(edited by kobi.5236)
Tixx let´s fight dwany & grenth
Agreed. And I demand grentchies!
if anet manages to create something only half as good as keg brawl, i know where to spend my freetime during christmas holidays
totally agree, you’re kitten right I hope A net will do something like this!!!!!
It seems like people few people enjoyed it in gw1..
I felt it was rather full of elitist pricks most of the time.
Agreed that if this is half as good as keg brawl that it will be awesome.
Likely I will be grinding out the monthly though as I will be gone for half the month :’(
Agreed that if this is half as good as keg brawl that it will be awesome.
well their will be a snowball arena I just hope that there will be tournaments , like in gw1 . Every 6 hour was perfect . So many people played the tournamets everyone was exited about in witch bracket u will get into and everyone enjoyed the tournament mode and your guild earned “fame” if they was good at it , so people in tyria could recognize you