ToN's destruction is very symbolic.
(Yes, if you can’t tell yet, I’m very bored)
Is this what endgame has come to?
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
I think you wouldn’t be too out of place in a modern art gallery.
In all seriousness though, I don’t think it represents anything. It’s merely a piece of content that they removed as due a schedule (although, I could see it being tweaked and modified into a Fractal).
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Funny OP. How do you know where a story is leading to if you don’t already know the ending? As long as the current story with Scarlet exists Anet can twist and turn the story as they please. Will Scarlet be imprisoned or executed on the spot?
I see you are complaining about the rewards for LS.. Why do the content if you aren’t getting what you want? RNG is there for a reason. It keeps Trading Posts from over saturating, but since the traditional MMO grinder/farmer will farm it doesn’t really do any good. If Anet took away RNG, do you think the farmers would stop farming? That is a good 8 hour and a half laugh on that thought.
You sir, deserve to have a statue erected of you in Tyria because of your profundity.
(Yes, if you can’t tell yet, I’m very bored)
Is this what endgame has come to?
There you go. I totally agree with this genius.
Regarding the tower: it is just another 1111111111/ffffffffffff feast like what we had before, not much significance.
Say what you will about the tower, good or bad, but I personally had FUN!
It was good in that one couldn’t solo the content leading up to the Hyrbid, nor could one “run” it without dying horrible deaths often. It was definitely more “difficult” than general PvE. Isn’t that what people were asking for?
Keys were relatively cheap at the vendor, AND you got them through drops, AND you got them every time you killed the Hybrid (or at least I did.) As for buying them with spores, I think I maybe bought one a day? No RNG involved in trading spores for keys.
As for the reset, so what? what “progress” are you speaking of? Having to go through levels 1 and 2 again? Not that big of a deal. Grab a few friends and have at it. I think it took me all of about 20 minutes to gain what was reset. After that, I saw blue doritos on the map almost every day, and in all 3 levels.
RNG? Well, let’s just say that RNG is RNG. We all know how it is in this game, so if you don’t go in expecting a guarantee, then you won’t be disappointed. All I got was a few rares and a lot of greens/blues and bags. Oh…and a mini Hybrid, and a mini toxic krait.
As far as LS events go, it was a pretty decent one. I have no regrets about it.
I will miss the Kessex of old, though. It was beautiful before this thing.
I kind of agree with the last statement. I remember seeing it blow up and thinking, “there goes months of developer hard work that is now gone forever”. I know the devs are working to get paid, but there is something demoralizing about building a statue only to have it destroyed I feel.
What do you mean no plot? It’s simple, two women get together to destroy a large phallic symbol that’s spewing toxin everywhere! Yeah, it’s kind of anti-male.
What do you mean no plot? It’s simple, two women get together to destroy a large phallic symbol that’s spewing toxin everywhere! Yeah, it’s kind of anti-male.
Oh… gods… I never thought of it that way, but now that you’ve mentioned it… and we were inside it! Nooooo…
What do you mean no plot? It’s simple, two women get together to destroy a large phallic symbol that’s spewing toxin everywhere! Yeah, it’s kind of anti-male.
And apparently one of them was naked the entire time:
Look at the tower and what is consists of:
- A storyline which makes no sense or lead anywhere
- RNG low droprate grinding for a key which gives you a RNG chance at a RNG chance of getting rewards you want (yay 5 Infinite Toxic Krait recipes!)
- Zerging everywhere, with very little actual mechanics even in instances
- Bugs out halfway through the event, resetting everyone’s progress
- Took a ton of effort to make, looks awesome, but vanishes in a few weeks.It embodies everything wrong with the game.
But then look at what happens: we destroy it at the final LS update of a year filled with complaints, in an amazingly artistic cutscene, and now it lies in ruins as a terrible but passed memory in the middle of one of the most beautiful zones in Tyria; the poisoned sky purified by the first rays of light after an endless night.
We can take our (character’s) children to Kessex someday and say to them ‘look at that, this place used to be in ruins because of that thing, but look at those hills now…’
Now…. is it just me or is that rather symbolic of what’s to come in 2014?
(Yes, if you can’t tell yet, I’m very bored)
I can’t hold my breath long enough to go where you like to swim.
i’m sure ANET is working on a Living Story that involve the cleaning up of Kessex Hill and rebuilding of its surrounding (replant trees etc….)
Archeage = Farmville with PK
What do you mean no plot? It’s simple, two women get together to destroy a large phallic symbol that’s spewing toxin everywhere! Yeah, it’s kind of anti-male.
quoted for best plot description for the current living story.
Funny OP. How do you know where a story is leading to if you don’t already know the ending? As long as the current story with Scarlet exists Anet can twist and turn the story as they please. Will Scarlet be imprisoned or executed on the spot?
I see you are complaining about the rewards for LS.. Why do the content if you aren’t getting what you want? RNG is there for a reason. It keeps Trading Posts from over saturating, but since the traditional MMO grinder/farmer will farm it doesn’t really do any good. If Anet took away RNG, do you think the farmers would stop farming? That is a good 8 hour and a half laugh on that thought.
1. Let’s evaluate what happened during the ToN plot: Scarlet found Krait shards … somehow, builds a giant tower with Krait and nightmare magic, only to then GIVE you the tools to destroy it. During the process we learn nothing of her plans or purpose. Any of that make any sense or sounds like good storytelling for you? Normally I migh have be quite intrigued by why she left a puzzle to help you get rid of the tower but the LS so far is an entire mess of loose ends and plots which never gets continued.
2. Why do the content if I’m not getting what I want? I didn’t.
I did the tower once for about 2- 3 hours, got one key and decided its a massive waste of time, and just camped Dee for keys, opening up about 30 chests at the end. That’s exactly the problem: doing the content is very unrewarding, it doesn’t make great content if it’s all about running a daily visit to a NPC.