Thoughts on Completionist in FTP

Thoughts on Completionist in FTP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stego.3148


Disclaimer: This is just opinion people are welcome to have their own personal goals apart from mine this is merely a suggestion.

I see here lots of forum posts originated around the random luck involved with getting holiday pets and other things mixed into the game world. Example:

“I spent $950 dollars on magical gifts and I’m furious that I only got 9 out of 10 magic pets”

Personally I find a good strat is to separate your inner completionist and focus purely on game commitment and not cash investment.

By game commitment I refer to accomplishments that are earned through playing the game itself. All MMOs are purely a mix in one way or the other of time investment combined with some level of skill also.

I come from an era I guess where all MMOs were sub or free without any microtransaction. Any identifiable real life money spent on account was a disgrace and word would spread through the community “ebay” was the unfavorable term for players like that.

For example in WoW you could have an impressive “completionist” account without any money spent on the pet store or card game.

I understand the argument in that it’s people’s money and they can do what they want but really it’s a game and competition based on real life money spent is truly out of the spirit and exists only to fund corporations. With all the problems in the world today, when I see people with insane amounts of real life cash decked out accounts or see the disgusting sums of money talked about on forums gambled away, no matter how you justify it there is a large degree of decadence in context to the real life world.

I have much more gamer to gamer respect to someone that puts the game time in, or puts the game skill in to accomplish their completionist needs and in a lot of ways I look down on the person that has to spend grotesque amounts of money to stand in a city and show off.

GW2 is a ftp so I acknowledge supporting them where it’s been earned but I think my topic here is about something different then that.

As a side note to stir the pot I don’t consider playing wallstreet on an auction house “playing the game” either, and it really is just an exploit of an uncontrollable system that is completely outside the spirit of a fantasy game.

Discovered the one and only ecto nerf to date. Endured verbal abuse and infractions to prove it:

(edited by Stego.3148)