Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

Also, if they want to “boost” the acended set stat in the more difficult area
1- why the hell did we would have to farm a new “set” since they can do that with exotic and update them

2-As Aliksyian perfectly said if gear treadmill is about to increase monster power and armor / weapons power.
We just farm a new gear to not be weaken, but to go back to the normal state. We DONT gain any power.
It make no sense at all.

So, if for them diffculty = higher number ( damage / life / armor )

I have a good idea.

Create a dungeon where all the displayed number are x2. but keep the same good exotic gear.

Like that, you enter in, you SEE 30k hp instead of 15k and you SEE 8k damage instead of 4k.
No gear treadmill but same result.

@ Kript

You missed a important point.

So far, the problem is NOT the new content, they could find out a MILLION way to make the EXACT same thing ( agony – fractal stuff ) without adding the more powered gear.

-A special enchant to drop into the dungeon.
-Create a infusion slot into the exotic gear
-Create a mechanic to infuse your actual armor against agony damage like in GW1 where you hd that after a mission

After, it wasnt a problem to create a new armor, but why didnt they just did like GW1 ( who live perfectly since 2005.. they made GW2 obiviously its because GW1, a game without ANY gear progression has worked like a charm )

They could totaly create a new excelent skin like the GW1 FOW / UW armor, or why not with somes special flashy effect. Or why not if players really want the feeling of “progression” with a special fun ability

There is MANY way of creating new content, challenge without madatoring the player who dont like that to farm a new gear during hours and hours, and days, an month.

GW1 made that perfectly, since you have actualy GW2, its because it WORKED, and Anet get enough money….

So yes, many didnt like the UNEEDED power increase of the new mandatory gear, because, once started it clearly mean they ( Anet ) are going to do it again soon when all the whinny farmer will have achieve it.

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

(edited by E Tan.7385)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laef.4519


Because I’m actually staying with the game I enjoy and I’m here for discussion. All of you are just whining “I’m leaving” repeatedly and not doing it.

Being on a forum is not the same as staying and playing a game.
I’m here because up until a couple of days ago when the announcement came out I absolutely loved the game and played 10+ hours/day. Now I have all this free time so I choose to spend just a little bit of it here to express my disappointment.

Oops! Google Chrome could not find

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velron.3729


Because I’m actually staying with the game I enjoy and I’m here for discussion. All of you are just whining “I’m leaving” repeatedly and not doing it.

What? You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Most of us are on here trying to get their attention and fight for the game, because we love the game. I bet you there are devs sitting in their office absolutely depressed because they are being forced to do this and go against all their vision. The devs sounded passionate about this very topic in many of their interviews.

Just because we are here trying to get their attention and hopefully salvage the game we love….doesn’t mean we haven’t already stopped showing our support. I have not logged in to the game and I have definitely not purchased anymore gems or told anyone else to buy the game (which I unfortunately had just recommended again to 2 random strangers I heard talking about wanting a game with good pvp and no gear grind to keep up with as they were too busy for that crap anymore)

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Arshay Duskbrow.1306

You guys think that ring is bad, have you check out Solaria Circle of the sun yet? It has even crazier stats and the infusion on the image was even worse …

Where are you seeing the new items?

Enjoy gazing upon the ruination of this game.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae.7204


I like the idea.

Near Trivial improvement doesn’t bother me.

This ins’t Molten Core → BWL.

The overall power creep seems negligible, and it is only being introduced a slot or two at a time.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velron.3729


You guys think that ring is bad, have you check out Solaria Circle of the sun yet? It has even crazier stats and the infusion on the image was even worse …

Where are you seeing the new items?

Enjoy gazing upon the ruination of this game.


They even added them with stat combinations that were never available before.

Power/Toughness/Crit damage with significantly more stats than exotics? WvW pwnage ftw grinders!

I used the correct lingo right?

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


So I am disappointed in ANET for turning this game into a gear treadmill after promising no treadmill kitten I logged in today and people are acting like nothing is wrong. I guess people love gear treadmills after all, I know I hate it. I doubt I will log back in even if the content is free but it does give me time for skyrim’s expansions.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: enos.1580


Here you go, toss this one in game. [&AgGakAAA]

Image of it if you aren’t logged in.

—Arakny, 80 Engineer
—Tarnished Coast

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ultima Thule.3950

Ultima Thule.3950

9300 tears and counting – give it a rest.

Those who wish to delete their account, do it. You proclaimed yourself a true fan and declare anyone else who hasn’t played Gw1, who doesn’t like horizontal progression and who wants to give the new tier a shot a wow locust/fanboy/whatever you wanna call it.

You know what’s ironic though? These “wow locust” paid the same money as you, contributed the same amount of dedication – if not, more – as you, and unlike you they are willing to give the new feature a shot and try new things, while you rage at the Devs for trying to look after the players who want different things.

We all signed up for the same thing. We are all the same audience, that has been promised the same deal when we paid for this game – no gear treadmill, no gear-based pvp. What you think when we bought the game we – the people who support the change – were expecting to play a game like wow?

No. We were intrigued by the idea of a game without endgame progression. Not everyone of us liked wow. Not everyone of us played wow. And yet while most others are willing to believe in Anet’s promise that they won’t be releasing a new tier every 3 month, only you – the self proclaimed ‘true fan’ – somehow felt like you’ve been cheated.

Most of us – those who support the change and want to see how everything works out – are not interested in the new gear. At least I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get it. I’m just gonna stick with my exotic gear for now. What we wanted, is to see the game that we loved change, evolve and hopefully survive. We want to support Anet and the future development of Gw2. We didn’t come only for some shallow promise – at least I know I didn’t – we came for a rich world created by a company that at least listen and communicate with the players. We came here to support them.

However, after trying for three month, some people are getting tired of doing the same two DE and running the same dungeon over and over again for exotic gears that we already have, do Spvp that’s filled to the brim with Mesmer, warrior and thieves, waiting for the tornument that never starts and dealing with coattail riders crying and trolling in WvW.

And the population must have reflected this.

You think a game that’s running on its prime would have a “invite friend” event 3 month after release? Swtor did that, but that was 6 month after it came out.

You think a game that’s running on its prime would – despite 10000 posts of whining – add a new tier of gear so people have more things to work towards?


You ‘true fan’ alone, aren’t enough to help the game survive. Anet didn’t design the game specific for you, they’ve specifically said they wanted to cater Gw2 to both hardcore and casual gamer. You are only a portion of the target audience. It’s selfish of you to think you are entitled more when everyone paid the same money as you.

So go on. Delete the game. Bye.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

The rest of us will continue to enjoy and support the game whatever happens in the future.

The rest of us will continue to purchase gem and dedicate ourselves to improve the game so it doesn’t become one that catered only to a certain type of player, who cry and whine more than the real wow fan-boys ever did and ever will.

So weak.

Why then you bothered to come to a game that catered to another audience? There are myriads of games already like that, while this is part of the GW series, aimed to a different segment in this market.

You claim that the game wasn’t doing ok, with what data? People couldn’t change servers because almost all the time were full.

What doesn’t work is to cater to people who will hop from one grind to the next from one clone to another and then another, they don’t give a …. about this game, Anet is falling in their trap tho, as if they could be ever satiated. You cannot retain the locust.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


I could get behind this move had it been maybe two years from now and in an expansion or something, but two and a half months from release, no, it seems like they are scrambling for some reason, in the end they may end up really hurting their own game.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sigvard.7513


I am dissapointed in the adding of additional gear progression, but it is not a deal-breaker for me. I’ll give it a chance, as my personal enjoyment of the game is not affected a great deal. I feel that content-wise the game Is greatly starting to improve, However there could have been other options for incentivizing this new content beyond higher-statted gear. It is, irregardless, another straw upon the camel’s back for many. Time will tell if this was a mistake.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


Old dungeons will likely be adjusted to still be worthwhile, but they’re not yet sure how. They see dungeon sets as non-obsolete because of the unique appearances.

And it lets them sell us stones when we want to transfer those looks over to armors which are actually viable.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae.7204


You guys think that ring is bad, have you check out Solaria Circle of the sun yet? It has even crazier stats and the infusion on the image was even worse …

Where are you seeing the new items?

Enjoy gazing upon the ruination of this game.


They even added them with stat combinations that were never available before.

Power/Toughness/Crit damage with significantly more stats than exotics? WvW pWnAge ftw!!1 grinderZ!

I used the correct lingoZ right?

I think that’s how they do it, don’t quote me.

Ascendant items have the Upgrade bonus rolled into the main stats. Adjust for the lack of “normal” upgrade and it is about a 5% increase.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darknass.1903


Seriously, the people in this thread act like a slight increase in stats is an absurdity that should never ever happen, but guess what? IT IS ALREADY IN THE GAME. I’m going to repost something that has been swallowed by this enormous thread of absolute madness:

“My thoughts on this topic: there is already a “treadmill” in place you start off with white quality gear and end up (at 80) still getting white level gear aswell as blue yellow and finally orange and purple (or blue… w/e legendary is). If they intended for zero gear progression they would have either;

A.) Made white quality gear “max” and then you would only have to look for gear you like the looks of. (rather boring in my opinion)
B.) Have each “tier” of gear level specific i.e. white is 1-19 blue is 20-39 yellow is 40-59 and then exotic’s/legendary and w/e else would be 60-80 or what have you. Also make each “tier” only drop from those level zones or creatures or whatever…

The system that is in place now is, I repeat IS a gear treadmill of sorts, smoothly pulled off so it doesn’t really feel like one but it is. You don’t start off with max armor and thus have to gear yourself up. Sure it doesn’t take long and sure once you’ve maxed your gears you only need to upgrade looks (well until this patch hits…)."

HoD – Ranger, Ele, Guard, Engie.

“The best defense is a strong offense.”

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


Seriously, the people in this thread act like a slight increase in stats is an absurdity that should never ever happen, but guess what? IT IS ALREADY IN THE GAME. I’m going to repost something that has been swallowed by this enormous thread of absolute madness:

“My thoughts on this topic: there is already a “treadmill” in place you start off with white quality gear and end up (at 80) still getting white level gear aswell as blue yellow and finally orange and purple (or blue… w/e legendary is). If they intended for zero gear progression they would have either;

A.) Made white quality gear “max” and then you would only have to look for gear you like the looks of. (rather boring in my opinion)
B.) Have each “tier” of gear level specific i.e. white is 1-19 blue is 20-39 yellow is 40-59 and then exotic’s/legendary and w/e else would be 60-80 or what have you. Also make each “tier” only drop from those level zones or creatures or whatever…

The system that is in place now is, I repeat IS a gear treadmill of sorts, smoothly pulled off so it doesn’t really feel like one but it is. You don’t start off with max armor and thus have to gear yourself up. Sure it doesn’t take long and sure once you’ve maxed your gears you only need to upgrade looks (well until this patch hits…)."

You are talking about stuff less than the max level “80”, which is pointless. The game is officially wow 2.0 and I can’t stand it. Someone said something about recent firings or layoffs, go figure.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


I’ll say this anyone in less than Exotic gear that attempts WvW once this Ascended crap is ffully intergrated in game would be better off just watching Two and Half Men than spending time respawning.

If you dont believe that check out the curse page with the new items

And remember these are Fine Infusions not masterwork not rare not ascended nor legendary infusions

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kudzu.7569


I haven’t seen this many people raging on forums since the Blizzard Real ID fiasco. What a change! Arenanet went from trying to create a unique gaming experience, different from the rest, to attempting to clone the WoW experience even down to the forum PR disasters.

There was so much room here to take the middle ground. Grinding is a valid playstyle – not one I like myself but hey, to each his own – and there are all kinds of ways that it could have been inserted without making it a requirement for all players and without impacting WvWvW or risking gated content (for example, there could have been grinding for fluff items only or increased difficulty options added to dungeons with greater rewards for completing them but without any stat-boosting gear required or rewarded for it). Basically, they could have done anything other than add stats to the gear and had things work out fine for most people. Really disappointed that they went with a gear grind instead when so many other viable options were available to them.

No wonder players are feeling a bit cheated at the moment considering how the original Guild Wars was, and considering that Arenanet is still saying they won’t have a gear grind even as they are inserting a pretty large gear grind, haha.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
– Mike Obrien, President of Anet

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“repeat IS a gear treadmill of sorts”

Don’t speak of things you know nothing of. A gear run would be what this could be called a best – you go from point A to point B and you stop. A threadmill doesn’t stop – we got top tiered items, exotics, and a new tier was added, so we had to run there again.

Secondly, the “small stat upgrade” you speak of seems to be around 30-40% from items and I hear the infusion its self gives you upgrades to (extrapolated from what I saw of a post on a universal ring buff vs the triforge pendant/ruby pendant stats).

This means the buffs are anywhere from 15% to 50%, depending on how accurate the extrapolation is, and depending on how much the infusion bonus is.

We need more evidence, but what IS evident is this is not small.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

Old dungeons will likely be adjusted to still be worthwhile, but they’re not yet sure how. They see dungeon sets as non-obsolete because of the unique appearances.

And it lets them sell us stones when we want to transfer those looks over to armors which are actually viable.

Of course its because they are selling transmutation stone. AHAH

Also, they forget to say thats its not obsolete ONLY because of the skin ( who are pretty ugly btw )

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

(edited by E Tan.7385)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tallenn.9218


This is a crying shame. They took what was the best MMO I’ve ever played and completely ruined it in a single stroke. I just don’t see how this move can possibly work for GW2. The players against a gear treadmill will mostly eventually quit- many of them are quitting already. For most of the rest, I don’t give them long before they give it up, too. They’ll give it a try, but the grind will be too much to stomach.

The content locusts will eat this crap up so fast the devs won’t know what happened, and start screaming for more. Then they’ll leave too, because there’s no way A net will be able to keep them fed and happy.

Anybody that’s left by then will start screaming for server mergers, or just giving up themselves, just because there’s no one left to play with.

The only ones I see sticking it out for the long term are the hardcore sPvPers. They aren’t really affected by any of this, lucky kittens.

I’m not planning on straight up quitting, but at the moment, I don’t feel any urge to login at all. I won’t uninstall- at least not until I need the space on my SSD, then I’ll probably just move it to my other drive. I do know that if I DO start to play again, I won’t be spending dime one in the cash shop again. So far, I spent $50 over a bit less than 3 months, so an average of higher than a standard $15 per month sub. Kiss that goodbye. I wonder how much your typical content locust spends in the cash shop.

Did you think about that A Net? Or should I say Nexon? That’s who’s behind this, I have no doubt. We should have seen this kind of crap coming as soon as we saw the news that Nexon bought up a primary share of NCSoft.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


Well I’m glad some people finally coming to understand the concerns we all had about the power creep.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo –

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


Seriously, the people in this thread act like a slight increase in stats is an absurdity that should never ever happen, but guess what? IT IS ALREADY IN THE GAME. I’m going to repost something that has been swallowed by this enormous thread of absolute madness:

“My thoughts on this topic: there is already a “treadmill” in place you start off with white quality gear and end up (at 80) still getting white level gear aswell as blue yellow and finally orange and purple (or blue… w/e legendary is). If they intended for zero gear progression they would have either;

A.) Made white quality gear “max” and then you would only have to look for gear you like the looks of. (rather boring in my opinion)
B.) Have each “tier” of gear level specific i.e. white is 1-19 blue is 20-39 yellow is 40-59 and then exotic’s/legendary and w/e else would be 60-80 or what have you. Also make each “tier” only drop from those level zones or creatures or whatever…

The system that is in place now is, I repeat IS a gear treadmill of sorts, smoothly pulled off so it doesn’t really feel like one but it is. You don’t start off with max armor and thus have to gear yourself up. Sure it doesn’t take long and sure once you’ve maxed your gears you only need to upgrade looks (well until this patch hits…)."

yea but every MMO at least has this, and no one really looks at it as a treadmill. its just part of the leveling process.

what is bothersome is that Anet seems to be intent on doing this with level 80 stuff, something every other MMO has ever done, only because people decided to clear through content in a matter of weeks.

i liked the idea of relatively easy to get top end gear (exotics), i mean farming gold for a while isn’t too bad to buy it off the trading post. i liked the fact that it is somewhat easy to get and makes it so everyone has the oppurtunity to have the best gear in the game and have it statted for their particular build. its freeing, unlike the system in which you neurotically feel you need to upgrade every patch, or arena season just to stay competitive. i liked the fact that it made the players who are good at the game, good with the mechanics and the way things work stand out and not the ones who spent x amount of time getting the best gear in the game. makes it possible to put content in that requires actual skill and knowledge of the game to beat rather than content you can just outgear.

what im saying is, individual skill should take precedence in progression, not gear. this is something MMOs never seem to get over, despite other games (FPS comes to mind) in which it isnt a factor. (take COD or MW for example. everyone gets the same sniper rifle, but some of them are bad at it and others are able to quick scope everyone in sight) i was hoping GW2 would actually take more of this system in mind (they do with sPvP, as long as they dont change anything) seriously. take any other MMO. im just going to take WoW because its the only one i know well enough to look at. i can assure you that if you take the two best arena teams in the world, give one of them crappy quality PvP gear and give the other the latest season elite gear, the one in the superior gear will win at least 9 times out of 10. with GW2, i would say this never happens.

and this is really why im against this. i wanted (and im sure a lot of other people) wanted a game in which you could simply get the best gear in the game, have it all relatively balanced and identical, and let people who are good at it stand out. and thats what the devs made it seem like we were getting, something to be different than the other MMOs and not force us all to grind to death. im not saying im going to quit or anything, im willing to give all this new stuff a chance and see where it goes, im just disappointed that the biggest selling point this game had that appealed to a lot of people seems to be overlooked or swept under the rug.

thugged out since cubscouts

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ultima Thule.3950

Ultima Thule.3950

“My thoughts on this topic: there is already a “treadmill” in place you start off with white quality gear and end up (at 80) still getting white level gear aswell as blue yellow and finally orange and purple (or blue… w/e legendary is). If they intended for zero gear progression they would have either;

Well the current system doesn’t force you to grind any dungeon for months to get exotics that you could get in many other ways.

As for the other tiers, neither of course. The normal stuff as you level.

In other words, there isn’t any particular grind for any tier up to this point. (Except for skins as you know)

What we get now is a grind akin to getting legendaries, they claim it is halfway there, in grind, that is.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


I don’t see how they can reconcile their promotion of this game and their manifesto with this patch.

I’ve just looked into my states consumer protection laws and I think it may give me leverage to get both my purchase expenses and my gem expenses back as the fine that most likely will be imposed on them is greater than I’ve spent on this game so far. their advertisments, site claims, and promotional videos are all totally contrary to what they have just introduced.

Bait and switch here is also not just a civil violation but can also a criminal violation. Time to file a complaint with the state!

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BloodOmen.3560


Why do we an armor gap between exotic and legendary items? I could care less about legendary items, and they should be insanely hard to get.

Ascended gear is not needed.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.1234


This is a crying shame. They took what was the best MMO I’ve ever played and completely ruined it in a single stroke. I just don’t see how this move can possibly work for GW2. The players against a gear treadmill will mostly eventually quit- many of them are quitting already. For most of the rest, I don’t give them long before they give it up, too. They’ll give it a try, but the grind will be too much to stomach.

The content locusts will eat this crap up so fast the devs won’t know what happened, and start screaming for more. Then they’ll leave too, because there’s no way A net will be able to keep them fed and happy.

Anybody that’s left by then will start screaming for server mergers, or just giving up themselves, just because there’s no one left to play with.

The only ones I see sticking it out for the long term are the hardcore sPvPers. They aren’t really affected by any of this, lucky kittens.

I’m not planning on straight up quitting, but at the moment, I don’t feel any urge to login at all. I won’t uninstall- at least not until I need the space on my SSD, then I’ll probably just move it to my other drive. I do know that if I DO start to play again, I won’t be spending dime one in the cash shop again. So far, I spent $50 over a bit less than 3 months, so an average of higher than a standard $15 per month sub. Kiss that goodbye. I wonder how much your typical content locust spends in the cash shop.

Did you think about that A Net? Or should I say Nexon? That’s who’s behind this, I have no doubt. We should have seen this kind of crap coming as soon as we saw the news that Nexon bought up a primary share of NCSoft.

Same boat as you, I quit having the excitement to log in after seeing what has happened and is going on now. I really can careless about free stuff either. I kinda wish I never got into MMO’s and stayed with offline games like my skyrim ;p.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.1473


Well, after looking over GW2hub’s list of included items (including Solaria’s ring which is more than half of a set of Superior Runes of Divinity in one item), I’m officially done.

I loved this game so much. It was finally a game that I could relax and play and not feel pressured to keep up. I was so near the end of the story, so near finishing my set of Exotics, so close to looking how I wanted and I was only 5 zones from full world exploration. I would have continued playing the game for years to come and had even started up a few alts to do it all again with. Last week, I was even about to plop down another $20 for gems so I could buy some Fine Transmutation Stones to finish my look.

But now I’m done. Don’t ask for my stuff. Don’t say “good riddance”. If you do, its because of degenerates like you that we’ve lost our game. I’m not going to waste my time anymore and the magic is completely gone.

Enjoy the event this weekend and maybe I’ll see some of you in another game that can actually stick to its base philosophy for more than 3 months.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfend.5287


Well I’m glad some people finally coming to understand the concerns we all had about the power creep.

I’ve been clubbing ArenaNet over the head for years regarding the transforming of GW franchise into WoW II.

Talk to lead designer eric fannum as driving force behind WoW-ification. Being an ex-WoW developer it kind makes sense. Beyond WoWing up GW2, he did lead a pretty awesome team.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Yay, Ascended gear and infusions! Do you guys know what really grinds my gears?

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


Seriously, the people in this thread act like a slight increase in stats is an absurdity that should never ever happen, but guess what? IT IS ALREADY IN THE GAME. I’m going to repost something that has been swallowed by this enormous thread of absolute madness:

“My thoughts on this topic: there is already a “treadmill” in place you start off with white quality gear and end up (at 80) still getting white level gear aswell as blue yellow and finally orange and purple (or blue… w/e legendary is). If they intended for zero gear progression they would have either;

A.) Made white quality gear “max” and then you would only have to look for gear you like the looks of. (rather boring in my opinion)
B.) Have each “tier” of gear level specific i.e. white is 1-19 blue is 20-39 yellow is 40-59 and then exotic’s/legendary and w/e else would be 60-80 or what have you. Also make each “tier” only drop from those level zones or creatures or whatever…

The system that is in place now is, I repeat IS a gear treadmill of sorts, smoothly pulled off so it doesn’t really feel like one but it is. You don’t start off with max armor and thus have to gear yourself up. Sure it doesn’t take long and sure once you’ve maxed your gears you only need to upgrade looks (well until this patch hits…)."

I think most people where ok with grinding their 80 exotic gear, but that’s it. It wasn’t a hard thing it could even be done leisurely. From what ive read here its going to take a kitten load of time to even get one piece of gear. So it looks like this game is about to separate people into those who have and those who have not.

This happened in WoW the first year or two. You where either in a epic raiding guild or you weren’t, if you wasn’t your gear was weaker, all because you weren’t accepted into the guild or didn’t have the time to invest. The WoW devs finally realize a large percentage of there player base wasn’t even experiencing this content and eventually they fixed it, forgot what they did. Im not trying to draw parallels expect that for a while wow was real hard core with their epic gear, you had or had not.

Id hate to see people not be able to try this new content because they wont be accepted or some one deems them too weak. IF IF, its as hard to get as im reading then thats all people are goona do every freakin time they log on do factules thats it its going to take so much time you basicaly log in every single time you play for that nothin else and maybe in a year you have a full set. Ok now im just speculating but you see what im thinking could happen.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


So it will take a ridiculous amount of time to grind the best gear (best for now, anyway, muahahaha!).

But where is the cash shop hook? They did say gems for gold and the cash shop boosts isn’t pay to win because you can either spend time or money.

We have the time part, where is the money part?

Not that I’d spend a dime for this gear, but I’m curious as to how they plan to make money with this new ‘content’ of theirs.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


The WoW devs finally realize a large percentage of there player base wasn’t even experiencing this content and eventually they fixed it, forgot what they did.

probably the dungeon finder, and later on the raid finder. they realized people weren’t getting a chance to see the biggest part of pve and made it accessible to pretty much anyone who was able to meet a relatively easy to meet gear requirement.

and i agree, i think it is possible to say that eventually GW2 could turn into a group of haves and have nots. elitist PvE guilds who won’t look twice at you if you dont have full whatever gear. next thing you know, we’ll have guilds with applications on their websites to join. i really don’t see whats wrong with having static max level gear and get rid of the whole best in slot mentality.

thugged out since cubscouts

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.1473


“If you’re looking for a simple, content-focused progression system with endless potential for enjoyment, Guild Wars 2 is for you.
I hope you’re as excited about progression in Guild Wars 2 as I am; it’s just one of the many awesome ways this game will challenge conventional MMO thinking.”
- Isaiah Cartwright, Game Designer ArenaNet, July 29th 2010

And yet today : “I can see your concern, our goal with ascended items is to fill the gap in our progression between exotics and legendary as well as give us a new tool with the infusion slot to give more depth of rewards by offering new and interesting infusions that are directed at different game types.” from his Kotaku Q&A.

Wow. If that wasn’t a canned answer, I don’t know what is. They better be paying you pretty well Izzy because its obvious you traded in your passion.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ultima Thule.3950

Ultima Thule.3950

Wait until the people who don’t read the forums finds out all the grind ahead of them. Many of those only know about the update so far. They will enter the new dungeon, new gear (“awesome stats!”) "ok a few times doing these instances and… hold on a second how many hundreds you said…!!?) “Then I can get this stuff somewhere else? what about WvW? and crafting materials? what?, they said some other time?”

The forums at least are going to be fun…..

(edited by Ultima Thule.3950)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


I thought that the official response was that the gear increase was a one time thing and that’s what we were discussing. Why are people getting back to gear treadmill as if there’s going to be another, higher stat item than ascended in the future?

Quoting from reddit:

Google translate (and the very helpful infmelon) suggests:

They are explicitly not promising that Ascended gear will be the last item tier—they don’t want to make more promises that they can be accused of breaking later (like is happening this time). They note that in GW1, new gear was added over time—not a better-statted tier, but bonus combinations that weren’t available at release, like the +energy on staves.

New and existing content will be adjusted for the new tier. Old dungeons will likely be adjusted to still be worthwhile, but they’re not yet sure how. They see dungeon sets as non-obsolete because of the unique appearances.

They will look at how Ascended items affect the crafting skills, but there probably won’t be Ascended-related crafting adjustments this patch, even for Jewelers who are the most affected (what with Ascended rings being among the first Ascended items).

Q: What will happen when we’re done with the ascended tier—how will you satisfy the community desire for progression?
A: We’re focusing on progression content—so things like Fractals & Agony which gets harder. So the gear is just to serve the progression content.

Q: Ascended items fill the time gap, but why does that mean they have to have better stats?
A: They know there are different ways to fill the time gap, and were expecting different opinions on whether stat rises were the right choice—so they aren’t surprised by all the anger right now. As a side note, they are counting on the slow release of Ascended gear to contribute to the feeling of it being a longer-term goal than exotics.

Q:What about the triforge pendant?
A: they’re not planning on buffing it—it may be better than some of the early Ascended amulets. He points out that GW1 had some items that were valuable early on but later became less valuable, and some new items that were better than old items for some builds.

Edit1: changed point 2—looks like they are planning on changing dungeon armor, but not sure how.
Edit2: formatting blah
Edit3: Added a bit more on point 6.
Edit4: fixed crafting changes in point 3 and clarified the GW1 gear changes talked about in point 1. Edit 5: looks like Jewelers probably won’t get updated to Ascended tier this patch after all.
Edit 6: sounds like dungeon armor won’t necessarily be adjusted, but something in the dungeons will be (point 2)

This just cry’s of a stop gap measure to stop the bleeding, they screwed over crafters and they made all their other dungeon gear sets and that content obsolete 3 months after launch and they don’t have a plan to fix it.

This trains coming off the tracks folks, I don’t know who’s calling the shots at this point but he needs to be shown the door …. I haven’t seen this kind of intolerable ignorance since Sony launched the SWG NGE.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“Wow. If that wasn’t a canned answer, I don’t know what is. They better be paying you pretty well Izzy because its obvious you traded in your passion.”

Izzy never had passion for GW2. He’s been the biggest blight to the GW communities ever.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfend.5287


/uninstall If I wanted to play a hamster wheel gear treadmill game I would of bought that instead of GW2. ANET you fail and pulled a Funcom GG

Yeh, we’ve been funcomed by arena net no less, though still admire the ‘sexiness’ of AoC. Lots of granny undies in GW2. Maybe they’ll c-can Morrison and fix pvp…. yeah, right. Fatalities, combat and world environment still exceed GW2.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


9300 tears and counting – give it a rest.

Those who wish to delete their account, do it. You proclaimed yourself a true fan and declare anyone else who hasn’t played Gw1, who doesn’t like horizontal progression and who wants to give the new tier a shot a wow locust/fanboy/whatever you wanna call it.

You know what’s ironic though? These “wow locust” paid the same money as you, contributed the same amount of dedication – if not, more – as you, and unlike you they are willing to give the new feature a shot and try new things, while you rage at the Devs for trying to look after the players who want different things.

The only dedication people like u provided was to change the game state because u didnt like the way it was, why did u buy it then? u should have stayed in WoW instead of making other mmorpgs WoW clones.
Also ur statement is mind boggling when you say the devs are trying to look for different things when in reality they ruined different with the same mediocricy u find in other games, except with the current state of the game it will be eaten alive by other mmorpg companies now that they are directly competing with them, if the devs tought this was a good way to earn fast cash and work less they were wrong, now they will have to work just as much and blend the normal mmorpg crowds offering just an alternative to do the same since u see grind in all of them.

We all signed up for the same thing. We are all the same audience, that has been promised the same deal when we paid for this game – no gear treadmill, no gear-based pvp. What you think when we bought the game we – the people who support the change – were expecting to play a game like wow?

You signed up for the same thing and now u want the game changed, you say u are the same audience as us when in reality you are an entirely different one, you talk that u did not expect this but u welcome it, its a bunch of contradictory speech u need to work on a little better.

No. We were intrigued by the idea of a game without endgame progression. Not everyone of us liked wow. Not everyone of us played wow. And yet while most others are willing to believe in Anet’s promise that they won’t be releasing a new tier every 3 month, only you – the self proclaimed ‘true fan’ – somehow felt like you’ve been cheated.

We dont care what u believe and ur opinion here is not above others, u are free to be as sheepish as u want to be, dont look for other ppl to turn into u though.
I for once do not even care about anet promisse to not be releasing new tiers every 3 months, they have lied and thats final, nothing they can say now is going to make up for that fact, nor u, as for they wont be releasing tiers in 3 months, ure right, they probably wont, maybe in 4.

Most of us – those who support the change and want to see how everything works out – are not interested in the new gear. At least I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get it. I’m just gonna stick with my exotic gear for now. What we wanted, is to see the game that we loved change, evolve and hopefully survive. We want to support Anet and the future development of Gw2. We didn’t come only for some shallow promise – at least I know I didn’t – we came for a rich world created by a company that at least listen and communicate with the players. We came here to support them.

Most of u who support the change are not interested in the change, you are full of logic today.

However, after trying for three month, some people are getting tired of doing the same two DE and running the same dungeon over and over again for exotic gears that we already have, do Spvp that’s filled to the brim with Mesmer, warrior and thieves, waiting for the tornument that never starts and dealing with coattail riders crying and trolling in WvW.
And the population must have reflected this.

I wasnt getting tired, and a content update without new gear STATS would have sufficed just as much, sorry u fail to make a point.
And no not really ive not seen 1 guy say hes already bored of the game so far, and i spoke to alot of guilds.

(edited by TheWarKeeper.5374)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


You think a game that’s running on its prime would have a “invite friend” event 3 month after release? Swtor did that, but that was 6 month after it came out.

You think a game that’s running on its prime would – despite 10000 posts of whining – add a new tier of gear so people have more things to work towards?


Yep, and now they will temporarly increase the game with WoW players for a short ammount of time and then make them return back to WoW untill new grinding is added, which will force the company to add more grind again.
I for once, talked to my friends and told them to stay in DDO and i told them there was no longer any point in coming here anymore, theres no reason to pay 60€ to get less content, gameplay limitations and boring kill this and kill that, other mmorpg annihilate this game in that area which is why some ppl are going back and i told every of my friends to stay away from the game.

You ‘true fan’ alone, aren’t enough to help the game survive. Anet didn’t design the game specific for you, they’ve specifically said they wanted to cater Gw2 to both hardcore and casual gamer. You are only a portion of the target audience. It’s selfish of you to think you are entitled more when everyone paid the same money as you.

GW1 was no gear grinding for all this time and the game survived well, the only problem in the end was the bad skill balance which made most of ppl RQ.

So go on. Delete the game. Bye.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

No need to cry mate, ull find alot of ppl doing this grinding with u untill they get bored. (Note that i can play the same cry talk as u)

The rest of us will continue to enjoy and support the game whatever happens in the future.

As ive said before hf beeying sheepish, not everyone in this world is ignorant.

The rest of us will continue to purchase gem and dedicate ourselves to improve the game. so it doesn’t become one that catered only to a certain type of player,

You are dedicating yourselves to improove the game, this is brilliant!
Lets make the game have grinding, there! we improoved the game
You say that ppl like u make the game to not only care for a certain ammount of people, are u sure about that? all i see from this day will be weak content release and alot of grinding, tell me, what will u do when u farm ur 2 pieces? i can answear that for u, u will go to other games and resume ur grinding there, simple as that.
Furthermore have you even looked at this patch? it was supposed to be a BIG update and it offers almost nothing, just some mild fixes here and there, some class balance, alot of nerfs and so on, u can see ppl are dissapointed with the release notes of this patch, i dont care because when they tak the easy to script grinding content they wont have to focus on making it new and unique, think about what players would like, what innovation to make, “Hey players are bored again, what do we do?” Humm… lets give them 1 eye candy easy to code and more grinding, that should keep WoW grinders satisfied!" and tada, ull get more grind without having to put the devs into the effort of making any innovation or making something really fun that u really want to play even if its just optional, they will instead force u to do it for the sake of grinding and thats just it.

who cry and whine more than the real wow fan-boys ever did and ever will.
So weak.

From this post it semms that ure the one whinning instead, u cant even get your logic straight.

(edited by TheWarKeeper.5374)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hilko.1760


Yesterday I logged on for fun. To run some dungeons with my guild, participate in WvW, do some dailies, some events, blow some gold to craft. I was maxed out. Just by playing the game farming a few gold and crafting some stuff. My legendary was going to be awesome when I got it. Kinda had the same feeling of working toward FoW Armor in GW1. I was on to do what I wanted, when I wanted, with whoever I wanted. I’d group with people and not bother asking if they had lvl 80 gear.

Today I logged on and something wasn’t right. There was worry that I “needed” a legendary now. That my exotics were going to become dated. I tried to play an Alt but wait….why work on him when in 6-12 months all Ascended pieces will be out and he will need to be re-specced.

I logged on today and Guild Wars did not feel like Guild Wars.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyanous.4597


To be honest, I rarely bother to write on forums, but this is just ridiculous.

I can’t understand the amount of anger or distrust that the simple addition of new optional content to the game is creating. No one is or will ever force you to go to the new dungeon or get the new gear, nor you need the new gear to be competitive at any other aspect of the game. The supposed 8% increase to your stats will mean next to nothing in most aspects of the game.

This dungeon seems to be for people that want to try their hand at something that gets progressively harder, both for bragging rights and for the possible rewards that this will yield. If you enjoy this kind of test, now you should be happy. If you don’t, you can still skip the dungeon without being penalized in any way.

This is not the beginning of a gear treadmill, nor it is the end of GW as it stands. If you think it is, maybe you are missing the point that ArenaNet has been trying to adhere to much more than other company: play the game however you want it and have fun.

You enjoy crafting? Go ahead. Dungeons? Sure. Hate those but enjoy trying PvP? Do some WvWvW or tournaments or what have you. Just enjoy the game.

If none of these aspects really interests you, then take a break and stop playing. Being a free to play game, you can always come back whenever you feel like it and dive back into it without having to worry or pay for checking things out to see if things changed to your liking.

They can’t please everybody, but they are doing quite a good job in giving most people a good variety of options to deal with so that they can play however they like.

I will definitely give the new dungeon a shot. If it is not something I enjoy doing, I won’t do it and move to something else. It’s that simple.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Synitare.3176


To be honest, I rarely bother to write on forums, but this is just ridiculous.

I can’t understand the amount of anger or distrust that the simple addition of new optional content to the game is creating. No one is or will ever force you to go to the new dungeon or get the new gear, nor you need the new gear to be competitive at any other aspect of the game. The supposed 8% increase to your stats will mean next to nothing in most aspects of the game.

This dungeon seems to be for people that want to try their hand at something that gets progressively harder, both for bragging rights and for the possible rewards that this will yield. If you enjoy this kind of test, now you should be happy. If you don’t, you can still skip the dungeon without being penalized in any way.

This is not the beginning of a gear treadmill, nor it is the end of GW as it stands. If you think it is, maybe you are missing the point that ArenaNet has been trying to adhere to much more than other company: play the game however you want it and have fun.

You enjoy crafting? Go ahead. Dungeons? Sure. Hate those but enjoy trying PvP? Do some WvWvW or tournaments or what have you. Just enjoy the game.

If none of these aspects really interests you, then take a break and stop playing. Being a free to play game, you can always come back whenever you feel like it and dive back into it without having to worry or pay for checking things out to see if things changed to your liking.

They can’t please everybody, but they are doing quite a good job in giving most people a good variety of options to deal with so that they can play however they like.

I will definitely give the new dungeon a shot. If it is not something I enjoy doing, I won’t do it and move to something else. It’s that simple.

It isn’t optional. That’s the point of power-creep, and that’s why people keep saying it’s a gear treadmill. Ascended items are far and away better than Exotics, and they’ve even said that they’re likely going to update the current content to be in line with requiring them. This is not what an “optional” thing is. That is required. Even without that, in order to be on-par with the future content, these items will still be required.

The only sense that it would be optional in is that you have the option to simply stop playing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raggzie.8721


2 days ago I finally got my first exotic set and I was SOOO happy. Now this! I really hope it doesnt take too long or get to be impossible to obtain the armor :‘( Dont break my heart Anet… but hey, if its good it’ll be good! But if its bad.. It’ll be bad… Only time will tell…..

Until tomorrow….

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ostra.3927


To those that do not understand why so many are upset. Take a look at the history of Arenanet to its fans.

This was a month ago… 1 single month ago.

Take a moment and read… its all a thank you to Anet for NOT building yet another of the traditional MMOs. It was a huge thank you for trying to be different and respecting its customers and its fans enough to stick to its guns.

Seriously… the devs at Anet should be crying their eyes out right now at how low the respect from their long term fans has gotten with this change.

Now notice a few of the people thanking Anet in that thread… are the same ones that feel betrayed today.

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

(edited by Ostra.3927)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: soothingvapors.8564


Here you go, toss this one in game. [&AgGakAAA]

Image of it if you aren’t logged in.

Hahaha, this is almost unbelievable.

I won’t spend another dime on this game. Eat kitten, Anet.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MissClara.6847


Hi – this is my first forum post – I’m trying to find out more about ascended gear (and I really don’t want to search the last 187 pages of raging) so if anyone out there knows, here are my questions:

Can ascended gear be crafted?
If ascended gear cannot be crafted, then how does one acquire it?
What are infusions? Can you “infuse” gear that isn’t ascended?

If anyone knows anything or a site with “recipes” on ascended gear or items used to create it, I would really appreciate it. My head is spinning with everything that’s going on

Thank you in advance for anyone who replies!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


To be honest, I rarely bother to write on forums, but this is just ridiculous.

I can’t understand the amount of anger or distrust that the simple addition of new optional content to the game is creating. No one is or will ever force you to go to the new dungeon or get the new gear, nor you need the new gear to be competitive at any other aspect of the game. The supposed 8% increase to your stats will mean next to nothing in most aspects of the game.

This dungeon seems to be for people that want to try their hand at something that gets progressively harder, both for bragging rights and for the possible rewards that this will yield. If you enjoy this kind of test, now you should be happy. If you don’t, you can still skip the dungeon without being penalized in any way.

This is not the beginning of a gear treadmill, nor it is the end of GW as it stands. If you think it is, maybe you are missing the point that ArenaNet has been trying to adhere to much more than other company: play the game however you want it and have fun.

You enjoy crafting? Go ahead. Dungeons? Sure. Hate those but enjoy trying PvP? Do some WvWvW or tournaments or what have you. Just enjoy the game.

If none of these aspects really interests you, then take a break and stop playing. Being a free to play game, you can always come back whenever you feel like it and dive back into it without having to worry or pay for checking things out to see if things changed to your liking.

They can’t please everybody, but they are doing quite a good job in giving most people a good variety of options to deal with so that they can play however they like.

I will definitely give the new dungeon a shot. If it is not something I enjoy doing, I won’t do it and move to something else. It’s that simple.


I am glad you decide to stay and try. I had contemplated doing that until a few hours ago when I went to the Curse GW2 page and looked up the stats on the Infused pieces of gear.

before you say 8% increase perhaps you should check that page out?
The gear shown on that pages rivals the changes from Vanilla WoW to Burning Crusades. where if you did not have the glorious pleasure to experience that,

Entry level gear the lowest colored items where better than 95% of the gear from the original game. Thus started the Gear progression system in WoW. It continues today. GW2 still have to introduce the actual armor pieces. And also remeber the Infusions in the gear n the Cruse page have FINE Infusions not

Have a look see

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ostra.3927


Can ascended gear be crafted?

No, not yet and no idea if/when

If ascended gear cannot be crafted, then how does one acquire it?

Dungeon runs. Best estimate is about 90 hours worth of runs (15 -30 mins each run) for ONE peice.

What are infusions? Can you “infuse” gear that isn’t ascended?


Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hilko.1760


Hi – this is my first forum post – I’m trying to find out more about ascended gear (and I really don’t want to search the last 187 pages of raging) so if anyone out there knows, here are my questions:

Can ascended gear be crafted?
If ascended gear cannot be crafted, then how does one acquire it?
What are infusions? Can you “infuse” gear that isn’t ascended?

If anyone knows anything or a site with “recipes” on ascended gear or items used to create it, I would really appreciate it. My head is spinning with everything that’s going on

Thank you in advance for anyone who replies!

I think they said you could eventually acquire it by other means. As of launch of this event it backpieces are forged and rings are acquired at the new content. I’m 85% sure on this so you may want someone to second me.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


To be honest, I rarely bother to write on forums, but this is just ridiculous.

I can’t understand the amount of anger or distrust that the simple addition of new optional content to the game is creating. No one is or will ever force you to go to the new dungeon or get the new gear, nor you need the new gear to be competitive at any other aspect of the game. The supposed 8% increase to your stats will mean next to nothing in most aspects of the game.

This dungeon seems to be for people that want to try their hand at something that gets progressively harder, both for bragging rights and for the possible rewards that this will yield. If you enjoy this kind of test, now you should be happy. If you don’t, you can still skip the dungeon without being penalized in any way.

This is not the beginning of a gear treadmill, nor it is the end of GW as it stands. If you think it is, maybe you are missing the point that ArenaNet has been trying to adhere to much more than other company: play the game however you want it and have fun.

You enjoy crafting? Go ahead. Dungeons? Sure. Hate those but enjoy trying PvP? Do some WvWvW or tournaments or what have you. Just enjoy the game.

If none of these aspects really interests you, then take a break and stop playing. Being a free to play game, you can always come back whenever you feel like it and dive back into it without having to worry or pay for checking things out to see if things changed to your liking.

They can’t please everybody, but they are doing quite a good job in giving most people a good variety of options to deal with so that they can play however they like.

I will definitely give the new dungeon a shot. If it is not something I enjoy doing, I won’t do it and move to something else. It’s that simple.

It’s going to be more than an 8% increase since we know now that infusion are going to have stats as well. And if you read back a bit you’ll see on the Reddit post they are not confirming that this will be the last gear level increase we’ll see. They also said the rest of the end game New and existing content will be adjusted for the new tier. So you will need this gear for open world endgame content.