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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


I deleted more than 30 messages right now… and I keep getting more!

Why no just ban any message with these url?

If you use SQL :



*Edit: I will add all the gold sellers from the images. Please BAN that kind of messages.


For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

(edited by marianitten.1247)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Wow that’s a lot. They must really like you.

Personally I’ve gotten 3 or 4 spam mails I think. Maybe some servers are being hit harder by gold sellers than others? Or maybe they don’t like me as much.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocksors.7830


That’s intense, I had 2 in the space of 10min yesterday and thought that was bad.

I don’t get it, you can buy gold legit via gems, why would anyone risk having to start again and buy a new license as well is beyond me.

Isle Of Janthir [AR]
Rocksors: 80 Guardian, Althalus: 80 Thief, Birigitte: 80 Ranger, Roacsors: 80 Warrior

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fugly.5287


Every time i logon my mailbox is full of spam. I usually don’t notice until I can’t receive a renown heart reward.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masher.8051


Yep, pretty much every time i log in i have selling gold spam mail.


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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Playing on Blackgate, and I have received zero spam emails, and haven’t been whispered from a spammer. But have seen an occasional spammer on the chat channels.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DistantStatic.6098


I spam the gold sellers when I get bored. Just a repeated copy and paste message. They’ve stopped mailing me for the most part.

lvl80 Guardian lvl80 Ranger lvl80 Elementalist lvl80 Thief …. Why do I list these anymore?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


Playing on Blackgate, and I have received zero spam emails, and haven’t been whispered from a spammer. But have seen an occasional spammer on the chat channels.

You will now. lol You let the cat out of the bag.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salt.4621


I logged on today, US Sea of Sorrows and found 13 mail from gold spammers. As I was deleting and reporting each one I received another 2. Played for a couple of hours and received another 4 mail from gold sellers.

I despise these people and the people that use the services, after all they wouldn’t be there if kittens didn’t use it.

“Your face is funny. All squished and weird.”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


I despise these people and the people that use the services, after all they wouldn’t be there if kittens didn’t use it.

Yep, what kind of an idiot do you have to be to actually use these dodgy services?

Obviously they’re out there, otherwise gold sellers wouldn’t be so rampant.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nottix.7864


I’m just getting about 1-3 a day. I just report them. Although since there isn’t any trial accounts that I’m aware of atm, it’s probably coming from the many people who’s accounts have been hacked recently.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Risky.6932


It’s quite amusing, (I just report and block) But the mails come within seconds of speaking in map chat. Especially Lions arch, My guess is your quite vocal in the areas you visit. It’s not a great solution but watching your use of chat could help..

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dedish.7923


That’s intense, I had 2 in the space of 10min yesterday and thought that was bad.

I don’t get it, you can buy gold legit via gems, why would anyone risk having to start again and buy a new license as well is beyond me.

In my honest opinion it’s because the gems to gold conversion is almost nonexistent.

I had 400 gems left over from buying stuff and when I checked to see how much gold I could get the amount was something like 40 silver hardly worth the amount that I had paid for the gems.

The cost of traveling with waypoints is extremely high and the money rewards for doing hearts and events is a pittance at best.

Not saying I condone the practice of buying gold, just saying the amount of money earned in game compared to the cost of traveling /repairs does not even come clost to balancing out and could frustrate some players and entice them to buy gold.

Life sucks wear a helmet

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


Have you ever bought gold using the e-mail/account name you use for GW2? I haven’t gotten a single thing in the mail from someone I didn’t know…

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vargs.6234


If they’re going to be copy+pasting a billion messages you think they’d run it through a spellchecker or something. No, I’m not interested in your “diblo” gold, no matter how many times you say “pkease”.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Have you ever bought gold using the e-mail/account name you use for GW2? I haven’t gotten a single thing in the mail from someone I didn’t know…

No one with a bit of common sense would use that services. That’s spam

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I spam the gold sellers when I get bored. Just a repeated copy and paste message. They’ve stopped mailing me for the most part.

Hah! That’s a nice trick, I’ll try that myself when I get these spams in my mail.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runar.1342


Playing on Blackgate, and I have received zero spam emails, and haven’t been whispered from a spammer. But have seen an occasional spammer on the chat channels.

I’m on blackgate too but I have the same problem of gold selling spam in my in game mailbox everytime that I’ve logged into the game for the past week or more.

It’s gotten too annoying for me, I’m just gonna hang out in the forums until Anet comes up with something that will stop it from getting into my inbox instead of chasing their tails.

Seriously, Anet needs to be more proactive on the problem instead of reactive. Give us tools so that we can filter out the messages ourselves, it’s proven to work in WOW, and it will work here too.

For those that say “but GW2 has only been out for 2 weeks” to them I say, Yes, but they’ve had 5 years to develop the game and they KNOW what a large issue gold spamming is in all MMO’s that use gold as their currency, and should have been working on a solution long before releasing the game. It’s shameful to release an MMO today and not have tools in place to block gold selling in game mail, simply shameful.

They knew it would be an issue in GW2 but the powers that be didn’t think it was worth spending any time on during development beyond some “artist” coming up with an acceptable looking “report” button.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJGlyph.9746


I don’t understand why ppl find it so annoying. It takes less than a second to delete it. IMO it’s more annoying in map chat, but you can always turn that off too.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


I agree the gold seller spam (both in chat and via in game mail) is getting out of control. Someone needs to be done, quickly.

Also, there are two spammers in Lion’s Arch on Gandara who, despite being reported by several people including myself, are still spamming for over half an hour now. The GMs must be faster to get us rid of those annoying rats.
Not to mention those are most likely hacked account if you consider the character names…

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runar.1342


Think about something that really REALLY annoys you jjGlyph, now apply that reasoning to gold in game mail spam and you’ll have your reason.

By the way, I’m sure you could come up wth something that annoys you but others would just say “oh but that takes all of less than a second to get out of that situation” why are you so annoyed by it.

I requested no onions on my steak and you bring it to my table with onions, I am SUPER DUPER annoyed by this. My wife leans over, with one hand she takes the onions off of my steak and whispers in my ear, “why does it annoy you so much that they put onions on your steak hon? It only takes a second to remove them”.

Everybody is different.

(edited by Runar.1342)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I don’t understand why ppl find it so annoying. It takes less than a second to delete it. IMO it’s more annoying in map chat, but you can always turn that off too.

It’s annoying enough to want a filter implemented or something like it, to fix it.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachdenki.2637


Not saying I condone the practice of buying gold, just saying the amount of money earned in game compared to the cost of traveling /repairs does not even come clost to balancing out and could frustrate some players and entice them to buy gold.

Seems to me like you’re doing something wrong. Normally, even with travelling and repairing, I always end up with more gold than I started at the end of the day. Not too much, but if you really want to you can easily gain 50-100 silver per day.
Obviously I don’t travel every 10 meters, only larger distances.

BTT: That’s a lot of spam. I report all the gold spammers and can only hope others do the same. Funny thing is, I am so mad at them at this point that I will surely never buy any gold from them. Mission achieved, mail spam!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Thought that reporting a mail you get also blocks the sender?
If not there’s also a block function.

I do hope they get banned fast.

Edit: And yeah I regret spending real money on gems back in beta.
I make maybe 2 gold a day on my Necro. That’s a lot of Gems.
Well, kind of glad that I supported something cool.


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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amigo.5023


Thought that reporting a mail you get also blocks the sender?
If not there’s also a block function.

I do hope they get banned fast.

Edit: And yeah I regret spending real money on gems back in beta.
I make maybe 2 gold a day on my Necro. That’s a lot of Gems.
Well, kind of glad that I supported something cool.

How do you make 2 gold a day?