Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Audrey.4318


So I’ve crafted my wonderfully expensive ascended armor for my main, painstakingly scoured the wardrobe for the perfect skin combos, trekked the world to get those skins, and then dropped mad gold on the dyes.

Problem is that the game doesn’t realize that my sleeves shouldn’t be poking through my gloves (Carapace medium top & prowler gloves). Arrggg!

I’ve noticed that certain combos don’t ‘match up’— whether it be boots poking through pants when they’re supposed to lay over the boots, shirts poking through gloves when they’re supposed to be tucked in, or what have you, I would image this would be an easyish (after many long hours of work I’m sure, but still) fix for the wonderfulness that is ANet?

Also, let’s talk about hats and hair. Why is that when I put certain hats on my characters it magically makes the bald? Or hats have that lazy flap covering the hair? If we can’t render the exact hairdo under the hat, even just a handful of generic amount of hair for each length of style would be better than nothing. Even the old Sims games could do as much (although Sims 4 now does the boots / hat / hair rendering perfectly).

The game is breathtakingly beautiful, but there are just some obvious shortcuts that were taken. Can we please have the whole enchilada?

((top hat shown for emphasis only b/c YESH! I’d never have her wear it w/this outfit. Also, you can see her sleeve peeking out on her left wrist))


Leader of Chucks Choot Choot N Loot [LOOT]

Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iyeru.5240


It’s mainly because GW2 actually uses a heavily modified GW1 engine. Why? Because GW2 was originally planned as a new part of GW1 (The dynamic event system mainly.)

* (A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining ahead. You’re filled with, DETERMINATION.)

Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Queen.7915

Red Queen.7915

Well, you could have previewed the skins together to avoid this issue.

It’s well known that some skins clip horribly with each other. It’s just that skins don’t adjust, they are just the way they are, and if you happen to wear wide sleeves with tight gloves, they will clip, not magically fold around each other.
With the amount of skins and possible combinations in the game, it’s near impossible to make it so that skins don’t conflict at all without dedicating lots of resources to it. And for a game like GW2, without subscription fees to warrant this kind of effort, even less likely. Still, you have lots of different options that don’t clip.

As for the sleeve, just pretend it’s a bracelet

PSA: The amount of small felines serves as an indicator for just how angry I am at something.

Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze

Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Audrey.4318


I do preview the skins— which why I don’t have any of the ones shown in the preview above. I just really, really like some of those hats! ;TT-TT

Leader of Chucks Choot Choot N Loot [LOOT]

Tighten it up! - Sloppy Graphics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkinnyT.5382


There is a thread about stuff like this. Go on there, be specific, give lots of details, drop the attitude.