Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Another post has been made about titles having effects I personally think it is a great idea but I don’t feel the effects should be stat related. In my opinion it would be nice if titles have an effect but instead of them affecting stats they should affect your toons in a cosmetic way. Example of the effect a title would have would be the combat healer title. While you are reviving a fallen player it creates angel wings but only while reviving. Another cool effect would be on the traveler titles. The traveler title can give you foot prints and the higher tier it goes the cooler the footprints are and walking among mere mortals can give you golden foot steps. Other titles can have other effects feel free to put in ideas!

Again I know this post is up currently but it describes stat effects and what I’m proposing is cosmetic effects. I only write this as its own topic because when people look at topics they mostly only read the OP and not all the replies which is understandable.

Necromancer Main

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


Yes! Great idea! Anet, please do this!

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


I vote for this! Awesome idea! Anet make this happen!

Makes getting title worth it but does not affect gameplay

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I’d like it depending on how it could be implemented. And from what you have cited, this isn’t too bad. I’d imagine if I equip the Golden title, I’d be all shiny and kitten. That being said, there needs to be an option to disable the appearance perk that goes with the title.


Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


The only problem i see on this is that anet will run out of ideas on the effects since there are tons of titles out there.

Also another major problem is that anet will have to make the effects very minor making it barely noticeable. Since if they make the effects bright or very noticeable, it might destroy the whole purpose of making legendaries.

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


I can barely see anything with all the current spells, legendaries, and things already.

We already have players who are basically just giant orbs of light lol

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


I can barely see anything with all the current spells, legendaries, and things already.

We already have players who are basically just giant orbs of light lol

You could always see them and all their splendor through HotM or while waiting for a world boss to appear.


Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


The only problem i see on this is that anet will run out of ideas on the effects since there are tons of titles out there.

Also another major problem is that anet will have to make the effects very minor making it barely noticeable. Since if they make the effects bright or very noticeable, it might destroy the whole purpose of making legendaries.

Idk A-net can maybe put on their thinking caps to see ways to implement effects per titles. Some titles effects can maybe be only when buying from merchant. For Master Crafter maybe it only pops up when you open a crafting station for example.

I was thinking about legendaries and how it could interfere with them maybe having the option to have them on and off (the effects) could be a quick fix to that or maybe try and find weapon specific effects for legendaries. Maybe revamping the effects of legendary weapons or maybe making some type of effect that show some weapons affecting the arms or hands but only just one hand so gloves can still be seen instead of footprints etc…

IDK lol just throwing ideas around.

Necromancer Main

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tanztante.6532


although i agree with you in genereal, i would not give away super cool effects for super easy stuff like combat reviver. this is one thing that has to be considered.

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I honestly can not believe you people are agreeing with this….. if this does not show how far and wide the gap between the customs anet use to have versus what they have now nothing ever will.

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


Yeah I am against it, too. Legendary weapons turned this game into starwars already. We dont need more flashy/glowing whatever effects.

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


That is why you have an option to turn them off. You cant see or the other players’ effects. I understand not all players have good pc who can handle glowing effects. And not everyone likes cool effects on characters and rather play a normal dull one.

That is why for a compromise, anet can make an option that enables/disables these to your client.

Tbh title really doesnt have an impact atm to players. Giving it cosmetics might make it more worth it to put your effort into

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I honestly can not believe you people are agreeing with this….. if this does not show how far and wide the gap between the customs anet use to have versus what they have now nothing ever will.

Used to have? I’ve been playing GW since the early days of GW1. I just feel that titles can be more lucrative and by giving it a nice effect that doesn’t affect those made by legendaries would be more of an incentive to acquiring them. I almost feel like your trying to insult rather then give a point of view. :/

Necromancer Main

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


Since they are a nice little bit of character customization, I would rather prefer them to have a larger selection of titles instead. And by large I mean ridiculously large! For example the different enemy Slayer achievements could each add a title similiar to the achievement name (‘the Wolfslayer’, ’Inquest’s Bane’ and such). Or perhaps fully exploring a city could give a related title (of Divinity’s Reach, of the Black Citadel and so on). Or acquiring a certain amount of skins from a race’s cultural vendor could give titles like ‘the Wolfborn’ or ‘the Seraph’. Acquiring all the traits for a Guardian could give ‘the Stalwart’ or the same for a Thief would give ‘the Unseen’. Eating a certain amount of food would give ‘the Hungry’, or ‘the Ravenous’ perhaps ‘the Thirsty’ for drinks. Completing 100 daily achievements would give ‘the Diligent’ or ‘the Dutiful’. Getting the Swordmaster achievement could give ‘Master of the Blade’ or ‘the Swordmaster’.

I think that adding tons of different new titles for different activities (both difficult and easy ones) would be fairly easy to implement (with my 0 programming knowledge I -think- such a thing would be easy) and certainly inspire people to hunt for them and feel rewarded as well. I would absolutely be all over it, to try and gain appropriate titles for all my characters!

Edit: On second thought, I’m derailing a bit off the original topic here and will make a separate suggestion thread instead. :-)

(edited by Gaebriel.3754)

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Used to have? I’ve been playing GW since the early days of GW1. I just feel that titles can be more lucrative and by giving it a nice effect that doesn’t affect those made by legendaries would be more of an incentive to acquiring them. I almost feel like your trying to insult rather then give a point of view. :/

Well… things didn’t really get out of hand flashy in Guild Wars 1 till Nightfall (so much glowing crap).

There is no need for all the eye assaulting items in this game. The legendaries and effects of spells are bad enough on their own. It isn’t the fact my computer can’t handle it but at some point more is too much. The spell effects by themselves in this game are to much to be honest. Have you ever stood on a boss in the middle of a zerg and actually tried to look for your character? it is literally impossible to see.

Back when Guild Wars 1 launched they had sensible rewards that look good and felt unique without this Godly Aura pouring forth. It just shows a extreme difference in values from then and now. It is quite obvious the community has flipped (mainly because of lot of the originals quit).

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Well… things didn’t really get out of hand flashy in Guild Wars 1 till Nightfall (so much glowing crap).

There is no need for all the eye assaulting items in this game. The legendaries and effects of spells are bad enough on their own. It isn’t the fact my computer can’t handle it but at some point more is too much. The spell effects by themselves in this game are to much to be honest. Have you ever stood on a boss in the middle of a zerg and actually tried to look for your character? it is literally impossible to see.

Back when Guild Wars 1 launched they had sensible rewards that look good and felt unique without this Godly Aura pouring forth. It just shows a extreme difference in values from then and now. It is quite obvious the community has flipped (mainly because of lot of the originals quit).

I do agree sometimes simple is better but at the same time if done right you’ll only notice the effects in certain times. Right now if your in a zerg waiting for boss or in WvW regardless of effects or not your going to have to try real hard to find your toon. And imo most “vets” (gw1) players left (not even sure its such a huge number because of how many “vets” are always talking in world and forums) because they expected a game like GW1 but GW2 is a very different game. (more open map/less private instances)

But again I do agree it has to be done right so my eyes don’t bleed every time I’m in WvW.

Necromancer Main

(edited by Zoso.8279)

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


Another post has been made about titles having effects I personally think it is a great idea but I don’t feel the effects should be stat related. In my opinion it would be nice if titles have an effect but instead of them affecting stats they should affect your toons in a cosmetic way. Example of the effect a title would have would be the combat healer title. While you are reviving a fallen player it creates angel wings but only while reviving. Another cool effect would be on the traveler titles. The traveler title can give you foot prints and the higher tier it goes the cooler the footprints are and walking among mere mortals can give you golden foot steps. Other titles can have other effects feel free to put in ideas!

Again I know this post is up currently but it describes stat effects and what I’m proposing is cosmetic effects. I only write this as its own topic because when people look at topics they mostly only read the OP and not all the replies which is understandable.

I think it’s funny idea. Not bad at all!

I would not make and foot steps (that area is kinda legendary), but things like little wings or other similar add-ons would be fun.

I would think more about auras or more visual things like some thorns, ghostly armors above your armors and such.
It would have to come with an ability to turn off if you wanted a title but no effects.

I fear only we will see too many shining people around, so probably making option to disable this effect would come in handy also.

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


And imo most “vets” (gw1) players left (not even sure its such a huge number because of how many “vets” are always talking in world and forums) because they expected a game like GW1 but GW2 is a very different game. (more open map/less private instances)

But again I do agree it has to be done right so my eyes don’t bleed every time I’m in WvW.

A lot of people talk about being a veteran Guild Wars player but it is hard to tell who actually stuck with Guild Wars 1 for 7 years from launch and waited on Guild Wars 2 for over 6 years (It started development in 2006 along side of Guild Wars Utopia which became Eye of the North expansion for Guild Wars 1 which lead up to the Elder Dragons debut) mainly due to the fact you can just google half the crap that happened.

I can say personally I know a entire guild that has quit the game (about a year and nine months ago) that were all Guild Wars 1 veterans. The main difference between Guild Wars 1 players and Guild Wars 2 is the center of their play. Most of the Guild Wars 1 community was pvp centric ($100,000 dollar tournaments quite often). Guild Wars 2 is not (to be nice about it).

Example of the old PvP scene: http://www.guildwars.com/competitive/funseason/tseries2007/rules.php

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mugiwara Luffy.1087

Mugiwara Luffy.1087

Another cool effect would be on the traveler titles. The traveler title can give you foot prints and the higher tier it goes the cooler the footprints are and walking among mere mortals can give you golden foot steps.

Just what we need, more footsteps. It’s the reason I don’t have a legendary since I can’t turn off the footsteps. I think it’s so ugly. To each their own I guess.

Also, do we really need more effects? This game contains more than enough effects as it is right now. Without an option to turn off certain effects or particle sliders, I’d have to say no to added effects to titles.

Titles should have effects (Cosmetic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

Just as I said to the other thread: please, no. I like to equip certain titles on certain characters – and sometimes no title at all. I don’t want my thief to have some silly rainbow glow effect, nor do I want to feel that I need to equip a title I dislike for an effect I like. There’s no reason for anything to be tied to titles.

  • Titles are titles
  • Buffs are buffs
  • Cosmetics are cosmetics

If you want to add new versions of any of the above, please do so (as long as players don’t explode from their glowing and footsteps…) – but keep them separate.