To answer the requests I have been getting.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MysticalAbyss.8047


Normally I am a rather quiet player. I prefer to just blend in and enjoy random conversations and helping out others whenever I can. It seems though that I stand out to quite a few people and have had numerous requests to post one of my characters here. At first I chuckled at such a suggestion, but the requests have continued relentlessly. So for all of you who requested… May I present “Balormad”. He’s been around a while and always looks forward to a good fight!
Happy hunting!


To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


I can see why you stand out. Nice use of colors, better than the “Look at me, I found a black dye” crowd.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MysticalAbyss.8047


Ty the colors took a while to get right. Most of them are even common lol.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


Ty the colors took a while to get right. Most of them are even common lol.

What’s your armor make up? It’s very David Bowie/Labyrinth.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MysticalAbyss.8047


The gear is Twilight Arbor dungeon token gear… except face… it’s the original mask but transed with TA stats. To be honest I have not yet seen another charr with this gear. Yesterday I happened to see one with the shoulders, but that’s it. If you know of someone else who has gear like mine, it would be a hoot for me to check them out.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


You know what…I just don’t see a lot of light armor charr. Even my charr is a warrior. I suppose their overall demeanor and look tend to be taken as Warrior types, or engies.

You should change your topic title to ask people to post their Charr light armor characters. You will probably get a lot more hits and it’s something I haven’t seen anyone make a post about. I would be very interested in seeing other non typical charr.

To answer the requests I have been getting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MysticalAbyss.8047


A very interesting idea!! I believe i will do just that. Ty.