Thoughts On Future Expansions

Thoughts On Future Expansions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiteful prophecy.7130

Spiteful prophecy.7130

Many of us know that Guild Wars, was famous for it’s expansions including; EoTN, Nightfall, Factions, Bonus Missions, etc, etc.
Now, here is my assumption. My assumption is that every Asura Gate that takes you to a certain area, whether it be L.A., Rata Sum, Hoelbrak, etc. points toward it’s target location. IE: Lion’s Arch to Rata Sum aims from North East to South West and vise versa.
So, the little courtyard inside of L.A. called ‘Coriolis Plaza’ has 6 (six) Asura Gates, currently under construction. Well, if all of the Asura Gates are intended to be part of a new expansion or any yet to come, they each point in the direction known to be untraveled or visited yet thus far such as; The Ring of Fire, The Crystal Desert, etc.
My intended theory is that, are the Asura Gates in the ‘Coriolis Plaza’ a hint toward future expansions to the following areas yet to be announced and/or created?
-Hopefully I have opened the eyes of some to new thoughts, as this is only one of my random thoughts while sitting in L.A. for countless hours lol.