This week's special surprise
Why cant we help building lions arch?
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
But there is only 1 blog post per week regardless of what different teams are doing, so it is safe to assume that this weeks is LA?
Tbh here I was hoping for SAB to be reactivated with some lore background to bridge the drought.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
But there is only 1 blog post per week regardless of what different teams are doing, so it is safe to assume that this weeks is LA?
It’s not safe to assume anything. The Blog may be about LA, but that doesn’t mean the Twitch Stream is. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if they gave it away half a week early.
Let’s assume the worst so what? Do you honestly believe Arena net will change up their plans because some people are whining on the forums visited by less than 1% of the population?
This is exactly what a lot of people demanded, I don’t want living story and I want an expansion well this is what you get. Between now and expac release some of are going to lose interest but that happens to every game so it is not a big deal as some of you seems to think it is. Guess what, people lose interest all the time but Arena net isn’t going to change their plans to please you. So if you can’t wait find something different or move on.
Maybe the ‘Big’ announcement/reveal will be the HoT Pre-purchase with accompanying Maguuma Trailblazer title and access to Betas!
That would be nice, no? =)
It’d be nice if that were part of it, though I don’t see how they can allow pre-purchase without a date. Well … maybe they can. Maybe they don’t have to have a promised delivery date to accept the money we toss at the monitor so long as they do promise there will be delivery (and are willing to refund anyone who feels the delivery is too long away).
Regardless, that wouldn’t use 30-40 minutes of live stream, not if they want kind reviews of the stream. So it would only be part of whatever is coming.
Can we have something to do before HoT other than watching videos and reading about beta access every other week? K thanks.
A reactivated event.
New WvW season
A new fractal order (desperate here..)
…anything.. I’d take dragonbash at this point.
Just delete posts that are derailments.
(edited by Crystallize.8603)
Well, pre-purchase for Guild Wars 2 began on April 10th, 2012. The release date was announced on June 28th, 2012. I’m guessing they could do something similar, again.
Though, you are probably correct in that a whole live-stream would not likely be dedicated to such an announcement.
calling it now, closed beta coming very soon
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
Coming weekend is Pentecost. Many European countries have a holiday on May 25. Would be a great opportunity for a beta event from Friday until Tuesday. We could test the core specialisations.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
I merely asked if that was the reason, there was no need to say a snarky comment at me at all about “we reveal stuff when they’re ready”.
By the way, since you “don’t reveal things if they’re not ready”, i’ll assume that means you don’t have any other spec ready to be revealed and whatever news Anet has for us is simply a way to take this week’s time while another spec is fully ready to be shown?
(edited by Ephemiel.5694)
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it wouldn’t ruin the game and would suit better to the game.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it would ruin much lesser the whole game and would suit better to the game.
I don’t really think Thieves would get a Mace though, unless their spec is something that likes to beat the crap out of their enemies and leave their faces unrecognizable…..
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it would ruin much lesser the whole game and would suit better to the game.
I don’t really think Thieves would get a Mace though, unless their spec is something that likes to beat the crap out of their enemies and leave their faces unrecognizable…..
yeah, like a Saboteur maybe ? :P they like it rough to destroy things, if your face gets in their way, well clonk ^^
Specs would have been better than LA and the fact that the Heart of Thorns preorder text is already in the game’s .dat
Sounds like the Back Alley Thug specialization to me! And we’d need Blackjack skins, brass knuckles, etc.
Ephemial, I think RB wasn’t intending any snark but simply explaining that LA’s rebirth doesn’t prohibit spec reveals or interfere with spec development, and she used a statement of policy that is imbedded in her corporate culture to illustrate it.
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it would ruin much lesser the whole game and would suit better to the game.
I don’t really think Thieves would get a Mace though, unless their spec is something that likes to beat the crap out of their enemies and leave their faces unrecognizable…..
yeah, like a Saboteur maybe ? :P they like it rough to destroy things, if your face gets in their way, well clonk ^^
Wouldn’t Saboteur fit Engineers more though?
Fits for both theoretically, but Saboteurs are very sneaky. They don’t want to be seen while they sabotage stuff, so thats the plus for the high stealthy thief for me .
Seriously, why cant the devs create content while theyre creating content so we can have some content to play while we wait for the other content to be done. Any other game company would be ashamed if they didnt release content in between content updates so people have content to keep them busy until the new content comes out, so I dont know why anet cant do the same.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
In fact I don’t know of a single MMO other than GW2 that completely stopped all content to release an expansion 9 months later.
Well, then you haven’t tried any of the pwi games. No content for 2 years, unless you count cashshop items new content, or even better, no content at all and their game dies out.
Trust me, GW2 aint so bad. At least they fix some stuff here.
I would like to point out, for fairness’s sake, that the scale of the update to LA was a surprise. This is the kind of thing they’d normally talk about beforehand, and THEN patch in, not patch in and then tell us about.
With that being said, we all knew more work on LA was coming. It may be a surprise that they did it like this, but it’s not really a BIG surprise.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
But there is only 1 blog post per week regardless of what different teams are doing, so it is safe to assume that this weeks is LA?
Except for that time when they did two for specializations and that’s just the most recent example. Yes they generally only do one per week but there have been more than one a week in the past too. You are making an illogical assumption.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
I merely asked if that was the reason, there was no need to say a snarky comment at me at all about “we reveal stuff when they’re ready”.
By the way, since you “don’t reveal things if they’re not ready”, i’ll assume that means you don’t have any other spec ready to be revealed and whatever news Anet has for us is simply a way to take this week’s time while another spec is fully ready to be shown?
Sounds to me like you attitude deserves all the snark it receives.
“We release information when we’re ready to do so.” is not the same thing as “We reveal stuff when they’re ready.”
It means that when we’re ready to tell you, you’ll get told. None of this is “ready,” Hell, the Engineer wasn’t even in engine when they revealed specializations. But they were ready to tell us about them, so that’s when.
You asked if they were revealing something, but they’re not ready to tell us what they’re revealing, whether or not it is LA. They will tell us what the big surprise is on Friday, maybe before but probably on Friday. That’s when they’ll be ready, and so that’s when we’ll find out.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
I feel like it’s pretty obvious the answer is no.
I would like to point out, for fairness’s sake, that the scale of the update to LA was a surprise. This is the kind of thing they’d normally talk about beforehand, and THEN patch in, not patch in and then tell us about.
With that being said, we all knew more work on LA was coming. It may be a surprise that they did it like this, but it’s not really a BIG surprise.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
She answered this directly. They release information when they’re ready to do so. Since they have not answered the question, they’re not ready to answer the question, and therefore they will not answer the question. It’s not hard to follow. You’ll find out on Friday.
I would like to point out, for fairness’s sake, that the scale of the update to LA was a surprise. This is the kind of thing they’d normally talk about beforehand, and THEN patch in, not patch in and then tell us about.
With that being said, we all knew more work on LA was coming. It may be a surprise that they did it like this, but it’s not really a BIG surprise.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
She answered this directly. Since they have not answered the question, they’re not ready to answer the question, and therefore they will not answer the question.
That’s an indirect answer. Sorry.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
I feel like it’s pretty obvious the answer is no.
This is anet. Nothing is obvious even when they answer straight, which in this case they didn’t.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
She answered this directly. They release information when they’re ready to do so. Since they have not answered the question, they’re not ready to answer the question, and therefore they will not answer the question. It’s not hard to follow. You’ll find out on Friday.
…i don’t know how you can call that a direct answer when she clearly refused to answer.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
I merely asked if that was the reason, there was no need to say a snarky comment at me at all about “we reveal stuff when they’re ready”.
By the way, since you “don’t reveal things if they’re not ready”, i’ll assume that means you don’t have any other spec ready to be revealed and whatever news Anet has for us is simply a way to take this week’s time while another spec is fully ready to be shown?
Sounds to me like you attitude deserves all the snark it receives.
“We release information when we’re ready to do so.” is not the same thing as “We reveal stuff when they’re ready.”
It means that when we’re ready to tell you, you’ll get told. None of this is “ready,” Hell, the Engineer wasn’t even in engine when they revealed specializations. But they were ready to tell us about them, so that’s when.
You asked if they were revealing something, but they’re not ready to tell us what they’re revealing, whether or not it is LA. They will tell us what the big surprise is on Friday, maybe before but probably on Friday. That’s when they’ll be ready, and so that’s when we’ll find out.
I asked if the Lion’s Arch survey thing was the something and she never answered, instead she simply said what akin to “we’ll tell you when we’re ready, shut up”. Please don’t be a drone instantly saying i deserve snarky comments simply for asking.
I would like to point out, for fairness’s sake, that the scale of the update to LA was a surprise. This is the kind of thing they’d normally talk about beforehand, and THEN patch in, not patch in and then tell us about.
With that being said, we all knew more work on LA was coming. It may be a surprise that they did it like this, but it’s not really a BIG surprise.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
You avoided the question we all want answered, but perhaps nobody’s asked it directly enough. So, straight out, I’m going to ask it.
Is this the big GW2 news for the week, yes or no?
She answered this directly. They release information when they’re ready to do so. Since they have not answered the question, they’re not ready to answer the question, and therefore they will not answer the question. It’s not hard to follow. You’ll find out on Friday.
Actually, she didn’t answer that question. She answered something else. That’s why I asked the question directly. I realize they may not answer, honestly I don’t expect them to. I’m just removing the “nobody asked” card from the table.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I find it funny how we can see she clearly dodged the question by saying something else and yet there’s people who swear that she answered it directly.
Guys, even Ray Charles can see this, why can’t you?
I agree that that answer seemed unnecessarily snarky.
They’re opening up the bazaar of the winds again or whatever it’s called. Or announcing that Cantha has opened up trade with the us again after they defeated Bubbles!
I asked if the Lion’s Arch survey thing was the something and she never answered, instead she simply said what akin to “we’ll tell you when we’re ready, shut up”. Please don’t be a drone instantly saying i deserve snarky comments simply for asking.
“As awesome as this is, please tell me this isn’t the reason why there’s no spec reveal today.”
“We reveal things, including specializations, when they are ready. If they haven’t been revealed yet, it means we’re not ready to reveal them. ~RB”
We shall forge mountains from the molehills to build a new Lion’s Arch.
Wow i was close :
No new content * check
New gemstore items * check
No Good info of upcoming patchs * Check
This week’s special surprise: wooden planks! Some horizontal, others vertical – all in Lion’s arch!
Plus some epic reuse of an established consortium practice: the act of of visibly not disclosing anything. No one but the consortium bothers to do it but when you walk past a consortium guard they’ll say they shouldn’t be talking to you and when you talk to a consortium contractor they’ll say you’d buy in if you knew.
Wouldn’t call it living story though. Nothing to interact with, no world development and nothing significant to find. Would have been nice if we could have been given the option too “donate” a sizable order of crafting materials to a desperate consortium overseer in exchange for some information about his project – throw in 5 achievement points, an even vaguer non-disclosure recital and a cinematic zoom-through of Lion’s Arch and we’d call it a release -.-
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
I merely asked if that was the reason, there was no need to say a snarky comment at me at all about “we reveal stuff when they’re ready”.
By the way, since you “don’t reveal things if they’re not ready”, i’ll assume that means you don’t have any other spec ready to be revealed and whatever news Anet has for us is simply a way to take this week’s time while another spec is fully ready to be shown?
Sounds to me like you attitude deserves all the snark it receives.
“We release information when we’re ready to do so.” is not the same thing as “We reveal stuff when they’re ready.”
It means that when we’re ready to tell you, you’ll get told. None of this is “ready,” Hell, the Engineer wasn’t even in engine when they revealed specializations. But they were ready to tell us about them, so that’s when.
You asked if they were revealing something, but they’re not ready to tell us what they’re revealing, whether or not it is LA. They will tell us what the big surprise is on Friday, maybe before but probably on Friday. That’s when they’ll be ready, and so that’s when we’ll find out.
I asked if the Lion’s Arch survey thing was the something and she never answered, instead she simply said what akin to “we’ll tell you when we’re ready, shut up”. Please don’t be a drone instantly saying i deserve snarky comments simply for asking.
Wow, ok, slow down there buddy. A dev stating Anet’s official stance on revealing info is no where near the personal attack as you are making it out to be.
That said, I would be massively disappointed if this LA patch is all that they meant when they said a ‘big surprise’. I mean, sure its nice LA is finally gettin rebuilt, and the world is changing, yadda yadda yadda; but considering there doesn’t seem to be any playable content to go with the news, I really don’t think there is any reason for them to have deviated from their reveals for this.
To me, this means the live-stream on friday will be the surprise. Likely Guildhalls, but perhaps announcing the launch date for the specialization patch with the finalized traits — engi’s had a lot of TBD’s and necro was getting major revamps in the Blood and Death Magic lines.
I don’t think it will be announcing the beta. I say this because not everyone will be IN the beta, and for those thousands of players not lucky enough to be involved, it is not going to be worth the same value — aka non-beta players would undoubtedly much prefer the next reveal.
I asked if the Lion’s Arch survey thing was the something and she never answered, instead she simply said what akin to “we’ll tell you when we’re ready, shut up”. Please don’t be a drone instantly saying i deserve snarky comments simply for asking.
“As awesome as this is, please tell me this isn’t the reason why there’s no spec reveal today.”
“We reveal things, including specializations, when they are ready. If they haven’t been revealed yet, it means we’re not ready to reveal them. ~RB”
We shall forge mountains from the molehills to build a new Lion’s Arch.
That plus the comment here wasn’t snarky or you posted it just to use my exact words against me?
Why cant we halp building lions arch?
Probably because some one will build a giant Quaggan out of flags, bricks and scaffolds.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Why cant we halp building lions arch?
Probably because some one will build a giant Quaggan out of flags, bricks and scaffolds.
Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Giant Quaggans in honor of the Quaggans that have died so far?
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
But there is only 1 blog post per week regardless of what different teams are doing, so it is safe to assume that this weeks is LA?
Except for that time when they did two for specializations and that’s just the most recent example. Yes they generally only do one per week but there have been more than one a week in the past too. You are making an illogical assumption.
So your logic is that they revealed half the info of a single thing in two separate blog posts…? How exactly does this invalidate my assumption? it seems you actually agreed with me by accident.
For the past 6 weeks the pattern of reveal has been:
Monday/Tuesday: Teaser/image/preview of reveal
Wednesday/Thursday: Blog post about reveal
Friday: Livestream about reveal
Today (Tuesday) they revealed a preview of LA being rebuilt, the clear logical conclusion is that the reveal relates to the rebuilding of LA.
thats not hard mode, thats slow mode.
Okay, GW2 Ironman challenge
-no gear other then white
-no traits
-no accessories of any kind
-no professions
-no instances
-no wvw
-no deaths, you die you delete
-no downed state, it’s a death delete
-no de-level must level in appropriate areas
-no groupingHard enough for yeah?
That’s not hard it is just tedious. People want challenging mechanics that require organization, teamwork and quick thinking.
Pretty sure we have that, high level fractals triple trouble etc.
This isn’t a recurring content in the form of tedious rat race instances kind of game. I for one love that aspect. There isn’t constantly new mechanics to learn and then repetitively do them until your eyes bleed like standard mmo’s. The people that usually complain about the lack of challenging content with teamwork and etc. just want raiding and really should be playing a different mmo.
I agree.
But PvE is rarely “challenging mechanics that require organization, teamwork and quick thinking” after the first few people figure it out and post guides. A fast release cycle with gear treadmill is similarly tedious rather than hard.
Someone who really wants challenge, teamwork and quick thinking should look for human opponents… i.e. PvP.
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
Fits for both theoretically, but Saboteurs are very sneaky. They don’t want to be seen while they sabotage stuff, so thats the plus for the high stealthy thief for me .
Tell that to the bandits. they just run at you and drop powder kegs at your feet. About as stealthy as a trumpeting elephant
Whatever it is, it won’t be a true surprise to me, unless it’s a Lord Faren Speedo outfit. Would pay 2k gems for one. Seriously.
This weeks info was over hyped like crazy. I thought we were going to get something crazy the way Rubi was talking about it but noooo we get more WvW info. We never heard a single word about the “challenging content” yet but they still give us info on content they already told us about.
Please dont over hype your own info next time! Its s huge middle finger to your player base.
I actually find myself agreeing for once (as to the overhype, not as to the middle finger part). Now, the changes to WvW might be game changing for WvW players, and the WvW forum is sounding off pro and con on them. So to a good hunk of players this is in fact important news.
But it’s not super huge don’t-miss-it we-gotta-do-a-whole-stream-on-it important, not when those comments were made to PoI viewers with a demonstrated interest in PvE. This should have been billed as a change of pace, looking at other areas of the game, intriguing for ReadyUp! followers sort of thing.
I actually find myself agreeing for once (as to the overhype, not as to the middle finger part). Now, the changes to WvW might be game changing for WvW players, and the WvW forum is sounding off pro and con on them. So to a good hunk of players this is in fact important news.
But it’s not super huge , not when those comments were made to PoI viewers with a demonstrated interest in PvE. This should have been billed as a change of pace, looking at other areas of the game, intriguing for ReadyUp! followers sort of thing.
By no means am I saying this info is not important. I’m sure there are a lot of people enjoying but like you said they made it sounds like, don’t-miss-it we-gotta-do-a-whole-stream-on-it important which had me hyped all week. I really thought we were getting info on something we havent seen yet.
There you go. Looks like this week’s special surprise will involve WvW. Not Lion’s Arch, which never made a lot of sense.
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square