Tips for starting Twilight?

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jake.1430


Hello! It’s been almost three years for me, and I finally decided to make a legendary. Short and simple, any tips on doing this? I feel like the precurser will be the hardest part of this.

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hmm, I would discourage starting Twilight, but if you decide on going ahead, I would suggest getting a friend or loved one to watch it with you. Bring plenty of food and some Tylenol since some parts are so bad that you may just get a headache from sitting through them.

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InsidiousWaffle.7086


dont… save yourself the time

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jake.1430


Lovely tips guys

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rain.7543


Amusing and utterly useless answers so far. (clap)
To OP: Yes, you got it right. The precursor is the hardest part of crafting a legendary.
My suggestion: If you have bought HoT, wait until it releases. One of the new mastery system will be centered around legenderies, and you will be able to craft the old and the new precursors. If you still want to go ahead and try to get one, arm yourself with a lot of patience and be prepared to waste huge amount of gold into the Mystic Forge.
The other part of getting a legendary is patience to collect all of the mats for your desired legendary Good luck!

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plazar.8946


Amusing and uterly useless answers so far. (clap)
To OP: Yes, you got it right. The precursor is the hardest part of crafting a legendary.
My suggestion: If you have bought HoT, wait until it releases. One of the new mastery system will be centered around legenderies, and you will be able to craft the old and the new precursors. If you still want to go ahead and try to get one, arm yourself with a lot of patience and be prepared to waste huge amount of gold into the Mystic Forge.
The other part of getting a legendary is patience to collect all of the mats for your desired legendary Good luck!

As he said, wait for HoT and get percurosr for free (well it takes time but 0 gold). If you dont plan on buying the expansion then buy it, dont try your luck in Mustic forge cuz you are going to loose everything

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


- Grind the money for the precursor, mystic forge is a cruel mistress.
– For that either grind dungeons(ezz) or silverwastes(very ezz) or flipmarket(hard/risky) or all.
- Do daily pvps rewards tracks(with pvp dailies for boots) for the mystic clovers/obsidian shards and t6mats
- Log in everyday for laurel rewards, and with laurels buy t6mats from vendor.
- Eventually you can get lodesdones by opening bags but if you have a lot of karma you can also open A LOT of Orrian Boxes to accelerate the process.

Its a lot easier now with daily rewards and pvp reward track than it was back 2yrs when i crafted my Twilight, BUT now the precursor(dusk) is alot expensive.
Good luck

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorrynnStarr.7942


yea… try making eternity before all that….. (picks gun up off the floor… shoots self in the head)

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Twilight is one of those book series that is really easy to get into, once you read the first few chapters it starts sucking out your soul. I’ve become a shell of my once former self for starting the series.

Overall- I’d suggest reading Twilight in large spurts rather than dragging out the pain.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Start with Mystic Clovers. It is RNG which is nice to get out of the way, plus you end up with a bunch of T6 mats if the recipe fails. Use every laurel you get on Heavy Crafting bags for more T6 mats. Start gold farming, either in SW, or start doing 3-5 dungeon paths/day to get a modest income coming in. If you have 500 level crafts, make the Ascended craft mats and sell them for extra gold.

Then you’ve got the hard part: 100 lodestones. I can’t remember which you need, Onyx maybe? There is no realistic way to farm these. You will drive yourself crazy trying to farm 100 of them. You need to buy them over time. What I did was focus on getting all of my T6 mats (you need a full stack of each). Once I got all of them, any additional T6 mat I got I would sell. The money I made selling the additional T6 mats would be put towards purchasing the lodestones.

You will also need a stack of ectos, but that generally comes with time. Do 4-5 world bosses/day for the Rares (to salvage), as well as guild missions every week. Do Teq as often as possible. It’s fairly quick these days and almost always successful. You will get a stack in no time. Once you get 250 ecto, sell any additionals for money towards lodestones.

You will also need a static 100g to put towards Icy Runestones. There’s no way around this one. Just a gold sink.

Finally the precursor. Buy it. Don’t play the MF lottery. You will only frustrate yourself when you’ve spent almost as much as it would cost to just buy it from TP and have nothing to show for it except a broken dream and keyboard.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


I’m making Twilight at the moment too.

This is where I started:

>>>*Gift of Metal*… "That one is rather easy to do. You can knock that out rather quickly)

>>>*Gift of Battle*

>>>Buy yourself, as I did 200 Onyx Cores and flip them. (Unless you want to pay 60g more for the Lodes themselves)

>>>*Icy Runestones*

>>>*500 Ascalonian Tears*

My advice is you start off with easiest check-list items first and gradually work your eay up from there

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Hello! It’s been almost three years for me, and I finally decided to make a legendary. Short and simple, any tips on doing this? I feel like the precurser will be the hardest part of this.

Tip one, take out a bank loan.

Ok seriously though, if going for twilight I suggest measuring out how much you’ll need to do it, and calculating your inventory. The two hardest parts will be getting T6 and afterwards, getting the pre.

Big piece of advice is to look up and use the transmutation recipe for t5 to t6. And once you get the ectopic you neeed, sell te rates to start making gold for worst case scenario. I don’t reccomend the MF as while you could get a pre, chances are….you’ll end in disappointment, and the money you hoard while waiting to buy will be better in the long run.

To get rares, I suggest the world champ train and some dungeon runs, with a bit of SW farming when the LFG advertises it. Once you have the amount of t6 you need, THeN you can if you want, use the MF to through in crafted exotic pearl weapons.

Finally, ask your friends for help, close friends and ones that you know you can trust and they can trust you to help lend you money or mats if you need it. And pay them back with a small bit of interest.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Tips for starting Twilight?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captain Unusual.9163

Captain Unusual.9163

Like others have said, ignore the precursor until HoT comes and you can craft it yourself.

Start by converting most of your Laurels into t6 materials. Make your mystic clovers before you get all 2000 t6 mats, since the recipe has a 1/3 chance to make the clover, and will spit out t6 materials when it fails. For the Onyx Lodestones, you need 100, and it’s cheaper to buy Onyx Cores and promote them in the mystic forge than it is to buy the lodestones, though it will absolutely destroy your hand. After that, the main concerns are finishing anything you need for the Gift Of Mastery (500 wvw badges, 250 obsidian, world completion, and 200 spirit shards), making sure you have 500 tokens from ascalon catacombs, and just farming a ton of gold to buy the rest of the t6 mats, ectos, and metal you need.

We have no idea what crafting Dusk will take, but there’s no way it’s going to be worse than the process currently is, so it’s best to just wait for HoT rather than losing a fortune to the TP/MF.