Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
It is also worth pointing out that the actual statement about this week was: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”. There were never talk about something special. There were talks about something cool. Which both Lion’s Arch and the complete change of a major part of WvW would classify as.
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
This, this, and this some more. It was people’s own delusional expectations that “over hyped”. The rebuilding of LA and the revamp of WvW upgrades/Masteries is very much a special surprise in both departments. WvW is now going to be less daunting for entry level players to get into; and there will [hopefully] be less toxicity related to the mistaken use of supply in keeps, towers, and camps.
P.S. There could be something tomorrow that has yet to be announced. Just saying. Don’t go all pessimistic without waiting until after the Stream tomorrow.
It is also worth pointing out that the actual statement about this week was: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”. There were never talk about something special. There were talks about something cool. Which both Lion’s Arch and the complete change of a major part of WvW would classify as.
To be fair, LA even classified as a Special Surprise, considering how long it’s been smashed up. It just wasn’t the surprise people were looking forward to.
The only people who over hype things are always the players themselves. The Devs can’t do it because they’re so restricted in what they can even say. Players build stuff up in their minds until nothing that is presented can ever live up to it.
I’m not sure, as far as hype goes, there is a lot of difference between ‘extra-cool’ and ‘super-special’.
They both denote, to many, something worth more attention than usual. I thought the announcement/reveal would be something other than what would be expected in Ready-Up.
If what Rubi was referring to was the news about Lion’s Arch, then that is, to me, ‘extra-cool’ or ‘super-special’. It just seemed, considering when that news was revealed, that there was something else [other than changes to WvW, which (for me) were kind of expected with a whole new map and mechanics to be released] coming later in the week.
Maybe there is…..I guess we will find out tomorrow, though I don’t have any expectations, anymore.
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
Something extra cool to reveal that is going to need a whole stream. Sounds pretty hype to me…
We already seen the new WvW BL and the new spvp map but nothing about the PvE content (other than masteries). Its at the point where I’m thinking they dont even know what they are doing for the “challenging content”. After they show us all the content coming then they should go into details, not show us half the content then go into detail of that content.
the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
I agree: Rubi’s characterization of this week’s news is fair.
A large subset of the forum and reddit and /map chat communities have been clamoring for LA to be rebuilt for ages. For them, this is “extra cool.” For others, maybe not so much.
A significant portion of the WvW community has long bemoaned the objective upgrade process. There’s often tension about which upgrades to choose when or how much one doly matters etc. So, at least that aspect of the WvW change is going to smooth out some of the social and mechanical dynamics, which is at least “cool” (and perhaps “extra cool,” since any WvW are far and few between).
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
Something extra cool to reveal that is going to need a whole stream. Sounds pretty hype to me…
We already seen the new WvW BL and the new spvp map but nothing about the PvE content (other than masteries). Its at the point where I’m thinking they dont even know what they are doing for the “challenging content”. After they show us all the content coming then they should go into details, not show us half the content then go into detail of that content.
That never made a lot of sense to me, because all the reveals have taken up a whole stream. So she was basically saying, “We’re revealing something next week that isn’t specializations, but will still take as long as specializations to go over in detail.”
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
Something extra cool to reveal that is going to need a whole stream. Sounds pretty hype to me…
We already seen the new WvW BL and the new spvp map but nothing about the PvE content (other than masteries). Its at the point where I’m thinking they dont even know what they are doing for the “challenging content”. After they show us all the content coming then they should go into details, not show us half the content then go into detail of that content.
That never made a lot of sense to me, because all the reveals have taken up a whole stream. So she was basically saying, “We’re revealing something next week that isn’t specializations, but will still take as long as specializations to go over in detail.”
Some Anet streams are a lot shorter than others.
I’m all for the new WvW changes, but I’m seriously bummed that the surprise was this.
I’m currently a little over rank 500 in WvW, so I’m not a WvW novice but not a hardcore WvW’er. And anything that adds too me wanting to WvW more is appreciated. But I may have been a little over-hyped about this weeks reveal…
I wasn’t expecting nor wanting a WvW reveal, I was honestly thinking it was going to be some new event/festival in game. Something that would give me a reason to play PvE, because all I do right now is my dailies and a little bit of crafting and log off.
What do you think of this weeks surprise? Did you guess correctly?
There are already two other threads about it.
And once again: This is what was actually said:
“Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
There were never any talks from ArenaNet about a special surprise, it is something made up and hyped by the forums and reddit.
They are allowed to consider something to be ‘extra cool.’ We don’t necessarily have to agree.
Yes, I’m underwhelmed by the info, but I’m also not a WvWer. Some WvWers are ‘meh’ some are like ‘its about kitten time.’ So responses have varied.
Me, personally, I would have liked guild hall info. It didn’t come, so I’ll stay tuned. No big deal.
This weeks info was over hyped like crazy. I thought we were going to get something crazy the way Rubi was talking about it but noooo we get more WvW info. We never heard a single word about the “challenging content” yet but they still give us info on content they already told us about.
Please dont over hype your own info next time! Its s huge middle finger to your player base.
Rubi said they would be bringing something bigger then another specialisation reveal.
That is all she said. If their is any hype it is in your head!
This is bigger then another specialisation reveal. She did exactly what she promised, you jsut made it much bigger then what she said (likely cause you where not alone and hyping eachother, but you can’t blame arenanet for that)
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
I’m going to have to agree, even though I don’t do WvW.
Just one of the two? Disappointing. But both together in one week? I think it’s fair to say they delivered well enough.
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it wouldn’t ruin the game and would suit better to the game.
No weapon towards any class would ruin the game. Everything works.
I also still want main-hand torch most.
Yay, they added more weapons that I can’t buy cuz my spec isn’t officially known yet.
Mesmer – Shield
Guardian – Longbow
Necromancer – Greatsword
Ranger – Staff
Elementalist – Sword
Engineer – Hammer
Thief –RifleMace
Warrior –PistolTorchJust assume that list is correct, has been so far.
Lets pretend rather that this is correct as it wouldn’t ruin the game and would suit better to the game.
I think the original list is more likely.
looks like it is shaping up to be a disappointment
The LA poll and the WvW bits both seemed cool to me. Combined, I think they make a great week for info updates.
now if only it was something “super cool” instead
and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
I really don’t see what’s cool about removing more content to make the game even more casual but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess?
I really don’t see what’s cool about removing more content to make the game even more casual but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess?
It will more or less completely change how WvW is played though. At least for a while. And that is big.
As for making it more casual I would say that depends on your point of view.
As of right now you can more or less completely ignore the enemy keep and tower and just keep killing off dollies and they will remain wood forever. With the upcoming changes they will get upgraded sooner or later no matter what. Which means that you actually have to attack the targets themselves to stop the upgrades, which is quite a bit harder than just killing a dolly.
I really don’t see what’s cool about removing more content to make the game even more casual but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess?
It will more or less completely change how WvW is played though. At least for a while. And that is big.
As for making it more casual I would say that depends on your point of view.
As of right now you can more or less completely ignore the enemy keep and tower and just keep killing off dollies and they will remain wood forever. With the upcoming changes they will get upgraded sooner or later no matter what. Which means that you actually have to attack the targets themselves to stop the upgrades, which is quite a bit harder than just killing a dolly.
Exactly. Previously the defenders had to care about escorting dollies, and defending the camps. Now they won’t need to. The complexity will get reduced.
I really don’t see what’s cool about removing more content to make the game even more casual but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess?
It will more or less completely change how WvW is played though. At least for a while. And that is big.
As for making it more casual I would say that depends on your point of view.
As of right now you can more or less completely ignore the enemy keep and tower and just keep killing off dollies and they will remain wood forever. With the upcoming changes they will get upgraded sooner or later no matter what. Which means that you actually have to attack the targets themselves to stop the upgrades, which is quite a bit harder than just killing a dolly.
What Astralporing said, basically.
At the end of the day, it will make the stronger servers even stronger and nightcapping will have even more influence than before.
Imho they are purposely sabotaging WvW because they want to push their stupid HoT gimmicks. We’ll see how it works out but I am honestly disgusted already.
I don’t even see the point in rebuilding L.A now that we will get Guild Halls
That’s where the majority of players will be at now unless they make no TP in or normal bank in GH to force ppl into Citys or this games Citys will looks like ghost towns to new players and the WvW changes will make ppl come back to WvW for maybe a month 2 at MAX no change to achievements 1 more time and money waster at lest give WvW it’s own track rewards like spvp there is no excuse for that imo
I don’t even see the point in rebuilding L.A now that we will get Guild Halls
That’s where the majority of players will be at now unless they make no TP in or normal bank in GH to force ppl into Citys or this games Citys will looks like ghost towns to new players and the WvW changes will make ppl come back to WvW for maybe a month 2 at MAX no change to achievements 1 more time and money waster at lest give WvW it’s own track rewards like spvp there is no excuse for that imo
Aside from lore and story reasons you mean, which matter to at least some of us. Not to mention the number of people who don’t want to be part of a guild. Or people who just like to socialize.
We had Guild Halls in Guild Wars 1 also, but there were always people who enjoyed hanging out in Lion’s Arch. How about for festivals?
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
I think people are simply overhyping what Rubi actually said.
She said: “Next week we have something extra cool to reveal”.
People keep throwing around that she said that it would be something super-special and such. And yet those words were never uttered by Rubi, they were created by people hyping up what was actually said (just like more or less every single time).
And yes, the rebuilding of Lion’s Arch and the more or less complete overhaul of a major part of WvW is something extra cool.
Yet when asked if that was it, they don’t give us a straight answer.
Wow, peeps.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my own special run-ins with RB and RB2 over on facebook, but nothing she said was snarky. She literally shared/reiterated the company policy that they’ve had for forever now. Like it or not, they will not share any info until they know it to be almost or completely done. Its not snark, just facts and more importantly all they are allowed to say as per company policy.
Is it a silly policy? Well we can all debate that until we’re blue in the face, but it won’t change it.
Now, as far as the stuff that has been shared so far this week and the stuff regarding WvW:
As a WvW player I’m actually excited to hear more about these changes coming up and the rebuilding of LA had some neat little gems in there if you talk to people in LA with one of them mentioning that one of the structures might have something to do with guilds. Does that mean a central hub to get to an instanced Guild hall? Who knows, but I’m liking the build out so far. (And the hidden karka babies.)
Either way, Anet has been upfront with how they were revealing info regarding HoT so far so I can’t fault them there. Unfortunately for them, they are probably working crunch to get HoT out the door and even more so since they were probably told to talk about HoT to get that train rolling before too many people jumped ship and now have to push harder to get the xpac out than they originally planned.
All the while they have to deal with little PR nightmares that they can’t truly address well thanks to the mums-the-word policy implemented.
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
yeah this is seeming more and more likely. They already dropped most of the legendary weapons from launch, and have been very shifty about the number of new zones we are getting. They are removing WvW maps, also no news on finishing crafting updates, and not a peep on the “challenging group content”. I think they are very far behind schedule, and scrambling to finish something people will actually buy.
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
LMAO. The complete lack of info. You clearly weren’t paying attention during the first launch.
We got info when they were ready to give the info, not before. There will be guild hall info as they get closer to launch. Some with info about the difficult content.
Anet doesn’t give out all the information at once because they space it out.
The “It’s ready when it’s ready” is so prominent with information because god help you if you give a projected date and you fail to meet it for any reason whatsoever. If they give a date for ANYTHING they need to be 100% sure they will meet it without delay.
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
yeah this is seeming more and more likely. They already dropped most of the legendary weapons from launch, and have been very shifty about the number of new zones we are getting.
I’m a little disappointed that they aren’t launching with a full set of legendary weapons, but currently I’m hoping that just means they are ignoring the three underwater weapons. Or that we’ll at least be able to get the precursors in the mean time via the collection hunt. They never said that they’ve dropped “most”, just that we aren’t getting the full set at launch.
That being said, I am very disappointed that the precursor hunt is being locked behind the pay wall of HoT when this is something that they said they’ve been working on for ~2 years now. I know core masteries aren’t going to be accessible to owners of just the core game, but I still think it’s a bit of a broken promise of the “we’re working on it” we’ve been getting on the topic for the past two years.
And they only way that they are being “shifty” about the number of new zones is not actually answering the question when we ask. I’m pretty sure we still don’t know how the different biomes will work: will there be a loading screen in between them, can we glide down/up to a different level? So even if they only give 5 new “maps”, that’s still 15 because of the biomes, or 5 very large vertical maps. Also some people are fan of having tighter maps with more content, then lots of empty running room, so I still say we can’t judge them until we see them in a beta or live.
They are removing WvW maps, also no news on finishing crafting updates, and not a peep on the “challenging group content”.
They are replacing the borderlands with a new one. Ones that look like they actually reward defenders. I’m still not sold on the Oasis event, but the shrines seem really cool. And when did they say we were getting a crafting update?
As for the challenging group content, what do you think they’ll use to space out other elite specs? They still have at least half a dozen other things to talk about besides the remaining elite specs. They’ll get to it eventually.
I think they are very far behind schedule, and scrambling to finish something people will actually buy.
What schedule? We don’t have a release date. People just assume it’ll be the 3rd anniversary. But unless they end up giving massive info dumps and can fit in 2-3 betas over the next few months, I think it’s too early. If I recall, they never even said it’d come out this year.
Now, if you want to argue that they announced it too soon, or that having to wait that long with no new content was a bad decision on their part, that at least we can speculate on. But they are far from behind schedule, because only they know about it. They can “shoot first, and call whatever they hit the target” and we’d never know the difference.
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
LMAO. The complete lack of info. You clearly weren’t paying attention during the first launch.
Nope, I was playing City of Heroes. Still would be too, if that was an option.
However, I notice that they’ve at least touched on every aspect of the expansion now, EXCEPT for Guild changes and Guild Halls. They’ve even touched on the Legendaries, while having to tone down people’s expectations on what will be there at launch.
This tells me that it ISN’T ready, not even close to ready. And while they’ve not given us a date for the expansion to hit, they obviously don’t have forever. Guild Halls would be the most obvious thing to delay to get it out the door in time. It’s the least hyped feature so far, and the one furthest away from usable.
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
LMAO. The complete lack of info. You clearly weren’t paying attention during the first launch.
Nope, I was playing City of Heroes. Still would be too, if that was an option.
However, I notice that they’ve at least touched on every aspect of the expansion now, EXCEPT for Guild changes and Guild Halls. They’ve even touched on the Legendaries, while having to tone down people’s expectations on what will be there at launch.
This tells me that it ISN’T ready, not even close to ready. And while they’ve not given us a date for the expansion to hit, they obviously don’t have forever. Guild Halls would be the most obvious thing to delay to get it out the door in time. It’s the least hyped feature so far, and the one furthest away from usable.
Good plan. If hyping isn’t getting you where you need to be, start an antihype campaign, then when things work out you can either be disappointed because nothing can ever please you, or happy things worked out better than predicted.
Have they revealed the special surprise yet? Or is it the pile of wood in LA?
Certainly the surprise cannot be that they are removing WvW Applied fortitude and strength… lol
Have they revealed the special surprise yet? Or is it the pile of wood in LA?
Certainly the surprise cannot be that they are removing WvW Applied fortitude and strength… lol
They never said anything at all about a special surprise though. People are just overhyping and attributing words that ArenaNet have never said.
But there are three things that the “extra cool” thing could refer to:
The rebuilding of Lion’s Arch.
The complete overhaul of two big WvW systems.
The announcement of the upcoming closed beta.
It was only the WvW changes, and a sneak peek at some Dragonhunter one-on-one play.
The ‘extra-cool’ thing was not Lion’s Arch being rebuilt or anything about HoT betas.
Have they revealed the special surprise yet? Or is it the pile of wood in LA?
Certainly the surprise cannot be that they are removing WvW Applied fortitude and strength… lol
The surprise is that LA is being Rebuild, (the map changed a little ingame), and we may see a totally new map in the upcoming months (i guess before the expansion hits).
I don’t really think Thieves would get a Mace though, unless their spec is something that likes to beat the crap out of their enemies and leave their faces unrecognizable…..
And the new elite specialization for Thief is…
The Bruiser
Given the complete lack of news about Guild Halls in HoT, I wouldn’t be surprised if they drop it from the expansion for launch, with plans for it to be added in “later”.
There’s definitely precedent.
I actually asked them in their Facebook if this ended up being the “surprise” they had for this week and all i got was a snarky comment from Rubi Bayer saying that they’ll only show specs when they’re ready.
That was actually me.
I sign my posts with RB. Rubi signs her posts with RB2.
What you asked was whether the Lion’s Arch info was the reason there was no specs reveal. To pit these two pieces of information against each other misunderstands the game development process and the fact that we have different teams working on different features. The folks working on Lion’s Arch are not the same people we have working on profession specializations. As I said on Facebook: we release information when we’re ready to do so. If we haven’t revealed something, it’s because we’re not ready yet.
Well said. Many people just do not understand how several teams can form one company…
Well then you’re not very clever.
You have one department developing one aspect of the game whilst another works on another aspect. It’s not that hard. And like said, things are released when ready and each department have developed their projects.
Or do you want them to let you know when somethings been developed then scratches then developed etc and then scratched again because they feel they could still improve it.
Don’t be so naive.
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