Today is patch day ?
I just wish we had an explanation as to why they won’t turn SAB back on. I didn’t get it when there was something being put out instead. But nothing? Really? We just want world 1 and 2, exactly as they were. That’s all.
Thanx for reply Gaile , I think something big is coming as no 2 weekly content update this time, i know its not the expac , but maybe some quality of life stuff
- Introduced the ability to view all locked dyes in the wardrobe, and players can now preview them on their character.
- Added the Randomize Finisher option. Select this box to randomly choose from any unlocked finishers—including single-use finishers—to stomp your foe.
These two tidbits buried in the release notes make me smile. Two more things we’ve asked for (simple QoL items) have been granted. W00t!
How big is the patch? I’m wondering if I should wait on it to download now, or download it overnight. It’s kind of weird that they don’t include that in the patch notes.
As far as I know, it just removed the Lunar Festival and bug-fixed the golem toys. More or less.
It just finished, so it must have been around 200 MB …………Thanks for the reply