(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
“So I tried another MMO. But it is worse!” Can you give me the name of the mmo because i need evidence that “it is worse”? If you can not give evidence: you are not telling the truth.
Here is your evidence against you for not telling the truth: “I stopped playing gw2 for a week because I hated the new pvp matchmaking system so much. It keeps matching me with premades while always pairing me with 1st time pvpers! It got so frustrating, I just gave up on gw2 altogether! No reason to log in anymore!”
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
3 paragraph of reason to not play Guild Wars 2 vs 1 sentence of suddenly changing your mind?= You are not telling the truth!!
Now here is your turn to prove your own evidence against you: from your own mouth are wrong—
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
(I suspect Arena net give you a reward to write this post) I caught you!!
Again: i need name of the mmo: Yes! the name of the mmo!
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
- Can only bring 10skills at a time. Unlike other mmo’s where the sky is the limit on your skillbar! No thinking required. Just fill that skillbar!
A lot of great points (especially about the dodging and cast & move) but this one really stands out for me. It seemed so odd to me at first but as someone who really loves alts, I have come to appreciate the beauty of the concept: you don’t have to master 20, 30 or 40 abilities to play a toon which means you can switch between them a lot more easily.
Plus there aren’t regular resets that wipe giant skill trees and require you to rebuild a character. That may not seem like much but, for example, in Rift, where I had 4 characters, each with 2-4 builds each with 4-8 macros, it was a huge amount of work to fix all that when they reset soul trees or just to figure out how to use it again if I had been off the character for a while.
Sometimes less is more and this is a case of less being much more. I occasionally wish for a way to save a build, remember my Rift experience and then admit it’s better without it.
I’ve been tempted to try SWTOR again but after playing GW2, it feels so tedious (questing) and glacially slow in combat. GW2 has ruined me on old-school MMOs. There are other dynamic games (Tera comes to mind) but I still prefer GW2 for now.
(edited by qbalrog.8017)
I agree, a bit of a break is always a good thing. Having taken a nearly 2 year break and coming back…I feel like a noob again. I also wish I had been there to experience the Living Story Season 1 instead of wasting most my time in WoW.
There are many things you do take for granted playing other MMOs, or realize that GW2 does do better. Sure the game has it’s flaws, but for me this game feels more like a true social MMORPG than many other MMOs that have come out over the years.
No offense, but you seem to have a problem with gender stereotypes.
I’m female my main is a male toon, dressed all black, most of my friends in this game are male who play fluffy female toons with quaggan backpacks and gigantic boobs, so what? I think the opportunity to customize one’s character is appreciated by everyone, no matter the gender or preference.
for me – the top reason that I love gw2 is that it has no sub.
It is free to play and not crippled by it.
And the area scaling is a brillant idea.
Also, so far the only wishes I had so far was to be able to use utility in elite spot and link items from tp to chat. And if I could link elem F1-F4+key to shift/alt/ctrl+1-4 i would just be happy. Compared to others mmos I have played, its surprising little i did wish different.
“So I tried another MMO. But it is worse!” Can you give me the name of the mmo because i need evidence that “it is worse”? If you can not give evidence: you are not telling the truth.
Here is your evidence against you for not telling the truth: “I stopped playing gw2 for a week because I hated the new pvp matchmaking system so much. It keeps matching me with premades while always pairing me with 1st time pvpers! It got so frustrating, I just gave up on gw2 altogether! No reason to log in anymore!”
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
3 paragraph of reason to not play Guild Wars 2 vs 1 sentence of suddenly changing your mind?= You are not telling the truth!!
Now here is your turn to prove your own evidence against you: from your own mouth are wrong—
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
(I suspect Arena net give you a reward to write this post) I caught you!!
Again: i need name of the mmo: Yes! the name of the mmo!
It’s Tera Online. I said it’s “worse” due to the points I stated that gw2 has that Tera doesn’t have. But Tera is basically a traditional MMO, which means almost all mmos are like this, which made me realize what made me stick to gw2 in the 1st place. The reason I didn’t mention the name of the mmo the first time is I don’t want to start a “Tera hate thread” because that would be inappropriate.
If your tired of this game and you don’t like the other games on the market why do you come back to this game?
People have some serious addictions there is a third optioned called stop playing an MMO and face the cruel harsh reality of the real world. This game isn’t the best MMO by no means though the community is better than most and that community seems to blind people.
And what is this “cruel harsh” reality you speak of? My reality is a happy one. Not everyone who plays mmos need to escape from their reality. There is a thing called “balance”. I will play mmos because I love playing mmos and will continue to do so till I’m 70. (So 5 more years left coz I’m 65, just kidding)
I’m sorry, but for those of us unhappy with the game in its current state…we’ve grown tired of staring at the “roach” in our “food” and being told that it will be addressed, eventually.
Here’s the problem with your analogy.
I think near everyone would think that a roach appearing in their food would be horrible. And if a roach was indeed in your meal, it would be addressed immediately. To this point, where there has been genuinely game-breaking bugs, has dealt with them swiftly.
I think a more accurate analogy is that you’re at a fast food restaurant with a hundred people behind you. You place your order, get your food, and realize that you really don’t like it all that much. It’s not quite what you thought you were getting.
So you start start crowding the counter along with other people who don’t like the meal (though not all for the same reasons), and wondering why the staff is “ignoring” your problem while fixing others AND taking new orders.
Meanwhile, there are others munching happily wondering what you’re complaining about. This stuff is GREAT, they think.
This isn’t a roach in your food. Stop pretending it is… because ironically that’s EXACTLY what DOES get you on the “ignore this person” list by the staff.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
Let’s see.
- Questing is easier with the heart system compared to old-school questing system where you have to backtrack everything.
If it’s easier it doesn’t mean it is better. Leveling in guild wars 2 is very annoying, it is much more interesting for me to level in blade and soul for example.
- No Trinity! You are independent! No more having to search for healers or tankers. And as for me, I’ve always been forced to play a healer because of this, and I hated being a healer. Now I can be anything I want to be!
No Tanks, no healers, only DPS. If you’re not building for DPS, you’re a garbage in pve. Welcome.
- Map exploration is really fun, unlike other mmo’s where map is dull and dead. You see a mountain but can’t climb it, in GW2, it is a jumping puzzle! Not to mention, the NPCs are more intelligent compared to other MMOs. They talk, walk, run, fight just like players, and their conversations are always interesting!
In this case I must admit that you’re a fanboy, but there are some cases in which you’re right. Rare cases.
- The combat system itself. Can dodge, can move while casting, fast paced!
It is good but again, it’s better in blade and soul. Mechanics is good. No build diversity in PvE is bad. No fixes for game is bad.
- Instanced mining/harvesting node/anything that can be “interact”-ed. Nothing more annoying than seeing a node and another player already mined it so you just have to find another one.
It’s not something absolutely good. If you don’t understand that, then I don’t know how to help you. I don’t mine/harvest anything if it’s not a t6 node even if I’m right next to it. Anything else is just a waste of time.
- Gain exp/loot/quest credit on enemy tag. Other MMO’s have the first-hit or last-hit reward system in killing mobs. It’s annoying! In GW2, just tag it and you can get rewards.
That’s not something good. It’s “shared loot”. It is one of the reasons why 99% of loot in this game is worthless.
- Can only bring 10skills at a time. Unlike other mmo’s where the sky is the limit on your skillbar! No thinking required. Just fill that skillbar!
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! High level player here.
- Ability to range/melee on command. Well except for eles and engies.
That’s not a big thing.
And so much more!
And nothing more.
My own point of view is this. If I find a game boring or a grind or worse then others, I do not hang around on their boards to tell everyone how bad a game it is.
If I find it uninteresting or a game that can not hold my interest , I fail to see the logic of posting those thoughts on a forum I would also be uninterested in.
I just go to another.
If the game is so bad why are you here? I do not go to restaurants that serve bad food just so I can complain about the food. If I did i am less interested in good food then I am in whining about the bad.
I’ve tried a few MMO’s. Came here from Shaiya over 2 years back, and never got into WOW. Played the “Secret World” (loved it) but I couldn’t dedicate myself to it.
Played FF14 (Very nice game, but not close to GW2).
And on and off I play GW1.
Just lately though, I’ve been bored to hell with GW2, done enough pvp and wvw for a long while to entertain myself. PvE is fun to an extent, and I just keep making tons and tons of characters and lvling them, until I get bored of roleplaying them.
After no news of SAB and knowing HoT is gonna be a while, I found fun by returning back to SWTOR, and gave that another try. Pretty much finding my nights spent on TOR now, and logging on GW2 for maybe an hour or so.
GW2 is unique, but when the time is threw, and you’re having trouble keeping yourself entertained, other games do start to make some sort of appeal, one that you might not have bothered with when your heart was deeply embedded in GW2.
I personally don’t hate the game but I am getting tired of it. It all comes down to loot or the lack thereof.
Nothing ever drops, so I find myself doing world bosses again and again. I’m broed out of my mind and still nothing really drops. (woohoo I get a rare to salvage.) At least before dyes and black lion keys dropped. I could gather to make some gold, but that gets tedious.
Then there’s the gold to gem conversion problem. Anything useful cost gems which will wipe out your gold in the conversion.
Well, couldn’t I just dump money into this game? I suppose, but considering I that nothing drops and have barely any FPS, why would I do that?
At the rate I play I’ll never max out magic find, but nothing ever drops anyway………… Frustrating!
BTW, there’s no chance in hell I am buying HoT with things like this.
- Can only bring 10skills at a time. Unlike other mmo’s where the sky is the limit on your skillbar! No thinking required. Just fill that skillbar!
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! High level player here.
Why the sarcastic laugh? I don’t think you understand my point here. What I meant was in traditional mmos, you are not limited with regards to the number of skills you can bring to battle. You can bring all your 50(or so)skills if you so wish. Unlike in gw2, since you are limited, you have to think what utilities would best suit for a specific situation, and act accordingly.
I’m sorry, but for those of us unhappy with the game in its current state…we’ve grown tired of staring at the “roach” in our “food” and being told that it will be addressed, eventually.
Here’s the problem with your analogy.
I think near everyone would think that a roach appearing in their food would be horrible. And if a roach was indeed in your meal, it would be addressed immediately. To this point, where there has been genuinely game-breaking bugs, has dealt with them swiftly.
I think a more accurate analogy is that you’re at a fast food restaurant with a hundred people behind you. You place your order, get your food, and realize that you really don’t like it all that much. It’s not quite what you thought you were getting.
So you start start crowding the counter along with other people who don’t like the meal (though not all for the same reasons), and wondering why the staff is “ignoring” your problem while fixing others AND taking new orders.
Meanwhile, there are others munching happily wondering what you’re complaining about. This stuff is GREAT, they think.
This isn’t a roach in your food. Stop pretending it is… because ironically that’s EXACTLY what DOES get you on the “ignore this person” list by the staff.
Actually the almost year long thread that was both the most commented on and most viewed and its “little brother” regarding the Traits issue that has yet to be properly addressed most certainly is a “roach in the food” and its one that a good many others have an issue with. It has thoroughly affected game play and Anet has in fact admitted it has needed fixing, but then ignored implementing the simplest of fixes from the litany of suggestions that were offered. I also feel for those that have been lead about by Anet regarding SAB, WvWers for a whole slew of issues since launch of the game, RPers that basically had 2 major updates adversely affect the way they play only to have a few more things changed after that making it harder for them, etc.
Most of these things had simple fixes that, yes, could be implemented without too much dev work, so what did they actually fix super fast? Anything that looked like it was about to severely impact their ability to make gems off of their players in the short term all the while slowly alienating many in the player base.
All I know is when a store starts putting on 75% off sales as often as Anet has, its because they are desperately trying to get bodies in the store because they haven’t been doing as well financially as they projected.
I pretty much agree with you OP. While I have no problem with other MMO’s and don’t think they’re bad… I’ve recently gotten burned out on gw2 and decided to try some other mmo’s (most notably; wow’s free trial, rift, tera, and archeage) and while doing that I realized that while GW2 isn’t perfect.. I don’t think I could leave it. a few things to add to the least of things that i really like about this game
- IMO, gw2 just explains everything better. there were a few things that i didn’t get when I started, but over-all I wasn’t nearly as “omg i’m so ovewhelmed _
” as I was in other mmos.
- The waypoint system. Every mmo has it’s modes of transportation, but personally, I liked waypoints the most.
- The amount of customization. freely change your dyes on a moments notice? skin over your gear whenever you want (for basically free)? and, I find that almost all of the armor in this game is actually cool! (even if other mmos have more armors and stuff, personally i’ve found that the armors are never as neat, there are a lot of armor that is basically identical, and the lack of dye-ing is painful..)
-Being able to move while attacking. OMG THIS IS SO GREAT. another mmo got close to capturing that for me… but it just ended up feeling like an offbrand version of gw2. again, not that it’s bad, but “why would i play this when I have gw2?”
-jumping puzzles. put shortly, i love jumping puzzles. other mmos rarely have them.
-no sub fee (self explanatory)
-As much as people complain and rage and talk about how awful this game is (and still keep playing it, amusingly..) I really like the community in this game. we’re kinda quirky, and most of us seem to be pessimistic, but I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this game. I can’t say that for every game i’ve played. (I do think we’ve gotten to the point of a spoilt child asking for second servings of cake though)
- the lack of gear grinding. this is a major turn-off for me that almost every mmo seems to do.
I could literally rant about this for days, so I’ll cut it here
I must reiterate, that i’m not saying “omg gw2 is 10/10 all the other mmo’s are poopy heads!”. These are just my opinions on why I enjoy(note, not “why i think it’s better”) GW2 more. wow has to be doing something right to get such a large playerbase.. but whatever that is just doesn’t appeal to me i guess
Cynical enough i gave up the game years a go .
But i came back and now i like it more than ever.
Played many other MMO but there is something magic with this game .
The art is insane beautiful ,it oozes adventure .
Not a big fan of the jumping puzzles as the worst enemy in the game is the camera …yes its even more deathly than the evade double tab can disable that but the spastic camera makes it sometimes close to impossible to jump ,its nothing more than a leap of faith way to often imho.
But when “3D” would be implemented i would do them with more fun i am sure
My most favourite is the spontaneous events where you never know if enough people show up …i love that
The big events the mega Zerg , one giant blur of pixels i makes me smile so hard
Looking forward to the new expansion !
For the record , my feedback will be more structured and done when iam chill again ..
Special after “pesky” jump puzzles …
Sorry Devs for being a PITA sometimes .
I love all the people coming in here and telling the OP his OPINION is wrong!
Personally i love this game, ive tried other mmos(used to jump around alot every few weeks) but none of them seem to be what i wanted. Sure GW2 has its problems, EVERY game has its problems! The things i like about this game though outweigh the amount of problems however.
The only thing I hate about this game are unrewarding world events and dungeon drops.
GW2 to me is bearable, but due to lack of good alternatives it will suffice. If a game is released as a open world/sandbox similar to UO or a non-crap Eve Online, then bye Anet it was fun.
I’m in a similar, but perhaps more forgiving boat. I feel this is the best option available for me currently, and I’m also biased toward the lore ever since GW1 came out. But the truth is, I’m burning out on the tedious repetition of the themepark scene.
Sure I like the story stuff, but ..then what? Our options are grind x, y, z so we can afford ascended and legendary stuff, because as we all know ..grinding for gear is so incredibly satisfying. /sarcasm
I want things to do that feel like I’m important, or at least my guild is (and me by association). I want there to be freedom and choices that can be made, by me or the guild, that actually matter to other players in the world. I don’t know what all HoT will bring. I’ll get it for the story and gliding if nothing else. But once we’ve “been around the block” with all the themepark content ..what, just more pointless grinding?
With what we have so far, everything feels hollow, insignificant. There’s nothing for me to have a vested interest in. Even WvW doesn’t feel much like a war. It feels more like “doing the rounds”. Always the same unchanging maps with the same things happening in the same places. But sadly, that’s the closest we have to unscripted player driven content while waiting for story updates that will be done all too soon.
I periodically play other games just to experience other worlds, but I look at the vertical / gear progression and quickly lose interest in doing much. That’s actually the #1 thing that put me off Archeage. Thankfully I’ll be able to instant-80 my new toon when HoT comes out.
But I’m otherwise so tired of having to grind levels just to go places and do things. So I can’t stand most other games for long. Fortunately Anet has promised not to screw with our levels and gear, so if I’m going to spend time in any game, it might as well be this one. But there’s just not enough to do that’s of any kind of significance in the world.
I’m greatly looking forward to Crowfall and I put money on it. Also have to see what happens with EQN, and I’ll buy HoT as soon as the option is available. But none of these are out yet and I don’t know when they will be. And everything else is pretty lame as far as I’m concerned.
I get bored of GW2 much faster now than I used to, but it’s still my main game easily for the next year or two. After Crowfall is out, I’m not sure what I’d have to come around for in GW anymore aside from story updates. Of course if they gave us more player-driven things we could do in that time, I’d be down for that.
I agree with this post 100% especially with questing and exploring. Gw2s environment just feels really natural and not like an arena feeled with things to smash (cough cough tera cough)
All I know is when a store starts putting on 75% off sales as often as Anet has, its because they are desperately trying to get bodies in the store because they haven’t been doing as well financially as they projected.
There is a simpler explanation for the sales. They’re putting out a paid expansion. Increased player numbers mean possible increased expansion sales. Sure, there’s an element of a numbers game for store-based revenues. The bigger the potential customer base, the more likely sales of any particular item will be higher. However, I think you need look no further than the HoT box price to see why increasing the player base is good for ANet.
The only thing I hate about this game are unrewarding world events and dungeon drops.
Yeah, I agree with you there. while i don’t really “hate” it, a majority of my drops are just fodder that i toss into my salvage-o-matic to sell for money to buy the things I actually want off the TP. I don’t think I’ve ever actually used a piece of equipment I got as a random drop, outside of when I was leveling my first character.. granted, sometimes i get cool skins as drops, which are nice. but that’s extreeemely rare
My problem is not that I hate the game, its that I am bored of it as there isnt any real end-game. I tried other mmos but GW2 ruined them for me, as they all feel so slow. I want to love GW2, but there is just nothing of interest for me to do
My problem is not that I hate the game, its that I am bored of it as there isnt any real end-game. I tried other mmos but GW2 ruined them for me, as they all feel so slow. I want to love GW2, but there is just nothing of interest for me to do
Thats bound to happen in any MMO, even if there is end game. Seems to be most peoples issue. They are bored and wanting something more to do. The game isn’t perfect but it is one of the top MMO options out there (IMO).
There is an expansion on the way, and hopefully it will be here this summer. Imagine having to wait over an entire year without any new content or even patch for that matter, while paying money every month (I’m looking at you Blizzard).
GW2 is just more acceptable than current mmos I still see it closer to WoW then GW1 minus some things, the great past ones died the possible new gems aren’t coming yet so I wait and act casual.
My problem is not that I hate the game, its that I am bored of it as there isnt any real end-game. I tried other mmos but GW2 ruined them for me, as they all feel so slow. I want to love GW2, but there is just nothing of interest for me to do
Thats bound to happen in any MMO, even if there is end game. Seems to be most peoples issue. They are bored and wanting something more to do. The game isn’t perfect but it is one of the top MMO options out there (IMO).
There is an expansion on the way, and hopefully it will be here this summer. Imagine having to wait over an entire year without any new content or even patch for that matter, while paying money every month (I’m looking at you Blizzard).
Some games don’t have to worry about getting boring, the content is be player generated but those mmos are complete opposite of GW2 is.
My problem is not that I hate the game, its that I am bored of it as there isnt any real end-game. I tried other mmos but GW2 ruined them for me, as they all feel so slow. I want to love GW2, but there is just nothing of interest for me to do
Thats bound to happen in any MMO, even if there is end game. Seems to be most peoples issue. They are bored and wanting something more to do. The game isn’t perfect but it is one of the top MMO options out there (IMO).
There is an expansion on the way, and hopefully it will be here this summer. Imagine having to wait over an entire year without any new content or even patch for that matter, while paying money every month (I’m looking at you Blizzard).
This is true, however with GW2 i feel like it happened faster than other MMOs or even GW1
All I know is when a store starts putting on 75% off sales as often as Anet has, its because they are desperately trying to get bodies in the store because they haven’t been doing as well financially as they projected.
There is a simpler explanation for the sales. They’re putting out a paid expansion. Increased player numbers mean possible increased expansion sales. Sure, there’s an element of a numbers game for store-based revenues. The bigger the potential customer base, the more likely sales of any particular item will be higher. However, I think you need look no further than the HoT box price to see why increasing the player base is good for ANet.
I’ll grant you that as one of the reasons, sure, but the actual earnings for GW2 have been on a steady decline these last 2 years and they are hoping HoT will be an influx of money. Unfortunately i don’t think it will be as much as they project because of how they’ve soured the vet player base over the last year.
The problem is that I’m comparing GW2 to 2013 GW2.
Oh…. Those were the good days. * nostalgic moment of silence *
My problem is not that I hate the game, its that I am bored of it as there isnt any real end-game. I tried other mmos but GW2 ruined them for me, as they all feel so slow. I want to love GW2, but there is just nothing of interest for me to do
Thats bound to happen in any MMO, even if there is end game. Seems to be most peoples issue. They are bored and wanting something more to do. The game isn’t perfect but it is one of the top MMO options out there (IMO).
There is an expansion on the way, and hopefully it will be here this summer. Imagine having to wait over an entire year without any new content or even patch for that matter, while paying money every month (I’m looking at you Blizzard).
what’s the difference? You are waiting 2 years without any meaningful content for an expansion which brings only same old kitten.
- Questing is easier with the heart system compared to old-school questing system where you have to backtrack everything.
- No Trinity! You are independent! No more having to search for healers or tankers. And as for me, I’ve always been forced to play a healer because of this, and I hated being a healer. Now I can be anything I want to be!
- Gain exp/loot/quest credit on enemy tag. Other MMO’s have the first-hit or last-hit reward system in killing mobs. It’s annoying! In GW2, just tag it and you can get rewards.
- Can only bring 10skills at a time. Unlike other mmo’s where the sky is the limit on your skillbar! No thinking required. Just fill that skillbar!
*Questing is easier, but its still the same system with a fresh coat of paint. It’ll be nice when an MMO comes out that actually changes this system.
*No trinity, but the game is lending to meta builds being required (by the playerbase) for instances, which just as bad. Yes, this can be avoided, but its still a tendency that this game has not figured out how to avoid – though they have lessened it from the trinity problems.
*Gains on tagging…..blessing and a curse. Leads to a lot of tag-and-go-afk gameplay on bosses and events. Lends itself to leeching players who lets others do the work as long as they tag it, they get the same reward for nothing. Better than in most other MMO’s, but still has its share of problems.
*Only 10 skills at a time, making no-thinking required is probably quite a ranged preference. No-thinking required isn’t something I look for in an MMO…or any game, really.
GW2 has honed and put a fresh coat of paint on many aspects of the MMO-genre and does it well, though many of their solutions are still carrying some forms of the same flaws inherent to the genre.
This is PoV and semantics more than anything:
Finally the tropes of the genre are still apparent in gw2 for a reason: Playability. Some tropes aren’t that easy to get rid of when making an mmo. Like the “ever-evolving” world. I was admittedly disappointed when I learned that gw2 wasn’t going to be as dynamic as I dreamt it would be. Still, realise how hard it would be to implement such a game design. Eve is quite dynamic, but it’s a completely different game. The only game offers an “ever-changing”-world is Crowfall, and even there the world isn’t persistent because it’s simply not possible yet.
This thread keeps derailing from the original post. All OP said was:
OP isn’t asking anyone to agree; they are just pointing out that if, like they did, you hate the game, it might be worth taking a break and/or looking at the things you take for granted.
It’s weird when I play other games now and I see dodge as a stat or something. I really LOVE the combat system in GW2. It’s spoiled me. Now I can’t play other MMO’s because I can’t dodge out of stuff when I want like I can in GW2.
Yeah, great, thanks A.Net! <
I’m sorry, but for those of us unhappy with the game in its current state…we’ve grown tired of staring at the “roach” in our “food” and being told that it will be addressed, eventually.
Here’s the problem with your analogy.
I think near everyone would think that a roach appearing in their food would be horrible. And if a roach was indeed in your meal, it would be addressed immediately. To this point, where there has been genuinely game-breaking bugs, has dealt with them swiftly.
I think a more accurate analogy is that you’re at a fast food restaurant with a hundred people behind you. You place your order, get your food, and realize that you really don’t like it all that much. It’s not quite what you thought you were getting.
So you start start crowding the counter along with other people who don’t like the meal (though not all for the same reasons), and wondering why the staff is “ignoring” your problem while fixing others AND taking new orders.
Meanwhile, there are others munching happily wondering what you’re complaining about. This stuff is GREAT, they think.
This isn’t a roach in your food. Stop pretending it is… because ironically that’s EXACTLY what DOES get you on the “ignore this person” list by the staff.
Ranger pets are absolutely broken. They have never not been bugged in some fashion, and frankly the thought of tacking a third of a player’s damage and utility onto an AI is just terrible. The combat system heavily favors positioning, due to all of the ground targeting and combos, and pets are terrible at that. It favors using interrupts, fields and finishers in the proper times and places, another area in which pets fall short. And, finally, we observe that the entire combat system is built upon active damage avoidance (movement, dodging, blocking) from the ground up, yet pets can’t dodge. Pets should not have been the primary mechanic for rangers.
“So I tried another MMO. But it is worse!” Can you give me the name of the mmo because i need evidence that “it is worse”? If you can not give evidence: you are not telling the truth.
Here is your evidence against you for not telling the truth: “I stopped playing gw2 for a week because I hated the new pvp matchmaking system so much. It keeps matching me with premades while always pairing me with 1st time pvpers! It got so frustrating, I just gave up on gw2 altogether! No reason to log in anymore!”
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
3 paragraph of reason to not play Guild Wars 2 vs 1 sentence of suddenly changing your mind?= You are not telling the truth!!
Now here is your turn to prove your own evidence against you: from your own mouth are wrong—
Example: you can not give full detail of why you hate something and than turn around and say, you like something in 1 word: It do not make sense.
(I suspect Arena net give you a reward to write this post) I caught you!!
Again: i need name of the mmo: Yes! the name of the mmo!
It’s Tera Online. I said it’s “worse” due to the points I stated that gw2 has that Tera doesn’t have. But Tera is basically a traditional MMO, which means almost all mmos are like this, which made me realize what made me stick to gw2 in the 1st place. The reason I didn’t mention the name of the mmo the first time is I don’t want to start a “Tera hate thread” because that would be inappropriate.
well, what you like or what you don´t like is really a personal thing in the end. But calling TERA a more traditional MMO than GW2 is just plain wrong. Yes, they have some soft Trinity (as even in many dungeons etc. it is not required) and a traditional “I´ll spam your quest log full good!” questing system, but combat is so much more like GW2 wants combat to be. In fact, GW2 is entrenched in traditional RGP combat with the abstract mechanics of stability, protection, autohit etc. they were apparently not bold enough to get rid off – while TERA really embraced action combat. Like GW2 all you like, that´s your thing really, but your claim is really off mark. The only thing keeping me from playing TERA is that motley crew anime crap and all the weirdos it attracts.
I’m sorry, but for those of us unhappy with the game in its current state…we’ve grown tired of staring at the “roach” in our “food” and being told that it will be addressed, eventually.
Here’s the problem with your analogy.
I think near everyone would think that a roach appearing in their food would be horrible. And if a roach was indeed in your meal, it would be addressed immediately. To this point, where there has been genuinely game-breaking bugs, has dealt with them swiftly.
I think a more accurate analogy is that you’re at a fast food restaurant with a hundred people behind you. You place your order, get your food, and realize that you really don’t like it all that much. It’s not quite what you thought you were getting.
So you start start crowding the counter along with other people who don’t like the meal (though not all for the same reasons), and wondering why the staff is “ignoring” your problem while fixing others AND taking new orders.
Meanwhile, there are others munching happily wondering what you’re complaining about. This stuff is GREAT, they think.
This isn’t a roach in your food. Stop pretending it is… because ironically that’s EXACTLY what DOES get you on the “ignore this person” list by the staff.
Ranger pets are absolutely broken. They have never not been bugged in some fashion, and frankly the thought of tacking a third of a player’s damage and utility onto an AI is just terrible. The combat system heavily favors positioning, due to all of the ground targeting and combos, and pets are terrible at that. It favors using interrupts, fields and finishers in the proper times and places, another area in which pets fall short. And, finally, we observe that the entire combat system is built upon active damage avoidance (movement, dodging, blocking) from the ground up, yet pets can’t dodge. Pets should not have been the primary mechanic for rangers.
Or they should have been better designed, to better suit the overall design of the game.
Ranger, in this game, is awful.
It has the same problems that Hunter had in Cata WoW + a few more.
You can’t just split a class’s damage and protection into two parts and then expect it to do as well, especially in PVP, as if you hadn’t done that.
Doing that may work in PVE, as an AI boss may just attack the pet; not the Ranger.
But real players, in PVP, obviously have more sense than to do that.
So they can, for the most part, just ignore the pet and kill the Ranger far too easily.
Ranger, in this game, is even worse than hunter was in Cata WoW, because at least hunter was “only” viewed as a stupidly easy to kill, virtually useless, easy prey class in PVP, back then.
Hunter was still fairly good for things like soloing dungeons and PVE in general.
Whereas, in this game, it’s not even good for that – as you can’t outlevel dungeons (which is both a good and a bad thing – good for groups, bad for solo play) and even your, supposed, tank pet can only seem to hold aggro on one mob (if that) at a time and dies far too quickly.
…and forget your non-tanking pets – they are only considered of any use for initial buffs and are just expected to die within seconds.
Plus, almost no one seems to rate Ranger in things like group dungeons, as there are, obviously, classes far better suited to the skip>stack>melee style of gameplay.
So, all it’s any good for is pin-sniping and standing on walls (in WvW) trying to buggily ground-target AOE, like some kind of very poor relation of a WoW Mage.
Admittedly, that can be fairly effective (if annoying), but it’s not enough to make up for everything else.
Either that, or solo openworld PVE, I guess.
WoW made some very good changes to Hunter after Cata and now it is mid-pack in PVP.
Things like DKs are still FAR easier to PVP on (at least casually – BGs etc.) than Hunter is, but at least (unless things have changed, again) it’s not the utter joke it was viewed as in Cata PVP.
…and the roach analogy was fine and pretty accurate, IMO.
I doubt legitimate complaints get you put on an ignore list here, but if they do, I would suggest we all take our custom elsewhere.
Or just give up eating in these type of “restaurants” entirely.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
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