To those who got portal (beta key)
Less than a day in every case at this point .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Was it several hours, or just an hour or no more than an hour?
Someone yesterday linked one and said they’d been online for less than 10 minutes. Meanwhile, there are people who have been grinding for 10+ hours with no drop…
It is a RNG drop.
If the sample size is big enough, one person will get one on their first kill and one will get one right before it closes 2 weeks from now.
If you are trying to gauge how long you have to farm in hopes of getting a drop, I think you are setting yourself up for a great disappointment.
(edited by Dolphin.2574)
It is a RNG drop.
If the sample size is big enough, one person will get one on their first kill and one will get one right before it closes 2 weeks from now.
And most will not get it at all, regardless of time spent farming.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I’m just there looking to get the last carapace coat box I need . The portal would be a nice bonus, but yeah, whatever. I’m perfectly happy not getting spammed with the newsletter if it doesn’t drop for me.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’m conveniently working LS2 in the region on 5 toons. Two Moas with one stone. ^^
I would like to point out that not everyone who posts the portal on map chat has acquired one. All one needs to do is go to the wiki and get the code to post on map chat. In case anyone is wondering the code is [&AgEMEAEA].
I would like to point out that not everyone who posts the portal on map chat has acquired one. All one needs to do is go to the wiki and get the code to post on map chat. In case anyone is wondering the code is [&AgEMEAEA].
To my knowledge, pasting links is still broken.
And I got mine in a few hours, on the start of my third SW foothold, from the Red Rock defense bonus chest.
To my knowledge, pasting links is still broken.
Nope, I was able to paste links fine yesterday. And other people were routinely pasting the datamined outfit code, too.
I’m trying to determine if the beta participants are predetermined, and going to Silverwastes is an indicator of their activity (they almost immediately get portal drops). They could have gone the email way of sending beta invites, but by doing it this way they create hype, as well as confirming those they chose to include in beta are active in game. I need confirmation if this is true or not from the time spent by players when they got their beta invite/portal drop.
I’m trying to determine if the beta participants are predetermined, and going to Silverwastes is an indicator of their activity (they almost immediately get portal drops). They could have gone the email way of sending beta invites, but by doing it this way they create hype, as well as confirming those they chose to include in beta are active in game. I need confirmation if this is true or not from the time spent by players when they got their beta invite/portal drop.
You forgot to put on your tinfoil hat.
Hahaha, good one!
I’m just there looking to get the last carapace coat box I need
. The portal would be a nice bonus, but yeah, whatever. I’m perfectly happy not getting spammed with the newsletter if it doesn’t drop for me.
Same here. I’m going to Silverwastes to work on the luminescent armor (and until just recently to get the mini pets). If I get the Portal it’ll be a nice bonus.
Although if I’m reading the FAQ correctly everyone who signed up for the mailing list still has a chance, the Portal Stone just guarentees you a spot:
Why didn’t I get in to the beta?
Our first beta test is used a very small group of players chosen at random from people who subscribe to our newsletter. Our next test will use this method as well as the “Portal to the Heart of Maguuma,” an in-game item which has a chance to drop from enemies in Dry Top and the Silverwastes. Players who find this item and are signed up for our mailing list are guaranteed a spot in the next closed beta test! If you want a chance to be in the next group of testers, you can sign up for the newsletter here. Make sure you sign up using the same e-mail address that you use for your game account.
(Emphasis mine.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’m trying to determine if the beta participants are predetermined, and going to Silverwastes is an indicator of their activity (they almost immediately get portal drops). They could have gone the email way of sending beta invites, but by doing it this way they create hype, as well as confirming those they chose to include in beta are active in game. I need confirmation if this is true or not from the time spent by players when they got their beta invite/portal drop.
Gotta love conspiracy theories.
Even if you truly believe this, you wouldn’t have access to anywhere near enough data asking the forums to come close to forming an accurate determination.
I got mine after farming events and killing mobs in Dry Top after 7 hours. I wont go crazy like that anymore.
I would like to point out that not everyone who posts the portal on map chat has acquired one. All one needs to do is go to the wiki and get the code to post on map chat. In case anyone is wondering the code is [&AgEMEAEA].
Glad to know that so many who posted may or may NOT have the real thing.
It’s pretty bad not to know now that the code is pastable into the program.
I have a question to those who got Portal to Heart of Maguuma. How long did you play in Dry Top/Silverwastes map before you got a Portal to Heart of Maguuma?
After 2 days, from a “kill the veteran” event chest. I was incredulous to be lucky Q__Q
Over a period of two days I ran around SW for a combined total of about 5-6 hours, doing events and killing a few mobs here and there. I looted a few bandit chests, but not many.
On the second day, I was in SW for about 2-3 hours, on my main, with no success, so I logged off for an hour or so. I then went back on with a different char and went to Dry Top instead. I was there about 10-15 minutes when a portal dropped from a Dust Mite!
First day, about an hour and a half.
I got it today, first time i entered SW since announcement and got it within 15 minutes.
I hadn’t played the game in about a week, went to SW, wiped at indigo, decided to help unlock Hidden Depths WP and got it the first trash mob I killed. I like to think I got it because I was being helpful
I was in Dry Top doing the events near [Repair Centre Waypoint] and rather than giving you a time (Because people farm at different efficiencies per hour) I can tell you that I got 114 Skritt Bags before I got the Portal.
I got the portal from a Skritt Thief event Bonus Chest.
I actually got two after less than 4h total of farming Silverwastes. I farmed an hour or two when the patch came out, got nothing, and then earlier today I just logged on planning on spending an hour max in Silverwastes and got two portals within less than 2 minutes apart. I got the first one from a mob while escorting the blue pack bull and the second one from one of the mobs in front of the blue keep while defending it.
All I can say really is that the RNG is broken. I mean, I am happy I got it but I really wish they weren’t account bound, or at least that we could enter a friend’s mail address or account name and share it somehow :/
i just got it 10 minutes ago. Outside amber killing a stray hyena. I’m sure its not the reason, but i spent the last few days farming heavily on my warrior. nothing. Today i started on my warrior, switched to my ele and got it in 5 minutes.. of course on my ele i just kill everything and anything. on my warrior i stuck to events mostly.
I spent about 16 hours combined DT/SW farming before I got it in SW from an escort event reward chest.
At around 20 hours now of grind so far. No drop.
Got mine in about 3 hrs of just going between Defending Red and protecting Yaks. FYI mine came from a escort yak chest.
I got it yesterday. 8 hours playing for each day. So like 16 hours or maybe around 20
My sister got one in less than an hour from a veteran event chest.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Good luck to everyone who’s trying for a portal!
(And yes, it’s truly random, not determined by your astrological sign, the number of letters in your name, or the color of your socks. )
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Good luck to everyone who’s trying for a portal!
(And yes, it’s truly random, not determined by your astrological sign, the number of letters in your name, or the color of your socks.
But what about my lucky underwear!?!
Good luck to everyone who’s trying for a portal!
(And yes, it’s truly random, not determined by your astrological sign, the number of letters in your name, or the color of your socks.
…So,sacrificing those goats to RNGesus might have been a little excessive?
Shucks. >.>
Good luck to everyone who’s trying for a portal!
(And yes, it’s truly random, not determined by your astrological sign, the number of letters in your name, or the color of your socks.
You guys have officially burnt me out, if I see SW or DT ever again it will be too soon, but I have to go there again soon to finish S2 with my Guardian, then with my ranger, runs off and crys
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I got 2 one from SW event 3rd event so it could be 15 minutes and second from random mob at DT few hours later.
I did get one, don’t have to go back out to SW, yeah!!!!
What do they even look like??
What do they even look like??
The ones I’ve seen pinged are small round green icons. Probably have the dragon from the HoT on it.
ANet may give it to you.
Today. I’ve run the Silver Wastes event chain once a day since Tuesday. So, halfway through my 4th run.
3 days ago, just 10 minutes in Dry Top after login.
Have stolen a poor Skritt his shiny after I have defeated it
Good luck to everyone who’s trying for a portal!
(And yes, it’s truly random, not determined by your astrological sign, the number of letters in your name, or the color of your socks.
I got one!~ But I’m curious… Whats the calculation?
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
Increased drop rate? Yeah…still haven’t gotten crap.
So done with frakkin Silverwastes and Dry Top. Time to take a break from the game and come back when there is less grindy crap to do. -_-
I just got one today! It came from the chest I got after completing one of the Breach bosses. Was a very pleasant surprise, as I normally don’t have much luck with this sort of thing. Good luck to everyone still farming!
If I finally get one (after over 40ish hours) I will leave SW and not come back for a VERY long time. I am so burnt out on farming now I honestly hate the place!
I got one!~ But I’m curious… Whats the calculation?
There’s no calculation. It’s just a roll of the dice.
How much longer are the portals going to be available? I have been trying but the RNG is not being my friend. To those that have them so far, Congrats.
Here is a question: why is it even possible to get more than one to drop per account?
Was it not possible to code that?
Or are we actually testing their broken RNG system to see what values an rare item should have when account bound.
How much longer are the portals going to be available? I have been trying but the RNG is not being my friend. To those that have them so far, Congrats.
It should go at least until Tuesday, per the patch notes. As I had pointed out to me since I didn’t read the last line in a paragraph when I was frantically logging in.