Time-gated Crafting
No. Nothing is added for fun’s sake anymore. Now, things are only added so the devs don’t get bored between gem store updates.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
This content – or “lack” thereof – isn’t meant to be “fun”. It’s meant to make it more difficult to obtain certain pieces of gear. I seriously doubt that it was put in for players’ enjoyment.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
It’s to stop you racing ahead and kitting out five characters in full ascended in two days. Be patient.
It was created because people who craft wanted a way to make money, the time gate forces items to hold values (for a good example look at both Foods for Mawdry).
Its there so you can craft to sell.
Is this feature supposed to be fun? I’m finding it highly irritating.
Well you can always buy some of these time-limited items off of the TP.
This will be changed to two a day instead of one with the Chronomancer Elite in HOT.
F5 craft f5 craft again.
It’s as fun as soul-bound crafting
This will be changed to two a day instead of one with the Chronomancer Elite in HOT.
F5 craft f5 craft again.
Haha, that’d be funny.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
As far as I can see, there are three reasons why there are time-gates on crafting:
-Economy/market-wise, it’s to keep the value of certain materials high.
-Building on the first point, it’s to make these “elite” crafted items feel more important. It entices people to craft the items for themselves as the refined materials are more costly, and thus slows the crafting process down, making the item feel more important- to make it feel more like a journey.
-It attracts people to log in every day. This means that they are more likely to see gem-store offers and game-updates, meaning that they’re more likely to spend money on A-net or keep their interest in the game.
So, it may not be the most player-friendly option, but it’s actually pretty healthy for the game.
What is the point of Charge Quartz Crystals?
Near as I can see these, and the Celestial items they craft are account bound.
So these do not help the market in any fashion.
It takes 30 of these so 30 days of logging in. This seems pretty infuriating to me. Sure it might feel more important because it took long to make, but wasn’t that what was getting the crafting skill to 500 to make that gear?
No. Nothing is added for fun’s sake anymore. Now, things are only added so the devs don’t get bored between gem store updates.
so very close to the truth . and the even more sad part is the gem store updates. are noting more then a pile of junk and not worth bothering with at all
Time-gates is what unimaginative designers invent to create the illusion of longevity where there is none.
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
Archeage = Farmville with PK
just have patience
getting those will take 30 days yes… so what are you going to stop afterwards?
I’ve been playing 3 years now..,,
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
That notion only applies to the three gameplay styles in game, PvE, PvP and WvW with the idea that certain rewards for the most part aren’t limited to one of these gameplay styles.
Otherwise that phrase can be used for ever complaint in the game. “I want dueling in PvE … what happen to play the game the way I want?”
RIP City of Heroes
You can buy everything through the TP if you get irritated by it. I basically bought 2 ascended sets on the TP.
Though, I agree it’s bullkitten.
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
very well said and they have forgotten the idea of what happen to “play the game the way i want”
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
very well said and they have forgotten the idea of what happen to “play the game the way i want”
its called marketing
same as “the best xy you ever seen”
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
very well said and they have forgotten the idea of what happen to “play the game the way i want”
its called marketing
same as “the best xy you ever seen”
oh gosh is that what that is called. omg wow thanks for that info . i really need it so i can live . and as far as marketing they need to go back to the drawing board and look at some of the old marketing. and maybe they will come up with something good again . unlike now there marketing is about like paint drying on a wall
Timegatting has never been about fun, but about control.
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
very well said and they have forgotten the idea of what happen to “play the game the way i want”
its called marketing
same as “the best xy you ever seen”oh gosh is that what that is called. omg wow thanks for that info . i really need it so i can live . and as far as marketing they need to go back to the drawing board and look at some of the old marketing. and maybe they will come up with something good again . unlike now there marketing is about like paint drying on a wall
man , you throw “play the game the way you want” in the air , it wasnt me
As someone already said “play how you want” only ever referred to the separation of PvE, WvW and PvP. Mainly the fact that you don’t have to level up and get equipment in PvE before you can participate in the other two modes.
Anet never claimed that absolutely everything anyone might want to do will be available in the game. But pretty much immediately people took that one line out of context, then quickly forgot that there ever was a context beyond being copies and pasted on the forum whenever someone wants an easy counter argument.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Time-gating is a simplistic solution to reducing supply. It’s often chosen because it’s easy to implement and easy enough for people to understand. Unfortunately, once it’s in the game in any fashion, it’s tempting to make it the “go to” choice for other issues in the market and even to slow down horizontal progression.
Time-gating is never chosen to be fun, except indirectly, as is true for many mechanics. For example, spam filters aren’t in the game because they’re fun — they’re in the game because the alternative is less fun (i.e. allowing gold sellers to go unchecked).
I’d prefer that GW2 didn’t have any time gating. On the other hand, I don’t find it slowing me down at all, since I tend to start making charged quartz before I need it and I started producing damask before I had decided what stats I wanted on my ascended armor. Thus, by the time I’m ready to craft, I already have all I need.
tl;dr time-gating isn’t about “fun” per se; it’s about solving a problem that would reduce the fun more severely than time-gating. It’s a compromise solution, not a “best” one.
crafting should not be time-gated… what happen to “play the game the way i want” ?
very well said and they have forgotten the idea of what happen to “play the game the way i want”
its called marketing
same as “the best xy you ever seen”oh gosh is that what that is called. omg wow thanks for that info . i really need it so i can live . and as far as marketing they need to go back to the drawing board and look at some of the old marketing. and maybe they will come up with something good again . unlike now there marketing is about like paint drying on a wall
man , you throw “play the game the way you want” in the air , it wasnt me
hahaha good one and that is how it should be and i knew that . and hope you do the same
What could be a good “not lazy” alternative to time-gating, in the case of ascended crafting at least?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Because of time gate I am not crafting ascended gear.
Ill craft it when they remove it.
Time gate is not here for the economy. That works only for some time.
When 1 year passes away market is crowded with that materials.
Time gate is not here for the economy. That works only for some time.
When 1 year passes away market is crowded with that materials.
Except the demand for the ascended materials is near-constant- it doesn’t really drop, but I reckon it peaks when there are WvW tournaments on, or new information gets released about Fractals. For instance, I would predict that demand for ascended materials is going to increased when HoT is released as more people will have the ability and incentive to start playing fractals.
I would never expect them to drop the time-gating behind ascended crafting for numerous reasons, already outlined by myself and others in this thread.
But at least if you really want ascended gear, you can still have the chance of getting weapons and armour boxes as lucky drops.
It’s to stop you racing ahead and kitting out five characters in full ascended in two days. Be patient.
Actually it was put there to promote gem sales. How? Well, because you buy them with gold on the TP. Since the fastest way to get gold is with the credit card through gem purchases, that’s obviously the route they would like you to take. Where’s my evidence? The fact that ascended crafting materials CAN be pruchased on the TP. If they did NOT want to it to be this way all the ascended crafting materials would be account bound.
It’s to stop you racing ahead and kitting out five characters in full ascended in two days. Be patient.
Actually it was put there to promote gem sales. How? Well, because you buy them with gold on the TP. Since the fastest way to get gold is with the credit card through gem purchases, that’s obviously the route they would like you to take. Where’s my evidence? The fact that ascended crafting materials CAN be pruchased on the TP. If they did NOT want to it to be this way all the ascended crafting materials would be account bound.
Time-gated crafting also promotes gem sales/gem-store sales by enticing people to regularly log in to craft. By doing so, they are more likely to see new gem-store items that take their fancy, or other in-game updates that make them more invested over time. This means that players are still interested in the game, keep player population up (which is important for the community) and be more likely to purchase gems in the future.
Of course, there are other methods to battle attrition and get people to log-in regularly, but every little helps.
Time-gates is what unimaginative designers invent to create the illusion of longevity where there is none.
I cut back on using my credit card because of the gate…If I have to hurry up and wait, I might as well just earn gold the old fashioned way…while I’m waiting, and waiting….
(edited by Kamara.4187)
Because of time gate I am not crafting ascended gear.
Ill craft it when they remove it.
Then – in short – unless you get ascended drops, you are never going to get ascended gear.
It is not hard to live on exos and do one time-gated piece a day til you can make a piece of armor. All you have to do is remember to craft your 4 time-gated materials each day.
I haven’t actively been working towards ascended, but that is what I’ve been doing. I also took a year break or so and I already have half a set of light ascended.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
Timegatting has never been about fun, but about control.
very true