Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kobi.5236


Hey guys , Tixx is coming soon and I hope everyone send their wish-list to him but sadly I forgot mine ……….

So dear Tixx , I wish me that we are able to play inside the snowball arena as in the past in guild wars 1. Remember how fast you could run the gifts to Dwayna or Grenth ? Sometimes you had a interrupt on your skillbar and other times you could protect allies . . I am sure that it will be harder for you to run away or aim any snowballs but i believe we would have the same amount of fun . Everyone around u felt safe and had a good time but it wasn´t only because of you , the arena was fun for everyone , even for the ugly grinch and his friends.

Guilds could join Tournaments where they fought about candy and other prices like the key to your heart or to the Zaishen . Every 3 hours people from the whole world came to this event and had a great time I hope you didnt miss that memori.. Because what would be if Anet they just planted an arena and no tournaments? ..I cant imagine how awful this would be , this would destroy my dreams and my christmas.

So Tixx ,Sorry i am late , but dont forget about me !

Someone else feels like me ? :/

(edited by kobi.5236)

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenshi.3598


Agreed. And I demand grentchies!

This Glade has thorns…and here they are!

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marcybuby.2958


if anet manages to create something only half as good as keg brawl, i know where to spend my freetime during christmas holidays

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palenar.6280


totally agree, you’re kitten right I hope A net will do something like this!!!!!

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kobi.5236


It seems like people few people enjoyed it in gw1..

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gogoapoxy.1425


I felt it was rather full of elitist pricks most of the time.

Agreed that if this is half as good as keg brawl that it will be awesome.

Likely I will be grinding out the monthly though as I will be gone for half the month :’(

Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kobi.5236


Agreed that if this is half as good as keg brawl that it will be awesome.

well their will be a snowball arena I just hope that there will be tournaments , like in gw1 . Every 6 hour was perfect . So many people played the tournamets everyone was exited about in witch bracket u will get into and everyone enjoyed the tournament mode and your guild earned “fame” if they was good at it , so people in tyria could recognize you