“Best Guardian NA”
Those of us with Mini Legendaries left out?
“Best Guardian NA”
You got your weapon for the skin right?
The skin has not changed. It is still worth 400g+
are you the type of person that complains that t3 skins are rare quality with crappy stats?
The cost was for the skin. Not the stats. But you know that already.
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What are you babbling on about? Legendary weapons had their stats upgraded to match ascended, and you can choose whatever stat combination you want when out of combat. I don’t see the issue.
What are you babbling on about? Legendary weapons had their stats upgraded to match ascended, and you can choose whatever stat combination you want when out of combat. I don’t see the issue.
He meant the other expensive weapons such as Foefire’s or Mjolnir
What are you babbling on about? Legendary weapons had their stats upgraded to match ascended, and you can choose whatever stat combination you want when out of combat. I don’t see the issue.
hes talking about volcanus or mjolnir etc not getting the stat boost
Your “mini legendary” is not a legendary…..it’s an exotic weapon with exotic stats. and really…“mini legendary”?? I think not.
Makes sense right.
Yes, it does.
What are you babbling on about? Legendary weapons had their stats upgraded to match ascended, and you can choose whatever stat combination you want when out of combat. I don’t see the issue.
hes talking about volcanus or mjolnir etc not getting the stat boost
Oh… so he’s complaining about non-Legendary weapons not getting the stat boost Legendary weapons got?
I… see.
No, no… it’s ok… I’ll show myself out.
What is a mini legendary?
What is a mini legendary?
A skin that someone spent hundreds of gold on and has deluded themselves into thinking that it was more than just an awesome skin.
Your “mini legendary” is not a legendary…..it’s an exotic weapon with exotic stats. and really…“mini legendary”?? I think not.
To be fair some of those “Mini Legendary” weapons can cost as much as if not more than a legendary depending on lodestones. Namely… Charged.
Mjölnir is one such weapon sitting at a bit above 1k right now. Calling them mini legendary is because they cost nearly as much.
Still that 1.2k was spent for the skin. And he still has the skin.
Hah. Funny. I do sympathize, but you must understand Legendary weapons and expensive exotics are no where near the same.
What is a mini legendary?
A skin that someone spent hundreds of gold on and has deluded themselves into thinking that it was more than just an awesome skin.
So in other words, an Exotic. These delusions of grandeur had me confused.
inb4 “whats the point of running dungeons if it doesn’t give me ascended weapons”
legendaries got the purple text, ur junk has the orange. Things changed appropriately. Shoulda complained when they said they were going to upgrade legendary weapons to ascended quality months ago.
legendaries got the purple text, ur junk has the orange. Things changed appropriately. Shoulda complained when they said they were going to upgrade legendary weapons to ascended quality months ago.
I believe it was October/November of last year
Don’t like 95% of all these “mini-legendary” have the worst stat possible on them already and almost forces you to transmute them with the stats you actually want on them? Also what’s stopping people from transmuting them to ascended when they make them?
you can (or should be able to) make an ascended with the stats you want, then transmute them onto your mini legendary.
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The point is its a hassle. If someone just spent, lets say 1k gold on mjolnir, they now also have to a) spend who knows how much on 500 crafting, b) buy an ascended weapon for who knows how much, c) get a lucky drop. That person may not even have enuff gold to buy a rare even though he can probably afford it. That person also has to spend gold to get transmutations stones.
“Best Guardian NA”
I am happy with my legendary.
I would point out that is been stayed many times that Ascended was to be the gap filler between exotic and Legendary, well, the stats are the same, you basically just have an interesting skin. What would really be nice is customizing the Color of our legendaries within reason. And maybe a few options for footprints color.
Yeah i know but I guess what kind of sucks is I care more about making sure stats is no longer an issue before I buy skins. Well a month ago or a couple weeks ago I finally had full ascended gear and bought put the rest of my money towards a total of 4-5 weapons which totaled to well over 1k gold. Now I come back and realize that I would have rather saved some of that money to get 500 crafting or bought one less of those skins to buy an ascended weapon instead and transmute it. But I don’t pve enuff to make money unfortunately. I like the ascended gear/stats, dont get me wrong its just I feel i spent a decent amount of money on a skins to have some sort of compensation.
“Best Guardian NA”
I am happy with my legendary.
I would point out that is been stayed many times that Ascended was to be the gap filler between exotic and Legendary, well, the stats are the same, you basically just have an interesting skin. What would really be nice is customizing the Color of our legendaries within reason. And maybe a few options for footprints color.
I was so close to getting a legendary for this very reason (I hate the idea of future proofing my gear in a game that wasn’t supposed to have vertical gear tiers in the first place)
The problem was I hate how every single one looks, and no one knows and Anet never said what will happen to your legendary if you transmute it. I still want one, again future proofing. But I don’t want to get a legendary only to see it poof when I transmute.
(edited by Lokki.1092)