too much credit there. Might wanna shorten that to 20 people.

The boxes in the open world btw are now replacing bags and T5/T6 loot so it’s useless trying to get anything while this is going on. If they had been a secondary attachment to loot it would probably make more sense.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Indoles.1467


We show how much we like content with our wallets most of all. So for every I spent $50 on gems and got nothing thread you see, know that NCSOFT/ANET see this. Wow, somebody spent $50 on gems right after we implemented the new boxes, they must really want them.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Actually the way the Wintersday Gifts worked was fine as far as random boxes go. However in the case of weapon skins those had a guaranteed minimum rate of 0.4%

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Agree OP, but companies like this will always prey on silly people it’s nothing new, i bought gems, which i regret doing, but i doubt i’ll buy more and i will never purchase another RNG box.

I very rarely play this game anymore, my money goes to non RNG companies..

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I might sound stupid, but what does rng mean?

It means, “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.”

The table is a fable.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokina.8041


I love RNG boxes. And this event gives them for free, and as very generous monster drops. I opened Rich coffers and got better luck with the poor ones, anyway.

That’s not to say Rich coffers screwed me over, I just had better luck with the poor ones.

I’ll continue using moderation and not spending all my money, while at the same time accept responsibility for my own decision to spend my money on them, and at the same time not try to blame Anet or NCsoft for having them in the first place, as if it’s their fault I decided to buy them.

I like RNG boxes, and I’m sure they’re not going anywhere soon. Hopefully Anet keeps this “Rich / poor” box system anyway. 2 tickets so far in under 1000 poor coffers, so yeah, I’m liking the RNG boxes a bit.

Wait, are you saying that people that have good luck with RNG boxes are more likely to like RNG boxes than people that have bad luck with them?

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I love RNG boxes. And this event gives them for free, and as very generous monster drops. I opened Rich coffers and got better luck with the poor ones, anyway.

That’s not to say Rich coffers screwed me over, I just had better luck with the poor ones.

I’ll continue using moderation and not spending all my money, while at the same time accept responsibility for my own decision to spend my money on them, and at the same time not try to blame Anet or NCsoft for having them in the first place, as if it’s their fault I decided to buy them.

I like RNG boxes, and I’m sure they’re not going anywhere soon. Hopefully Anet keeps this “Rich / poor” box system anyway. 2 tickets so far in under 1000 poor coffers, so yeah, I’m liking the RNG boxes a bit.

Wait, are you saying that people that have good luck with RNG boxes are more likely to like RNG boxes than people that have bad luck with them?

Man, I got ticket under 50, and they all come from the achievement mobs. Luck=/=love for rng boxes.

rng boxes are just wrong, period.

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jumper.9482


Or at least that is what Arena Net and NC Soft think.

I’ve seen tons of threads talking about those boxes and other RNG elements of the game, and complaining about them. But do you know what else I’ve seen? People saying they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on those boxes. Yes those claims are always followed by “and I got nothing” or something of that effect, but all NC Soft sees is the hundreds of dollars part.

Hundreds of dollars which won’t be spent on future events.
I for one was thinking about buying a few to try to get the weapon skin (same as everyone else I’m sure). Then I came to the forums and read about the randomness of the drop chance. If they sold weapon tickets for, say, 1k gems each, I may even consider it. But I’m not gambling.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I don’t consider these RnG boxes are bad element in the current patch. They did the right thing this time. The skins are available in both gem store and out of gem store. I don’t feel inclined to get them but it feels good to be able to have a chance at getting them just by doing what i do everyday.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Eve online sold a monocle for 70$, which just shows how much people are willing to spend for cosmetics if and only if it’s not bound by RNG.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I might sound stupid, but what does rng mean?

It means, “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.”

Or Alea iacta est. Fortuna iuvet audaciae.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sternenstaub.8763


I think they would have gotten that message if they hadn’t tried direct sales with the Wintersday skins. I think I can count on one hand the number of people who would pay for a wooden weapon. I didn’t buy any, but I certainly would have bought 2 or 3 fused and 5+ of the jade ones.

Yes, the wooden skins were awfull. I would buy the jades and i love the flame and frost skins, but no chance to buy them…

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Won’t happen, OP. Too many people like the “thrill” of gambling.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cherrie.8907


I actually do have somewhat statistical evidence, look at the amount of time between the 2 million and 3 million sales announcements. And where is the 4 million announcement? It isn’t here, because sales have slowed down.

That’s about the best evidence I can give though, Anet is very tight lipped, and I would be too. Enemy at the gates (consumers) and all

I’m not saying I’m right, but one can logically deduce that sales of the game have slowed. Hell, I hope I’m wrong even!

Another evidence is the fact that NCSoft has given green light for expansion.
It;s been stated previously by either ANet or NCSoft representative taht they are not thinking about expansion yet because sales still go nicely for the base game alone.

On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cherrie.8907


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.

If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


The full implications of a developer also acting as gold seller (in a cash shop game culture) are finally starting to hit. How did we ever come to accept this?

It’s not just the RNG, it’s the “limited time offer” bullkitten and the implementation of every cheesy intelligence-insulting marketing trick in the book that infuses every piece of new content; that really gets me. It’s not very subtle to an educated adult. And it truly sucks all of the “fun” and “achievement” out of the game.

Well here’s one of the minority that was VERY vocal, started at prelaunch, guild leader of 200+, achievements around 6K, and spent a decent amount of cash shop money that is no longer willing to play the game.

I know I’m just a drop in the bucket, however, so good luck with the future and your rep ANET! This was the “3rd strike” so to speak (I hung around the SWTOR forums for a few months after leaving as well, just for closure, if you’re wondering).

It’s amazing to me how online games offer no staying power anymore, it’s all a disposable tissue-thin experience. Like the reputations of their developers, they are only temporary cash-ins for the publishers – who move on to trade hard-earned dev laurels for quarterly financial reports boosts.

A truly inspiring post. Hope everyone at Anet reads this.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.

If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.

Well said, I haven’t bought a single thing with real money in game since I found out NCsoft is spending money I designated for Anet. I will not fund Aion, as it’s probably the worst game I have ever played hands down. You know something is wrong when you quit in the first week of your free month for buying the game.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.

If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.

Well said, I haven’t bought a single thing with real money in game since I found out NCsoft is spending money I designated for Anet. I will not fund Aion, as it’s probably the worst game I have ever played hands down. You know something is wrong when you quit in the first week of your free month for buying the game.

Except you don’t KNOW that NCsoft is doing that. For one thing, Lineage STILL makes more than Guild Wars 2 does, and both Lineage and Aion are part of NCsoft East, where as Guild Wars 2 is part of NCsoft West. You’re just making an assumption.

Furthermore, it really doesn’t work like that. NCsoft is 100% responsible for financing Guild Wars 2. That is to say, they own the company.

It’s like saying I won’t buy coca cola and support it because I don’t like other soft drinks they’re making, or other food stuff.

Without support Guild Wars 2 will go away…it really is that simple. Whatever profit a company makes, it can spend any way it wants, as long as it’s legal anyway.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.

If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.

Well said, I haven’t bought a single thing with real money in game since I found out NCsoft is spending money I designated for Anet. I will not fund Aion, as it’s probably the worst game I have ever played hands down. You know something is wrong when you quit in the first week of your free month for buying the game.

Except you don’t KNOW that NCsoft is doing that. For one thing, Lineage STILL makes more than Guild Wars 2 does, and both Lineage and Aion are part of NCsoft East, where as Guild Wars 2 is part of NCsoft West. You’re just making an assumption.

Furthermore, it really doesn’t work like that. NCsoft is 100% responsible for financing Guild Wars 2. That is to say, they own the company.

It’s like saying I won’t buy coca cola and support it because I don’t like other soft drinks they’re making, or other food stuff.

Without support Guild Wars 2 will go away…it really is that simple. Whatever profit a company makes, it can spend any way it wants, as long as it’s legal anyway.

We’re both making assumptions so it’s a moot point. Neither of us knows where the money truly goes. Try harder.

Until there is transparency, whether they are owned by NCsoft or not, I will not waste my money. I’m not some eastern gamer that plays a game because the grind is massive. I’m from the states, and here we like to play games because they are fun, and we also like to get what we pay for. If I don’t feel like I get what I pay for, someone else gets my money.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

(edited by Aeonblade.8709)

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


On a slightly related note, the fact that buying boxes doesn’t even support this game much, or most, but crap like Aion or Lineage, is another great reason not to buy this stuff.

That’s like saying you shouldn’t sub Aion back in 2010 because it support Guild Wars 2. You really have no idea how companies work do you?

You just want to pick up fights and insult people, don’t you.

If you ever listened to other people, you’d know how prelevant oppinions like “Buy Gems to support ANet and GW2” are. Well, it would be nice if the people who who do just that knew “how companies work”, as you put it.
Because apparently, as sad as it is, the best way GW2 could have gotten an expansion faster was and is NOT to buy gems as declining profits from initial sales and shop is what motivates NCSoft to give green light – ie fund – new expansion.

Well said, I haven’t bought a single thing with real money in game since I found out NCsoft is spending money I designated for Anet. I will not fund Aion, as it’s probably the worst game I have ever played hands down. You know something is wrong when you quit in the first week of your free month for buying the game.

Except you don’t KNOW that NCsoft is doing that. For one thing, Lineage STILL makes more than Guild Wars 2 does, and both Lineage and Aion are part of NCsoft East, where as Guild Wars 2 is part of NCsoft West. You’re just making an assumption.

Furthermore, it really doesn’t work like that. NCsoft is 100% responsible for financing Guild Wars 2. That is to say, they own the company.

It’s like saying I won’t buy coca cola and support it because I don’t like other soft drinks they’re making, or other food stuff.

Without support Guild Wars 2 will go away…it really is that simple. Whatever profit a company makes, it can spend any way it wants, as long as it’s legal anyway.

We’re both making assumptions so it’s a moot point. Neither of us knows where the money truly goes. Try harder.

Until there is transparency, whether they are owned by NCsoft or not, I will not waste my money.

No company is obligated to tell you how it spends its profit. This is ludicrous. I’m not assuming anything. I’m only saying that you don’t get to pick how any company spends it’s money. Guild Wars 2 and even Guild Wars 1 wouldn’t exist without NCsoft, or another company like it.

If everyone thought like you there’d be NO MMOs. lol

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


I get that everyone has their dislikes and likes but there are a lot of factors that I don’t believe many here are taking into consideration. I’m in finance have a large number of employees so this comes from my knowledge and experience with large groups of people.

1. Posters in the forum represent only a small vocal minority of the GW2 population. As an officer in a very large guild I can tell you that most of the people in my guild have no problem with the GW2 business model as it is. The majority could care less about RNG drops etc and how ANet structures their selling and in game purchases.

2. Many people like the RNG model the way it is. Truth is that most people are eager to complain when they don’t like things (like those here talking about RNG) but when they are content or happy, they generally don’t say anything. So it may appear that a lot of people hate RNG here on the forums, but that is just because they are wanting to voice their opinions about something they hate. It’s good to voice your opinion and you should, but it doesn’t mean the majority agrees with you.

3. Guild Wars is big business and they are going to do what makes them lots money while keeping the majority happy. That is obviously happening because they continue to offer new items in the Gem Store and people are continuing to buy them.

4. ANet is a responsible company that listens to these complaints and tries to alleviate as much as they can without damaging their bottom line. They will take care of their business and profits first and disgruntled players second.

5. No matter what anyone says here, ANet has plenty of finance people who know what works and what doesn’t. When things no longer are profitable they will change up their offerings. Until then RNG boxes will continue to thrive. Probably even well afterward.

6. Knowing business models, an expansion will not happen because of lack of sales in the Gem Shop. So campaigning to stop Gem Shop purchases, I believe, will not get you an expansion sooner. When one is ready to be released, they will release it ASAP. If RNG boxes and the like are still selling strong, a new expansion will give them even more opportunities to sell them. So I am certain they will release any expansion as soon as it is ready. Releasing one, is not a save measure, it is a means to make even more money.

I get that many here are passionate about things they would like changed, but realistic business practices will always trump the desires and passions a minority of it’s patrons. And yes, you may know several people that share your disgruntlements, but there are most likely many more who don’t or don’t care about them. I just don’t want anyone popping a vein because they are angry about these issues. I used to be that kind of person and it doesn’t help in any way and it doesn’t change things. At least not quickly. Hope this helps a little. I am glad everyone are voicing their opinions. That is a good thing. I just hope people can understand the business components and can discuss these things in a civil manner.

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: timmyf.1490


This doesn’t seem really hard:

1) First of all, let’s stop pretending that Rich Coffers (or Southsun Crates or…) require real money to buy. You might think the exchange rate is crap, but you can still trade gold for gems. It’s just a matter of whether your time or money is more valuable. (Personally, I buy a bunch of gems because I have a Best Buy credit card and use my rewards points on gem cards.)

2) There are a variety of items in each release, some easy to acquire, some harder. Many are luck based. But even in this release, EVERYBODY gets a Dragon Helm, it is very easy to acquire a set of Shattered Wings, it is difficult/time-consuming to acquire Holo Wings, and it is luck/RNG-based to get a Jade weapon.

3) Expanding on 2, if there’s a problem here, it’s that weapon skins keep showing up in the RNG boxes and aren’t easy to get. Jade, Fused, etc.

4) Oh wait, I forgot about Super Adventure Box, where you could get the skins based on a clearly-identifiable amount of work. Oh, and Wintersday gave us tons of skins too, right? And they were really cheap?

Look, the problem is that you want a particular thing, but it requires more investment than you want to put in (whether that be time or money), and that makes you angry. Sorry.

I’ve wanted Immobulus forever, but I don’t have the gold for it. I’ve tried farming Giant Eyes and oh boy is that a joke. It makes me unhappy… but then Wintersday came along and I got a Princess Wand and I’m okay with that. Same thing for The Anomaly: oh man do I want that for my Mesmer! But it’s expensive and I just use Ambrosia instead.

There are things in this game that you will want but cannot have, either because you cannot acquire them or are not willing to do what is necessary to acquire them. That’s how certain items have prestige (and why I coooOOOoooo every time I see somebody with The Anomaly.) That’s a good thing in a game, not a bad thing.

So if you don’t like RNG-based acquisition of items, go out and find something else cool and rare and show it off instead. Or wait for another event to release something cool in a manner you can acquire it.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /