Those who complain and are about to quit...

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


omg… this look like an AA meeting.
this thread needs a psycologist.

i played 175h of GW2.
i’m level 73.

i love the game.

and if the game give me 300h total ?
its still gonna be an amazing game.

i think some people should question their own attitude toward a “game”.

and welcome back to GW2 if you ever feel like it. ill need some people to run dungeons with! i havent done any explo path yet.

And some explorer paths you probably won’t
You will see why are we complaining and joins us then

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rozer.8042


this is the worst event i ever play …i quit this game i dont wanna grind or spend money for gems … cya !

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loxias.2375


I guess I’ll hit 100 in EQ after all. I’m in the beta for RoF and it’s kind of fun.

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Please do not worry…NCSOFT is developing your new MMO…Lineage Eternal…google it and enjoy..:)

Best regards,


First thought that came to my mind was, “who cares, it’ll just be another korean grinder”, but of course, the thought that immediately followed that was “oh yeah, they’re even turning GW2 into one of those too”.

The MMORPG, as a genre, is fatally diseased. It’s suffered the worst fate any group of things can suffer: one hugely, wildly, incredibly successful thing (WoW), which has begotten an unending torrent of me-too cash grabs.

GW2 was supposed to be different. Don’t get me wrong, I never subscribed to the notion that it was a messiah that was going to lead the way to a new post-WoW golden era of MMOs. But I did hope that it could at least bring some fresh air, for heaven’s sake some DIFFERENCE, to a genre which Penny Arcade has rightly described as “a reeking necropolis of [crap]”. That necropolis is filled with specimens suffering from rigor mortis – stiff, unmoving, rigid in their mind-numbing sameness.

Those hopes have died now. Our would-be champion may continue to shamble on for a while, but it has taken a mortal wound, and will eventually lay itself down in the necropolis among all the others. Then there will be nothing left to do but burn the corpses, bury the ashes, and walk away.

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galandil.9641


The MMORPG, as a genre, is fatally diseased. It’s suffered the worst fate any group of things can suffer: one hugely, wildly, incredibly successful thing (WoW), which has begotten an unending torrent of me-too cash grabs.

I completely agree with this statement. There’s nothing else “to move on” to.

The games now are catered for the masses, which require just repetitive and boring tasks that involve no skill or difficulty at all to get the new +X item as a reward, and to reiterate such repetitive tasks in an endless spiral of non-gaming.

We’ve seen this thing in FPSs, in console gaming, and now in mmog. It’s a sad, sad truth.

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Team Fortress 2!!! I like that system (if it haven’t change in last few months)

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


I’m going to go back to EVE online.

I was hoping GW2 would be a sandbox fantasy MMO of the kind I have a soft spot for (instead of a spaceship MMO) that could be my new home, but it appears that is not to be.

I still have 4 PLEX in my EVE Online inventory that gives me 4 months of free play and tonnes of materials and ships that I can sell to buy at least another 10 PLEXes (assuming each PLEX still cost 400 million ISK each). But I am not going back to Eve Online in the near future simply because the agony of the pvp death penalty still haunt me to this day (even when I am now much more skilled (2+ real life years of training hours) and can tank my ship to allow me to escape most attacks). Though it is a cool and fun game, the nightmare still linger with me and preventing me from going back. At least not in the near future.

Ok, it looks like I am discussing other games in GW2 forum and risk another inflaction point for being irrelevant, hold your gun Mod. What I relate about Eve Online applies equally to GW2. I mention at length in my previous post about the impact of leveraging repair bill on WvW death. This 2 issues are similar though the penalty is lesser than in Eve Online.

IF and if I ever left GW2 in future (I will DEFINITELY go play PlanetSide2 when it launch in a day’s time but I am not leaving GW2 yet), this repair bill issues in WvW will similarly weigh on my mind when I am considering coming back to GW2 to WvW which is the only thing that holds my interest in GW2. I know that at lvl 80, the repair bill should not be too much a burden as I can earn much more through other means, but the psychological burden is still there. It WEIGHS on my consideration.

Please reconsider what I said so that you can facilitate our decision making on game choice to commit our resource in future. Help us to help yourselves. Please.

Those who complain and are about to quit...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

But I am not going back to Eve Online in the near future simply because the agony of the pvp death penalty still haunt me to this day

Your choice.

Though when I was playing I found that the the punishment for losing ships did quite a lot to mitigate any gear treadmill in PvP. Sure, there will be more powerful ships than you, but you won’t see many of them because everyone will lose ships. So you will eventually lose it (especially when your enemies decide to target the expensive ships first for flashier kill mails), so smart players fly cheaper ships that they can easily replace.

My plan when I go back is to try and get into a 0.0 alliance that replaces ships that are lost in PvP. Effectively removing the penalty.