Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Tired of the endless stream of Badges
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Yes, I think if Anet was going to give tokens we should have been able to pick which ones we wanted. You should have gotten your PvE rewards, Your PvP box and a token allotment from which you would be able to pick which token you wanted. Like if you wanted the badges from WvW good you could get those or if you wanted dungeon tokens you could get those.
I agree 100% with the OP. I just started to do more WvW(since I find there nothing much else to do) and I was also trying to get badges for my legendary. It took me a few months on and off to get one stack which gave me the incentive to continue to do WvW.
In one fell swoop I have my gift, another stack and then some. What am I supposed to do with them now? I still do WvW for the fun of it but I feel that the “free” badges lessens those who earned them through the game itself.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Totally agree, but sadly Anet do not, they only want you to farm CoF in order to obtain anything in this game now, that’s why all high end areas are dead, and all loot removed from them,
I find it funny that loads of people cried about having to do WvW for the badges for a LEGENDARY, so Anet made it super easy to get the 500 badges now, yet us WvW got royally screwed,
Say you Rank up 5 times a day in WvW ( causal playing ) w00t 5 greens, yet a PvE player can do 5 World events in under an hour if timers are right, and get a rare everytime, and maybe exotics too,
WvW loot = SUCKS
WvW loot = SUCKS
Tell that to the Lucky SOBs that link their Exotics and Precursor drops in Map chat.
There may be another use for them in the future. They have no value to me and they take up space that could be filled with all my other crap but I think they may be worth holding on to.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
They can be used with the WvW Laurel vendors.
Whereas say, an ascended amulet costs 30 laurels normally. In WvW you can get an ascended amulet for only 20 laurels, and 250 Badges – letting you save your precious laurels.
Not to mention you can turn in badges for exotic armour at the WvW armour vendor, again saving you coin.
Garnished Toast
and yet WvWers tend to complain about legendary farmers in WvW, because they don’t take WvW seriously and don’t help out that much.
Also didn’t you get money and laurels with those chests? You know those mostly PVE stuff?
They can be used with the WvW Laurel vendors.
Whereas say, an ascended amulet costs 30 laurels normally. In WvW you can get an ascended amulet for only 20 laurels, and 250 Badges – letting you save your precious laurels.
Not to mention you can turn in badges for exotic armour at the WvW armour vendor, again saving you coin.
Also weapon and armor skins, possibly saying you $$$.
Why does a WvW player care about rewards, for the most part?
If they came out with achievement rewards at release you wouldn’t be complaining. It only seems like people are getting flooded with badges because we have a huge backlog of achievement points to be rewarded.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
5,000 badges says anet won’t pay any attention to this post :I
I dont play wvw, if i do than rarely but somehow i managed to get about 150 in like 9months i played the game, but now that these chests came out with the pretty ridicilous amount of badges i think this part becomes a joke for anyone willing to go for legendary since they literally flood invetory now. 500 for non wvw player becomes cakewalk from the hell like road it was before.
You guys don’t understand. You don’t want WvW to be too profitable, or it’d be filled with people that are only doing it for money, making it even harder to get together decent pugs.
why would a wvwer care about what a pver does or gets anyway?
Finally gets 500 for gift.
Now has 1200 in bank, easy way to gear alts.
Let’s be honest. There are not alot of people who will bust their kitten for a Legendary. Most of them say that they are ugly. Others think that making one is too impractical vs. making and exotic with the same stats.
As for me, I do not see myself even working for one anytime soon so I am going to waste my free badges on ascended gear when I get the laurels.
my reaction: complaining about free stuff. ????
my reaction: complaining about free stuff. ????
It is odd, though. I could join those asking for dungeon tokens, so I can consider working on a legendary, but I recognise that it would be a bit of a cheek for a dungeon avoider like myself to get free tokens.
Why is WvW different? Is its exotic armor and legendary contribution somehow not as big a deal, to warrant the same exclusivity for those willing to play it?
My Mesmer gladly accepts these badges as payment for the first 5 months or so of not doing enough damage to reach the loot threshhold :P
(Or however long it was before the fix)
It wouldn’t seem so bad if people didn’t already have so many achievement points built up.
For myself, I’ve been playing for a year and the whole time I had 5 badges. :/ That should tell you something about how I feel about WvW.
I mainly play PvE and I have spent ages getting the badges, only to get 300 in two days.
I agree, it is unfair on people who WvW mainly…I’ve now done no work for my Gift of Battle.
WvW loot = SUCKS[/quote]
you do w vs w for the loot?
I wanna get 100 charged lodestones and a precuron of my choice. Bc why not?
My 500 badges were pretty easy to get. I mostly got them mapping my toons and playing while I did it. I don’t mind WvW, I’d rather do that than a 5 man instance dungeon. SO I’ll never get a legendary but Dawn sits in my bank along with my badges and my clovers.
GW2 players:
Ask for loot to be reworked.
Complain when loot is being reworked.
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
I don’t see why anyone would complain. Badges are pretty trivial to get, especially compared to many of the other requirements to make a legendary. Honestly I’ve been working on a legendary for about a month now. I’m barely over twenty in most of my T6 materials, have maybe thirty clovers, but I had 500 badges months and months ago before I even started working on my legendary. And I don’t play WvW all that much, but in the last seven months or so… I’ve accumulated a few. I would have more T6 materials if they hadn’t been so tempting to sell early on in the game… But honestly, while I think its a bit funny to see the stacks of badges in my storage now, I don’t begrudge anyone who had didn’t have to do it the (very slightly) harder way. It really wasn’t that much of an accomplishment to get to 500. If you don’t like them, buy something with them or destroy them. I don’t see how this affects your gameplay at all, it certainly doesn’t affect me.
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
Who says I want to be rich? I want my Legendary, that is all, and people like me who mainly do WvW will actually still need to do stuff that I don’t like, dungeons, while PvE players who don’t like WvW now get the badges of honor for the Gift of Battle for free from those chests…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
Who says I want to be rich? I want my Legendary, that is all, and people like me who mainly do WvW will actually still need to do stuff that I don’t like, dungeons, while PvE players who don’t like WvW now get the badges of honor for the Gift of Battle for free from those chests…
PvE players also need to do those dungeons, just because you don’t like PvP does not mean you like dungeons.
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
Who says I want to be rich? I want my Legendary, that is all, and people like me who mainly do WvW will actually still need to do stuff that I don’t like, dungeons, while PvE players who don’t like WvW now get the badges of honor for the Gift of Battle for free from those chests…
PvE players also need to do those dungeons, just because you don’t like PvP does not mean you like dungeons.
What about the overall better rewards of gold that is undeniable, it feels like we have to do PvE for a Legendary, it feels like people here think and want WvW players to be poor, is that supposed to be? Probably not, WvW players also like good rewards, instead of the crap we get now, especially because that crap is used to upgrade camps, towers, keeps and the castle anyway…
Oh yeah, you’re welcome for the boosts we are working for
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
Who says I want to be rich? I want my Legendary, that is all, and people like me who mainly do WvW will actually still need to do stuff that I don’t like, dungeons, while PvE players who don’t like WvW now get the badges of honor for the Gift of Battle for free from those chests…
PvE players also need to do those dungeons, just because you don’t like PvP does not mean you like dungeons.
What about the overall better rewards of gold that is undeniable, it feels like we have to do PvE for a Legendary, it feels like people here think and want WvW players to be poor, is that supposed to be? Probably not, WvW players also like good rewards, instead of the crap we get now, especially because that crap is used to upgrade camps, towers, keeps and the castle anyway…
Oh yeah, you’re welcome for the boosts we are working for
could care less for the boosts, they can remove them from the game and I would not notice at all.
Badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, badges, BAAADGES! BAAADGES!
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
WvW isn’t about loot lol
and nothing in the game can beat CoF farming,why WvW should keep up with CoF rewards?
You do WvW for the PvP,not to get rich
No offense.
Who says I want to be rich? I want my Legendary, that is all, and people like me who mainly do WvW will actually still need to do stuff that I don’t like, dungeons, while PvE players who don’t like WvW now get the badges of honor for the Gift of Battle for free from those chests…
They don’t get them for free, they get them from the amount of achievement points they amassed since launch. The sudden high influx of badges is simply because it are rewards for things people did since launch, given every day. Once everyone caught up it’ll be fine.
I personally don’t see any problem with the badges at all. I do a little of everything but I also play a lot of WvW. I am also going for a Legendary and actually “farmed” my 500 badges for the Gift 2 weeks ago, right before the achievement chests were implemented. I did this in a single weekend.
Topics like this make it sound like Badges of Honor are extremely difficult to come by and you needed months to gather them. and now you feel cheated that you “farmed” for them before… lol
It does seem wrong to me that I’ve got enough badges for a Gift of Battle and I’ve only been into WvW once, and then only to do the jumping puzzle. Especially since I was one of the people calling a truce within the puzzle so I didn’t even fight anyone while I was there.
I agree that the sudden influx is only temporary and will die down soon and won’t be such a big deal, but the fact that I’m being given rewards for a mode that I haven’t ever actually played does seem wrong to me somehow.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The problem with them being given at all is that they were an exclusive from WvW. You don’t get very many achievements in WvW (if any due to extreme numbers needed). So one can basically do everything else and be handed the Badges, only using WvW for map completion.
If achievement rewards were in the game from day one, there would still be a problem with the rewards being at only 500 achievement point increments. A mere 2000 Achievement Points nets you more than enough Badges for a Legendary.
We WvW players are still getting the crappiest rewards of them all… More badges, 90% of all rank up chests contains a green item and not even 20s, how can this be considered equal to what you get from one CoF run of 10-15 minutes, or an event that grants a bonus chest of not even 15 minutes…
But yeah, they do not listen, in fact, they make it worse. 300 Badges today from the Heavy Achievement chest, I mean, come on, this is not fair. PvE players who don’t like WvW can now easily complete this part of the Legendary by sitting akitten LA, or doing another CoF run.
When will players with a focus on WvW will finally get reasonable rewards compared to PvE players?
PvE players dont get better reward!!!
only if you grind cof which is no fun for PvE players too and is not really PvE it’s just stupid boring grind
the fun parts of REAL PvE dont reward anything too
and wvw is fun all the time so why should you get more gold for doing fun things than for boring grind for hours??
and why why do you think PvE is equal to Cof farm??
every WvW player can farm CoF too that is nothing just “PvE-related”
but i agree with you on the fact that EVERYONE gets hundreds of badges for free now… that just makes no sense
now noone has to achieve something in WvW (apart from exploring) to make a legendary weapon…
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
It does seem somewhat OTT at this point in all honesty.
An option to take badges, T6 or dungeon tokens each time would have been nice. That would add a bit more flexibility.
If you think the wvw rewards are bad, don’t even touch pvp. :P It’s all about farming glory endlessly, or getting skins you already have and having to salvage them for random materials.
Heck…I just buy alpha golem blueprints, and tp them. I have no use for them, so…money.
I enjoy WvW and enjoyed my time spent there but being given 600 badges after I finally got my Gift of Battle is a kick in the teeth and makes me feel like a fool now that everyones just been given one.
Should I wait until Im handed a precurser too or will they be given out just after I get my Legendary?
Thanks to these badges you can buy cheap exotic weapons and armors at WvW vendors. You also have many armor and weapons skins there.
We WvW players are still getting the crappiest rewards of them all… More badges, 90% of all rank up chests contains a green item and not even 20s, how can this be considered equal to what you get from one CoF run of 10-15 minutes, or an event that grants a bonus chest of not even 15 minutes…
But yeah, they do not listen, in fact, they make it worse. 300 Badges today from the Heavy Achievement chest, I mean, come on, this is not fair. PvE players who don’t like WvW can now easily complete this part of the Legendary by sitting akitten LA, or doing another CoF run.
When will players with a focus on WvW will finally get reasonable rewards compared to PvE players?
Here’s a secret for you:
PvE players pay the bills, WvW players do not. Shhhh…
Who would most likely purchase a mini-pet pack: PvE player or WvW player?
Who would most likely buy Fun Boxes and Fireworks: PvE player or WvW player?
Town Cloths: PvE player or WvW player?
Boosts: PvE or WvW player?
Dyes, hair cut kits, total makeovers: PvE or WvW?
You understand where I’m coming from, right? WvW is not a central focus of this game. This game is built around the PvE content with WvW being a secondary feature (and even sPvP has more priority over it,…but because Custom Arenas, tournament advertising, and so on).
It’s funny, I purchased the gift of battle about a week before the update, and now everyone has more than enough badges. I feel like my accomplishment is worth nothing now XD
Needs moar badges.
Really? Thank god those AMAZING chests are giving 300 badges, so i’m not obliged to do WvW and get decimated by pvpers addicteds and extremely overpowered players.
All of the badges and making siege able to be traded has made WvW a siege fest, and it isn’t fun anymore. It was better when it was a rare occasion to see an omega golem or even a superior ballista.
you do w vs w for the loot?
you do dungeons and fractals for the loot?
Anet gives badges that help both new and old players get suited with good armor and WvW ascended items quicker and people still complain after making tons of threads about how hard it is to get ascended items. Arena-net cant win no matter what they do.
Is this serious? Complaining about rewards…….honestly. I don’t know how you feel like it is a kick in the teeth for badges earned vs badges rewarded. If you’re a veteran player you probably have 4k Achievement Points at the least. So you’re getting rewarded for those. It boggles me mind because it doesn’t feel like a kick in the teeth to me. I just got me Gift of Battle recently as well and i look at this like a kitten bonus, for me to get Ascended armor cheaper, to gear cheaper. As a WvW player too…it’s not hard to get badges at all when you run a kitten zerg train all the time. I play all the game moods and I very much enjoy the rewards that are being given. I don’t know why anyone would even be complaining about this, unless these are people who don’t have the achievement points to keep up.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast