To those constant complainers...

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThePaladin.2140


To those who keep complaining about bugs, balance and content.
How long has the game been out? Months. If Anet wants to be competitive, and I know they do, they’ll keep refining, adding, fixing. This is how MMOs are done. You can’t expect it to be perfect a few months out of the gate. Heck, we haven’t even seen the first true expansion yet. Give it time and enjoy what’s there now. If you’re burnt out, take a break and come back later. Trust me, it will get better in time. Don’t believe me? This was WoW: take time to read through the entire list and you’ll find game breaking bugs, etc.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Also contrast GW1 at launch and the final product leading up to gw2 and everything that evolved…not even close in quality in almost every area. GW2 will evolve just as much and get better and better and I cant wait because I’ve been so happy with it since launch

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emon.1863


Also contrast GW1 at launch and the final product leading up to gw2 and everything that evolved…not even close in quality in almost every area. GW2 will evolve just as much and get better and better and I cant wait because I’ve been so happy with it since launch

Shame that i can’t say that about tPvP.
And have to say that PvE is way to easy, but still has a lot to offer (i love jumping puzzle and i think they should make it it all games ).
Dungeon are pretty nice, but small.
WvW…well don’t like it at all.

It would be nice to have more skills (like in gw1, but it wont happend) and better tPvP system. The worst part of tPvP is ,that with time it get only worst(

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya I mean rank in WvW have almost no impact. That being said if it does, you’ll probably see outcry of how casual player can’t compete.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThePaladin.2140


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Yes the games been out months, and for the most part every nerf they have done hasn’t helped the game at all, Classes are so out of whack with very little direction and loot tables are so limited etc, why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

There are no expansion packs. They stated there is none even planned..

(edited by Dante.1508)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

He didn’t talk about actually content. He talked about there is very little impact on WvW rank, or further extended IMO Ascended gear.

There is almost no different between a rank 1 WvW player and a high rank WvW player. And the difference between Exotic and Ascended is so miniscure.

ya and the guy above me already pointed out, they dont’ plan on releasing expansion this year. Quite honestly I think they are just more focused on making money from China. Which is a smart move since they’ll probably have a PR problem explaining why their expansion didn’t sell the same as the original box.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emon.1863


@Paladin is making good point! For price that we paid this is a good game that has lot to offer. Dev. are making new stuff allthe time to keep GW2 alive.
Class problem is really big and hard to fix, it will take a long time till it will be everything in balance. Even as Necro player (atm one of the worst classes in tpvp) i understand devs.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Takato.4976


There are no expansion packs. They stated there is none even planned..

I also once stated I was a flying rhino with a tutu and a multitude of rainbows popping out of my butt.
You probably know how real that really was.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emon.1863


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

He didn’t talk about actually content. He talked about there is very little impact on WvW rank, or further extended IMO Ascended gear.

There is almost no different between a rank 1 WvW player and a high rank WvW player. And the difference between Exotic and Ascended is so miniscure.

So you want to say thet higher WvW rank players should get gear with much better stats then low WvW players?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

No, that’s not it. Take WXP Upgrades as an example. They could have given us the ability to carry +1 supply, per 15 points spend, with +10 supply being the maximum for a total of 150 points. But instead they decided that we need 300 points, for the ability to only carry a total of +5 supply. I actually have to be reminded that the points are there, because I constantly forget to check how many I have. The WXP Upgrades have no impact on the game. And that’s just one example.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’ve never played WoW, so I have no idea what half the things on that list are :P

The only thing I dislike about Guild Wars 2, is ArenaNets way of being overly precocious about everything they add to the game, to such an extend that a lot of what they add, almost has no impact on the game. WvW skills is a good example of this.

I think they’re just trying to reserve the bigger changes to the expansion packs. Cuz if they gave us everything, how else are they going to make some moolah. They are a business after all. Let’s not forget that developers need to eat too. We keep saying that they’re greedy, and they’re evil for wanting money. Let me ask this, don’t YOU want money in your personal life too? Does that make you evil? They’re a business, that’s that.

He didn’t talk about actually content. He talked about there is very little impact on WvW rank, or further extended IMO Ascended gear.

There is almost no different between a rank 1 WvW player and a high rank WvW player. And the difference between Exotic and Ascended is so miniscure.

So you want to say thet higher WvW rank players should get gear with much better stats then low WvW players?

I didn’t say anything. Only thing I said is the guy is talking about the changes Anet make have almost no impact on the actual game. I’m just correcting the OP since he’s talking about adding actual content in the game which is reserved for expansion.

I mean, how much difference is there if I take 5% less dmg from siege or do 5% more dmg on ram? There is basically no impact if you are high rank or rank 1.

and I make no mention there should be a big difference between casual and hardcore player. I even said before if there’s a big difference you’ll see outcry from casual players.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


Why can’t we offer constructive criticism? Of course, if someone demands that Anet changes something major right now (other than a massive game breaking bug), that is a little bit unreasonable.

But to point out where the game can be improved is hardly a bad thing. After all, it lets them know which areas players are interested in, and we can offer suggestions too.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Why can’t we offer constructive criticism? Of course, if someone demands that Anet changes something major right now (other than a massive game breaking bug), that is a little bit unreasonable.

But to point out where the game can be improved is hardly a bad thing. After all, it lets them know which areas players are interested in, and we can offer suggestions too.

There a major difference between constructive criticism and what happens on these forums. Constructive criticism is not saying this game has the worst grind ever or worst gear progression or worst combat or worst quest lines or worst restriction to do events or worst pvp or worst world bosses or worst gold generation or worst DR (i know there more but i cant think of them off hand). Constructive criticism would be talking about what part you do not like with in grind combat etc.. and how you think it could be fixed. What we have on these forums are players who can only give criticism to a near troll level but are unable to handle any type of criticism to there ideals. Read these forums and see the reaction to the ppl who decent from the idea that the game is bad. The very idea of being positive on these forums is seen as a bad thing and its just a very sad state of things.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ryan.5106


To those who keep complaining about bugs, balance and content.
How long has the game been out? Months. If Anet wants to be competitive, and I know they do, they’ll keep refining, adding, fixing. This is how MMOs are done. You can’t expect it to be perfect a few months out of the gate. Heck, we haven’t even seen the first true expansion yet. Give it time and enjoy what’s there now. If you’re burnt out, take a break and come back later. Trust me, it will get better in time. Don’t believe me? This was WoW: take time to read through the entire list and you’ll find game breaking bugs, etc.

I agree with you one hundred percent. I’ve never played ANY game on any platform that didn’t have a few bugs after release. This goes double for MMOs. Hell, WoW was a royal mess when it was released, but after about 6 months to a year they got a majority of the kinks worked out.

I’ve been playing WoW since release, and I still log in to level up or even play the poke’mon style mini-game- which is deceptively fun btw… I don’t care what the haters say!! That’s besides the point. The point is that the game has been a well oiled machine for almost a decade now and that’s because the development team takes a personal interest in maintaining a high quality product that people will continue to pay for, and they have the skills required to make that happen.

Arena Net is a great company and there’s a good reason why they can stand up to titan’s like Blizzard. I think they have shown that not only do they have a competent business model, but they have also invested a great deal care and efficacy in their product. They’ll get the bugs worked out over time, have a little faith

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emon.1863


To those who keep complaining about bugs, balance and content.
How long has the game been out? Months. If Anet wants to be competitive, and I know they do, they’ll keep refining, adding, fixing. This is how MMOs are done. You can’t expect it to be perfect a few months out of the gate. Heck, we haven’t even seen the first true expansion yet. Give it time and enjoy what’s there now. If you’re burnt out, take a break and come back later. Trust me, it will get better in time. Don’t believe me? This was WoW: take time to read through the entire list and you’ll find game breaking bugs, etc.

I agree with you one hundred percent. I’ve never played ANY game on any platform that didn’t have a few bugs after release. This goes double for MMOs. Hell, WoW was a royal mess when it was released, but after about 6 months to a year they got a majority of the kinks worked out.

I’ve been playing WoW since release, and I still log in to level up or even play the poke’mon style mini-game- which is deceptively fun btw… I don’t care what the haters say!! That’s besides the point. The point is that the game has been a well oiled machine for almost a decade now and that’s because the development team takes a personal interest in maintaining a high quality product that people will continue to pay for, and they have the skills required to make that happen.

Arena Net is a great company and there’s a good reason why they can stand up to titan’s like Blizzard. I think they have shown that not only do they have a competent business model, but they have also invested a great deal care and efficacy in their product. They’ll get the bugs worked out over time, have a little faith

ArenaNet was foundet by ex Blizzard developers

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Complaint: a poorly worded combination of impact statement and improvement request.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t mind complaints. I mind complaints when they’re phrased in ways that cause the major issue to be sensationalized.

It’s different to say the ranger needs some love, the pet AI isn’t good enough for dungeons, etc. It’s another thing to say this game has the worst balance of all time or that the ranger is completely useless. Neither of these things are true. At best they’re matters of opinion but at worst they’re hyperbole. Trying to make the situation sound worse in an attempt to manipulate those who make the game to do something that may or may not be necessary.

People talk about the game saying it’s “dying” with not a shred of evidence to back it up. They say things about how bad thing is compared to other games, which is of course a matter of conjecture, not to mention that every game is at a different stage of development.

I don’t post in every complaint thread. I just post in threads where people have lost the plot. I try to rein it back in till it’s reasonable.

Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


As others have already said, it’s not about complaints so much as it is about unfounded/unproven whining and/or a beligerent tone. Complaints are a very good thing and are necessary to help guide ANet in their path of development. They need to know what the players are thinking and talking about beyond just looking at the metrics the game spits out at them on the back end.

A common comment is that people who are on the forums are so often totally negative while the vast majority of players who love the game are spending their time playing the game instead. There is some validity to this but, at the same time, if someone cares enough about the state of the game to come to the forums and post (intelligently) about changes they’d like to see then their views shouldn’t be discounted simply because they aren’t positive.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Also have to keep in mind how much they can do in a month’s time, since they have been trying to stick to a new patch once a month.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

Defiance launched with LFG tool. I am quietly confident that Neverwinter open BETA will have one too since it already exists in closed BETAs.

The most games should mean most MMOs pre 2012.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

Defiance launched with LFG tool. I am quietly confident that Neverwinter open BETA will have one too since it already exists in closed BETAs.

The most games should mean most MMOs pre 2012.

But SWToR didn’t and I’m pretty sure TSW didn’t. Neverwinder is coming in 2013, so you can’t count it as 2012. I’m not personally familiar with Defiance, but I’m assuming it’s not a AAA title.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

Defiance launched with LFG tool. I am quietly confident that Neverwinter open BETA will have one too since it already exists in closed BETAs.

The most games should mean most MMOs pre 2012.

my god, how did people survive before a LFG tool? It was great at first in WoW, and now its such an abomination.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sostronk.8167


How long has the game been out?

Almost 9 months now.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

This crap again.
In order not to derail YET ANOTHER thread I suggest you kindly take the LFG discussion here

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkdanjal.3401


TO the OP, sorry to say this but the game has been out for 8 months, when are you going to get it into your head that we dont live in the times when WoW first came out.

Arenanet had done some really good things in the MMO genre but the truth is they lack content no matter how you look at it. Yes there is every month a new sort of content thingy but the fact is I rather see some permanent content en some open world focus then adding new stuff en removing it the next month.

The truth is Im really looking forward to wildstar at the moment, it will be buggy as hell but at least it will have all features an MMO truly needs

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

This crap again.
In order not to derail YET ANOTHER thread I suggest you kindly take the LFG discussion here

Derail a complaining about complaints thread? God forbid. And a LFG tool is such an abomination. If you are looking at a reason to stop playing, just read some of the comments left here by some of the players here.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

But SWToR didn’t and I’m pretty sure TSW didn’t. Neverwinder is coming in 2013, so you can’t count it as 2012. I’m not personally familiar with Defiance, but I’m assuming it’s not a AAA title.

Funny I dont recall GW2 being branded as a AAA title. Maybe that is your own personal definition of a AAA title? Is Neverwinter a AAA title? I means it F2P not B2P. If AAA games lacks the features of a BBB game then I really question your rating system.

And SWTOR came out in 2011 i believe.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Like the complaints about how could any game not launch with an LFG tool when most games don’t.

This crap again.
In order not to derail YET ANOTHER thread I suggest you kindly take the LFG discussion here

This isn’t about derailing the thread. The OP is about all the good things in the game, and thanking Anet for them. Someone then comes into the thread and says the value of negative posting…which I agree with to a point. I then point out the difference between negative posting, and unreasonable negative posting. That’s actually on topic and part of the conversation. If you dont’ like the conversation…there’s not much I can do about that.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


But SWToR didn’t and I’m pretty sure TSW didn’t. Neverwinder is coming in 2013, so you can’t count it as 2012. I’m not personally familiar with Defiance, but I’m assuming it’s not a AAA title.

Funny I dont recall GW2 being branded as a AAA title. Maybe that is your own personal definition of a AAA title? Is Neverwinter a AAA title? I means it F2P not B2P. If AAA games lacks the features of a BBB game then I really question your rating system.

And SWTOR came out in 2011 i believe.

Just about every MMO site out there called Guild Wars 2 an AAA title. I don’t know why you think you know more than they do. What makes a title triple AAA is partly the money spent to bring it to market, partly the size of the company making it and partly the expectation around it.

Guild Wars 2 is certainly considered by the media to be a AAA title.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


TO the OP, sorry to say this but the game has been out for 8 months, when are you going to get it into your head that we dont live in the times when WoW first came out.

Arenanet had done some really good things in the MMO genre but the truth is they lack content no matter how you look at it. Yes there is every month a new sort of content thingy but the fact is I rather see some permanent content en some open world focus then adding new stuff en removing it the next month.

The truth is Im really looking forward to wildstar at the moment, it will be buggy as hell but at least it will have all features an MMO truly needs

But in spite of the fact that this is today, 2013, the laws of programming haven’t really changed all that much. No company can produce content faster than people can consume it. It’s not reasonable to expect them too.

Guild Wars 2 has more content at the 9 month mark than most MMOs had at the same time frame…maybe than all of them.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Just about every MMO site out there called Guild Wars 2 an AAA title. I don’t know why you think you know more than they do. What makes a title triple AAA is partly the money spent to bring it to market, partly the size of the company making it and partly the expectation around it.

Guild Wars 2 is certainly considered by the media to be a AAA title.

Because I don’t read MMO websites at all and I believe this to be the case for many of the players. What makes me know more about GW2 than those websites is the number of hours I put in the game. I most certainly wouldn’t comment on WoW and SwTor for example. I find it odd that a “AAA” game does not have widespread brand recognition. Prior to GW2, I haven’t even heard of Guild Wars at all and I play a lot of games, read many gaming articles.

The lack of a LFG tool is an unreasonable complaint to some people. Gah, why am I wasting my time with people on this forum when I could be playing some other game that is not GW2.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Just about every MMO site out there called Guild Wars 2 an AAA title. I don’t know why you think you know more than they do. What makes a title triple AAA is partly the money spent to bring it to market, partly the size of the company making it and partly the expectation around it.

Guild Wars 2 is certainly considered by the media to be a AAA title.

Because I don’t read MMO websites at all and I believe this to be the case for many of the players. What makes me know more about GW2 than those websites is the number of hours I put in the game. I most certainly wouldn’t comment on WoW and SwTor for example. I find it odd that a “AAA” game does not have widespread brand recognition. Prior to GW2, I haven’t even heard of Guild Wars at all and I play a lot of games, read many gaming articles.

The lack of a LFG tool is an unreasonable complaint to some people. Gah, why am I wasting my time with people on this forum when I could be playing some other game that is not GW2.

If people don’t follow MMO game sites, that’s fine. But they also don’t get to decide what industry jargon is used for. It doesn’t make sense for a million people to all start making up their own defintions. There are industry sites, they do use certain language and the part of the playerbase that follows those sites picks up on that language. This is how language evolves. You may not like or choose to use the language, that doesn’t mean it’s not there or isn’t right.

Saying two games that are coming out about now have a feature, compared to the dozens of games that have come out that didn’t, isn’t really fair to say that it should be in the game from an older game. It’s simply not a feature most AAA MMOs launch with. You can argue it all day and all night, but it’s a fact that SWToR had a bigger budget than Guild Wars 2, is made by a different company, was released as a triple A MMO and it didn’t have a looking for group tool for many months after launch.

Anet is a smaller company, with a project just an ambitious, no monthly fee, less funding, and they’re working on a looking for group tool.

You can say it should have it in game because you believe it’s important, but apparently most developers don’t put the same importance on it as you do.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m actually very happy with GW2.

But I think one thing people should understand is this is the year 2013.

Games that manage to survive back in 2004 probably can’t in the year 2013. The competition is much more fierce. To me, this game should have a lfg tool. The only reason we dont’ need it now is because of That site saved GW2.

And as a side topic, I’m very interested on the budget GW2 spend on development. Unfortunately I dont’ think that information is ever disclosed. It does look like an AAA game to me. Either because they did have huge budget or the management did a very good job with smaller budget.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


Well i can say only this WoW was released almost 10y ago and standarts changed and i really dont see Anet wanting to be competetive it seems like they are trying to make this game as casual as possible so i dont think we can talk about competetion since theres nothing to compete…

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Comparing a game that had to learn the hard way to a game that came out MUCH later is laughable. No doubt GW2 is a strong MMO, maybe even the strongest on the market as of now, but this comparison is bad.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It works both ways though. It’s laughable to compare the quality of things like graphics, for example, but what about the amount of content. There’s no way in hell a new game can compete with 9 years of content output.

Does that mean no one should ever make a new game?

Same with balance. Most MMOs during their first year have pretty bad balance, which gradually improves (in some cases anyway). Can you compare a new game to a game that’s had a bunch of years to get it right?

Not in my mind.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloud.7613


It works both ways though. It’s laughable to compare the quality of things like graphics, for example, but what about the amount of content. There’s no way in hell a new game can compete with 9 years of content output.

Does that mean no one should ever make a new game?

Same with balance. Most MMOs during their first year have pretty bad balance, which gradually improves (in some cases anyway). Can you compare a new game to a game that’s had a bunch of years to get it right?

Not in my mind.

Yet again, as I said, It’s a laughable comparison.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It works both ways though. It’s laughable to compare the quality of things like graphics, for example, but what about the amount of content. There’s no way in hell a new game can compete with 9 years of content output.

Does that mean no one should ever make a new game?

Same with balance. Most MMOs during their first year have pretty bad balance, which gradually improves (in some cases anyway). Can you compare a new game to a game that’s had a bunch of years to get it right?

Not in my mind.

Yet again, as I said, It’s a laughable comparison.

Apologies, I think I misunderstood your post.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

People are entitled to complain all they want. That’s fine.

Well thought out, constructive posts will likely get noticed by someone at Anet. Unfortunately, a lot of posts are either lacking in data, lacking in thought process, or worded so offensively, with so much hyperbole, that it’s hard to take them seriously.

I don’t think people realize if they worded their stuff in less offensive ways it’s far more likely to be passed up the line.

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I agree about complaining. My gm’s girlfriend didn’t log into her account for about a week then logs in to find her precursor was gone and all the gear from her toon was gone. She complained and nothing was done so I just explained to her that this is a game with no sub so we aren’t allowed to complain.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

People are entitled to complain all they want. That’s fine.

Well thought out, constructive posts will likely get noticed by someone at Anet. Unfortunately, a lot of posts are either lacking in data, lacking in thought process, or worded so offensively, with so much hyperbole, that it’s hard to take them seriously.

I don’t think people realize if they worded their stuff in less offensive ways it’s far more likely to be passed up the line.

It has been confirmed that CMs take important stuff up to the devs on a daily basis. If all the trolls would post coherent posts, that would increase the noise in these daily updates and drown out some of the more important topics. Don’t encourage people to write proper suggestions

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I agree about complaining. My gm’s girlfriend didn’t log into her account for about a week then logs in to find her precursor was gone and all the gear from her toon was gone. She complained and nothing was done so I just explained to her that this is a game with no sub so we aren’t allowed to complain.

So other people had stuff done and your girl friend hasn’t? You mean she contacted customer service and they did nothing?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I agree about complaining. My gm’s girlfriend didn’t log into her account for about a week then logs in to find her precursor was gone and all the gear from her toon was gone. She complained and nothing was done so I just explained to her that this is a game with no sub so we aren’t allowed to complain.

So other people had stuff done and your girl friend hasn’t? You mean she contacted customer service and they did nothing?

Not my girlfriend and they said they did a small rollback but the items were not returned so they told her sorry. I think there was a bug that deleted items off some people’s toons but I dunno. I know she’ll never play an Anet game again though.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

People are entitled to complain all they want. That’s fine.

Well thought out, constructive posts will likely get noticed by someone at Anet. Unfortunately, a lot of posts are either lacking in data, lacking in thought process, or worded so offensively, with so much hyperbole, that it’s hard to take them seriously.

I don’t think people realize if they worded their stuff in less offensive ways it’s far more likely to be passed up the line.

It has been confirmed that CMs take important stuff up to the devs on a daily basis. If all the trolls would post coherent posts, that would increase the noise in these daily updates and drown out some of the more important topics. Don’t encourage people to write proper suggestions

Hopefully they only take the complaints you approve of to the devs because those are the only important issues. And by coherent posts you must mean anyone that writes a post you disagree with is a troll? Yeah that makes sense….

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

People are entitled to complain all they want. That’s fine.

Well thought out, constructive posts will likely get noticed by someone at Anet. Unfortunately, a lot of posts are either lacking in data, lacking in thought process, or worded so offensively, with so much hyperbole, that it’s hard to take them seriously.

I don’t think people realize if they worded their stuff in less offensive ways it’s far more likely to be passed up the line.

It has been confirmed that CMs take important stuff up to the devs on a daily basis. If all the trolls would post coherent posts, that would increase the noise in these daily updates and drown out some of the more important topics. Don’t encourage people to write proper suggestions

Hopefully they only take the complaints you approve of to the devs because those are the only important issues. And by coherent posts you must mean anyone that writes a post you disagree with is a troll? Yeah that makes sense….

You forget about a little thing called human nature. And human nature is human.

SO you see someone that just badmouths everything, and you know…it’s not a great look. You take what he’s saying with a grain of salt, because so much of what that person says is just negative assumptions. Not factual.

Someone else comes along and says much the same thing, but calmly, without offering offense. Language and use of language is very important. I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “It’s not what you say but how you say it.” That cliche exists for a reason.

Why should anyone take seriously anyone who behaves that way?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThePaladin.2140


Complaint is alright as long as worded and comes across eloquent and well thought out. By a small stretch a complaint could become constructive criticism. However if a complaint comes across as snarky, rude and oozing with sarcasm, it hardly serves any purpose than to spread negativity which is neither constructive nor valuable. In an ever evolving game such as MMOs community feedback is highly sought after. After all, you need the “user” to tell you how best they want to enjoy your work. However we also need to keep in mind that feedback needs to be clear and precise, this way logic and common sense will win out and the devs will give in.

Let’s take these two examples.
Complaint 1: WVW sucks I cant run 10 meters without dying from something I didnt see!This is the worst game ever! This game will die really soon.

complaint 2: I have been having a hard time playing wvw as I cannot see what’s killing me. Just went out of the keep and I saw something pop and disappear and I’m dead. Is this a bug?

Now if you’re part of Anet’s CM team, which one would you take to the devs? You’d probably say “I paid for this game, I can complain anyway I want.” Guess what, you already got what you paid for and more. They gave you what they advertised and you paid for it. Their obligation stops there when you look at it through the eyes of commerce. Paying for the game does not make you automatically LoRD and MASTER of Anet and their teams. You can badmouth all you want as is your right, freedom of speech and all, but don’t say you can badmouth cuz you paid for it. Two different things.

If you want to complain. Go ahead. Just be specific and be nice.

(edited by ThePaladin.2140)

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CakeGuy.4735


It all boils down on how to keep things simple.

I just play GW2 like a traditional RPG.

Stay away from the maths, you’ll have more fun and satisfaction.

Sounds cheesy, but it really works. Fact is, most of us are trying so hard to become devs, completely forgetting the fact that we play games as gamers not as developers.

Constructive criticism doesn’t hurt, but errr… I don’t know how to say this… Just stop being whiny and you’ll do fine.