ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981


I have my eyes on Incinerator which is selling for 4000g today.

I´m a PVP lover. Playing PVP gives me roughly 50 silver an hour. Now if I were to play the game the way I enjoy playing it, it would take me roughly 8000 (!) hours to get my first legendary.

Doing dungeons with randoms gives maybe 5g an hour. That´s 800 hours for a legendary. So if I were to play only GW2 for two hours every single day it would take me over a year to get a legendary.

Silverwastes can give you roughly 10g/hour, but you also have to farm keys and do tedious inventory clicking so it´s actually less than that.

Now here comes the kicker, ToT farming gives 20g/hour.

There is no point exploring the world, doing dungeons, fractals, being social with other players, joining a guild, learning your class or doing PVP when by far the fastest way to get the rarest and best gear in the game is by running around on a small island killing defenseless candy cotton elementals over and over again for hours everyday.

Of course you could always craft a legendary, but I doubt it´s faster than just buying it since there is so much RNG involved.

It´s pretty sad when you think about it and it´s slowly turning me away from the game.

I get that the entire game is designed around making gold as hard as possible to get so that people spend real money on the gem store, but it´s still leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minx.7521


what is tot?

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChrizZcE.5981


what is tot?

Trick or Treat bags.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minx.7521


oh gotcha! i didn’t play enough in the last 2 years (cuz of school) to uh, grasp the impact of those bags.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


The thing about trickbags is that their value is totally player driven, and anything that reduces the viability of farming them will only increase their relative worth and probably also the g/h efficiency of farming them.

The essential problem is that to make these things exciting, they have to contain rare and interesting things (skins/minis) and to prevent it being an overwhelming grind, they have to be tradeable.

As more gold enters the economy through actual goldfonts (SW or similar) the total gold available increases, with a disproportionate increase for the richest players (who have the most interest and highest available playtime and could easily have 10-20x as much money as the average, if not even more)

It’s these players, the completionists, who drive demand for things like ToT bags. The high price isn’t even strictly a bad thing – with the TP cut, a high volume of relatively high-price items moving in and out on a regular basis drains gold from the economy very efficiently, preventing inflation from becoming crushing – which is what would likely happen if more goldfonts were added or the efficiency of the existing ones was increased.

TL;DR – it’s good for the economy to have selling items to other players be the most profitable way of making gold.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sizer.3987


The best part is that TP flipping can easily give two or three times your number for ToT farming (which I dont believe, but not going to argue it), and it doesnt even require leaving a city.

I know exactly how you feel, but with how this game is designed you have literally zero choice, either dont think about it or quit. If you find yourself taking your income too seriously it probably is a good idea to take a break for a few weeks, I know thats what ive done in the past.

80 Mesmer – Yaks Bend

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: femalehumanmeta.8351


If you’re only able to play 2 hours a day, aren’t willing to mindlessly grind tot bags with your free time, and have no interest in paying rl money for one, maybe legendaries aren’t for you.

You should ask yourself if not having incinerator negatively impacts your enjoyment of pvp? If it does, maybe you should quit the game.

ToT farming - the real endgame (rant)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


I have my eyes on Incinerator which is selling for 4000g today.

I´m a PVP lover. Playing PVP gives me roughly 50 silver an hour. Now if I were to play the game the way I enjoy playing it, it would take me roughly 8000 (!) hours to get my first legendary.

Doing dungeons with randoms gives maybe 5g an hour. That´s 800 hours for a legendary. So if I were to play only GW2 for two hours every single day it would take me over a year to get a legendary.

Silverwastes can give you roughly 10g/hour, but you also have to farm keys and do tedious inventory clicking so it´s actually less than that.

Now here comes the kicker, ToT farming gives 20g/hour.

There is no point exploring the world, doing dungeons, fractals, being social with other players, joining a guild, learning your class or doing PVP when by far the fastest way to get the rarest and best gear in the game is by running around on a small island killing defenseless candy cotton elementals over and over again for hours everyday.

Of course you could always craft a legendary, but I doubt it´s faster than just buying it since there is so much RNG involved.

It´s pretty sad when you think about it and it´s slowly turning me away from the game.

I get that the entire game is designed around making gold as hard as possible to get so that people spend real money on the gem store, but it´s still leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

And then there are those who play TP game and earn 200gold in 1 hour. Good luck with throwing finger on ToT while TP flipping is clearly the biggest issue out here.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..