Toggle or hide boots/ foot armor?
It would be easier to create a pair of “barefoot” shoes for each armor tier. But the intention is good. We need barefoot feet, specially for asura and charr.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Do you folks think this could become a possibility?
Well, it hasn’t been in the three years it’s been repeatedly asked for…
On Asura and Charr, such an option would be indispensable, but we have NPCs from all races whom seem to forgo any kind of footwear – take Queen Jennah for instance or the many Asura and Sylvari NPCs.
I think such a toggle should be available.
“barefoot” shoes would work too, especially if it’s easier to accomplish. I think a toggle would be preferable, but beggars can’t be choosers…
This game does such a good job of giving the player the ability to customize their look – but it really falls short in the footwear category.
I would love this option!
Need a toggle for all armor parts like Wildstar does.
meh. we need armors that don’t over clip armor. light Asuran cultural chest makes all shoulder armor invisible. would rather have that fixed than to be able to toggle my boots.
The Stonemouth Keep
Tarnished Coast
Just noticed these in the wardrobe. There are versions for heavy and medium too. Dunno how to get them, but it’s interesting!
Whoa, for real? They just showed up? Amazing if true